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Jaango with a new Kaban song ,,, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VN8saRtMo8E
^Gabadha reer puntland ee calanka loogu nasab daray ma adaa? Rumors has it that a pirate girl has taken the flag from the said man ,,,
Maamulka Puntland oo Calanka Cusub Ninka soo Hindisay ka Leexiyay Nin Kale oo Beesha Faroole ahna Siiyay Libinta. Maamulka Puntland ayaa Kala Dooranayay Calamada la soo Bandhigay ee Dadku keeneen Waxaana ugu Horayn ku Guulaystay Ahmed Mohamed Shire waxaa uu degan yahay Caasimadda Dalka Sweden ee Stockholm Inkasta Warsidaha Horseed Media aysan weli helin magaca rasmiga ah qofka ay u doorteen in uu sameeyay calanka Puntland ayaa haddana waxaa ka dhexmuuqda mid kamid ah Puntlanders-ka degan dalka Sweden Calan uu ku soo bandhigey Horseed Media iyo shabakado kale, Ninkan Dhalinyarada ah ayaa la Duudsiyay. Ahmed Mohamed Shire waxaa uu degan yahay Caasimadda Dalka Sweden ee Stockholm emailkiisuna waa: amshire@gmail.com, Axmed ayaa Horseed Media u sheegay in uu u gudbiyey Guddiga calanka laakiin aanu jawaab ka helin, sidey doontaba ha noqotee Axmed calanka uu sameeyay waa mid la mid ah kan Golaha Wakiiladu ansixiyeen: Wiilkan oo ka soo Jeedaa Qoys Saldanada Beesha Haaaarti aad looga Tixgaliyo kana soo Jeeda Suldaan Shire ayaa u qoray Warqad Faroole iyo Gudiga walow aan loo Jawaabin, Wuxuuna Shabakada ******today uu u sheegay in uu Rajaynayo in loo soo Jawaabo in kastoo uu ka dayrinayo eexda Foosha Xun ee meesha Taala Sidoo Kale Agaasimaha Idaacada Horseed ayaa Arrinka isna u sheegay in Cadaalada laga shaqeeyo oo Axmed yahay Ninka koobaad ee Mudnaa in Lamagacaabo. Hadaba Midan ayaa loo Malaynayaa in Xaaladu Tahay I garabso iyadoo Wiilka DhalintaYarada ah ee Calanka keenay booskiisa lagu Badalayo Nin kale kaas oo la doonayo in Lagu naas Nuujiyo loona Yeelo Taariikh. Wiilkan Calanka keenay ayaa ka soo Jeeda Deegaanka Puntland Gaar Gobolka Sanaag Degmada Badhan Iyadoo Laga Eexday oo Booskiisa la Galiyay Nin kale oo Qaraabo isu Dhow Yihiin Faroole. ******today Boosaaso.
