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Everything posted by Kamaavi

  1. ...Aan ku dilo dadkuna yaanay arag dakharka dhiigaaga Now-a-days that is called a 'good governance(... and Democracy')
  2. Oz, Keeping in mind how the Somali landlords, Pirates, Al shabaabs, and Al jameeca run the shows ...how else would you put their politics of behaviour? That 'sick' quote from that 'G.O.A.T' ( Greatest of All Time) may say much or nothing about politics of behaviour.....
  3. Attention, ...Interest,,,,Decision ,,, Action.. ...The brain that doesn't feed itself, eats itself. You can figure out now.
  4. ^^ @War shicibku doorashay iidin kafadhiyaan... Mayee aqoonsi ayaa looga fadhiyaa.
  5. The greatest of all time, naturally. “I am America. I am the part you won’t recognize, but get used to me. Black, confident, cocky — my name, not yours. My religion, not yours. My goals, my own. Get used to me.” ~ Muhammad Ali
  6. Doctors with out borders- focusing on Emergency Treatment.
  7. ^That's politics of behaviour. But it seems you are confused about its role and direction... No body talks about the message, recently.
  8. Friday, 22 January 2010 07:02 O g a d en Online will be premiering next week a series of cutting edge analysis on the rise and sudden prominence of Al-Shabaab. In particular, the series will tackle the following topics that are on the minds of not only many of the people in the Horn, but also on those in the West who all over sudden feel apprehensive of the threat posed by the sudden, but gradual, rise of Al-Shabaab in Somalia: Al-Shabaab’s real and perceived victims. Beneficiaries of Al-Shabaab’s sudden prominence. How best to tackle the Al-Shabaab Threat
  9. This one is for the beautiful CL ... ****Removed per request**** Doesn't time fly when you're having fun
  10. Originally posted by *ANWAR*: we will see No Good news today?
  11. I can get myself in and out of trouble... it is a skill. I have been educated about how to post a thread with little purposes. To never get in trouble.... More travelings ,,,, more copy paste of African news ,,, but no good news outside the continent, why? The queen says go back to home first.. Recognition was never malignant nor benign( or important) to a certain landlords. They have not got tired of it yet.
  12. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: Damn this thread reminds me how much I miss my cyber husband, come back safely dear. Gabar somaliyeed waa tii adkaysata'e, iska adkayso Abti. Note to Duke : waryee dhagah...... next decade, ....when you attempt to propose a good peace treat with Jacaylbaros..... please look around more and more.....and more (When AZ comes waa inuu budhkii burco horay ka soo qaataa )
  13. Yaa dilay dumarkii ? Dooxay duqaydii? Dabar gooyay ubadkii,,,, Duke with the help of Yeey. Duulaankaiyo , afduubka , doonyaha badda, yaa ka danbeeya? ,,,, Duke again. Ismiidaanka yaa u diray? ,,,, Al mujaahid Che. Yaa diidan isku duubnidii? ,,,,, Landlord Jacaylbaro. Yaa diidan dowladnimadii? ,,,,, Landlord Abwaan. Waa su'aal da'weyn, laakiin , it seems simple! Jumca mubaarak dhamaantiin
  14. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: Dajiye: I don't think you should speak about Cara like that; she will cut off your toes and feed you to them. Ibti, you poor thing It's about Caraweelo, not the Cara in Sol. However, If any of you rise as an Caraweelo I'll be Odey Biiqe.
  15. ^Did I read an Afr0 GirL questioning about Sheekh Sherif's age in the above link? Many folks are being missed lately.
  16. ^It's good to bring old threads up if it will make some old nomads back. Lot of nomads have kept her in their prayers I hope she is doing well.
  17. Originally posted by chubacka: love the title of this thread. hahahaha. My niece was the funniest looking baby I saw, came out unblinking and defiant, she looked like she was in her thirties....still makes me laugh. That made me laugh for some reason.
  18. The sheekha is working on a safe place to say after retirement....and prolly it won't be Yemen this time
  19. Originally posted by rudy-Diiriye: Time for somalis to exit out of Nairobi and go back home for good to bring change somalia needs for the better. At least shift em back to Garissa. Why keep all eggs in one basket?