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Everything posted by Kamaavi

  1. Shir aad u baalaran oo ay soo abaabushay Jaaliyadda Ogadeenya cariga Ingiriiska oo ka dhacay London oo Gudoomiyaha JWXO goob-joog ka ahaa halkan ka daawo, khudbadihii uu gudoomihu jeediyay oo aad muhuum u ah! Halkan riix
  2. You gave a more considered response to the BS he has been spouting, but I don't know that it was worth the time.
  3. I am thinking Duke would be the last person who will care about peace. He wants to protect only his self interest, enrich PL. But he can't always get what he wants. Wax fahan!
  4. ^ Not only can water float a craft, it can sink it also
  5. Richard Hawley - Open up your door Yo!... ^ is the one, impossible not to like it.
  6. The longer the explanation the bigger the lie.. ,,,,,,,,
  7. Originally posted by General Duke: The prisoners are here all in force, how is the agreement between the ONLF & Melez Zanawi going ya Mujahids? The only prisoner here is you. The agreement is going well. ONLF will soon lead the horn. Faroole & his stooge admin is being used against Atom. That is the new strategy for Melez!
  8. Originally posted by The Zack: P.s. What's Maaddeey's clan? Duke is a *********. He asks, seeks and chats about clans. He barely knows the customs of Somali clan apart from his kinsmen. Knowing and learning the clans is different from tribalism. Duke is ************** That said, he can't tell Maddey's tribe. [ July 23, 2010, 03:23 PM: Message edited by: Admin ]
  9. Over a long distance, you learn about the strength of your horse; over a long time, you learn about the character of your friend. -Chinese
  10. After 100 years no alternative strategy to Sayid's Dervish..........
  11. I missed PL's bed number ,,,, but now I know it is 2010.....
  12. Originally posted by The Zack: quote:Originally posted by Koora-Tuunshe: Puntland iyo Atam heshiis ayay galeen. Everything was going fine until Melez Zenawi called Faroole and have him terminate the deal. Atam was ready to turn his weapons to his elders, and have puntland provide him with security. Unfortunately, this is true. Meles became the daddy of today's Somalis mini admins.
  13. Originally posted by TheParagon: Faroole: take all your orders from Meles as you wish, but as it happens, you are making the wrong move. Desist! Farole seems a stooge with no goals.,,,,,,,,
  14. To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment....
  15. What hurts us instructs us. -Chinese
  16. Honest opinions (suggestions, criticisms) go against your ear while good medicine tastes bitter. -Chinese
  17. Curse your wife at evening, sleep alone at night. -Chinese
  18. Pirate boys are good at lifting a rock only to drop it on their own feet. Look at Mr.Somalia now!
  19. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: What do you expect from the pirate boys Melez zanawi is their daddy they will do everything he askes
  20. ^Damiir laawe. Iska hadle. Adu inaad hadasho kuumaba furna! Kuwiina Wardheer dega xornimo inay ka maqantahayna ogeyn ayaa wacdi kaa mudan. Pirateland'ta aad ku faanayso waa maamul munaafaqad iyo booli qaran ku dhisan. Odeygii Abdulahi amxaar iyo Faroole ayaa madax kuu ah. Gumaysi noocii oogu xumaa ayaad ku jirtaa ( oo maskaxda ayaa lagaa guumaystaa). Hadaad xortahay maxaa yoomkan la joogo qaxooti kaa dhigay? (Siyaasada Itoobiya ku hayso Somalia gaar ahaan Pirateland ayaa qaxooti kaa dhigtay. Isma ogid.)
  21. The longer the explanation the bigger the lie.. -Chinese
  22. looooooooooooooooool ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,