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Nimaan talin jarin hadduu taliyo nimaan tagi jirin ayaa taga,...
Yeh haseen Wadiyaan
Ethiopia’s main opposition parties announced support for the country’s latest hydroelectric dam but criticized the politicization of the massive project by Prime Minister Meles Zenawi. The largest coalition party MEDREK and the EDP said they are cautious but in favor of the “Great Millennium Dam.” The planned dam will be the largest dam in Africa in electric power generation capacity and the 10th largest in the world. Professor Beyene Petros, the former leader of the Southern Ethiopia People Democratic Coalition, is now the current chairman of Medrek. Mr. Petros said he is concerned about Sudanese and Egyptian opposition to Ethiopian projects. “It is right that Ethiopia uses its natural resources and we have no opposition to the government’s intention to build the dam,” Beyene Petros said. “Our concerns are the after-effects of the move and whether stakeholders, such as other riparian countries, were consulted. Such moves need strong diplomatic support.” “The stakes are extremely high as Ethiopia’s biggest enemy is poverty,” Beyene said. “One way of fighting poverty is to nurture our energy sector so that it can fuel development projects. If anyone tries to prevent us from achieving this task, we will not be forgiving.” According to Addis Fortune, the “Millennium Dam will have two powerhouses with 10 turbines on the left side of the river bank and an additional five on the other side, each generating 350MW at a time. This is equal to the combined capacity of Tis Abay I and II, Koka, Melka Wakena, as well as Awash I and II dams. [it] will have a height of 145 metres, shorter than Tekeze Dam by 43 metres, while it will stretch 1,800 metres wide. Once completed, the dam is designed to hold 63 billion cubic metres of water, making this manmade lake twice the size of Lake Tana, the source of the river on which the dam is to be built.” The new president of the Ethiopian Democratic Party (EDP) opposition party, Mr. Mushe Semu said his party supports hydroelectric dam developments in Ethiopia. If there are Ethiopian dissidents in the Diaspora who oppose this dam, “They are not real Ethiopians” he declared. Asked if Meles will get benefit from this dam, Mr. Semu said “Meles will unfortunately get political advantage by the success of this dam but the dam is more than politics. It is about our country, about fighting poverty and it is a call of our generation.” Semu said he is calling on his party’s supporters and members to back the construction of this dam while fighting Zenawi’s politicization of development projects in the country. Oromo political analyst Kemal Abdisa said Meles should not be praised for the initiative since the project was first planned during the Emperor Haile Selassie I era and all governments are expected to improve a nation’s basic infrastructure in their time. According to him, irrigation projects along the Nile are more important than Zenawi’s dam projects. “All people in Ethiopia, no matter which ethnic group or religion they belong to, must support infrastructural advancement. But this does not make Meles a democrat or excuse the failure of his economic policies the last 20 years. Ethiopians still want the end of the one-party dictatorship in their country,” Mr. Abdisa stated. The Millennium Dam which will be built along the Nile River, has caused uproar in Cairo. Some Egyptian media outlets stated that authorities in Egypt have ordered the Egyptian air force to prepare for possible attacks in Ethiopia. In response, Ethiopian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesperson Dina Mufti played down the rhetoric. “It’s a psychological threat persisting from the early time of Egypt's former President Anwar Sadat” Mr. Mufti added. The Comprehensive Framework Agreement (CFA) signed by the majority of Nile basin African countries has effectively stripped Egypt of its veto rights. However, Egypt has managed to block international funding for Ethiopia’s new development projects, including China, which Meles previously claimed was immune to such lobbying. Sources in Ethiopia say the Meles government has been disappointed with some Chinese officials. Earlier this year, Meles was praising China's and India’s nonpolitical role in Africa as his government saw the growing Asian giants as alternative sources of finance to the WEST. Source: Jimma Times.
Complicated;709656 wrote: haahey, waa runtaa, balse kuwaasi ma waxoodaaba la dhagaysan karaa? Take with a pinch of salt, in that particular case...
