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Everything posted by Kamaavi
May be that is the reason Mr.Ahmed doesn't want to use a power more than that of S.L's peace keepers.
Northern Moqdisho, or the Villa. These places have still some peace, relatively.
Hargeisa said it would send its peacekeeprs to Moqadisho if President Ahmed asked for help. There is no sign yet, however, sending Somaliland peacekeeprs to Somalia is said to be much better having Ethiopian troops back.
Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: waar meeshaa lagu qaawan yahay ha la i geeyo ....... Istaanka furun laha,,,, war maxad tiri
The Discrimination of Minorities in Somali Peninsula
Kamaavi replied to MAXIMUS POWERS's topic in General
Too late is better than never. -
Why was s/he banned?
Ma rumay san lahayd hadii lagu dhaho JB ayaa sheekadaa qoray,,,,
Abu Maakhiri, Ma la hubaa in caasimada Maakhir aad ku soo dhaweyn lahayd dhaawaca ciidanka wadinaga xoraynta Ogad'en? Taas haddii la idin ka helo idina gob baad tihiin. Anaa ku iri.
Ragow intaad dooda iska xidhaan bacdal xarbiga isu soo noqda. Aan ka ahayn idin koo degan wixii aad ka hadlaysaan si degan ooga hadla. Yaan la isku aakhiro seegin yaa jameeca.
Originally posted by MoonLight1: Critical point: war maxaa ku helay? ma hurdo iyo matag baad isku dartay.lol Ma hurdee wuxuu ka wadaa, waxa meejatan raga qaar kood ku soo qorayaan ayaa wax aan la fahmayn ah. Ragow inta xaaladu kala degayso ha la yara nasto. Yaan la isku karaamo seeegin!
Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: waagii baa iigu baryay manaad iman ,,,, beenaale.com Waryee JB dee ma isla inagii ayaa isu hargeeyseena? Waa ku sidee niyow ,,,,Waagii baa kuugu baryeyduna maxay ahayd.... Manqal hayaha O.R warayso bal,,,, af garasho ayaa kuu taala'e.
Political Background Of The O'gaden Somali Struggle O'gaden is the land of hundreds of thousands of martyrs in the name of freedom and justice. It is the cradle of revolutionary heroes as well as the centre of Somali culture and heritage. It is situated at the junction between Ethiopia, Somalia, Kenya and Djibouti in the Horn of Africa. In the middle of the 16th Century, Ahmed Ibrahim, better known as Ahmed Guran and his men fought with Abyssinian aggressors in order to avers the latter's permanent threat to the land of the Somalis. After the defeat of the Abyssinians, a European colonial power, Portugal, quickly came to their aid. In the conflict that followed, Ahmed Guran was killed by Portugese troops. However the precedent of external involvement at the expense of the Somalis had already been set. At the advent of the colonialist scramble for Africa, three colonial powers, namely Great Britain, France and Italy, with clashing interests, simultaneously invaded the Horn of Africa. Great Britain in pursuit of it quest to create an unbroken link from Capetown to Cairo saw this region as merely another link in the chain. France wished to extend her West African possessions to the Red Sea. Italy had the intention of linking Eritrea with Southern Somaliland thereby creating an Italian East African Empire. The objectives of Great Britain, France and Italy were in direct conflict with each other making Abyssinia the key for the execution of their objectives. In order to avoid military conflict among themselves, the European powers each campaigned to win the friendship of Abyssinian (Ethiopian) rulers. This lobbying effort included the supply of large quantities of weapons and other military aid hence turning Abyssinia into the most profitable East African market for European weapons. After amassing a large number of relatively modern arms, Ethiopia was able to conquer Harar in 1887 for the first time. This was seen as a stepping stone for eventual Ethiopian occupation of O'gaden. In 1896, an agreement was signed between Great Britain and the O'gadenia chiefs which was thought to be a guarantee of O'gaden sovereignty. However, the people of O'gaden soon realized that the partner in the accord, Great Britain had no intention of living up to the agreement. Great Britain continued to arm Ethiopia who had made it's intentions toward expanding into O'gaden well known. In 1897 Great Britain signed an agreement with Ethiopia in which it recognized the Ethiopian claims on Harar which it had occupied a few years earlier. This act appeared to be the