Originally posted by hodman: quote:Originally posted by Samafal: May be they are high on Qat? I hear in Somlialnd even the goats chew? That is a fact iga walee
21 Dec 2009 Ethiopia’s Ogaaaden Insurgency Threat ONLF rebels(cc) Jonathan Alpeyrie, flickr A long-time buffer zone between Ethiopia and Somalia, the politically and economically marginalized Ogaaaden region has transformed into a hotspot entangled in wider regional and global politics, albeit shielded from international public attention, Georg-Sebastian Holzer writes for ISN Security Watch. By Georg-Sebastian Holzer for ISN Security Watch The Ogaaaden National Liberation Front’s (ONLF) recent claim to have captured seven towns and killed 1,000 soldiers in fierce fighting in Ethiopia’s eastern Somali region was, although in substance exaggerated, a stark reminder that Ethiopia’s harsh counterinsurgency campaign is not yielding the results hoped for by Addis Ababa. On the contrary, the ONLF can build on local grievances of the four million or so ethnic Somali in Ethiopia’s most underdeveloped periphery and is determined to keep up its struggle for national self-determination. The movement also has once again warned oil searching companies operating in the region under Ethiopian control to halt their plans to exploit oil there. Such threats are indeed substantial. On 24 April 2007, ONLF fighters were able to overpower Ethiopian troops protecting Chinese oil-exploration workers in Obole, situated in the Degehabur zone. A total of 74 people were killed, including nine Chinese workers. As a result, the Chinese Zhoungyan Petroleum Exploration Bureau suspended its seismic tests for Ethiopian-owned South West Energy in Ogaaaden. Regional security complex While the ethnic Somalis’ rebellion against the Ethiopian state dates back to colonial times, the scale of the Obole attack was unprecedented. It was made possible because of a security gap resulting from the invasion and subsequent occupation of Somalia in late December 2006 by the Ethiopian National Defence Force (ENDF). Many of its units used for the war in Somalia were from the Ogaaaden. With Ethiopia withdrawing its troops in January of this year, a second supporting factor is still relevant. Eritrean military advisers are widely assumed to have helped prepare the Obole attack. Moreover, the UN Monitoring Reports indicate that Eritrea was training ONLF fighters on its own territory and is still aiding rebels in the region, hence suggesting that the Ethiopian-Eritrean conflict is also fought as a proxy in the Ogaaaden region, not only in Somalia itself. This is no surprise to any observer of conflict dynamics in the Horn of Africa. As Chatham House’s Sally Healy put it, “interactions between the states of the region support and sustain the conflicts within the states of the region in a systemic way. The different conflicts interlock with and feed into each other, determining regional foreign policy positions that exacerbate conflict.” Perpetuating local grievances The Ethiopian government itself - which had never seriously been threatened by ONLF’s armed struggle - decided to crack down on the movement. ENDF’s South-East Command in Harar under Brigadier General Seyoum Hagos launched an operation based on collective punishment of the Ogaaaden clan, the core base of the ONLF. Human Rights Watch accused Ethiopia in a report titled Collective Punishment of war crimes and crimes against humanity, saying the ENDF burned down villages and killed, raped and tortured civilians in the counter-insurgency campaign. Addis Ababa responded by producing counter-report titled Flawed Methodology, Unsubstantiated Allegations and expelled the International Committee of the Red Cross and Médecins Sans Frontières from Ogaaaden. Since then, an unofficial economic blockade on the Ogaaaden population has further aggravated the humanitarian crisis in the region. Additionally, ENDF’s arming of non-Ogaaaden clans people will guarantee years of inter-clan fighting in the region. The governments’ harsh policies come on top of an already deep feeling of marginalization on the part of Somali Ethiopians, who feel they are treated as second-class citizens and are de-facto excluded from national institutions. Even when put in the regional context of both Ethiopia’s highlands and Somaliland/Somalia, public infrastructure and service delivery in the region fares worse than with its neighbors. The national government’s perpetuation of local grievances and the worsening of the humanitarian crisis in the region have strengthened an otherwise deeply divided rebel movement, which moreover lacks a clear long-term agenda. ONLF’s weaknesses and strength ONLF’s modern struggle for Ogaaaden self-determination dates back to the mid-1990s, when it began targeted killings and bombings, prompting Addis Ababa to label it a terrorist group. Indeed, both the rebels’ and government’s harsh punishments for those who refuse their support make civilians the prime victims of the conflict, not least reflected in refugee movements