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Everything posted by Kamaavi

  1. Let's see when Israel recognizes Somaliland ,,,,
  2. For joke ,,, midaan biinka laga jarin ,,, jeebka inay oogu ridaan ay ahayd ...
  3. ^ Hees meeshana maxaa murti ku jirta ,,,, Wankayga Cadoow Ha naaxin-Ina Cabdirashiid -
  4. Banaan bax ballaaran oo ay soo qaban qaabiyeen Ururka Xisbul Islaam ayaa maanta salaadii jimcaha kadib ka dhacay inta u dhaxeysa Muqdisho iyo Afgooye, kaasoo looga soo horjeeday Dowladda Jabuuti. Banaan baxan oo ay ka qeyb galaan Hogaanka sare ee Ururka Xisbul Islaam ayaa ka dhacay deegaanka Calamada oo ka mid ah deegaanada loo barakacay, waxaana halkaas khudbad dheere ka jeediyay Hogaamiyaha Xisbul Islaam Sheekh Xasan Dahir Aweys. Sheekh Xasan Dahir ayaa khudbad ku baxeysay luqadaha Carabiga iyo Soomaaliga ayaa waxaa uu ku eedeyn kulul u jeediyay Dowladda Jabuuti iyo ciidamada ay soo wado, isagoo sheegay in Jabuuti ay kaalmeyneyso Cadawga Ilaahey sida uu hadalka u dhigay. Waxaa uu sheegay in Jabuuti hadii ay Ciidamo u soo dirto Soomaaliya ay si gaar ah uga lug yeelaneyso dabka ka holcaya Soomaaliya, waxaana uu si kulul u weeraray Dowladda uu hogaamiyo Madaxweyne Shariif, isagoo ku sifeeyay in ay tahay Dowlad gaalada la jirta, isla markaana ay tahay Riddo. Dadkii banaan baxayay oo u muuqday kuwo Xisbul Islaam ay xoog ku soo qasbeen ayaa ku hadaaqayay erayo ka dhan ah Ciidamada AMISOM, duqeymaha ay ka geysteen, waxaana halkaas lagu soo bandhigay hal ku dhigyo kala duwan. Banaan baxayaasha oo ay qeyb ka ahaayeen Ciidamada Xisbul Islaam ayaa waxay ugu dambeyn ku gubeen Calanka Dowladaha Jabuuti, Brundi iyo Uganda, waxaana madasha banaan baxa sidoo kale dab lagu qabadsiiyay Sawirka Madaxweynaha Soomaaliya Shariif Sheekh Axmed.
  5. Daud oo ku Jiro Qal-qaalo ah in Gudiga Dooorshada ee Maamulka Kililka Lagu Daro. Wararka isa soo taraya ee Naga soo kala gaaray Addiss Ababa iyo Jigjiga ayaa sheegaya in Daud Maxamed Cali, Madax Maamulka Kililka uu qal-qaalo xoogan oogu Jiro in aan laga reebin Gudiga Doorashada ee Maamulka Kililka, Gudgan ayaa awood ahaan naloo sheegay Inay Baxiyaan Aqoonsiga Musharaxa, Isbuucii Hore ayaa Shabakada Ogadeentoday loo soo sheegay in Daud Iyo Cabdi Illey Laga reebay Gudigaas. Warka Adiss Ababa aan ka helnay ayaa sheegay in Daud uu Lakulmay Maxamud Dirir Kadibna Xafiiska Raysul Wasaaraha loo Gudbiyay Halkaas oo uu ku qaabilay Ninka ah Madaxwaynaha Dhabka ah ee Kililka ka Taliya oo ah Melez Zenawi Inadeerkiis oo Lagu Magacaabo Abay Tsehaye. Maamulka Daud ayaa lagu eedaynayaa in Xoogaga ONLF aysan sidii Dowlada Itoobiya rabtay aysan waxba ka qaban, Balse qodobka kali ah ee Lagu qadarinaya yahay Astaanta Calanka Deegaanka oo uu ka saaray Astaanta Somalinimada. Daud ayaa La Ogayn wax dhabta ah ee ay ka wada Hadleen Abay Sahaye Balse qal qaalo Xoogan oogu Jira in liiska Xafiiska Raysul Wasaaraha Miiskisa saaran ee ah Gudiga Doorashada Deegaanka wax laga Badalo. Cabsida iyo Wal-walka oogu badan ee Daud haya ayaa ah in Musharaxnimada Laga reebo Isagoo Doonaya in Markale uu Is Sharaxo, Midaas oo Cabdi Illeyna uu ka war sugaya Safarka Daud. Maamulka Kililka ayaa Dadka Ku nool Ogadeeniya Dhaliil Xoogan oo ah Dhanka Xuquuqda Aadamaha lagu eedaynayaa, Iyagoo lagu Tilmaamay in Xasuuq kala duwan iyo Xarig aan lahayn Cadayn dhab ah ay u gaystaan Shacabka. O'gadentoday
  6. Editor's note: Somalia defines the term failed state. This GlobalPost series includes accounts of being under fire in Mogadishu and on guard duty with African Union peacekeepers, an investigation into the Al Shabaab rebels and a look at Somalia's revered poetry. NAIROBI, Kenya — An entire generation of Somalis have grown up knowing nothing but war and death, and still the cycle goes on. The United Nations and Unites States led wrong-headed peacekeeping missions in the 1990s that left them with body bags and burnt fingers. Today the U.S. restricts itself to arm’s length meddling — alternately backing clan warlords and then Ethiopia’s invading army, or launching cruise missiles and at least one special forces assassination squad, or sending shipments of weapons to a country already awash with guns. For its part the U.N. watches, spends a little money on the current African Union peacekeeping force (AMISOM) but refuses to send in its own blue helmets until there is, as the secretary-general put it, a peace to keep. That won’t be any time soon. The current Transitional Federal Government (TFG) has U.N. support, meaning its president and emissaries are recognized by