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Everything posted by Kamaavi

  1. ^hiilo tabcaan ah lama rabo. Kiplagat hadduu badbaado kuwa kale ayaa dabinka ku jira. Far aya ku mduan. Xogta soo dhago dhagee saxib.
  2. hatu Sherifkas dhabta Melez saaran rajo ma ka qabtaa?Wax aadan ogeyn ayaa jira. Somaliya tabtii lagu soo noleyn lahaa weli lama hayo. Xiin warayso Maabka qaloocan( iyo sawirka aamin) wax badan ayaan ka fahmay. Waa dhako kale!
  3. juxa odayaashu ma dhib yara. Ku dhawaad 20 sano ayey jaan rogi la'yihiin. Wax qabad muuqda ma leh. Lagana maarmi maayo. fufu intee jirtay. Ma aroos baad ahayd? welcome back awoowe.
  4. @ma wuxuu kuu noqdey ONLF archive. Sir, waa nadiife soo daa warka kiisa miida leh. magacyada ha u bixin, waa afaf kalee.
  5. ^You are being emotional. Easy there my boy. Originally posted by Haatu: Ferguson, dee ninka wax cadayma ah muunan arag Heh@hatu. War adaa lagaa rabaa sow ma aha? Nuune raadkiisa uun baad raacday. Wax quman keen. Macalinkana garab istaag sxb.
  6. ^Dad baan rabin roobka, fahantu yaa walad?
  7. aminarts sow rageedii ma ahan haatiyow?
  8. ^ Gaaddo ka cayaar haddaa ii maqala ,, juxa maxaa ka qabtaa haddi lagaa dhigo madaxweynad ,,, buuqa ma kaasi lahayd somalida ... KT Melez cunaha ma qaban lahayd?
  9. Originally posted by Ferguson: This radio station and future TV channel are owned by the family of the Minister for Defence, Yusuf Haji, with his sons Abdul Haji and Noordin Haji being the broadcaster's directors. The minister, an important ally of President Mwai Kibaki, had to use all his powers of persuasion to get the green light from the government for this television channel. Its promoters have already begun to purchase the equipment needed, a good sign that the Communication Commission of Kenya (CCK) has promised to licence the broadcaster.
  10. Kamaavi


    If that is the case ....Somalis should visit Somalia as she is in a hospital too ,,,
  11. Originally posted by Canjeex: @todoba sano ayaan laba af quudinayey....Igaarka iskaaba cubka ku jiro iyadana lix boqol bay ka calacaleesaa yaah
  12. Rag waa ragii hore ,,,, dumarna waa intay ka guursadeen.
  13. Mss Gal ma gabarbaa ,,,, ma garoobaa ,, ma gaawe laga cabi karaa? noo sheega intaan la idinku turaanturoon..
  14. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Watch out niyow ,,,, Maadeey said Alshabab come with the rain
  15. Friday, 23 April 2010 12:36 O'gaden Online E-mail Print PDF The government is to attribute Radio Salam a licence to launch the country's first Islamic TV channel. The Nairobi government would seem to be prepared to attribute Radio Salam a licence to create the country's first Islamic TV channel. Radio Salam has been broadcasting in Mombasa for three years, its coverage extending over the Muslim regions in coast and the North Eastern Province. This radio station and future TV channel are owned by the family of the Minister for Defence, Yusuf Haji, with his sons Abdul Haji and Noordin Haji being the broadcaster's directors. The minister, an important ally of President Mwai Kibaki, had to use all his powers of persuasion to get the green light from the government for this television channel. Its promoters have already begun to purchase the equipment needed, a good sign that the Communication Commission of Kenya (CCK) has promised to licence the broadcaster. This TV channel will, to begin with, broadcast in the same two regions as the radio station, but its owners hope to subsequently be authorised to cover Nairobi. It intends to take advantage of the disillusionment of Muslims with the local media, whose programmes they frequently consider immoral or biased. However, Abdul Haji has given President Kibaki an undertaking that the broadcaster will keep well away from the influence of radical Islamists.
  16. ^Duke works for the new PIA.... Cheap flights to Pirateland on PIA and Air Blue flights to Garowe, Bosaso, Qardho. Call us to day to book your cheap flight! For further information email: Pirates International Airlines.
  17. we Ogadeenis are very happy of the good job your doing, go ahead ONLF and destroy the woyane thugs!
  18. Originally posted by Ferguson: The O'gaden national liberation Army command takes also this opportunity to inform all expatriate NGO’s and foreign Workers that ONLA will be conducting extended operations against the Ethiopian occupation Army in the O'gaden from now until mid May and would advise all concerned to be extra careful in all their movements outside their bases.