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Everything posted by Kamaavi

  1. Haala, Cudbi is supposed to be her mom's name just like Canab is her first name. Politically speaking Cudbi could be Somalia and Canab Somaligalbeed Codkar (means inspirational speaker).But the gold or hidden meaning could be that Somaligalbeed needs media, free journalist or BBC You are most welcome, walaashiis.
  2. Haala, I see minor typos but rest of it is alright. I have just edited your writing Song name : Magacaygu Waa Canab *Hoheey idhoolaha seen idhaahdaa* Magacaygu waa Canab Cidladaan ku noolahay Cid kama war haysee Soo caga jugleeyntiyo maruun ciilka kama baxo Cirka gaadhiwaayoo Ciidaan galgalanoo Waan caga gubyoodaa. Cudbi hoyadayiyo Ciroolaha gaboobiyoo Curyaanka iyo indhoolahaa Kama carari karayee Caaawimaan codsanayaa Geesi aan cabsooniyoo Codkar ii hadlaayiyoo Garab aan cuskadiyo Caaqilkii iyo waxgaradkiyo Carcaaradii maxa heelay Ma calaa calayee Cabashada waxa i baday Caruur baan korsanayaa Cudbi hooyadayiyo Ciroolaha gaboobiyoo Curyaanka iyo indhoolahaa Kama carari karayee Caaawimaan codsanayaa Walaal waan codsanayaa Hooyoy waan codsanayaa Alla waan codsanayaa Walaal waan codsanayaa
  3. ^ @now they are going to the moon, the problem is no QAD on the moon. They could shift to Mars, when they find out that. But you will still remain as a Pirat boy.
  4. Maddeey ilaa hadda waa qunyar socod laakiin mar aan dhaweyn Kashafoo kale ayuu noqon doonaa, Ciyaari kow ma joogto!
  5. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Why are you on this thread making desperate noise if you are not afraid of Puntland? Could it be that Duke was also making desperate noise cause he was afraid of the Abtigiis and Tolka? You are crazy but funny at sometimes.
  6. : @Caayda qof kasta waa awoodaa Maadeey oo talo bixin maxaa la arkay.
  7. Lol.Garaad Abdiladiif ayaa la waydiin.
  8. ^May be qorahay, in Africa? Originally posted by Abdiladiif: Very strong song.
  9. ^Dameer caydiisu maxay iga qaadi War hooy kaa dudaayow Ogaaadeeniya waa daloo, dunidaa taqaane kusoo durug dagalkiyo xornimada ,,,
  10. ^ Xaaji says he was refering to his SL flag, and as it reads he was trying to induce the Pirateland an idea of having a new flag with Kalimah like Saudi Arabia. He is a smart dude.
  11. ^ Kadaa habo Kool Kat, ka kala yaree kani waxba ma kale kasee.
  12. There would be many more relevent questions about you're emotionally born new political theory, but I am afraid you will just keep dancing around for the time passing. So instead, I should forward some of the questions to Tuuje's show, to make an ideal interview with your theory. Originally posted by General Duke: crazy fake Mujahids, crazy clan rebel movement and a crazy group that think they are Anglo Saxon. And lot of loud questions in its kind can be asked why you prefer to use those above names, though you're intention was not for namecalling. However, to ask you onemore simple question, is this unity good start or bad for the Sol's cyberworld nation including your Pirate Sol armies? Is it alright to conclude that your old theories of unity of the nation is gone and dead now? And what has made you to announce the new threory today, and not before? Keep it civil while you post or else the truce of the last ceasefire will be demolished right away in here
  13. Still you didn't answer my question and you have the gut to speak about common sense. Apart from the name calling, hatemongering or pretendences could you be sincere to expand your crazy theory and answer my question? Does this new lovely relationship as you wouldlike to say have any effect on the ground events? Or it's just a cyber online world Common sense now!
  14. Puntland power is uniting secessionists, ONLF, Al Shabab & Looters You mean Cyber world unity?
  15. The crime of rape as a crime against humanity, it omitted rape from other categories of crimes. Women and girls constitute more than half of refugees in the world today, and refugee women are particularly vulnerable to crimes of rape and sexual violence. While fleeing war in their homelands, women are victims of rape and sexual violence at the hands of security forces, border guards, locals, smugglers, and other refugees. Unaccompanied women and girls are often regarded as common sexual property in refugee camps and may face forced prostitution as well as coercion into sex in exchange for food, documents or refugee status. Rape is not an accident of war, or an incidental adjunct to armed conflict. Its widespread use in times of conflict reflects the unique terror it holds for women, the unique power it gives the rapist over his victim, and the unique contempt is displays for its victims. The use of rape in conflict reflects the inequalities women face in their everyday lives in peacetime. Until governments take responsibility for their obligations to ensure equality, and end discrimination against women, rape will continue to be a favored weapon of the aggressor.
  16. Kamaavi


    ^Maya. Waanse maadeenaya uun ,,,,
  17. ^Yaa ku dhalay, awoowe? Jokes aside, welcome. Take Sol's cyber istructions from hodman( madaxa marti soorka & soo dhaweynta ), and visit Ngonge's palace to pass A&T's identity test. Enjoy your stay.
  18. Kamaavi


    ^ That was not funny, but nice try
  19. ^Ever heard about the Burcawi oil searching companies as well?!
  20. Originally posted by Peace Action: It is time Somali scholars called for the taxriim (banning)of Qat just the Saudi Scholars did? Is it a question or statement? If it's statement, then what's your suggestion, or most effective method to fellow? If there is any Somali scholar hidding around Sol corners, raise your hand now.