into the neighboring states of Kenya, Eritrea, Djibouti and Somalia. ONLF actually draws its support exclusively from the Ogaaaden clansmen, in particular the Rer Harun, a sub-set of the Rer Isaaaq sub-clan, and of the Hirsi Khalaf, a sub-set of the Rer Abdille sub-clan. While the Rer Isaaaq and Rer Abdille are two of the biggest Ogaaaden clans, this still means that ONLF can count on the support of no more than one-third to one-half of the Ogaaaden clan, which contradicts the group’s claim to represent all Ethiopian-Somalis. The group now has an estimated 8,000 fighters, trained and equipped with Eritrean help mostly with automatic firearms as well as some rocket-propelled grenades. But the leadership and organization is - besides their split along clan-lines - deeply divided over its links with Eritrea. The group around former Somali admiral Mohamed Omar Osma (since 1998 chairman of ONLF’s central committee) favored Asmara’s help. In contrast, the group around the former head of the UK-based Ogaaaden Action Group, Dr Mohammed Siraad Dolaal, opposed Eritrea’s involvement. Dolaal himself was killed on 18 January 2009 in Denan, when he returned to Ogaaaden as a commander. The ONLF still controls much of the rural hinterlands of Fiq, Degehabur, Qorahe, Wardheer and Godey zones, all areas predominantly inhabited by the Ogaaaden clans of the Daaarood clan family. Nevertheless, when attacking government strongholds they are not able to hold territory and hence have to resort to hit-and-run tactics. The federal government’s policy of co-opting non-Ogaaaden and moderate Ogaaaden groups while fighting the more radical ONLF worked fairly well for some time. However, the war in Somalia and the proxy conflict between Ethiopia and Eritrea were triggers for a spark in violence. Ethiopia’s ethnic federalism, introduced in 1991 with the coming to power of the Ethiopian Peoples’ Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF), itself a former rebel movement from Ethiopia’s marginalized periphery, failed to deliver. The federal government’s brutal counter-insurgency tactics yielded results contrary to those intended: the Ogaaaden-clans, in large numbers, turned into ONLF supporters. The ONLF itself lacks a clear, long-term vision, as neither the creation of a landlocked Ogaaaden state nor a union with Somalia are realistic options. Rocking the boat With the Ogaaaden desert having a high potential to be the most resource abundant region in Ethiopia, the ONLF has a well founded agenda at hand to give voice to mounting local grievances. It is indeed hard to understand why one of the poorest regions in the world should not gain from its wealth in natural resources. Hence, it is clear that oil firms will remain a central military target for the ONLF as long as the Ethiopian government is not willing to find a wealth sharing agreement with the region. And while ONLF is internally split, it does keep its ‘nuisance’-potential in Ethiopia’s Eastern region. Currently, Malaysia’s Petronas and Vancouver-based Africa Oil Corporation are back in the Ogaaaden and Ethiopia is offering up to 14 more exploration permits over the next three years. In this context, the absence of international engagement in the Ogaaaden crisis is striking. The most accepted conventional wisdom among internationals in Addis Ababa is that public criticism of the government never yields any positive results. But it appears that embassies, UN agencies and NGOs first and foremost are reluctant to do anything that would endanger their relationship with the government of Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. Nearly all international actors have conflicting agendas in Ethiopia, from the US strategic security relationship with Addis Ababa to NGOs whose programs in other parts of the country could be endangered by rocking the boat over Ogaaaden. Ethiopia’s political vision appears to be a continuation of armed engagement in Ogaaaden mainly fought with loyal Ethiopian-Somali militias. While political dynamics in the Somali periphery will probably not influence national politics in Addis Ababa, the armed resistance movement in the strategically important Ogaaaden is likely to gain momentum through Ethiopia’s current counter-insurgency strategy. For now, neither the government in Addis Ababa nor the ONLF seem to have the capacity to imagine a more peaceful future for the region. Source: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS AND SECURITY NETWORK Home ContactSitemap FAQs Current Affairs Digital Library Communities and Partners e-Learning About Us Georg-Sebastian Holzer is an analyst and free-lance journalist. He focuses in particular on conflict dynamics in the wider Horn of Africa.
^About Everything? Boqorada waad u gaftay, waa in xaal lagaa qaado! Riix/guji part( pliz refer to qardho/burco threads for further clarification) ,, it's a cheap shot
You would have rated this member: 5*! Shan qaalmood ninkii kugu taaga maxaad ku abaal marin lahayd khayroow?
^ Check out the Samatar wadani song...nice one !
