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Everything posted by Kamaavi

  1. Ciidamada Dalaayadaha ku booda ee onlf oo dhoolatus ka sameysay waqooyi bariga fog ee Ogadēniya... Dhoolatuskan oo ay sameeynayeen ciidamo si khaas ah u tababaran ayaa wuxuu ku soo dhamaaday guul, ciidamadan tababarka iyo dhoola tuska kay qayb qaatay ayaa la filayaa in ay dib ugu noqdaan talisyadii ay ka tirsanaayeen iyadoo isla markaas ay ku soo kordhin doonaan halganka dib u xoreynta xirfado cusub oo wax wayn ka tari doona hanaan socodka halganka . Dhoolatuskan ayaa argagax geliyay dhamaan cadowga xornimodoonka soomaalida Ogadēniya oo ay ugu horeyso gumeysiga tigreega iyo maamulka la jira ee hargeysa oo warar cantara baqash ah oo ay sheegayaan in ciidankan eretariya kayimid, ama lug hayo kasoo dagay warkaas oo ah war ku tiri ku teen ah. Dhoolatuskan guusha kusoo dhamaaday ayaa wax wayn ka badali doona halganka, waxaana dhamaan shacabka xornimodoonka isugu bishaaraynayaan sida uu dhoolatusku usoo dhamaaday.
  2. Kamaavi


    Tum huni. If not afta tum.///// happy eid new way.
  3. Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: Tan gaal iyo islaamba u duceeyoo waa la aqbali la'yahay wax jiraba ,, 1960s ayey awyliyo indho cad oo waqooyi ka soo safartay indhaha u caseeyeen.
  4. reer qardho/burco tolow sow kiwii habeen guurka ahaa ma ahan. sawaxan iyo qaylo badanaa. Hello huni. Hi Ibti. Shiimee weli ma soo jeedaa?
  5. ^Sayidka, saxeexa maa kaa yaabiyay? War mayee culuunt sayniska dhigta ayaan dhowr sano saaxiib la ahaa. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: Inkasto aan eriga yeeridiisa iyo u dhigmihiisa ingiriis ba ku qaldana – guud ahan waa saxsanaa – arteries iyo veins waa isla meeshi – labaduba waa dhiig qaadayaal. Laakin waa in aad saddex fiirisa markaad qayb jidhka kamida aad tilmaamayso; shaqada, asalka abuurka iyo iyo goobta uu ku yaalo. Xididada dhiiga qaada waxay kala leeyihiin shaqooyin kala duwan, goobo kala duwana isla markaas hab abuur kala duwan. Tusaale, great veins, vena cavas, portal veins and cerebral venules ..etc. Arteries, idhiiga ayey ka qadaan wadnaha iyagoo waraabiyaya jidhka, oo muruqyada wadnuhu ama sanbabku ka mid yihiin. Aorta, Pulmonary trunk and Superior venacava... dhamaan wadnaha ayey dul saaranyihiin laakiin Aorta uun baa ah halbawlaha. Halbawlahu wuxuu usii kala qaybsamaa xidio kale oo waa weyn oo gacmaha, madaxa iyo luqunta, ubucda iyo qaarka hoose iyo weliba xabadka waraabiya. hal baw leh, waa xididka oogu xoog iyo dhumucba weyn. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: Blood carries the oxygen and nutrients to the heart through the blood vessels called arteries. Just say coronary arteries to be specific for the wall of the heart . waana xidido dhumucdoodu aad u yartahay oo warabiya dahaarka, murqaha iyo qaybaha kale ee wadnaha. Waxay ka farcamaan halbawlaha inta wadnaha uusan ka bixin. adeer kor inta ku qoran axadh. Wax baro damiin yahow!
