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Everything posted by Kamaavi

  1. If I have time for reading I have a book.
  2. Originally posted by Najwa: you and your weird comments...give it up lol... tnx again to Nassir, you always share the best songs...keep them coming.. salaam Don’t send any messages, I don’t want to see you, hear your voice, think of you, coz my doctor advised me 2 keep away from Sweets. Yeah super song.
  3. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Well if he wants to be ina cabdulla xassan oo kalle he needs to have lots of woman and also be a great poet. Dajiye dee godane wu gabya xata afcarabi bu ku gabya lol
  4. Originally posted by Najwa: thanks it is nice. the guy at 2:53 is soo cute..and he's soo light skinned lol (ok that was my thoughts being shared out loud..dnt mind me!!) salaam Hey, I just got your blood test report. U have been tested HIV positive. Report reads person has high percentage of Honey In Veins. No Wonder! Nice song.
  5. The desert plains of the Horn of Africa are full of instances where nomadic peoples traveling in long caravans see an oasis in the distance and rush toward it only to realize it was a mere desert vision, a trick on the eyes caused by the interaction of rising heat from the ground with the cooler air above. So real are these visions that from a distance thinks he can see ripples on the water surface increasing the anticipation of cool water just waiting to be leaped into. The dry lands of politics also has it's own visions which appear so real from a distance but disappear upon further inspection. The difference in politics is that these visions are not naturally occurring, but man made. Case in point: Ethiopia as partner in the War on Terrorism From a distance Addis is a staunch ally, a dependable one. From a distance, Ethiopia is a front line state in the war on terrorism. From a distance, Ethiopia has implemented a crack down on terrorist financial networks. From a distance, Ethiopia started several years ago it's own war on terrorism. But only at a distance. Approach the pleasant vision of a genuinely eager ally and further scrutiny will reveal some interesting truths. The war on terrorism could not have come at a better time for the beleaguered EPRDF/TPLF regime in Addis Ababa. Like a drowning swimmer tossed a life preserver, Ethiopia's Prime Minister did not hesitate to leap towards this floating ring in the hopes that it will prevent his regime from going under and being covered by the waves of history. But this swimmer is not only concerned with staying alive. Even as he paddles his feet towards the raft he sees an opportunity. Put simply, in one blow, EPRDF/TPLF wishes not only to survive, but to emerge the dominant force in the Horn of Africa. Quick thinking on the part of the ruling clique in Addis hatches a simple plan in which the EPRDF/TPLF seeks to do the following Portray Ethiopia as Indispensable to counter terrorism efforts in the Horn of Africa Paint Ethiopia's neighbor's (Somalia most of all) as zest pools of terrorist activity. Ensure resulting actions (preferably military) coincide exactly with Ethiopian strategic interest's in the region While this is going on, use additional foreign military and economic assistance, which is sure to come, to eliminate internal dissent within the EPRDF and systematically crack down on free political expression. When we consider what is at stake for Ethiopia, it is no surprise that the Zenawi clique has fallen over themselves trying to recast the Horn of Africa as the world next battle front on terrorism (with Ethiopia being the favorite prize fighter in this match). In doing so Melez Zenaawi is making the age old mistake that dictators and tyrants have made since the beginnings of an organized state structure. He is relying on the often tried remedies of focusing the his people's attention on external events (war with Eritrea, Military operations against Al-Itihaad in Somalia) and relying on outside assistance as a reward for enthusiastically supporting the war on terrorism. This formula of directing public attention outward and relying on external support to stay in power seems to be what Melez Zenaawi views as his ticket to longevity. While some western capitals may be content with this for now, others will be sure to realize that their best defense against evils of terrorism is not by propping up a secular terrorist to fight religious zealots, but rather by promoting democracy, which history has proven, is always the best option to defeat fascism and extremism of any sort. What the Horn of Africa needs is not more powerful propped up government's in support of the war on terrorism because those government's will simply not be sustainable. What the Horn of Africa needs instead is more powerful people who by virtue of democracy, really do have something to lose if a free society anywhere is threatened by terrorism. While the world should seek the fullest cooperation possible with nation states in the war on terrorism and the countries in the Horn of Africa are no exception. We must realize that at the end of the day, Melez Zenaawi is still a dictator and his continued rule guarantees that the Ethiopian people will continue to worry more about his security forces knocking on their door, than they will about Al-Qaeda and their mass murdering foot soldiers. Its up to policy makers from democratic nations to recognize that this picture can not serve their interest's to spread freedom and free markets in the Horn of Africa. In a recent interview with AL-Zaman newspaper, Prime Minster Melez Zenaawi said “Terrorism is the ideology of frustration and a by-product of poverty, repression or any other similar circumstances” Assuming we agree wholeheartedly with the Prime Minister, what is our best tool to eliminate" poverty, repression and other similar circumstances” in Ethiopia. The EPRDF/TPLF or genuine Democracy ???. And if we choose Democracy, then what logic is there in embracing partnering with the EPRDF/TPLF. At the end of the day, the peoples of the Horn will not just remember that this war on terrorism was fought, but they will remember HOW it was fought. Let those of us who love liberty and are united in combating terrorism, speak out against the welcoming to our coalition of those who, not only do not share our respect for freedom, but actively seek to stifle free expression and democratic governance at every opportunity. To do less than that, would be to betray the memory of the victims of terrorism the world over.