Members of the Europian Ogaaaden Community demonstrate againist Meles Zenawi Friday, 18 December 2009 19:22 [Members of the Danish Ogaaaden community demonstrate outside the Bella Center, the venue of the U.N. Climate Conference in Copenhagen Thursday Dec. 18, 2009/ Getty Images] Dozens of Ogaaaden and Oromo communities in Europe demonstrated outside the UN climate change conference on December 17-18, 2009 in Copenhagen, Denmark. The group were demonstrating against Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi participating in the COP15 United Nations Climate Change Conference. Meles Zenawi is one of the worst environmental records in the history of Ethiopia and that he has no respect for fundamental human rights. Waving the Ogaaaden National flag, the protestors chanted Meles belongs at the Hague for trial at the International Criminal Court (ICC) instead of being honored as a spokesman for all African nations at the global conference this week. Members of the Ogaaaden community accused Meles Zenawi of committing genocide in the Ogaaaden. Many African countries seek financial compensation for the continent in order to combat climate change. Recently, some African groups opposed a deal between Meles and European leaders. [Members of the Danish Ogaaaden community demonstrate outside the Bella Center, the venue of the U.N. Climate Conference in Copenhagen Thursday Dec. 18, 2009/ Getty Images] The Ogaaaden people are fighting for self-determintion. Extra-judicial killings, rape, disappearances, destruction of livelihood and the displacement of thousands of Ogaaaden people are the dialy norm in Ogaaaden. There is constant fighting between Ethiopian troops and ONLF forces in the Ogaaaden region. Human rights organizations accuse the Ethiopian soldiers of violating the human rights by harassing the people in the Ogaaaden region.
Jaaliyadaha Soomaaliyeed ee ka soo jeeda Gobolka Ogaaaden oo banaanbaxyo ka dhigay magaalada Copenhagen Jaaliyadaha Soomaaliyeed ee ku dhaqan dalalka Yurub ayaa maalintii shalay ahayd banaanbaxyo balaadhan ka hor dhigay madashii lagu qabanayey Shirkii cimilada aduunku oo ay ku sugnaayeen wafuud ka kala socotay in ka badan 120 dal.Dadkii Soomaaliyeed ee muadaaharaadka dhigayey ayaa la sheegay in badankood ay ka soo jeedeen Gobolka Ogaaaden isla markaana ay ku mudaaharaadayeen Ra'isul wasaaraha dalka Ethiopia Meles Zenawi oo banaanbaxayaashu ku eedeeyeen inuu tacadiyo ka dhan ah bini aadamnimada ka gaystay Gobolka Ogaaaden. Dadkii banaanbaxayey ayaa dareenkooda iyo waxyaabaha ay ka cabanayeen ku soo bandhigay boodhadh ay ka muuqdeen muuqaalo iyo qoraalo ka turjumayey dhibaatada ay ka banaanbaxayeen. Banaanbaxayaasha ayaa ku dhawaaqayey halkudhagyo ay ka mid ahaayeen Meles waa dambiile ee ha la geeyo maxkamada dambiyada dagaalka,shacabka gobolka Ogaaaden wuxuu xaq u leeyahay inuu helo xoriyadiisa sida dadka kaleba ay u heleen xoriyadooda iyo erayo kale oo xambaarsanaa fariimo kala gedisan. Hay'adaha Xuquuqul insaanka ayaa Ra'isul wasaaraha Ethiopia horay ugu eedeeyey in ciidamadiisu ay tacadiyo ka dhan ah insaaniyada ka geystaan Gobolka Ogaaaden tacadiyadaas oo isugu jira dil, kufsi iyo ciqaab wadareed.
