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Everything posted by Kamaavi

  1. Ethnic Somalilanders in Ethiopia? But what were they doing in Ethiopia..... are they refugees? or dabbo dhirif shisheeye...?
  2. Somaliya weli kow majoogto ,,, weli ma bislaan...
  3. Kamaavi


    [ To Aliyah] Moqadisho( despite all difficulties in the horn) still has a deep love for Borama city. Thus, the unity of Somalia is reachable as long as the bond between these two remain strong and unbreakable. Borama, Burco, iyo dekadda Berbera(the Northwestern.) Bossaso, Bohoodle, iyo Buurihii Sool(the Northeastern.) Bu'aale, Badhaadhe, iyo Beerxaani( The southern) Baardheere, Beletweyne, iyo Baabille ( The western) Bankii wajeer, Biyo kulul iyo Beriga Kenya( the NFD) Balho, Dikhil iyo Ali sabeex ( the Djabuuti). Baladkeenii weeyoo, Idam Alle, weynu ku baal wareegi
  4. President, Major General Mohamed Siad Barre Lived: 1919, Shilabo, Ethiopia - 02/01/1995, Lagos, Nigeria In power: 15/10/1969 - 26/01/1991 Mohamed Siad Barre was born in 1919 in the city roce Shilabo in Ethiopia. As a young orphan and fed with pastevectvím, not yet been obtained formal education. He was sent military school in Italy, and when Somalia achieved independence in 1960 he was made a colonel in its army. He seized power in a bloodless coup after the president's assassination in 1969. Under Siad Barre, Somali forces invaded a disputed area in southeastern Ethiopia in 1977, but they were eventually repelled. His government was charged with widespread human rights abuses, and from 1988 government forces repeatedly clashed with rebels. With Somalia in a state of civil war and on the brink of mass starvation, he fled into exile in Nigeria in 1991 Read more: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siad_Barre http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siad_Barre http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siad_Barre http://www.answers.com/topic/siad-barre http://www.answers.com/topic/siad-barre
  5. Anti-Somalia, Anti-O'gaden Falsehood of Western Academia: Fabrication of Fake Ethiopian History - Part-II January 11, 201 Read it from here
  6. Anti-Somalia, Anti-O'gaden Falsehood of Western Academia: Fabrication of Fake Ethiopian History-Part I January 11, 2010 Most of the troubles attested in Eastern Africa are not due to the racist and barbaric elites of the Amhara and Tigray-ruled Abyssinia. By themselves, the rancorous, hatred-promoting, Monophysitic (Tewahedo) Abyssinians would never be able to expand their influence outside the small and arid land which is theirs, and which will be finally left to them. Similarly, most of the plights occurred in the wider Horn of Africa region are not due to the colonial diplomats and military who repeatedly tormented the area, spreading death and facilitating genocides. The main reason for the Hell, in which numerous Kushitic and Nilo-Saharan African nations find themselves engulfed, is the evil, fallacious literature that has been ceaselessly composed by Anglo-French academia and systematically diffused worldwide in a peremptory way in order to deceive all possible players. Foe identification is the task no 1 for all the terrorized and tyrannized nations of Eastern Africa from Sudan´s Furis, Nuer, Dinka and Bejas to Abyssinia´s Afars, Oromos, Sidamas, and O'gadenis, and from Kenya´s Somalis, Oromos and Luos to the multi-divided Somalis. What actually condemned all these nations to underdevelopment, tyranny, and even genocide is what stands at the origin of the European colonialism: a false perception of African History, a premeditated falsification of the historical past of many great African nations, and a systematic diffusion of the falsehood that the Anglo-French Freemasonic academia meticulously elaborated during the past two centuries. Egyptology, Coptology, Islamology, African Studies, Kushitic Studies, Berberic Studies, and every other Orientalist discipline that has been developed with a focus on an African civilization is the result of a vicious and villainous will to superimpose Europe´s mediocre, poor and unauthentic past over the irreversible reality of six (6) millennia of great and genuine, inventive and unsurpassed Asiatic and African civilizations. Compared to them, the ancestors of today´s Europeans were low, ignorant, trashy, lewd, barbaric and cannibalistic. Africans Programmed to Total Extinction Worse than this, the falsification that has been methodically elaborated, systematically diffused worldwide (by means of many tricks), and tyrannically imposed on all Africans (by means of colonial rule) has another – definitely more inhuman – raison d'être: the production of socioeconomic, educational, cultural and political developments that will lead all the survivors of genuine African civilizations to total