  6. African Union (AU) Commission Chairperson Jean Ping said on Thursday that Ethiopia has never banned the Eritrean government to establish mission in Addis Ababa. Ping said he has received a letter from Eritrean Foreign Minister Osman Saleh, requesting to bring to the attention of the 14th AU ordinary session that Eritrea's inability to establish a mission to the AU in Addis Ababa. In his replay letter to the Eritrean minister, Ping clearly stated that Ethiopia should never been accused for Eritrea's denial using its rights to take part in AU deliberation. Ping said the commission has discussed the issues with the government of Ethiopia at highest level and has accepted a categorical assurance that the Eritrean government is free to establish a mission to the AU in Addis Ababa. The chairperson said Ethiopia has never banned Eritrea from AU sessions and in other deliberations in Addis Ababa. In international practice, he said, countries which do not have relations with the United States. but have missions to the UN are carrying out their diplomatic missions. The chairperson indicated that the former chairperson had also informed Eritrea that it has the right to participate in AU sessions in Addis Ababa. Ping referred terms conveyed by the former chairperson to the Eritrean government that its mission will be accredit only to the African Union, will not have or carry out bilateral activities and the staff will operate from Addis Ababa only where the AU headquarters is located. The chairperson clearly stated that Ethiopia assures the necessary entry visa and security of any Eritrean delegation. Ping said Eritrean foreign minister's letter and AU's reply were circulated among delegates of the AU members during the 14th ordinary session. The chairperson called on the Eritrean government to establish its mission to the AU and attend AU meetings convening in Addis Ababa without delay or hindrance. Source: Xinhua
  7. Originally posted by Najwa: oooh I love my dad soooooo very much,am all teary. Take a moment and reflect on how much you love your dad.... I thank the lord who blessed me with the best of fathers....he was always there for me and I will always be there for him...my dad is everything to me and more... salaam Daddy is the king. When you think of him you think of the prince. Sign of love. Salaams, Najwa!!
  8. Originally posted by *ANWAR*: NG has gone mad:D Agreed.
  9. Every warlord's dream is to be another Guul wade , Aiyded or Yey while AS/HIS leaders wanna be like Sayidka( or Biladen). But none of them can lead smallest unit with out much fuse. Aweys = Sayidka? Xaaji xanjuf apparently disagrees since he believes Godane = Sayidka.
  10. ^It's not the Guudhti, but the bdain too. They got no power to think along the lines of making lil house for elders. What a bad joke?
  11. It's the Haiti fund raising. Libya should pay the zakat too.
  12. February 4th, 2010 | By Jason McLure ADDIS ABABA (Bloomberg) — Ethiopia’s ruling party said the country’s largest opposition grouping, the Forum for Democratic Dialogue (Medrek), would try to foment violence after elections scheduled for May in an effort to spur foreign governments to intervene. “They are ready to create violence after the elections,” Hailemariam Desalegn, the parliamentary whip for the ruling Ethiopian People’s Revolutionary Democratic Front said in a phone interview this week. “Their ultimate objection is not free and fair elections but to get power-sharing like in Zimbabwe and Kenya. I think this is very dangerous and they should be properly told this.” He said opposition allegations that elections scheduled for May 23 would not be free and fair were designed to fuel popular discontent that would lead to street clashes as happened following the country’s disputed 2005 poll. The warning came as the opposition Unity for Democracy and Justice (UDJ), the largest political party in the Forum, accused the U.S., Britain and other Western aid donors of silence over the jailing of UDJ leader Birtukan Mideksa and other human rights abuses. The U.S. and U.K. “are following the old way of doing business,” said Andualem Aragie, UDJ’s secretary general. “They are partners in development with the Ethiopian government but I don’t think they are partners in freedom and democracy.” Following disputed presidential elections in Zimbabwe in 2008 and Kenya in 2007, international mediators brokered agreements that allowed opposition parties to share power with Presidents Robert Mugabe and Mwai Kibaki. The opposition has sought to raise pressure on the U.S., U.K., and other donors who supply more than $2 billion in aid annually to Ethiopia, saying their silence is tantamount to political support for Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. The U.K. government has a “frank and full dialogue with the government of Ethiopia on human rights and democracy including Birtukan,” said Gavin Cook, a spokesman for the British embassy in Addis Ababa. “Our development assistance, regardless to who is in power, has helped benefit millions of Ethiopians.” Michael Gonzales, a spokesman for the U.S. embassy in Addis Ababa, declined comment.