Banaan baxii kasocday wadanka denmarki oo kusoo dhamaaday Guul. Dec 19, 2009 (QOL) Waxaa taniyo shalayba socday mudaaharaad balaadhan oo ayna u kala hadhin Jaaliyaadka Ogaaadeenya ee Qaarada Yurub kaas oo ka socday caasimada Wadanka Denmark ee Copenhagen. Sida aad ka dheehateen wararkii hore ee Qorahay Online ilaa shalayba waxaa si aan kala joogsi lahayn uga socday Wadanka Denmark dibad bax balaadhan oo ay soo diyaarisay Jaaliyada Ogaaadeenya ee Denmark ayna kasoo qayb galeen dhamaan Jaaliyaadka Yurub. Maalintii shalay ahayd oo dhan waxaa ka socday madasha uu ka dhacayay shirka caalamiga ah ee cimilada aduunka isu soo bax ay kaga soo horjeedeen Jaaliyaadka Yurub ee Somaalida Ogaaadeenya dhiig yacab Malise Zenawi oo ahaa kasoo qayb galayaasha kulanka cimilada aduunka, shalay ayaa waxaa ay jaaliyaadku kasoo dareereen casar gaabadkii madasha banaanbaxa, inkasta oo ay jirtay caato & daal badan hadana ilaa xalay waxaa socday wacyi galin & is dhaafsi fikirada jaaliyaadka waxaana lagu balamay sidii subaxa hore loo iman lahaa koobta mudaaharaadka, saaka hiirtii hore ayaa waxaa ay jaaliyaaadku isa soo taageen ka soo horjeedka kulanka cimilada aduunka xarunta Belle center iyaga oo wata makarafoono cod dhaadheer, calaamadaha lagu yaqaano JWXO & sidoo kale Boodhadh waa weyn oo ay ku daabacan yahiin muuqaalada Malise, sawiro muujin haya dhibaatada baaxada leh ee haysta shacabka Somaalida Ogaaadeenya & Erayo ka dhan ah xukuumad kusheegta uu horjoogaha u yahay kaligii taliye Malis Zenawi. Inkasta oo ay dhacaysay dhaxan & baraf aad u badan hadana waxaa ay mar horeba oo ayna wufuudu soo gaadhin madasha bilaabeen dhawaaqa & erayo ay ku muujin hayaan sida ay uga xunyihiin in dhiig yacab Malis uu kasoo qayb galo kulanka loona ogolaado in uu miisaska caalamka sidii nin hogaamiye ah uga soo qayb galo sidoo kale waxay codsadeen in cadaalada la hor keeno. Dibadaaasha ayaa si abaabulan u daadihin hayeen habka uu usocday banaabaxu, markii loo adkaysan waayay sawaxanka & erayada ay adeegsan hayaan dibad baxayaashu ayaa waxaa kusoo uruuray saxaafadii joogtay goobta bilaabayna in ay waydiiyaan dhibaataa haysata ee wakhtigan adag dhaxanta u soo guureen. Dhanka kale Jaaliyaadka Soomaalida Ogaaadeenya ee Wadamada Yurub ayaa waxaa ay wadeen dadaaalo ay ku gaadhsiin hayaan tacadiyada ay ka gaystaan Ogaaadeenya Ciidanka Gumaysiga Itoobiya qofkasta oo danayn haya in uu wax ka ogaado, waxaadna arkaysay xubnaha kasoo qayb galay banaanbaxa oo waraysiyo dhaadheer oo ka xog waramaya xaalada qalafsan ee uu ku sugan yahay dalka & dadka Ogaaadeenya siin haya saxaafada caalamka, Isku soo duuboo banaabaxa ay soo abaabushay Jaaliyada Soomaalida Ogaaadeenya ee Denmark ayna ku marti qaaday guud ahaanba Jaaliyaadka Qaarada Yurub ayaa waxaa uu u muuqday mid kusoo dhamaaday guul. Maanta galabtii ayaa waxaa ay dibad baxayaashu isugu tageen xarunta Jaaliyada Ogaaadeenya ee Denmark halkaas oo ay madax kasocda Jabhada Waddaniga Xoreynta Ogaaadeenya kula hadsahay Jaalyaadka sidoo kale ay ku siiyeen dardaaran ay ku dhiiri galin hayaan sidii ay usii wadi lahayeen dadaalkooda ay ugu hiilin hayaan shacabkooda, waxaad la socotaa faallo dheer oo aan ku eegayno raadadkii banaan baxayaasha.