  6. Originally posted by Neumann: quote:Originally posted by Ferguson: ... I'm sorry, but what's your point with that survey? That's one totally redundant post. wait..you like hyena news, or fox news? Click here to few your image. It was not as excessive, and redundant as ^. But to tell you, the point's to show how media could shape up mankind. for example in Ethiopia: Zenawi uses media to confuse public, create fake parties
  7. Originally posted by Xudeedi: Lander, keep up the good work. Lander is smoked! Samir & Imaan.
  8. Originally posted by Valenteenah.: quote:Originally posted by Ferguson: 16. Pancreas .. ? I know this one: Ganac? Thanks, Val.
  9. Sample.. The total sample size for this survey was 2152 adults. Dates... Fieldwork was undertaken between 19th - 21st May 2010. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all UK adults (aged 18+). Methodology.. This survey has been conducted using an online interview administered by members of the YouGov Plc GB panel of 185,000+ individuals who have agreed to take part in surveys. An email was sent to panellists selected at random from the base sample according to the sample definition, inviting them to take part in the survey and providing a link to the survey. Weighting... The responding sample is weighted to the profile of the sample definition to provide a representative reporting sample. The profile is normally derived from census data or, if not available from the census, from industry accepted data. web page
  10. did you know that while Christianity and the rest of the western world were debating whether or not women had souls, that Islam had given them freedom to inherit, to own property, and yes to choose who they married? .. web page
  11. Gulf of Aden Security Review - September 7, 2010 Horn of Africa: Somali president issues cautious statement on draft constitution; AMISOM peacekeepers establish additional bases in Mogadishu; UN reports 22,000 more civilians displaced by fighting; Red Cross says that Somalis swamp hospitals after continued violence; ONLF warns foreign oil and gas firms; Somali president fires top military commanders; UN official urges Somali president to reach out to dissident groups; Hizb al Islam releases detainees for Ramadan; al Shabaab amputates hands of two men; four killed, fifteen others wounded in sporadic fighting Monday; al Shabaab spokesman says militants prepared to bring thousands of fighters into Mogadishu; Puntland officials warn against use of TFG currency; UN Special Representative meets with Somali president in Mogadishu; three civilians killed, 23 others wounded as fighting continued Tuesday; Indian warship foils attempted hijacking by Somali pirate web page
  12. Total Kenyan population : 38, 610,097 Male : 19,192,458 Female : 19,417,639 Kenyan Somalis : 2 milyan iyo 380 kun. Kenyan somalis stood: kaalinta 6-aad ( waxa ka horeeyaan qawmiyadaha kala ah Kikuuyu, Luhya, Luo(jalwada), kaamba iyo Kalenjiin.) web page
  13. the fasting of Ramadan: a time for thought, action, and change! now it’s nearly over – how hid you go?
  14. ^Aorta ayaa hal baw leh ,,, ah. Wax baro! Nonge , reason why your xidido( except pulmonary veins) gets dirty is that they carry higher karboon laba ofsaydh. You know how dirty that could be under a naked eye. Ever seen lungs of a heavy chain smoker? It could be as dirty as a basari's kitchen. Edit: It seems you are confused blood cells( red and white) with arteries and veins.
  15. cowke dhaanto waa ku seexisay .... intee qabatay maanta? meesha dhaanto badan kusoo dheji. halaga faa'iideystee. Abwaaniinta, iyo ganacsiga ay ku jiraan u dhaaf....adu wax cusub la imo. tuulada ay habartaa joogto fooq ka dhis. neef ari ahna u xidh!