  13. ONLF oo Bayaan ka soo Saartay Shirkii Madaxda Midowga Afrika. Waxay Jabhadda Wadaniga Xoreynta Ogadeenya ka rajaynaysaa madaxda dalalka Midowga Afrika ee shirka isugu yimid inay daneeyaan dhibka joogtada ah ee dawladda martigalisay shirkan ay ku hayso shacabka Ogadeenya. Nidaamka Itobiya ayaa olole badheedh ah oo lagu gumaadayo shacabka Ogadeenya ku qaaday, wuxuuna ka fuliyay dambiya dagaal oo diwaangashan. Ololahan ayay xukuumadda Itobiya si ula kac ah ula beegsatay dadka shacabka ah iyadoo ka qarisay indhaha caalamka oo u diiday saxaafadda caalamka iyo haya’adaha daneeya xuquuqda aadanaha inay tagaan dalka Ogadeenya. Warbixintii ugu dambaysay ee Human Rights Watch ka soo qortay Ogadeenya ee cinwaankiisu ahaa “ Ciqaab Wadareed iyo Gaboodfal Dagaal oo ka dhan ah xuuqul insaanka ayaa ka socda Ogadeenya - War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity in the O'gaden...” ayay haya’daasi ku sheegtay in ciidanka Itobiya kula kaceen shacabka Ogadeenya xadgudubya farabadan oo ka dhan ah xuquuqul insaanka kuwaasoo ku ah dambi Sharciyada Dawliga ah ee Dagaalada. Waxaa ka mid ah xadgudubyadaa barakicin baahsan oo dadaka shacabka ah loo gaysanayo, baabi’in tuulooyinka ay dagan yihiin, dil aabayeel la’aan ah, kufsi iyo xadgudubya kale oo haweenka lagu samaynayo iyo jidh-dil. Iyadoo ay dhowr boqol oo kilomitir u jirto fadhiga Midowga Afrika goobaha ay ka dhacayaan xadgudubyadaa, ayuuna diyaar u ahayn sida muuqata golahan inuu u diro guddi ka tirsan Golaha Nabadda iyo Xasiloonida Afrika (Peace and Security Council PSC) oo si madaxbaani ah baaritaan ugu soo sameeya xadgudubyadan loo gaysanayo shacabka. Guddigii Xaqiiqa raadin ahaa oy Qaramada Midoobay horey ugu dirtay Ogadeenya bishii September 2007dii ayaa soo jeediyay in loo diro guddi madaxbanaan oo si dhab ah u soo baara xadgudubka baahsan ee ka socda Ogadeenya. Laba sano ka dib go’aankii guddiga xuquuql insaanka uu ka soo saaray Ogadeenya, waxaa weli halkii ka sii socda xadgudubyada baahsan ee xukuumadda Itobiya ay ku hayso shacabka Ogadeenya. Xukuumadda Itobiya ayaa kula kacda shacabka dil badheedh ah, jidh-dil iyo xadgudubya kale oo xuquuqda insaanka ka soo horjeedaiyagoon wax dambi ah galabsan. Waxaa intaa u sii dheer iyadoo ay xukuumada Itobiya raashinkii caalamka ugu deeqay shacabka taabaylan u adeegsanaysa hub ahaan iyadoo u diiday raashinkaa in la geeyo dhul balaadhan oo ka mdi ah Ogadeenya sabab siyaasadeed darteed. Midowga Afrika waa Rajadii Qaarada. Waxaana lagu dhisay mabda'a in shacabka Afrika ay u madaxbanaa-naadaan aayahooda siyaasiga ah oy xoriyad cadaadis la’aan ah ku noolaadaan. Waxaa hadaba arin lala yaaba ah in Midowga Afrika ogolaado inay ka sii socoto Ogadeenya siyaasada Itobiya ee ku dhisan dilka aabayeel la’aanta ah. Waxay JWXO ugu baaqaysaa madaxda fadhida shirka MA inay wax ka qabtaan dambiyada dagaal ee dawlad ka mid ah Midowga Afrika ay ka wado Ogadeenya. Waxay sidoo kale JWXO ugu baaqaysaa Golaha Nabadda iyo Xasiloonida Afrika (African Union Peace and Security Council) inuu si dhaqsa leh ugu diro guddi xaqiiqa raadin ah Ogadeenya oo la mid ah midkii ay dirtay Qaramada Midoobay 2007dii. Waxay JWXO ka codsanaysaa Midowga Afrika in waddo caalami ah oo ka madaxbanaan faragalin iyo carqaladayn loo furo Ogadeenya si loo gaarsiiyo taageerada uu caalamka u fidinayo shacabka Ogadeenya. Waa in Midowga Afrika gartaa masuulaiyadda ka saaran shacabka Ogadeenya uu aqoonsadaa in dagaalada ka socda Ogadeenya yahay dagaalkii ugu waqtiga dheeraa Afrika oy tahay in la soo faragaliyo si loogu helo xal caalami ah iyo mid goboleedba. Jabhadda Wadaniga Xoreynta Ogadeenya.