Filimkii oohinta qarsooon oo laga dhigey, Minneapolis, MN Sunday, 20 December 2009 13:37 [Daawadayaasha filimka oohinta qarsoon, Dec 19, 2009] Jaaliyada Ogaaadeniya ee Gobolka Minnesota ayaa galabnimadii Dec 19, 2009 isa soo tubtey albaabaka Dugsiga saree South High si ay indhooda ugu daawadaaan filimka murugada Xambaarsan ee loogu magacdarey Silent Cry ama oohinta qarsoon. Filimkan oo laga soo duubey xeryaha qaxootiga ee wadanka kenya, halkaas oo ay ku sugan yiiin kumaanaan qof oo ka soo barakacay xasuuqa ay Itoobiya ka wado Ogaaadeniya. Ka hor inta uusan bilaaban filikmka ayaa waxaa madasha shirka hadalo soo dhaweyn ah ka soo jeediyey mas'uuliyiinta Jaaliyada Ogaaadeniya ee Gobolka Minnesota. Kadib, waxaa codbaahiya lagu soo dhaweeyey dhalinyarada daadihineysa Filimka, kuwaas si kooban uga hadlay sida uu filimnkan ku bilowdey iyo sababaha ku dhaliyey in ay Filimkan soo saaraan. [Fanaanada Saado Cali Warsame - O'gaden Online] Dhalinyarada soo saartay Filimkan oo ah dhalinyaro da'yar ayaa sheegay in ay dalxiis u aadeen wadanka Kenya, kadibna ay la kulmeen nin Taksiile ah ka ah Nairobi, ninkaas oo uga sheekeeyey qiso naxdin leh oo ay Ciidamada Itoobiya u gesyteen isaga iyo qoyslkiisa. wuxuuna Taksiilahaasi u sheegay dhalinyarada dalxiiska ahayd in gurigisii iyo ciyaalkiisii la gubey xaaskisiina uusan ogeyn meel ay jaan iyo cidhib dhigtey. Kadib ayey dhalinyarada soo saartey Filimka ku dhalatey in ay sheekadan baadhaan, waxayna u safreen xeryaha qaootiga ee kenya, halkaas oo ay kula soo kulmeen dad ay ka muuqato dhibaato aad u balaadhan oo isagu jirta jidh dil, kufsi iyo ciyaal la gubey. Dhacdooyinka xadinta leh ee Filinkan ku ira waxaa ka mid ah Gabadh ay kufsadeen 9 ka mid ah iidamada Itoobiya oo Simaha naafo ka noqotey. Gabadhan oo inta badan ooyeysa ayaa daawadayaasha filimka qalbigooda dilaacisay. Sidoo kale, waxaa ku jirta Hooyo lahayd 3 Wiil oo laba kid ah ay Ciidamada Itoobiya dileen, midkii seddexaad oo siqiir ahna lagu qasbey in ay iyadu gacanteeda ku dal-dal-dasho!. Aad ayey u adagtahay in si hoose looga sheekeeyo dhibaatada ka muuqato dadka Filimkan murugada xambaarsan ku jira ee ay Ciidamada Itoobiya xasuuqeen. Qofka daawada filimkan wuu ku reebayaa xasuus taariikhi ah. Jaaliyada Ogaaadeniya ee Minnesota ayaa si baaxad leh uga soo qaybgashey filimka, waxaanad dadka wejiyadooda ka muuqatey murugo iyo oohin badan. Filimkan aya alagu soo celiyey 2 jeer kadib, makrii dadku buux dhaafiyey goobtii lagu dhigagyey. Dhalinyarada Filimkan soo saartey ayaa sheegay in ay ujeedoodu tahay in ay caalamka qaarsiiyaan xasuuqa ka socda Ogaaadeniya, waxayna balan qaadeen in sii wadi doonaan hawshan. Dhinaca kale, waxaa madasha filimka lagu daawanayey iyaguna gabayo tiiraanyo xambaarsan oo ku qoranafka English-ka ka soo jeediyey qaar ka mid ah dhalinyarada Minnesota. [Daawadayaasha filimka oohinta qarsoon, Dec 19, 2009] Daawashada Filimka ayaa waxaa garab socdey iibinta funaado ay ku qoranyihiin ereyada Silent Cry. Funaanadahan ayaa dadku u iibsanayeen si tabarucaad ah. Sidoo kale, waxa goobta hees wadani ah oo lagu magacaabo Ogaaadeniya way xoori ka qaadye Fanaanada weyn ee Saado Cali Warsame, heestan oo uu soo sameeyey Abwaanka weyn ee Maxamuud Cabbulaahi Ciise (Singub). [Daawadayaasha filimka oohinta qarsoon, Dec 19, 2009] Fadlan halkan kala soco goorta iyo goobta lagu dhigi doono Filimkan wadanka ama magaalada aad degentahay.
