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Everything posted by Kamaavi

  1. Riyadii Sh. Atom illaa markii uu ahaa arday jaamacada Boosaaso.........
  2. Fuad Shangole vows to capture puntland by Ramadan....
  3. Shirkii Xalka Ogadeeniya & Xasilooni la'aanta Geeska..... Part I Part II Part III
  4. Dagaaladii Koonfur oo waqooyi u wareegaya...
  5. Farole is and have always been devoid of dignity and decency. He is not stranger to shamelessly serve foreigners and is known for his servitude to others....
  6. Wednesday, 28 July 2010 22:06 Ogadēn Online Reports reaching the Ogadēn Online service desk confirm the existence of a new, major commando offensive by the Ogadēn National Liberation Army. Reporters in the Ogadēn frontlines reported that the ONLA, in what appeared to be well planned and well coordinated attacks, attacked Ethiopian military garrisons and bases in Qabridahar city. These planned commando attacks took place last night midnight, Ogadēn local time, in the major military garrisons and bases in the Qabridahar city of Qorahay province. Local eyewitnesses and our frontline reporters both confirmed that these major military garrisons came under a multi-pronged attack by OLNA commandoes from Gorgor (Eagle). The eyewitnesses also confirmed that the Woyane militias were overwhelmed by the surprise, multi-pronged, and nocturnal attacks. This, the eyewitnesses added, enabled the ONLA commandoes to overrun the entrenched Woyane defenses in all the military and militia bases that came under attack. Although there have been widespread casualties more so on the Woyane militia side, the ONLA commando leaders refused to describe their losses or the reported gains in military supplies. They have also refused to divulge any information related to the operation..
  7. DHOOBLEY: 2010-07-28, Ciidamada Kaambooniyiinta ee uu hoggaamiyo Sheekh Axmed Madoobe ayaa weerar ku qaaday xero ciidan oo ay kooxda Alshabaab ku lahaayeen magaalada Dhoobley weerarkaas wuxuu dhacay saaka hal saac iyo bar subaxnimo. Ciidamada Raaskaambooni oo horey dagaalo xoogan la galay kooxda Alshabaab ayaa weeraray maleyshiyada Alshabaab ka jooga Dhoobley. Dagaalkan oo ka dhacay dhanka Waqooyi ee magaalada (DHAMAAJAALEY) oo ah duledka magaalada Dhobley oo ay Alshabaab xero cidan ku lahaayeen ayey warar lagu kalsoon yahay sheegayaan in ay dagaal culus kadib ciidamada Sheekh Axmed Madoobe la wareegeen xeradaas ciidan. Dhimashada labada dhinac ayaa lagu sheegayaa 6, laba kamid ah lixdaas ayaa la sheegay inay yihiin ciidanka deegaanka iyo Raaskaambiiniyiinta uu hoggaaminayey sheekh Axmed, halka 4ta kale la sheegay inay ahaayeen alshabaab. Ciidamada Raaskaambooniyiinta ayaa dib ugu laabtay xarumahoodii ay kasoo duuleen oo ah deegaanada ku xeeran magaalada Dhoobley. Ciidamada weeraray Alshabaab ayaa ah kuwo taageera dowladda Soomaaliya kuwaasoo ku sugan deegaano ka tirsan degmada Dhoobley e gobolka JUbbada hoose. Shirar uu qabtay wasiirka maliyadda dalka Soomaaliya Xuseen Cabdi Xalane ayuu maalmo kahor ku sheegay inay gobolada jubbooyinka ka saari doonaan kooxda alshabaab. Afdheer Desk
  8. Darsano ciidamo ka tirsan Alshabaab iyo kuwa daacad u ah Mucaskarka Raaskaanbooni ayaa ku geeriyoodey dagaal ka dhacay xerooyin ciidamo oo Alshabaab ay ku leedahay Dhoobleey Wararka waxa ay sheegayaan in ciidamada Raaskaanbooni ee uu hogaamiyo Sheekh Axmed Madoobe ay weerar kusoo qaadeen fariisimaga Alshabaab halkaasina uu ka dhacay dagaal culus oo qasaaro geystey. Lamo hayo tirada rasmiga ah ee ku dhimatay dagaaladani, hase yeeshee wuxuu ahaa dagaal ku dhufo oo ka dhaqaaq ah.