Wax anshax leh kama xasuusto intaan ka soo gaadhay mid gaadhiyo loo qaato iyo mid faynuus ama Tiriig la is garab wadi jirey aroosyadu( qadiimi iyo casriba) way noocyo badnaayeen manimaadnaa wax u hanaan egna waa la qaadi jirey. Say u kala horeeyeen, bal hadda u kala dhig...
Ragiinan danbe waan idin la yaabay mid faraxsan mooyee mid xanaaqsan idinkuma jiro say ku dhacday? ,,,
^Markaad diyaar noqoto golaha iskeen... intaas ka hor Jaanis gaadka aad tahay iska ahow,...
****************NO CLAN NAMES PLEASE Admin *********************** Barafasoor Maxamed Cabdi Maxamed (Gaandi) wuxuu ka mid yahay aqoonyahannada Soomaaliyeed ee ka tallaabay buundada jahliga cilmigana heerka ka gaaray, xilli ay Soomaalida marti iyo magan u noqotay qabyaalad, qas, qalalaaso, qax iyo qaranjab sharafteedi galaaftay oo gablamiyey. Wuxuu ka soo jeedaa qabiilka *********, beesha ***********, jilibka ama jabsinta ********** oo ku badan dalka Kenya iyo Ogaadēniya. Wuxuu haaystaa saddax Ph.D oo uu ku kala haaystaa cilmiga Geology, cilmiga Anthropology iyo cilmiga History, waxaana intaa u dheer inuu haaysta Higher Degree by Research (HDR) oo uu ka qaatay Jaamacadda Besancon University ee dalka Faransiiska, asagoo soo noqday Madaxa Cilmibaaridda IDR magaalada Paris ee dalka Faransiiska iyo Lataliyaha Hay'adda UNDP ee Arrimaha (mashruuca) Hubkadhigidda, Dhaqancelinta iyo Iskuduwga Arrimaha Soomaaliya. Barafasoor Maxamed Cabdi Maxamed (Gaandi) waxaa Abaalmarinta Caalamiga ah ee International Baccalaureate Diploma (IBD) guddoonsiiyey Akadheemiyadda Sare ee dalka Faransiiska kaddib marki uu dadaal dheer oo Cilmibaarid ah sameeyey saas ahaanna uu muteystay Abaalmarintan Qaaliga ah ee xulka aqoonta lagu taabo turunturooyinka badanna ay ka horreeyaan. Barafasoorka wuxuu mudda dheer Bare ka ahaa qaar ka mid ah Jaamacadaha ugu tayada badan dalka Faransiiska iyo asagoo waliba Visiting Professor ka soo noqday Jaamacada kaloo badan oo caalamka dacaladiisa ku yaalla, wuxuuna Cilmibaarid u tagay inta badan dalalka adduunka asagoo aqoonwadaagyo caalami ah ka jeediyey "Academic Papers" wuxuuna darsaa oo wax ka diyaariyaa Adabka Afrika, islamarkaana waa qoraa qoray ugu yaraan 8 buug oo adduunya ku baahay barkulanka cilmigana ay aqoon-jecesha kula kulmeen iyo 40 Maqaal Cilmiyeed ah - Scientific Articles oo lagu daabacay wargeysyo caalami ah oo kobaca aqoonta u darban. Waxaase xusid mudan in dhammaanba buugaagtan ay ku qoran yihiin Afka Faransiiska. Barafasoor Maxamed Cabdi Maxamed wuxuu si weyn saaxada siyaasadda Soomaaliya ugu soo biiray sanadki 2000 oo uu ka qeybgalay Shirki Carta ee Jubbuuti ay agaasintay noqdayna Guddoomiyaha Guddiga Farsamada, oo waliba la sheega inuu yahay maskaxdi ka dambeysay tayagalinta kulankaasi. Intaa wixi ka dambeeyey wuxuu noqday hormuud miisaan weyn ku leh Bulshada Rayidka ah, asagoo u jeedladay dhanka siyaasadda guntigana u dhuuqsaday sidi qaran Soomaaliyeed markale dhidibada loogu aasi lahaa. Shirki ay Kenya martigalisay ayuu ku helay furaha siyaasadda kaddib marki uu noqday xildhibaan ka tirsan dowladda Soomaaliya. 