  16. Hehehe. Sayidka, maya saxib. Lama hubo. Qaamuska iyo xerta anatomy-ga la kaasho. Nngonge unugyo = cells.
  17. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: Major Visceral (& some Superficial) Organs of the Body 1. heart – wadne 2. lungs - sanbab 3. veins - xididada dhiiga wasakhaysan 4. brain- maskax 5. throat - cune 6. liver - beer 7. stomach - calool 8. kidneys - kalyo 9. skeleton - qalfoof 10. ribs - feedho 11. bones - lafo 12. skin – maqaar 13. Gall bladder - xamayti 14. urinary bladder -- kaadi hays 15. spleen - wadne yarta 16. Pancreas .. ? 17. esophagus - dhuuni caska 18. trachea -- dhuuni cadka. 19. alveola--? 20. intestine--mindhicir 21. sigmoid--? 22. Ovary...meesha ugxanta dumarka laga soo maroojiyo. 23. Uterus--makaan 24. Ureter--kaadi marta kore 25. Urethra--kaadi marta hoose 26. penis--buuryo 27. vagina--sibiil 28. clitoris - kintir 29. testicle- xiniin/dhikil 30. breast --naas 31. nipple--carada naaska 33. duodenum..? 34. Cecum...? 35. appendix..qabsin 36. rectum ..malawad 37. aorta...halbowle 38. glans..? Ps. qaybtan waad ka caajistay. Saas uma adka, plus skin is not an inetrnal organ.
  18. Originally posted by GaroweGal: ferguson, what did you refer ring finger to ? fargal???? what! you are so wrong. I am right buddy, waa Faadumo. Faadumo lol waa runtaa. Your name too ha? Knuckle -- fanax gacmeed.
  19. Sure sir, sayidka. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: Major parts of The Leg and Foot, Lugta iyo Cagta 1. knee - low/jilib 2. leg - Lugta inta ka hoseeysa lowga/jilibka 3. shin - shansho 4. calf (muscles) - kub( muruqyo) 5. ankle - anqow 6. heel - cidhib 7. foot - cag 8. Big toe - suul 9. thigh- bowdo 10. hip- misig 11. hip bone - lafta misigta 12. gluttal area..qaarka danbe 13. Inguinal glands -- qanjidhada misigta 14. Patella -- lafta jilibka 15. Femur - laf dheerta bowdada 16. Tibia - laf dheerta lugta hoose 17. Butt - badhi 18. coccyx - xaar quda 19. Ileum-?
  20. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: The Arm and Hand - Adinka Gacmeed iyo Gacanta 1. finger - Far 2. palm - Sacab/baabaco 3. wrist - labatada hoose ee dhudhunka 4. forearm - dhudhun 5. elbow - Suxul 6. upper arm - dhudhunka kore 7. shoulder - Garab 8. thumb -suul 9. index finger- far murdiso 10. midle finger - far dhexo 11. ring finfer--far fargal 12. little finger -far yaro 13. nails - cidiyo 15- axilla - kiilkisha 16. olacrenon process--jiqil
  21. Originally posted by Sayid*Somal: Face and Head: 1. eye = il 2. nose = san 3. mouth = af 4. ear = dheg 5. cheek = can' 6. chin = gadh 7. nostril= dalool san 8. eyebrow = suuni 9. Frontal--foda 10. Maxilla...lafta dhabanka 11. Mandible ..lafta daanka 12. Orbital ...daloolka isha 13. Temple ....dhafoor 14. Temporal fosa...dhafoor god 15. Parotid gland...qanjidh dhabanka 16. Pterigoid plexus...? 15. Pharynx .....hanqalaal 17. Tonsil .....qanjidh hanqalal 18. Thyroid gland..? 19. Facial artery...xidid qaada dhiga sifaysan ee wajiga 20. Nasal septum..? 21. Lips - dabno/ bishimo 22. Teeth - ilko 23. Gum - cirid 24. Tongue- carab 25. Larynx- ? 25. Skull- dhaso 26. Scalp- ? 27. Occipital region - qadaad 28. neck- luqun 29. Sternocleidomastoid - margi 30. hyoid bone - ? 31. Eye lids- balasha isha 32. Retina -? 33. Cerebrum - ? 34. Cerebellum -? 35. Hypothalamus -? 36. Thalamus -?
  22. Originally posted by MZanzi: ^^^ Adiga runta qofki kusheego ma dulmi ayu wadaa?