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Everything posted by Kamaavi

  1. Originally posted by Fu-Fu: Kenya hadaad aqoonsi kasugeysan adinka cirka roob ku'og
  2. Originally posted by Abwaan: quote:Originally posted by Alien13: Mujaahid??? Meeqo gaal buu dilay???? lol...probably not that kind of mujaahid. Nowadays you are mujaahid if you are jago-doon, if you kill innocent people, if you own Isbaaro...Even the pirates think they are mujaahidiin. Yaab badanaa! Some nomads also think they are mujahid when they make more than two thousand posts.
  3. Sharif is a Somali soldier from Somalia, for Somalia, by Somalia. He is mostly in a villa where the rules of the game are clear and ... are not changing during the game.
  4. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: so there is nothing eh ?? ,, I take it you missed Ngonge's arguement.
  5. I bet JB is among those who will demonstrate against the lion ....
  6. I just came back from the series.
  7. Seems the guy is in love, or deeper shyt. 2+2..pliz take him home. Thanks.
  8. The wish of the Somali Pirates to help Haiti made me smile too.
  9. Originally posted by BARWAAQO: quote:Originally by Paltalk: We as somalian's should have supported the War on Iraq.I am deeply disappointed with so many somalians who despise America's values, when they immigrated from Somalia to United States.They Dont' remember American is the only country that started to help somalian refugees, we brought many somalian in the United States to start fresh life and share the American dream. I have had discussion about the war on Iraq with lots of somali's they all had negative perception about America's intention to invade Iraq. I strongly believe America did the right thing to invade Iraq and dismantle Saddam' regime. Saddams regime was oppressive to the Iraqi people. America has obligation as a super power.It is the responsibity for American people to defend the ideals they stand for. America did the right thing, they invaded Iraq and liberated the Iraqi people from their oppressive regime. If I were immigration officer I would strip of the pass port of many somali American citizens. America stands for Freedom, liberties. As an American citizen we have strong value. ^^ made me fall out of ma chair laughing. Especially the last two lines...I almost wet myself! SubxanAllah The ^^^, with this picture ..... made me .
  10. ^The theme for the assembly is “Information and Communication Technologies in Africa: Challenges and Prospects for Development.” Isn't Riyale off to attend the ordinary session yet?
  11. Madaxda qaarada Afrika oo shacabka ay hogaamiyeen Badankooda ay aaminsan yihiin inay Yihiin budhcad danaystayal ah oo aan wax dan iyo muraad ah aan u hayn mustaqbalka shacabka iyo aayaha qaarada afrika aya ku sii qul qulalaya magaalada Addiss Ababa, halkaas oo uu ka dhaci doono, kulankii Afar Iyo Tobnaad(14) ee qaarada Afrikka. Kulankan ayaa la filayaa in 4000 qof oo kascda qaarada Afrika iskugu tagayaan. Sababtaan darteed ayaa la sheegay in amaanka magaalada Addiss Ababa la adkeeyay oo qaar ka mid ah dadka la xir xiray kuwaas oo laga shakiyay waxaana magaalada Addiss Aababa ayaa ciidamada lagu soo dhoobay. Madaxa wasaarada arrimaha dibada Itoobiya u qaabilsan arrimaha Afrika Azanaw Tadesse ayaa sheegay in wax oogu badan laga hadli doona uu yahay Xariirka iyo Horumarka Qaarada Afrika, wuxuu kaloo carabka ku dhuftay in qorsha Wadamada Midoobay ee Qaarada Afrika aan marnaba laga hadli doonin, arrinkan ayaa ilaa hada aan ogayn wax uu ka samyn doono hogamiyaga dalka Liibiya Mucamar Al-Qadfi. Sababtaas darteed ayaa dad badan loo xir xiray, dadkan la xirxiray ayaa u badan dad Soomalia ah iyo Oromo, ilaa haatan xir xiran, lama sheegin sababta dhabta ah ee loo xir xiray iyo goorta dhabta ah ee la soo dayn doono, dadkan Soomalida la xir xiray ayaa waxaa ka mid ah dhalinyaro u dhalatay Ogadeeniya oo Jaamacada Dalkaa Itoobiya wax ka baranayay. Madaxwaynaha dalka Malawi ayaa la filayaa in la dooran doono, balse wadanka Tunisia ayaa Iyado Gudbisay Codsi ah in Madaxwaynaha Libiya Korneel Qadafi uu Jagada Sii hayo, Taas suurta gal ah inay Khilaaf ka dhex abuurto Kulanka. Shirkan ayaa waxaa ka soo qayb Gali doona,Xoghayaha Qaramada Midoobay Qar Ban Ki-moon, Madaxwaynaha Midowga Yurub, Raysul Wasaaraha Wadanka Spain, Iyo Madaxda Banka Aduunka. O'gadentoday.
  12. African Journalist must speak the right of freedom of media in Ethiopia, they must rise questions over O'gaden Region, where journalist are not allowed,they must know that O'gaden is African Nation colonised by other brutal african Nation. 500 Journalists expected to cover African Union summit Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) Around 500 journalists are expected to cover the opening ceremony of the African Union (AU) Commission summit this weekend in Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa, organizers said on Friday. The AU communication department said that it expects around 500 registered journalists from Africa, Europe and other countries to cover the Summit. The organizers urged journalists to attend the opening ceremony early Sunday morning. “There is limited space for the journalists, we advice you to come early on the opening day so that you can have your seat,” said the organizers. It’s the first time that such a large number of journalists are covering the AU summit, being held under the theme “Information and communication Technology (ICT) in Africa ; challenges and prospects for Development”.
  13. Originally posted by NGONGE: quote:Originally posted by MAXIMUS POWERS: I have been rated 2 stars based on 21 votes. lol 22 votes now. 23 votes ....
  14. We hear you pretty much, Mr.Geele. But let's not get ahead of ourselves!
  15. Alpha, we heard you are among the...good & raaliyo ladies. Weilgaaba jiroo joog ....
  16. Originally posted by 2+2=5: God it's gonna take ages to read that. In English, please? My Somali is perfect but my level of laziness is currently at an all-time high. Talk now Somali written by Cynical lady might be helpful in the long run. Yallah Learn Somali where ever you are....
  17. Originally posted by Abwaan: lol...Dajiye ma waxaad leedahay Cabdi Muxumad Amiin(AUN) .........jiryoow jiryoow ka daba dhihi jirey? What a nice song balse naf cimrigeed jireysa lama sheegin. Niyow, qarankii Somalia Siyaad ma uusan ka danbeyn. Somaliland waa intay Riyaalow noolow oo is naxi hayaan....
  18. Originally posted by Najwa: Dalmar thank you walaal for the update. I wish them all the best. My prayers are with them. Maansha'Allah.
  19. Originally posted by Najwa: intii dhimatay ilaahay ha u naxariisto sabar iyo imaan. Inta noolna Allah xaqa ha garansiiyo. Amiin!
  20. Originally posted by Najwa: ^^whats there not to understand?... Most of the bits and pieces. Esp. above 'ha iga dhicin, waan ku dhawran' part. Salaam.
  21. ^Forget about that, and try to focus on the topic. What are Al-Shabaab’s real and perceived victims in regard to Maximus's worldview? Simple question as that......
  22. ^ Originally posted by Kool_Kat: quote:Originally posted by Dajiye: How did I miss this thread.. May be cuz when this thread started, October 2002, you were still in diapers! That is not enough, habo. Nice try though. What made Abyan to bring an old thread of it's kind back?