  14. A one day gathering to discuss and analyze the genocide taking place in O'gaden was held yesterday at one of the Toronto offices of the Canadian Center for Torture Victims (CCTV). The gathering was part of the monthly volunteer spotlight where a guest speaker is invited by the CCTV to present a topic of interest to the CCTV and those associated with it. This month’s spotlight was about the O'gaden. Specifically, the discussions, analysis, and the presentations of the day revolved around the hidden genocide that has and continues to take place in O'gaden. Although the guest speaker admitted that he was not a professional human rights activist, he appeared well versed with the topic. He also presented the topic in a manner that elucidated the genocidal events that continue to take place in O'gaden. He presented a thoughtful analysis that covered the O'gaden issue in detail. He first provided a brief geography of O'gaden for those in the audience who may not have been familiar with the topic. He then proceeded to highlight the tragic 126 years history of both O'gaden and its Somali inhabitants. To complete the background information about O'gaden and the perpetrators, the Ethiopian regime in this case, of the O'gaden genocide, the speaker then presented highlights from three separate human rights reports. The first one was from the US Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor country report dated March 11, 2008 which showed the poor human rights record of the current Ethiopian regime. The second report quoted by the speaker was the 2010 human rights report from Human Rights Watch (HRW) which clearly showed a pattern of poor Ethiopian human rights record. The report noted “[the] deteriorating human rights trajectory [that Ethiopia is currently on] as parliamentary elections approach in 2010.” The third report which also complemented the other two reports was that of the Amnesty International country report for the year 2009. The speaker highlighted how this report also noted how “Restrictions on humanitarian assistance to the Somali Region (known as the O'gaden) continued.” The speaker provided specific examples of the genocidal events that have taken place in O'gaden throughout its long, tragic history. He used the events that took place in Cobole and the Ethiopian’s ‘collective punishment’ response of total economic blockade, rape, extrajudicial killings to this incident as graphic examples of the type of genocide that has taken place in O'gaden. Having explained the O'gaden genocide in depth, the speaker attempted to answer the question as to why the O'gaden genocide is hidden while that of Darfur is widely publicized. Although the speaker did not indulge in finger pointing and naming of one individual country, he did however agreed with HRW’s assessment that “Ethiopia’s major donors, Washington, London and Brussels, seem to be maintaining a conspiracy of silence around the [O'gaden genocidal] crimes.” To lighten the mood in the presentation room, the speaker showed a cartoon by one of Somalia’s most well known cartoonists, Mr. Amin Amir, showing a purported conversation that the Sudan’s president, Mr. Omar al-Bashir who was recently indicted by the International Criminal Court in The Hague, have had with the Ethiopian premier, Mr. Meles Zenawi. In the cartoon, Mr. al-Bashir having come across Mr. Zenawi killing Ethiopian civilians and then painting the corpses with an ONLF insignia asked him this question: “Are you not concerned about being indicted as a war criminal for your actions?” Mr. Zenawi responds with the quip that “had he chosen Somalis as his genocidal victims, he would not have been indicted for war crimes and crimes against humanity.” In his concluding remarks, the speaker urged those in attendance to first and foremost educate themselves about the plight of the O'gaden genocide victims. He reminded the audience that everyone had a moral and human obligation to help put a stop to the O'gaden genocide. He also urged them to start a grassroots movement to publicize the O'gaden genocide.
  15. WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama’s nominee to be the next US ambassador to Ethiopia pledged on Tuesday to press the government in Addis Ababa to improve human rights, free political prisoners and make upcoming elections fair. Donald Booth said the United States had “complex interests” in Ethiopia, and that the two nations, while differing in tactics, saw largely eye-to-eye on the need to bring stability and prevent an Islamist takeover of Somalia. “We need to try to work with Ethiopia across the board, preserving the cooperation where we share interests such as regional security,” Booth, a former ambassador to Liberia and Zambia, said at his Senate confirmation hearing. But he warned that Ethiopia’s “limitations on political expression and economic activities as well as shortcomings in respect to basic human rights run counter to American principles and risk becoming the seeds of future instability.” Under questioning by Senator Russ Feingold, who heads the Foreign Relations subcommittee on Africa, Booth pledged to take up the case of prisoners such as Birtukan Mideksa, leader of the largest opposition party. Ethiopia sentenced Birtukan to life in prison for treason after she alleged that the government rigged 2005 elections. She received a pardon two years later but the life term was re-imposed a month ago. Booth said the US embassy in Addis Ababa has been seeking access to Birtukan, 36. “I think we need to find a way to convince them (Ethiopian leaders) that it’s in their own interest not to hold people simply because they hold opposing political views,” Booth said. Booth said he would urge Prime Minister Meles Zenawi’s government to ensure the fairness of elections due in May, including by allowing opposition candidates to run and have access to the media. Booth also called for domestic and international observers to monitor the election. The nominee promised Feingold also to look into allegations of human rights abuses in the southern O'gaden region, where Muslim, ethnic Somali rebels are waging an insurgency for independence. “Clearly the O'gaden is an area that has created great instability and threats to the security of the Ethiopian state over time,” he said. “We need to work with the Ethiopians … to try to figure out a way that they can not only protect their territorial integrity but also respect the human rights of all their citizens including the O'gadense,” he said.