2I bishi Feebraayo, Sanadki 2009-kina waxaa loo magac'aabay Wasiirka Gaashaandhigga Soomaaliya, xilkaasoo uu hayey ilaa 10 bishi Noofeembar, sanadki 2010. 3 bishi Abril ee sanadkan 2011-kana waxaa loo doortay Madaxweynaha Maamul Goboleedka Azania State of Somalia oo uu hadda haya. F.G: Qormadan waxaa soo diyaariyey Abwaan Maxamed Cabdiqaadir (Stanza) asagoo kaashaday Wikipedia. Wuxuuna Stanza oo ka tirsan bahda Afdheer ku raadjoogaa taariikhda Barafasoor Gaandi oo dhameystiran oon dib ka soo deyn doonna Idamka Alle. Afdheer.com
^Turki aqoon ayaan kuugu laaban,, soo jiiree awoowe.....
That was quite funny request...lol
The tittle immediately gave me the impression of "galbinta caruuska", which is when the groom is brought to the home that is prepared for 'Todobaad bax" or honeymoon. People recite certain things till they reach the house. I can barely remember, but it must have been like " Shalilaayaa manimaadnaa, shaah makariseen maka qaadeen, manimaadnaa.. ". Thanks for sharing yaa Taleexii,...
Turki nin la mida Jubooyinka ma soo marin, Ilaahay ha xafido caafimaad deg deg ahna ha siiyo. ....
If there is anything that was created by Kenyan ( and Ethiopia) for their sole interest it's the current transitional government that has few months left to expire. It just takes few minutes to find out how it was created and who was who when was hand picked up. Point is if you have no problem with the process or the constitution that founded the Somali transitional government then you shouldn't be stressing your self on the foundation of Azania state of Somalia. As for the proxy wars, Somalia is already under both global and regional wars since ever Adeero Yusuf brought the Ethiopian tanks to Moqasisho and it can't get worse than it has been for the last decades. Let the Azanian people decide their fate wisely and build a strong foundation.
^Adu inta koonfur is haysato ama Qorahay ka rafaadi iska dhaasho ,,... ceebtaa ma ahan waa caadadaa iyo siyaasada ictiraafkee ,, ....
Taleex Somali ilaa daraawiishtii iyagaa is boqno goyn jirey wax u baahan inaan fasilno ma ahan, ... maanta geeska Afrika laan gaabka Mellez nimuu wadan waxba kama ahan, .....bal day sida Xidig, Bare, Shariif iyo Ileey iyo kuwo kaloo badan jeebka loogu haysto.... Somali qaarkood Alshabaab oo haysta iyo wax gacmo jara ayey ku fiicantahay....
oba hiloowlow;709873 wrote: Ciidamada Xooga dalka soomaliyeed yaa kamaavi ,,, Narnia madaxweynaheeda wuxuuba ka so bixi waayay howshii uu ka haayay Dowladda muxuu taraa beeraleyda jubbooyinka? Prof. Gaandhi isaaga sameeyey ciidankan aad leedahay waa kuwii qaranka sababta looga qaaday wasiirka Gaadhaan dhiga waad ogtahay hadaad ogeyna soo waydii dadka xog ogaalka ah ee kugu jira dowlad ku sheega aan Bakaaraha gaadhi karin. Adeer bal inuu Reer Azania wax u taro iyo in kale maad sugtid oo samirtid mise Zenaawii ayaa dhabarka kaa fuushan oo xakame kugu haya?