  9. Reports reaching the Ogadēn Online service desk from Garoowe town confirm the recent rendition of an Ogadēn civilians from the Eastern region of Somalia (Puntland) fiefdom that calls itself self-autonomous to the Woyane (Ethiopia)led regime in Addis Ababa. The rendered civilians are said to be numbered 17 people. It is reported that these civilians were arrested and secretly handed over to the Ethiopian secret service in Galaadi. No one knows where are about these innocent civilians. This is not the first time Puntland authorities have harassed, tortured, killed, and handed over civilians Ogadēni origin to Ethiopian security. Over a nice month ago Puntland Administration detained five Ogadēn Somali civilians in Boosaaso, who were travelling from Yemen to Ogadēn on 18th October 2009. Both the Puntland militia and Ethiopian Security extensively tortured the detainees and then one of the detainees was abducted and taken to a prison in Harar. On November 2, 2009, one of the prisoners in Boosaaso died of internal wounds sustained during the extensive torture subjected to him. Also, over a year and half ago, two senior members of the Ogadēn National Liberation Front (ONLF) were handed over to Ethiopian security by a Puntland minister. Just last week Puntland authorities have arrested the A'bsame traditional leader who is well know and well respected leader, he is still languishing in Garowe prison.
  10. Is it the expansion of Alshabab Influence to Whole Somalia? The Somali semi-autonomous Northern of Puntland have faced clashs, daily killing and politacal unrest last year from unknown militia, These militia were killing the, a high profile government, members of parliaments and judges, some of the civilians and businessmen were also killed last year. When all these were happenning, the administration blamed the refugee in the region but the President Faroole broke the silence last week while he accused a local religious leader named Atom as the man behind the assassinations, Some says Atom wants that Faroole changes some ministers and regional governors. Many Somalis are now asking themselves why Faroole deported, Children, women and men who are originally from the battling Somali capital and some parts of Ogadēn Region occupied by the Ethiopia. Now all the scenario changed, puntland forces attacked the base called, the Tora Bora of Puntland where they say, Sheik Atom and his Islamic Militia linking to Al Qaida are hiding,Atom has been singled out by the U.N. Security Council for supplying arms to al-Shabab. According to AFP, Colonel Mohamed Jama told that ten fighters were killed and some dozens were captured by the puntland troops. In other face, the local people express their concern and say, it is the Beginning of the Faroole administration Destruction while some of the critics say Faroole is unable to crush the group, one of the local people said, this fighting is the gain of Alshabaab and Alshabab always play role when ever the violence erupts. The civilians living in that area where atom is believed is hiding says the administration wants to evacuate us and ignite war, some of the local elders blamed the operation of the Puntland forces and said all sides must come on the table of the Negotiation. Puntland especially in Boosaaso are full of the former Islamist Altihad Groups who runs main shops and business, some of the local people believe that these groups will take gun if the situation worsens. Ogadēntoday.
  11. First time hearin it. Fanks, Nina. .
  12. Originally posted by nuune: quote:Today, 26th July 2010, Today is 25th July 2010. Couldn't you wait it untill tmoro
  13. Gudoomiyaha Jabhada ONLF-Admiral Mohamed Cumar Cismaan oo Waraysi Dheer Siiyay Idaacada BBC. Gudoomiyaha Jabhada ONLF Admiral Mohamed Cumar Cismaan ayaa Waraysi Dheer siiyay Idaacada BBC Isago Isla Markaas ka waramayay Xaalada Ogadēnya , Gaar ahaan Xaaladaha Siyaasadeed ee haatan Taagan, Gudoomiyaha ayaa Isagu sheegay in Ciidamada Jabhada ONLF ay Yihiin kuwo Dagaal Kula Jira Dowladda Itoobiya. Gudoomiyaha ayaa Waraysigiisu ahaa Mid Diirada Saaraya Xaalada Siyaasadeed ee hada Taagan Iyo Danaha Itoobiya ay ka leedahay Kooxaha ay Abaabushay. Hoos ka Dhagayso Waraysiga. Hadii aadan Halkan ka dhagaysan Karin Toos u gal Bogga BBC- Idaacadii 4 GM ee Subaxnimo.
  14. in supposed friendly territory, do people of the same gender hold hands?!? "Laaaaaa….” – no they don't! local military rule in Saudi Arabia for military women... arab standard time : yes, constantly running late for appointments tends to get old, but it’s something that many arabs will never change. an invasion of privacy : .... rats might recognize the smell of hookah though...
  15. PL haday dhasho wiil, SL ma u wan qali doontaa? ,,,
  16. shacabku wuu dhaqaaqay,... laakiin radio BBC iyo yusuf garad ma Itoobiyan baa? yusuf garaad dhoobada unbuu qoyaan kusii darayaa. wixii hadda ka danbeeya ... saas darteed hala kaco wakhtigii ina dhaafayna aan dib u eegno ,, for I think ma xuma... *Very less dhaanto this time...
  17. According to the historians Ogadēn was handed over to Ethiopia in 19th Century..... 1. Ogadēn conflict is core of insecurity of the Horn. 2. Unless the Ogadēn conflict resolves, the Ethiopia interferences in Somali will not end. 3. ONLF is deserved to be supported on their cause of Nationalism and self-Determination. the history is witness,...
  18. ^You don't have to attend every argument you are invited to. Wax fahan!