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Everything posted by Kamaavi

  1. Originally posted by *Faheema: I have to say they don't make 'em like they use to. Yo that's rageedi. Moi want more 90s!
  2. The worst case in sexual offense that I heard from a professor of forensic medicine: It was a case of a watchman against a female. A young fresh body. The professor said, after closely examining, all tests were positive( DNA, finger print, seminal test etc). The man was taken to a supreme court.
  3. Dhamaan ama intooda badan xaafadaha magaalada Addis Ababa ayaa saaka ku waabiriistay baadhitaan qaatay mudo dheer iyadoo dhamaan dadkii joogay xaafadaha baadhista lakulmay ee soomalida ahaa loo taxaabay xabsiyada. Lama oga tirada rasmiga ah ee dadkaan xabsiyada loo taxaabay balse waxaa lagu qiyaasayaa inay kabadan yihiin kumanaan iyadoo dhamaan xaafadihii labaadhay aan wax dad ah looga tagin iyadoon la kalasoocin dadka haysta sharciga dalkan Ethiopia ee loo yaqaan mustawiqayad ama kaar qaxootinimo iyo xataa kuwii haystay dhalashada dalalka dibada. Ma ahaan markii ugu horaysay ee Soomalida degan Addis Ababa ay la kulmaa raafka noocan oo kale ah lamana garan karo sababta dhabta ah ee ka danbaysa qab qabashada kediska ah ee saaka lagu ekeeyey xaafidihii ay daganaayeen dadka Soomaaliyeed laakiin wararka saaka la isla dhexmarayo magaalada Addis Ababa ayaa ah in raafkan loola jeedo dad khaas ah sidii horaybau dhici jirtay lana filayo in lasoo dayn doono dadka intiisa kale. Addis Ababa
  4. ^Do you mean I should have attended with a suicide coat? War I'm not Alshabaab![Qosol] He is not in Jigjiga as he left immidiately. He came to attend shirka ay leeyihiin ururka xoola dhaqatada. Laakiin cabsi uu ka qabo in ladilo ayuu lafihiisa ula baxsaday. Sidii Walla Abdela ayuu u baqay wax kale kuma garatide.[ Qosol]Tan reeraha Somaliyeed[waa Somalidiid iyo Piratedoone,] dee midi waa reer abtigay halka kan kalena ay caruurta reer abti u yihiin. Wuxuba waa hal qoys niyow. Ha ii kala qaadin. [Qosol Yar] Saad adu wax u aragto waa siduu KT Zinaawi ku farxi lahaa. Caqli kale ma haysid.[ Kabasho Shaaha] [Qosol Yar]!
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DIhm94a-8SE&NR=1
  6. ^He uses secessionist. But your friends use Pirate, Bugland et al. Qosol! It's the last thing you should complain or talk about. Qosol Weyn!
  7. ^ War isagu guul wada yaasha ayuu ka mid ahaa. Bal Hunguri soo waydii...
  8. Waxaan hadda soo xasuustay qudha goortii adeero Cabdulahi Yare uu qabtay Adisababa isagoo taageero ka doonaya Mingisto siduu ula dagaalami lahaa qarankii Somaliyeed. Alla odaygu indho adkaynaa oo geesisanaynaa....
  9. ^Kaasi wuxu ahaa qariib. Lamana dhihi karo magaalo uu maamulo ayuu yimid. Kaaga darane markii diyaradii qaraxday loo sheegay wuuba dhuuntay ,,,, cagaha ayuu wax ka dayey. Iga walle in caalamku uusan waxba ka ogayn booqashadiisa, wuxuuna Diiday inay racaan suxufiyiinta madax banan ee u shaqeeya Warhaabinta Aduunka.. Siilaanyo ,,,, iyo garaad Jaamac warkooda?@JB
  10. Axmed Siilaanyo ma nabad noqday ,,,
  11. Originally posted by Qudhac: dajiye the difference is somaliland has no intrest in those said region you talk of brothers or not.. but puntland tells the sool inhabitants one thing and does another all together thats the difference. Your point is well heard.
  12. Originally posted by NGONGE: quote:Originally posted by Dajiye: ^Is that all you brought back this thread? You have disappointed me big time ...lol Does he know what happend to Fab? And Fab didn't even use clan names or insults. Remember once you said Sol members ain't more than four? Niyow Duke's scripts are hyperactive. They'll be knowing everything in and around Sol. May most of Fab's threads rest in peace.
  13. ^If that does not fall in the line of learning to ride camels which I doubt, from my professor's point of view, you got a photo type memory when you can remember what happened as early as the first 18 months fetus hood. Two years old Somali kid is tried as an adult according to theory of nomadic life survival. Somali ababay abaari ma layso qudha waagii la yiri ayaan xasuustaa
  14. Originally posted by Qudhac: no we believe like any region there are different tribes who live in that region which is part of a country called ethopia, whether they want to be part of that country or want to break away from them has nothing to do with somaliland... taasi waa mid iyaga u taala whatever tribe they are in. You carry same ideology of his. He doesn't care his own people in Holhol, Wardheer etc just like you don't those of yours in Aware, H.sheekha, Wajaale, Xarshin et al. But how would you dismiss same views that agrees with your point of view in all aspects? I guess you should not attack the vice president just for the clan sake..
  15. ^ Why sell your self in this forum like that rubbish way qudhac et al? It is not always between Somalidiid and Piratedoon. But rather it can be a little skirmishes among same community which its sectors might have different attentions, views, or political interests. See the light, saxiib.
  16. Sol's rule is broken. Where is Miskiin Macruuf when you need him....
  17. Let this old threads die. There is no fun in bring it back
  18. Originally posted by Hunguri: I think, these guys need to be exported and put them into a quarantine cell to have them treated. Waar waligeey ma arag dad leh: Berbera 333333333333333 Adhi,Geel,Lo Boosaaso 33333333333333 Adhi, Geel, Lo Bilaa cammal baad tihiine, kaalaya oo aniga Ahmiga iyo adhiga ii raaca. I will be happy to recruit you and pay you well!
  19. ^Is that all you brought back this thread? You have disappointed me big time ...lol
  20. Originally posted by Qudhac: ^^^^ waa kuwii tigrega ku waashay... sxb tegrea ama amxaaro ama oromo ama ethopia ama kid kale waxba nagamay galin. xaduud iyo ganacsi ayaa naga dhexee and that it. waa dad wax qabsaday adiga maxaa kuu diiday inaad wax qabsatid. You just have paraphrased words of the vice president of the Pirateland whom you were merely attacking for his weakness. You and him are same and one. Just two little stooges who never fight but make busy the good people of Somali nation in the horn. Are you saying you believe in that O g a d e n region solely belongs to one family? Dare you say that now, today!
  21. ^You have to fill place of J11 till he comes. However, what are the latest up dates from sii galbeed (shiniile iyo faafan)?
  22. ^Faanoole fantu ku dishaye naga fariiso. Faroole ina adeerkii ayuu Tigree ka gaday, imikana garaad Jaamac ayuu set up gareeyay? What a nave selfish president is he...bring uusow back!
  23. ^War sokeeye diriray guul ma kala sheegtaan. Secessionist propaganda humiliated ,,, what a good title...
  24. ^War sokeeye diriray guul ma kala sheegtaan. Secessionist propaganda humiliated ,,, what a good title...