  16. Wednesday, 03 February 2010 16:49 Safiirka Maraykanka ee Madaxweyne Obama uu u magacabey dalka Itoobiya ayaa sheegay in uu Itoobiya ku cadaadin doono in ay wax ka bedesho arimaha Xuquul insaanka. Mudane Donald Booth ayaa sheegay in Maraykanu dalka Itoobiya la leeyahay xidhiidh aan dabacsaneyn, kaas oo ah in labada dal ku kala duwan yihiin arimo la xidhiidha xaga farsamada marka ay noqoto sidii nabad loogu soo dabaali ahaa Soomaaliya, inkasta oo ay isku si u arkaan sidii looga hortagi lahaa in muslimiinta mayalka adag la wareegan Soomaaliya. Safiirka ayaa ka digey xadidaada Itoobiya ee la xidhiidha xaga siyaasada, dhaqaalaha xoriyad la’aanta ah iyo arimaha aas-aasiga Xuquuqul insaanka Itoobiya oo lid ku ah waxyaabaha uu Maraykanku u taaganyahay, arintan oo keeni karta in Itoobiya noqoto goob ay ka abuurtanto xasilooni daro mustaqbalka. Mudanaha aqalka sare eee Mudnayaasha Maraykanka madaxda uga ah qaybta Arimaha Dibada ee Afrika oo lagau magacaabo Russ Feingold ayaa Safiirka ka codsadey in mas’uuliyiinta Itoobiya kala hadlo arimaha dadka xabsiyada ku jira oo ay a mid tahay Gabadha lagu magacaabo Birtukan Mideksa oo ah hogaamiya xisbiga mucaaradka. Mudane Booth oo arintaas ka jawaabaya ayaa sheegay in ay Madaxda Itoobiya dani ugu jirto inaysan dadka siyaasadooda ka soo horjeeda iska xidhin. Safiirka ayaa u balan qaadey Mudane Russ Feingold in uu eegi doono arimaha Ogadeeniya halkaas oo ay ka jirto dhibaatooyin badan oo la xidhiidha ku xadgudubka Xuquul insaanka, wuxuuna sheegay in uu doonayo in ay la hadlaan Itoobiya si loo halo wadadii ay Itoobiya xuduudaheeda ku difaaci lahayd, isla markaana u ilaalin lahay arimaha Xuquuqul insaanka ee dhamaan shacabka Itoobiya oo ay Ogadeeniya ka mid tahay.
  17. On 13 of November 2009 the ONLF announced in a “military communiqué” sent to news agencies that its troops had “launched a broad multiple front military operation against military positions of the Ethiopian occupation army, liberating seven towns in O'gaden on Tuesday, 10 November, 2009”. According to the ONLF the attack code-named “Eebo Cadow” took place in the following areas: “Obolka located near Harar, Hamaro located to the East of Fik, Higlaaley near Degah Bur, Yucub located 40km from Wardheer, Galadiid located 35km from Kabri Dahar, Boodhaano near the city of Godey, Gunagabo located near Degah Bur”. The ONF claimed to have killed a total of “626 regime troops” and captured “significant amount of military hardware…including small arms, ammunition, and communications equipment” in a fellow- up statement related to one release 10 November, 2009. The statement added: “Military grade maps have also been captured. A total of 4 large military transport vehicles have been destroyed”. The Ethiopian government on its behalf was quick to dismiss these claims –as they usually do through their misinformation ministry -calling them an ‘exaggeration’. "This group [ONLF] used to make exaggerated claims," said Shimelis Kemal, spokesman for the Ethiopian government, adding: "Since the Ebole incident, the ONLF bandit group is on the run". Shimelis went on to say: "Recently however, they have tried to raid some administrations in the localities, and that attempt had been effectively defeated by the local militia." Shimel’s pronouncements are far from the truth. Locals on the ground, especially in the towns where the raids took place, had corroborated the ONLF’s account of the incident. Eyewitness accounts reported seeing dead Ethiopian troops lying scattered on the battle field days after the attack. As reported in local media, locals in the areas where the raids took place had requested from ONLF field commanders to remove these rotting corpses before they caused health hazard. However, as is the case always in O'gaden, there was no “independent” verification of these reports. This large territory, which is almost the size of Germany, is hermitically sealed by Ethiopian troops and is off limits to independent media, aid agencies, NGOs