extinction. False interpretation of the past could just be a researcher´s mistake, which is a possibility for every human. But dozens of thousands of lies involved in the fabrication of a pseudo-African History, geared only to eliminate all Africans by means of cultural, religious, socio-behavioural and even physical genocide, are not a coincidence, let alone a mistake. They are the elements of a fake reality that, projected on all Africans, becomes the means of the unnatural and cruel justification of today´s Africa´s troublesome situation. The elaboration of the evil and inhuman Anti-African falsehood needs a 100-volumed encyclopedia to be enlisted, let alone commented. The interaction between Freemasonic Anglo-French academia and diplomacy brings the falsehood produced in institutes, universities, research centers and academia to the corridors of foreign ministries, embassies and decision making centers and lobbies. Thence, the criminal Anti-African act is exported to the puppet regimes and the tyrants that the Anglo-French colonial power fittingly enthroned in the fallaciously divided continent. These gangster-like local elites, only to obtain the permission of further staying in power, do implement and enforce these lies, false concepts and anti-African interpretations of the African History at the local level; and this happens at the prejudice of all the indigenous nations that are thus menaced with ultimate extinction. The falsehood diffusion process has been intensified with the involvement of mass media that generate tones of fallacious reports, analyses, and commentaries, thus totaling misleading either average Europeans and Americans or endangered Africans on the subject. Wikipedia represents only a more recent dimension of the intensified falsification of the African History. Every entry concerning African History, and Eastern African History more particularly, is full of falsifying data, innuendos, farfetched assumptions, and deliberate misinterpretations produced only to gear a most distorted version of "history". Truths are not said to leave therein enough space for lies. False Contextualization of Events In History, falsification takes very often the form of false contextualization of events; this means that, although the author mentions correctly an event that took place indeed, he misplaces it within a historical context that did not exist, and which is very difficult if not impossible for the average reader to detect, let alone refute. Much of the falsification effort consists in skilful narratives, syntactical structures, and mere usage, involving attributive adjectives, resultative adjectives and the like – all correctly used in order to create a fake environment around the undisputed, but altered within its context, event. It takes strong skills in error analysis to detect this sort of falsification. Of course, learned indigenous people with a background in the History of their nation are able to immediately identify the errors contained in a book or article about their past, but the Freemasonic colonial elite counts on the limited scope of these persons´ possible reaction. In other words, an English historian or political scientist, who writes in order to falsify the History of Somalia, ´knows´ that the Somalis, who can easily demonstrate the fallacious nature of his text, have no access to mass media and publication houses allover the world to refute and discredit him. They count on the fact that the inhuman tyranny imposed on almost all Africans nations reduces their life scope to mere survival, and thus they feel that their hands are free to further propagate their Anti-African falsehood. In itself, their historical forgery´s political use that they intend to make is all that matters for them. Studying the history itself of the Orientalist disciplines helps discover how they maneuver politically the academic falsehood that they produce, and by projecting this situation into the future, one can anticipate further developments. As the subject is vast, and the falsification effort was materialized in thousands of articles, entries and books, I intend to unveil the falsification contained in a single text, by progressively refuting all points of falsification. This method serves as model for many young African scholars and students who want to counterattack and outmaneuver the Freemasonic Anglo-French conspiracy against Africa in its entirety. Read the rest from here
  7. 1977 - 1988 - Ethiopian-Somali O'gaden War on... Map of the area which led to bloody fighting between Ethiopia and Somalia. O'gaden is inhabited mostly Somalis. As part of Ethiopia became the colonial partitioning of Africa at the turn of the 19th and 20th century.The armed conflict between the Somali resistance movement and the Ethiopian government forces there persists today.