This could be done anyone or by the pro regime militias since it's a remote area. However, the incident is been under investigation.
Knowlege changes people, the change brought by lil knowlege is more dangerous.
^Haala waa dhashii Sayidku u duceeyay tilmaan u baahna Sophist, Koolkaat iyo qaadigii nuune ahaa halaga war doono
As much as that can make him go, there are also lots of reasons that would make him stay. I am not sure if he will actually go. But I think he has to follow the brain, against the heart. I hope he will make the right choice for him, and his people.
^ Diirane qalbiga dajiye digaaga dhaqe deriska dhawre geel ma ka dooratay? lol@Zack ather haala anaa ka wakiila marka (if you're the man in question) within 48 hours forward me your waji book name.
Originally posted by Maaddeey: ^Maya, maxaase iska quseeya dhegysigeeda & waxaan sheegay? Cadow waa halkiisa. Heestase waxaa kaloo ku cad in Cumar xaashi la qaarajiyey. Taas lyrics ma ka akhriday?
^ Heesta ma dhagaystay maadeeye? Buuxo thanks habo for sharing.
Hay'adda Maareynta Xuquuqda Soomaalida oo canbaareyneysa Maamulka Puntland Hay'adda maareynta xuquuqda Soomaalida (SRM) waxey canbaareyneysaa falalka dilalka & kufsiga ah ee ka dhacaya ismaamulka puntland kaas oo kor u sii kacaya maalinba maalinta kadanbeysa. Xafiiska haay'adda waxaa soo gaaraya warbixino aad iyo aad u badan oo tibaaxaya tacadiyadda loo geysanayo dadka soomaaliyeed ee ka soo jeeda goboladda koonfureed iyo Soomaali galbeed. Tacadiyaddas oo iskugu jira dil , dhaawac, caga jugleyn, iyo kufsi lagu bar tilmaameysanayo dumarka Soomaaliyeed ee ka soo barakacay koonfur soomaaliya iyo kuwa ka soo cararay gumeysiga Ethiopia. Hay'adda ayaa ku tilmaamtay arimahaas jinsi naceeyb eey beerayaan madaxa sare ee ismaamulka Puntland, arintas oo loga gol leyahay in lakala irdheeyo shacabka soomaaliyeed ee walaalaha ah. Hay'addu waxeey oogu baaqeysaa maamulka Puntland iney ka waantoobaan jinsi naceeybka eey caadeysteen una soo laabtaan islaanimo,walaaltinimo,Soomaalinimo, kana fogaadaan kala qeybinta umadda Soomaaliyeed iyo abuurista cadaawad sokeeye. C/Raxmaan Yuusuf Axmed Xoghayaha guud ee hay'adda Somalian Rights Monitor
Copenhagen: Sharp divisions among African nations...