many states but it is not a government in any real sense of the word. Barricaded into a hilltop presidential villa it provides no services to its people, not even security, and certainly not healthcare or education. Its president, Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, was voted in by fellow parliamentarians, not ordinary Somalis, so he has no popular mandate. Ahmedou Ould-Abdallah, the U.N. special representative for Somalia, recently asserted that the country had now moved “from failed state to fragile state,” but there’s little evidence to support such progress. On a recent visit to the capital, Ould-Abdallah and a couple of other dignitaries donned flak jackets before racing through the streets in armored vehicles to greet the president. They left hurriedly before the Al Shabaab insurgents could mortar the airport as they often do when bigwigs are in town. Weary observers of the two-decade-old crisis point out that 13 peace conferences spawned failed governments before this one was installed. The best way to get an invite to the internationally funded meetings in posh African hotels was to assemble a militia with a few "technicals" and kill your way to a seat at the table. Many of these expensive affairs looked more like a warlords’ shindig than a serious peace-making effort. Every previous government has collapsed and with the continued insistence on an externally brokered top-down peace process this government may also be doomed to failure. Some advocate leaving Somalia to the Somalis to fix themselves. Certainly foreign influence and intervention has often done more harm than good. Last year Hillary Clinton gave another example of the flip-flopping foreign policy postions that have proven more damaging than constructive for Somalia. In Nairobi last year she called Ahmed’s administration, “the best hope we’ve had for quite some time for a return to stability and the possibility of progress in Somalia.” If only the U.S. had thought that three years earlier when it backed Ethiopia to drive Ahmed's Islamic Courts Union (ICU) out of Mogadishu. The grassroots movement, of which Ahmed was a key leader, and Al Shabaab, the armed wing, briefly pacified the country in 2006. If they had been left alone the country might be at peace now. But back then, through the lens of George W. Bush’s "war on terror," the Shariah-based ICU had to be shut down. Of course the killing must be stopped which means more peacekeepers must be deployed and the government’s own forces must be trained and given enough backbone to defeat Al Shabaab. Since 2006 Al Shabaab has evolved into a particularly nasty group of extremists with a penchant for Koranic interpretations that lead them to chop off hands and feet of convicted thieves and to stone to death those found guilty of adultery, including rape victims. Al Shabaab also periodically proves itself as ridiculous as it is brutal by banning musical ringtones, bras and PlayStations. At times it can be quite stunningly childish: Everyday the Ugandan spokesperson of the peacekeeping force receives text messages and crank calls from men and women shouting foul-mouthed threats in mangled English and Somali. GlobalPost caught up with the president of Somalia, Sheikh Sharif Ahmed, late last year in Chicago:
  7. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: quote:Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^Ma dhantihiin maanta xaaji war waxa hanugu masaalin Xaaji isma ogid laakiin ,,, you sound a secret admirer of the black flag.
  8. Originally posted by Maaddeey: quote: Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: wa arin fiican wakhtigi calanka bluega walaga gudbay ^lool, Meiji, illeyn Shaydaan yar baad ahayd!. Written by: HornAfrik Webmaster
  9. Hehehe@ma shababkaa wax la tusaa... I support this great demo. Amison aka Alshabab out of the country.
  10. ^ Xaji_Xunjuf maxaad ooga reebtay? Mise isagu gabayada ayuu ku fiicanyahay...
  11. I bet that was a bit motivating story.
  12. Malika soo dhaaf habo. Ibti Allah ha kuu sahlo.
  13. Ibti go for the jimicsi. You will feel fay.
  14. ^ You can also count now how many times KT Zenawi overplays his newly found calling card called Al Shabaab.
  15. The O'gaden cause is viewed as collateral damage. Read it carefully niyohow.
  16. That was mini conclusion for the first( introductory) part of the series. I read it several times and agree with it. But I think you totally missed the editor's note. What part of this piece do you agree or disagree?!