and foreign diplomats –especially since 2007. Obviously the Ethiopian government is trying to conceal from the world the genocide their troops are conducting in O'gaden and the losses their troops are incurring daily in confrontations with ONLF. In light of the above ONLF claims and counterclaims of the Ethiopian regime -and given the inaccessibility of independent media in the region - it was interesting g to read a recent report from Jigjiga, O'gaden, by Barry Malone of Reuters News Agency titled “Ethiopian rebels spread jitters in oil region,” Friday, December 11, 2009. However, regrettably, Malone’s piece literally toes the Ethiopian government line. And not only that, he seeks to augment his report by basing his finding on a single unidentified source that he tells us is an aid worker based in Jigjiga. The report begins with the following sensational statement dismissing ONLF military claims as “almost certainly exaggerated”. “A rebel group's claims to have captured seven towns and killed 1,000 soldiers in fierce fighting in Ethiopia's oil-producing O'gaden region are almost certainly exaggerated, foreign aid workers in the region say,” writes Malone. "They attacked more than twenty places," one aid worker, who asked not to be identified, told Reuters in Jijiga, the regional capital. "But they only managed to take one town, not seven," the report states. According to Malone O'gaden is an “oil producing region”. Hurray to that! To further solidify his argument that ONLF is incapable of conducting such large scale raids on Ethiopian troop positions, Malone cites a so-called Africa analyst who boldly claims that "In the Somali region they [ONLF] can carry out hit-and-run assaults on government sites as well as on outposts of foreign entities, like Chinese energy explorers," says Mark Schroeder, an Africa analyst with Stratfor, "But they cannot hold large stretches of territory." As far as I am aware the ONLF did not claim to be holding these “liberated” areas permanently. That ONLF engages occasionally in battles with Ethiopian troops, sometimes winning and at times losing, is not BIG news that should perplex our minds. The front is quite capable of conducting large scale military raids and able to hold areas and towns it sees fit for strategic military purposes. This type of operations is called guerilla warfare and its modus operandi is to cause maximum damage to the enemy with minimum casualties. We surely do not need to learn its effectiveness from some phantom Africa analysts. The Somalis say, “You cannot hide the sun in the palms of your hands”. Our struggle has reached that stage, thanks to the perseverance and sacrifices of our people. And there is nothing Barry Malones and Mark Schroeders of this world can do about it however hard they try to underestimate our victories. In his report Malone tells us that he went to the region with the U.S. ambassador to the U.N.'s food agencies, Ertharin Cousin, but does little to specify the purpose of her trip except to say that the “visit was carefully managed by the United Nations and the Ethiopian government”. We are therefore left with our own devices to guess what the trip was all about. And if the last paragraph of his article is indicative of anything (“Her convoy rarely left main roads, and she said [she] saw no evidence of the ONLF charges”) the Ambassador was in the region in order verify ONLF charges (claims?). This shows how far Malone is willing to go in order to refute the ONLF press release. In conclusion, and to be fair to Malone, his report contains some rather accurate fragments like the part he says: “…Journalists are not allowed to travel in O'gaden without an escort and have been arrested and expelled from the country for doing so.” But he fails to question why journalists are restricted this way. I guess its so obvious “that 'it wouldn't do' to mention that particular fact” as George Orwell would have it said. Nuradin Jilani nuradinjilani@gmail.com.