COPENHAGEN (IPS/TERRA VIVA) – An announcement by Ethiopia and France yesterday caused consternation among the African countries. Is someone trying to break their ranks to get the continent to sign on to a poor deal, they are asking themselves? Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi is not a happy man. His head slumped in his hands, the triumphs of Ethiopian agriculture, presented at a side event of the COP, seem to escape him completely. Twenty-four hours of confusion stalled talks in the Africa Group following Zenawi’s joint appeal for a climate deal with French president Sarkozy yesterday. "Ethiopia representing Africa" had agreed on a maximum two degree temperature rise and called on the parties to make a $10 billion dollar start-up fund available, raved the French. In what appeared to be an orchestrated move, US president Obama congratulated the Ethiopians on their "leadership". But Ethiopia didn’t represent Africa’s position at all. "This was not the result of consultation," G77/China-chair Lumumba Di-Aping told TerraViva. "It has seriously divided the Africa Group, we don’t even know what’s going on," conceded Ugandan chief negotiator and minister of water and environment, Maria Mutagamba, who foresees Africa might have to walk out of the talks if no long-term funding is put on the table. "I am not sure whether good consultations took place beforehand," Namibian Prime Minister Nahas Angula told IPS. "I do think though that Zenawi was trying to emphasise the resources Africa needs in the context of adapting to climate change." Many African countries reject the two degree measure, because it would effectively mean a temperature rise of 3.7 degrees on the continent. The $10 billion quick start-up fund is generally regarded as an insult from rich nations that have yet to pledge any long-term funding. The position of the Africa group, TerraViva learnt, is to demand 1.5 percent of the GDP of the industrialised nations, which works out to $600 billion annually for 2013 to 2017. LDCs want 70 percent of that and $2 billion from any quick start-up money. But the Ethiopian move has complicated things. "It was extremely bad timing. There is utter confusion now and we have lost control of the process," the chair of the Lowest Developed Countries (LDCs) bloc, Lesotho’s Bruno Sekoli, told TerraViva. "The substance of the statement is not the problem. In the end it’s not rocket science for the world to agree here, but what really has been hampering the negotiations since Bangkok is the deep spirit of mistrust, the fear that poor countries will strike secret deals with powerful countries. The French intervention has once again lent credit to this suspicion," Sekoli added. And what had Zenawi to say? Did he regret his premature announcement? "What I regret is the way my comments were distorted and the stir that resulted," he told TerraViva. "I do not think trust has been lost in the Africa Group though, we are still united." He vehemently denied being pressured into the announcement by the US and France. "Absolutely not, I was trying to get the focus back on Africa. Many developed countries ignore us, they shouldn’t do that." Source: Zenawi Out on His Own in Africa
Copenhagen backstory: Ethiopia PM accused of genocide is top African negotiator Picture: O'gaden nationals from the ethnically Somali province of Ethiopia protest against giving Ethiopia climate funding; they say it will be used by Prime Minister Meles Zenawi to harm the people of their homeland. (InvestigateWest photo by Christopher Crow.) Picture: Demonstrations of the O'gaden Diaspora COPENHAGEN – Deafening chants rocked the entrance to the conference center where negotiators tried to piece together a global treaty to fight climate change Friday – chants that shed light on the intricate nature of the talks and the difficulty of concluding a deal. As 130 heads of state took their place at the negotiating table, just hours before the talks were scheduled to come to a close, the cries outside came largely from O'gadenians, people from a southeastern territory in Ethiopia, 3,600 miles from Denmark. They made their way to Copenhagen to tell United Nations leaders not to negotiate a climate deal with an alleged génocidaire. That would be Meles Zenawi, prime minister of Ethiopia. Months ago, he was appointed as the African Union’s spokesman for the final days of the UN climate talks. Now, as he appears to be willing to accept less than most Africans want from the industrialized North out of a climate finance deal, many – including the O'gadenians outside – are calling for his removal from power as top-level negotiator. “This is death to millions of Africans,” Mithika Mwenda of Pan-African Climate Justice Alliance said. Read full story here at InvestigateWest. View related video here from InvestigateWest, in which a protester alleges widespread killing and raping by Ethiopian military, as well as environmental damage. Here's another short video interview, , in which protesters allege Zenawi went to Copenhagen to collect cash, not fight climate change. More anti-Kenawi video here. Click here to view photo slideshow , including images of President Obama at the Copenhagen climate talks.