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Everything posted by Kamaavi

  1. Happy Bariis Day, saxiib.
  2. ^Mar lee i dhaf, iyo xukun i saar noo ,,, isku meel ma wada galaan horta? Hadal malagii galay, maxaad soo tuurtay.
  3. Originally posted by Maaddeey: quote:Originally posted by Dajiye: quote: Originally posted by Maaddeey: ^what do u think? On a different note, sheekada aad troll-ka ku qortay source-geeda ka daba gee I think you shoudld come out and say it loud. Are you a strong Alshaab, or a weak one? As for the story, you can google it badowyahow ,,, Anigu waxba ku fali maayee, adaan kuu diidanahay inaad sheeko kale ka dhigto inaad adigu leedahay! waxaan hubaa meeshaad ka soo 'copy and paste' gareysay ay ku qorantahay: 'An acknowledgement to this site would be appreciated' ama wax la mida. What do you think?, Source ka daba gee?, waxba ku fali maayee? adaan kuu diidanahay? inaad sheeko kale ka dhigto? adigu leedahay? waxan hubaa? ama wax lamida? huu haa huaa.... Yet you have to come forward and say you agree with Alshabab. Could you admit that you agree with Alshabaab in princible? Are you a strong Alshaab, or a weak one, and why? Don't go around like a mad goat( that wants to commit a suicide). You have been asked many times. But now it's the time you might admit it and start taking care of the above simple questions.
  4. ^I think I look younger than my age, what do you think? How old do you look, or what do strangers guess as your age?(If you don't mind my asking.) On serious note, ask for the source when and only when you can't find it, and in a civilized way.
  5. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Wife - I will leave you forever. Husband - close all programs and log out for another User. It's an old one. But still funny..
  6. NinBrown, I thought you were medical graduate.
  7. Originally posted by Maaddeey: ^what do u think? On a different note, sheekada aad troll-ka ku qortay source-geeda ka daba gee I think you shoudld come out and say it loud. Are you a strong Alshaab, or a weak one? As for the story, you can google it badowyahow ,,,
  8. Rumayso ama ha rumaysan laakiin markaad tixraac waydo si habsami leh ayaa loo waydiistaa. Qoraalka anu ma qorin. Fikirkayna ma ahan. Waan soo dhajiyey uun. Dad akhrisan ayaad la mid tahay. Saas ay tahay ninka kala hadlaaya waa adiga. Sheekha sidaa kama suuroowdo. Ina iska hadle, sheekhu shuurada ma cuno yaa dhahay?
  9. I was wondering about it too. The way NinBrown has put it reads that he has finished the first(, or second) round of the race. Congrats, Dr.NinBrown.
  10. ^I don't know what your on about ,,, but if you want the source...... IT IS : RIGHT HERE!
  11. ^Are you a strong Alshaab defender(supporter) or a weak one? Maadsade intay dheheen ayey kaa tageen ,,,
  12. Originally posted by NGONGE: ^^ Great story but could you ignore the crying babies you met whilst worrying about those you have not? Niyhow, if we want to take responsibility it starts from home! good to see you liked the story
  13. Society's Ills Once there were two students walking along a river. One of them just so happened to glance over at something floating in the river. It did not take long for him to realize that it was a baby! Without hesitation he jumped into the river to save the infant from drowning. When he jumped in he realized that there were at least ten more in his immediate area, all of them screaming and crying as they bobbed by. Quite naturally he started screaming to the other student. "Help! C'mon man! Get in here! Look at all of these babies! We gotta help 'em!" The other student, however, kept walking upstream, despite noticing a river full of babies, with more and more floating downstream. For every one that the first student saved, eight passed him. There were just too many."C'mon man! Don't you have a heart?! I can't grab all of these babies alone!" The second student replied, "I'm going upstream to find out who's throwing all of these babies in the river." The point of this short story is to demonstrate the importance of going to the source of the problem to have a greater impact. Many people address each of society's social ailments as separate entities. Thus we find numerous organizations that target a specific poison; The solution to racism, spouse abuse, child abuse, crime, pollution, alcohol abuse, drug addiction, and other social ills is one. Each problem does not require its own organizations and groups to eliminate it. The solutions for all of these is one. That one, is Islam.
  14. The geel as well have all races. Even a black albino.
  15. ^That was snatched from Maqaxidii Ilma Qodhan? Kuruska lameenta leh ku garo.
  16. Sow nin mirqaansan caadkii ma aha ,,,
  17. Originally posted by Abyan: Why does dhuuso smell Coz it's the product of the bad bacteria.
  18. ^Inta yar ee la nuujin ma Sanaag( or Soolbaa)? lol@JB, juquraafiga midaan aqoon ayaa ku far far yaraystay. Badweyntii xitaa dhuxul bay ka dhigeen.....
  19. yes the soul which is us as a 'person'. but i take you dont believe in that no? that we are just like robots maybe that dont have a purpose here and popped out of no where on to a little planet called Earth and then we live our lives and when we die- we becoming nothing. dust. ?
  20. Somaliland jab furun ah ayaad moodaa. Tolow yaa afka gashan doonaa.
  21. Originally posted by Aaliyah416: Edit: just noticed that this post is soo old .. But still you can share.
  22. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: If you get Muqdisho news from CNN in the USA i'm sure Dhanaan is closer