  18. Feb 3, 2010 (QOL) The African Union met between the 25th of January till the 2nd of February for their 14TH ORDINARY SESSION OF THE ASSEMBLY OF THE AFRICAN UNION ADDIS ABABA: ETHIOPIA. The Theme for the meeting was “Information and Communication Technologies in Africa: Prospects and Challenges for Development”. African Rights Monitor-ARM commends the AU for choosing a very important topic that is much needed in the continent to be competitive in this advanced technological world. However, ARM must appeal to the AU to do more than just meet and express their intentions but act. One of the areas that AU can achieve their goals is to promote the freedom of the press and expression. The world was only able to see how many undemocratic governments were treating their own citizens by the video blogs, Facebook and Twitter entries that were available in websites. The AU must allow the freedom expression and promote development in infrastructure, education and workforce to achieve and be a competitive member in this world. None of these can be achieved without constant peace and security and this is an area that the AU countries must act NOW. There are many African Nations that detain their journalists, citizens, workforce if they show the slightest disagreement with the leaders or one ethnic group is targeted. One example is the country that is hosting the AU: Ethiopia. Ethiopia has a long history of violating human rights and not allowing freedom for the press or expression. Ethiopia has consistently and deliberately targeted different ethnic groups and followed the handbook of Mangistu in recruiting militias, aid workers and blocked certain territories from the world to enter due to the constant violations and genocidal acts that are being committed. ARM is urging the AU and the world to act and protect the innocent civilians that are chess pawns in political wars that they have no control or say. African Rights Monitor-ARM: www.africanrightsmonitor.org Contact: Huda Yusuf Email: Africanrightsmonitor@gmail.com
  19. Wax noqonaya talaabadii ugu horeysey oo ay dhanka wanaagsan u qaadaan xildhibaanada DKMG ah ayay kusoo saareen mooshin ay baarlamaanka hordhigayaan kaasoo lagu doonayo in dowlada ay xariirka dublumaasiyadeed u jarto dowlada Kenya, balse? In ka badan 40 xildhibaan ayaa qoraal ay ku saxiixanyihiin kusoo bandhigey Xamar iyagoo doonaya in baarlamaanka la geeyo oo laga doodo, dowlana lagu qasbo in ay xariirka u qarto dowlada Kenya sababtuna ay tahay howlgalkii Soomaalida lagu beegsanayay ee dhawaan dalkaasi ka dhacay, kana socda wali. Waxay kaloo doonayaan in Kenya ay raali galin ka bixiso wixii dhacay. Sidoo kale waxay doonayaan in hey’adaha gargaarka ee Soomaaliya qaabilsan in xarumahooda ay ka raraan Kenya, una guuraan dalalka jabuuti iyo Uganda. Wallow aysan u badneyn in dheg jelaq loo siiyo dalabkaasi layaabka la leh, waxay su’aasha ka taagantahay DKMG ah ma maarantaa saaxiibkeeda koowaad ee garabka u ah? In xariirka loo jarro Kenya maxaa kaga lumaya Kenya oo ay ku weeyneysaa?
  20. If someone touch your butt/genital areas, how would you react?
  21. ^New or not, these are some valid points which the ambassador has highlighted eventually: "Waxaa Kaloo oo ana Isha ku Hayn Doono, Xaalada Xuquuqda Aadamaha ee O'gaden, Halkaas oo ay dhibaato Bili aadanimo ay ka dhacday, Halkaas oo ay Ka Dagaalamayan Dad Gobanimoi Doon ah Islamna ah oo Raadinaya Madax Banaanida Gobalka O'gaden." Qodobka koowaad. Safiirka wuxuu Cadeeyay In Gobalka O'gaden yahay Isha Ama Buda Amni Darida Itoobiya ay ka soo Burqanayso, Itoobiya waxaan doonan inan la shaqayno si Isku Xirnaanshaha Dalka loo Helo, loona Ilaaliyo Xuquuqda Aadamaha, O'gaden waa in loo Helaa Xal waara Taas oo aan donayan inaan Itoobiya ka wada hadalno, oo aan doonayo inaan Raysul Wasare Melez Kala hadlo anoo Matalaya Dowlada Maraykanka. Qodobka labaad. Aqoonyahanada Geeska Afrika iyo Caalamada ayaa aaminsan in Dhibatada Geeska Afrika Taala Tahay Xal u helida Ogadeeniya Iyadoo in Badan Hogaanka Jabhada ONLF golayaasha Kulamada iyo warbaahinta kaga Hadleen in Xalka Gobalka inuu yahay Xalinta Qadiyada iyo Xuquuqda Xoriyadeeda ee Shacabka Ogadeeniya. Qodobka saddexaad.