oba hiloowlow;709865 wrote: ^^ Xaan uu heysan waaye tabar ciidanka xooga dalka maxey ii qabanooyaan , no to Narnia Xooga dalku waa kee? Bal imisaay Keenya soo dirtay imisaa Itoobiya hoos tagta, "Narnia" yey cadow ku tahay? Yaa laga haystaa? Maxaa wax walba u mucaaradaan idinkoo fahansaneyn meesha ay u socoto? War qashinimada dadka kala beedha,....oo faraha kala laabta...
oba hiloowlow;709859 wrote: Dhulka waxaa leh prof Mukhtar iyo beeraleyda jubooyinka azania maya, maamul kenyaati maya Laakiin maamul Itoobiya waa rabtaa ileyn tabar aad shabaab kula dagaalanto ma hayside oo afka nool ayaad tahaye.....sow ma ahan? War bal umdan wareersan daya..
Walle Shabaab way u dhacantay ,,... haddiiba taageeradii Itoobiya iyo Keenya isku dhaceen....
Former Somali Defence minister Mohamed Abdi Mohamed is yet to be sworn as the president of Jubaland days after he was named the leader of the semi-autonomous region. This is because the regions parliament and cabinet has not been put into place. Instead, Mr Mohammed popularly known as Prof Gandi was at the weekend sworn in as the convenor of the Juba initiative, that aspires to fully control the region in Somalia’s southwest currently being controlled by an al-Qaeda-linked militia. The initiative is expected to bring together three regions of lower and middle Juba and Gedo. It will be modelled like Puntland and Somaliland in the northern part of Somalia. On Wednesday, it emerged that a section Somali elders supportive of the creation of the Jubaland were planning to petition the President of the Transitional Federation Government Sheikh Shariff Ahmed to fully support their initiative. The details were contained in resolutions reached at the end of a major conference held in Nairobi at the weekend. "The Sultans, Ugas and prominent elders from the region intend to petition the president of the TFG, to fully support the juba programs so that they wholly support him in his re-election bid,” the resolutions read in part. The meeting that brought together prominent elders, religious leaders, civil society representatives, women leaders and Somalis in the Diaspora also drafted and approved a regional charter that spells out how the new semi-autonomous region will be managed. At a news conference in Nairobi, a number of elders from the region yesterday threw their support for the initiative and emphasized that in forming the regional government, they were in no way breaking away from the TFG controlled government. Kenya is reportedly interested in helping develop the new regional administration establish a buffer zone between it and the Islamist insurgency in southern Somalia. The creation of the Jubaland region on Kenya’s border with Somalia is expected to provide a buffer zone that will prevent the entry of refugees and illegal arms into Kenya. However, neighbouring Ethiopia is reportedly unhappy about the plan and Kenya’s involvement in it, as it fears that the project will have an effect on its own military struggle against rebels in the Somali-inhabited ****** region, who seek independence. In opposing the plan, according to confidential cables by leaked by the Wikileaks website, Addis Ababa said it doubted Kenya’s tactical capacity to carry out the plan given the strong presence of al-Shabaab. In the cable dated February 2, 2010, Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Meles Zenawi expressed a lack of confidence on Kenya’s ability to succeed with the plan. Mr Meles told three high-ranking US officials of “negative regional impacts” in case the initiative failed. Last week, Prof Gandi, a former Defence minister in Somalia said they were indeed ready to bring about stability in the three regions currently occupied by the al-Shabaab militia. The rebels are opposed to a breakaway Jubaland. “We are now ready to liberate the region from the al-Shabaab,” Prof Gandhi told the Nation on the sidelines of the conference. “Our aim is to restore nationhood, unity and integrity of the Somali people,” he added. http://www.nation.co.ke/News/politics/-/1064/1140128/-/7qqwng/-/
It's not my source, but the source of the article.
Amuu qaan gaadhay,...
I was fishing the Nile thread, and then found this.. Five months damn it..