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Everything posted by Kamaavi

  1. No but It seems Dhakhtar oo la soo gabiyey, Dhakh. Gihii bal adba meel uun u qaad? Dr.Nu, gacan aa lagu taagay aabo. :cool:
  2. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Run waayee, lets get back to the topic...Odaygaan sacsacay warkiisa naga daayee, isaga iyo ilaahigiisa bay utaalaa... You love him, odayga. But that much?
  3. Me Somali maanshalah. But you somadi. Now what could count here? What I said or intention? Think. Originally posted by me: ^it is not what you say, but the intension that counts.
  4. What do you think of him horta? Sangub ka wadaa. Now that is a more acceptable thread hijack.
  5. Marka alle uun baa kala saaraya the guilty and the innocent...Isagana haduu sameeyay, justice will be served (wiliba tan eebe baa daran than any justice received in America)...Hadee iyada been ka shegeysana, alla wuu ujeedaa, oo iyadana sidoo kale maanta maalin aan eheyn bey ka jawaabi... Words of wisdom.
  6. I like that girl, that why I chose you.
  7. Originally posted by Ms DD: Say yes to anything the ladies say, and no devil will touch you Yeah right.
  8. Face it, life is as good as it gets. SL's polotics of way duushay is as same as PL's of way duday. Its just that one says my athero has been killed, while the another as you might have figured out says my athero is not in the town. You see there ain't a much farqi of way duushay and way duday, now cut your jibber jabber and finish the ironing... Originally posted by Ibtisam: Life sure is a bit*ch for anyone that trust reer Puntiland politics. Guess Somalinimo, Somaliweye was sound effects, went all the way back to basic. My atheero is gone, I must go too.
  9. Originally posted by farey: Haddii ay gabar ku tiraahdo ina Abti ma is guursanaa miyaad ka shakin laheyd mise waad guursan lahayd- Ma gabar aan wada socono, mise tu qalaad? Tu qalaad maya.
  10. I will make the same resolution I make every year. To make no resolutions.
  11. I had one hell of a headache, too much shisha, haha.
  12. I wish I could go to a place with fireworks. Hash and fireworks. Hehehe.
  13. Scaring you, Aliyah. Have you ever heard what did one ghost ask the another ghost? Answer-"Do you believe in people"!!!
  14. Originally posted by Urban: You're just making this even worse, saxib^. Should've just claimed that you're this 'smears' character and that's it, end of investigation. Oh, man. Damn it, if he could just ask me before he took that action...
  15. What you, dude? No students of Beeraha, here.
  16. That's what happens when you posting in many forums. No time to edit.