  22. O.N.L.F Statement On African Union Summit As the heads of State of the African Union (AU) convene, the O'gaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) wishes to note the continuing suffering of the people of O'gaden at the hands of the host nation of the ongoing AU summit. The Ethiopian regime has a well documented and systematic campaign of persecution against the people of O'gaden. This campaign mainly targeting our civilian population is deliberately concealed from the outside world as a result of the regimes policy of denying entry to all independent media and human rights investigators. As human rights watch in it's recent report "Collective Punishment. War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity in the O'gaden..." the "Ethiopian armed forces have committed numerous violations of human rights, violations of the laws of war that amount to war crimes, and crimes against humanity against the civilian population. These have included widespread forced relocations of civilians, destruction of their villages, willful killings, and summary executions, and torture, rape, and other forms of sexual violence." Despite widespread reporting on these war crimes only a few hundred kilometers from the seat of the AU, the body has been unwilling and unable to even send a fact finding mission under the auspices of its Peace and Security Council (PSC) to independently investigate gross violations of human rights and war crimes. Such a fact finding mission was recommended by the United Nations humanitarian fact finding mission to O'gaden in September 2007 which specifically noted the need for an "independent investigation" into the human rights situation in O'gaden. Over two years after the call for a second fact finding team focused on human rights, the people of O'gaden continue to suffer at the hands of this regime with no international action. The regime continues extrajudicial killings, torture and other war crimes targeting innocent civilians in O'gaden. In addition, the regime continues to utilize food aid provided by the international community as a political weapon denying aid to civilians in large areas of O'gaden due to their political views. The African Union represents a body of hope for the continent. It was founded on principles upholding the rights of all peoples to determine their political future and to live free of repression. It is therefore Ironic that the seat of the African Union is allowed to continue to pursue a policy of systematic persecution with impunity. The ONLF calls on the heads of State attending the AU summit to recognize and address the continuing war crimes perpetrated by it's member State, Ethiopia in O'gaden. The ONLF further calls upon the African Union Peace and Security Council to immediately send a fact finding team to O'gaden in line with the recommendations of the United Nations in 2007. The ONLF further calls on the African Union to realize an international humanitarian corridor into O'gaden to ensure that humanitarian assistance reaches the our people in a free and unfettered manner. The AU bears a responsibility to respond to the suffering of the people of O'gaden and recognize the O'gaden conflict of one of Africa's long lasting conflicts requiring immediate international and regional intervention ------------------------ O'gaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) Contact: onlfpress@onlf.org This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it http://onlf.org/news.php
  23. Ambassador Booth: Xalka O'gaden Waa Xalka Amniga Itoobiya, Waana Isha Xasilooni Darida ee Ka Jirta Itoobiya. Donald Booth oo ah Safiirka Cusub ee Bilihii Ina soo dhaafay Loo Magacaabay Itoobiya ahna Wakiilka Dowlada Maraykanka u Fadhiya Dalka Itoobiya ayaa Markii oogu Horaysay ka Hadlay Arrimaha Itoobiya isagoo Carabka ku Dhuftay, In Doorashada soo socota u Dhacdo si Xaq ah, In Arrimaha Xuquuqda Aadamaha Dowlada Maraykanku ku saarto Cadaadis Xoogan Itoobiya iyo In Maxaabiista Siyaasiyiinta ah la sii Daayo. Shabakada O'gadentoday ayaa Bishii December 10 2009 Idin soo Tabisay Magacaabistii Safiirka. Safiirka ayaa Hadalkiisa ku Bilaabay, Xukumada Addiss Ababa iyo Washigton waxaa ka dhaxeeya Dano Isku Dhafan oo Badan, Waxaana oogu Horeeya, In isha Lagu hayo Dhaq-Dhaqaaqa Islaamiyiinta Soomaliya Kuwaas oo Marnaba aan loo Ogolaan inay la wareegan Dalka. Balse wuxuu Safiirka sheegay in Xoriyada Siyaasadeed, Dhaqaaleed, Iyo Xuquuqda Aas aasiga ah ee Bili aadan inay Tahay Mabaadiida Dowlada Markanku ay ka Duulayso, Loona Baahan yahay in Itoobiya aysan Ku Takar Falin. Senator Russ Feingold oo ah Gudi Hoosaadka Xariirka Afrika ayaa sheegay in Safiirka Qorshayaasa oogu Jira Mahiimada ka Mid tahay O'gaden, Halkaas oo Maraykanku doonaya in wax ka badalo Nidaamka wax u socdaan, Senator Russ Feingold oo arrintaas ka hadlaya wuxuu Yiri "Waxaa Kaloo oo ana Isha ku Hayn Doono, Xaalada Xuquuqda Aadamaha ee O'gaden, Halkaas oo ay dhibaato Bili aadanimo ay ka dhacday, Halkaas oo ay Ka Dagaalamayan Dad Gobanimoi Doon ah Islamna ah oo Raadinaya Madax Banaanida Gobalka O'gaden." Safiirka wuxuu Cadeeyay In Gobalka O'gaden yahay Isha Ama Buda Amni Darida Itoobiya ay ka soo Burqanayso, Itoobiya waxaan doonan inan la shaqayno si Isku Xirnaanshaha Dalka loo Helo, loona Ilaaliyo Xuquuqda Aadamaha, O'gaden waa in loo Helaa Xal waara Taas oo aan donayan inaan Itoobiya ka wada hadalno, oo aan doonayo inaan Raysul Wasare Melez Kala hadlo anoo Matalaya Dowlada Maraykanka. Aqoonyahanada Geeska Afrika iyo Caalamada ayaa aaminsan in Dhibatada Geeska Afrika Taala Tahay Xal u helida Ogadeeniya Iyadoo in Badan Hogaanka Jabhada ONLF golayaasha Kulamada iyo warbaahinta kaga Hadleen in Xalka Gobalka inuu yahay Xalinta Qadiyada iyo Xuquuqda Xoriyadeeda ee Shacabka Ogadeeniya. Warkii Hore La Xariiray Safiirka ee Bishii December 10 2009 O'gadentoday Idin soo Qortay Halkan ka eeg, Link O'gadentoday Addiss Ababa