  8. Originally posted by Cowke: Those pictures look fake. Cut and Paste Job!!!
  9. The humanitarian crisis in O'gaden is worsening, yet the Ethiopian government continues to deny aid agencies access. O'gaden is mainly populated by Muslim Somali-speakers. The area does most of its trade with Somaliland, Somalia and the Middle East, rather than the rest of Ethiopia. Formed in 1984 amid a resurgence of separatist sentiment in the O'gaden region, the O'gaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) is rebelling against the central government in a sporadic armed conflict. The true picture of the humanitarian crisis in O'gaden is faint but according to Amnesty International's 2009 report, both government forces and ONLF fighters perpetrated human rights abuses against civilians. Last year's drought destroyed crops and pastures, and water became scarce for the mainly pastoral communities there. "The aid community in Ethiopia is deeply concerned (by) the denial of access to the people affected by the conflict and the worst drought in the region," said an aid worker who declined to be named. The aid worker said the O'gaden crisis is not only forgotten but "hidden by the government". Analysts say O'gaden's fate is tied with the situation in neighbouring Somalia, largely controlled by Islamist and extremist rebels, and Eritrea's border dispute with Ethiopia - both crises that seem far from over. For more background read: Forgotten crises to watch in 2010 Ethiopia O'gaden crisis
  10. ^Quraan saar aa ka hadlooyaa. Guur (iyo amuurtaas) xaa keenay?
  11. Ciidanka JWXO oo u diyaar garoobaya dagaal (part 2)
  12. Originally posted by Baluug: LOL@Muriidi, he comes up with some gems, I tell ya Intellibeast, transform!!! LOL sounds like some cartoon action hero Anyways, there's nothing wrong if Somali women or any Muslim woman for that matter wants to wear a so-called "tent", it's their choice and they're doing it(hopefully) for the sake of Allah SWT and to attain His pleasure. I must say though, those Malaysian women are cute Spot on.
  13. Dhukey far waaweyn ayaan wax ugu sheegay laakiin ninku waa dhaqan celis. Talo hadduu iga maqli Ibti si wanaagsan ha u xaal mariyo. Originally posted by Sikaawe: Mar kale ha u baqan inaadeer kuwan weligoodba af iyo adinba waynu ku eryan jirrey oo ka adkeyn. ^^ Sikaawe iga walee ma dhib yara. Dhagah!
  14. Fufu, actually I have missed it. But saw his name on the banned list. Let's hope we hear from other nomads.
  15. ^Afka ciida dare( waa saad u dhigtaye) waa inuu gabar qaali ah( I heard there is good looking Garowe-girl around the corner) isla caawa la baxaa aan ahayn dee ilaa beri danbe meejatan ha soo fadhi xumaado sidii oday ay ka dhamaatay. Talo taas dhaanta adba sheeg?
  16. Fabre is being banned. But if one had to be banned instead of him I would say take Faheema. She is an extremist troller Salaan sare
  17. Originally posted by Juje: And they have the audacity to blame others.
  18. ^Horta wiilkad ayeeyda u tahay sow weli AS ma taageero? Baryahan danbe xikmad daradda meel kale kamuusan keenin. Intuuna is qarxin (ama wax kale la imaan)yarka ha loo gurmado yaakhay
  19. Kamaavi


    ^Intaad ii dhiibtay ayey isoo day say. Waxayna igu tiri kaas yar ee dhul Islaamed kaa soo dhiibay yaa cadaw walba kaaga xun. Awowgaa la gubi waa