beginning of a British retreat from the O'gaden and eventual transfer to Ethiopia. Finally on September 24th, 1948 Britain withdrew it's treaty of protection over O'gaden and recognized O'gaden to be a possession of Ethiopia despite never having been under the administration or physical occupation of the Empire of Ethiopia. This act was widely recognized by the people of O'gaden as a breach of the 1896 agreement entered into by Great Britain and the O'gaden Chiefs. It was undertaken without consulting the leadership and people of O'gaden who are the sole possessors of the right to self-determination in accordance with international codes, norms and principles of justice. In addition, this action was taken by great Britain after the issuance of the United Nations Charter and formal insertion of the right of self-determination for all peoples who had not yet achieved independence. This 1896 agreement, which constituted the basic principle of British protection over O'gaden, aimed at preserving the territory and peoples of O'gaden against foreign aggression. Particularly from Ethiopia which made no secret of it's intent to expand it's empire. The agreement also plainly and implicitly stipulated the sovereignty of the people of O'gaden over their territory. In essence, Britain had recognized the transfer of a territory with which it had entered into a treaty of protection, to an existing undemocratic empire which had never administered or occupied it. The finalization of the transfer occurred in 1954 after which Great Britain formally recognized O'gaden and all the people within as subjects of the Ethiopian Empire. The 1896 agreement of protection between O'gaden and Great Britain had been completely shattered. The people of O'gaden now found themselves under the occupation of an alien power at a time when much of Africa was on the verge of breaking the shackles of colonialism. It must be noted however that before the independence of the Somali Republic in 1960, the struggle of the people of O'gaden was not separate from other Somali people's struggles for Independence. At that period, the O'gaden liberation struggle was not intended for the liberation of O'gaden alone, but for the liberation of all the lands inhabited by Somalis from the yoke of European and Ethiopian colonialism. The Somali Dervish Liberation Movement (1895-1922)led by the celebrated Somali liberation leader Sayid Mohamed Abdulla Hassan, fought for more than two decades against all colonialists in Somali lands. Upon the joining of British and Italian Somalilands in 1960 and the creation of the Somali Democratic Republic. The people of O'gadenia had no choice but to continue liberation struggle, hoping to someday free themselves from the colonialism which had ended in 1960 for British and Italian Somalilands. In 1963, the O'gaden Liberation Front was formed with the intention of continuing the struggle for self-determination and confronting Ethiopian colonialism which had progressed into a settler colonialism in which lands and property were confiscated from the local populations of O'gaden. The OLF started a liberation war which promoted the idea of a "Greater Somalia". This had the effect of creating a public perception which portrayed the O'gaden conflict as a conflict between two states (Somalia & Ethiopia) instead of a struggle for self-determination. The armed struggle which was the only feature of the cause and it's vividity, became seasonal and subject to the preparadness of the millitary of the Somali Republic. Adding to this misrepresentation of the O'gaden cause was the dominance of a "Greater Somalia" school of thought in the Somali Republic. What followed was the creation of a armed front called the Western Somali Liberation Front (WSLF)which was trained and financed by the Somali Republic. This had the effect of further portraying the O'gaden cause and a mere border conflict between two independent states while side stepping the issue of the right to self-determination for the people of O'gaden. Throughout the campaigns of the OLF & WSLF, the people of O'gaden continued to suffer. In addition to being occupied by Ethiopian colonialist, they had to witness the hijacking of their cause for self-determination by the Government of the Somali Republic and it's transformation into a boundary dispute. After the withdrawal of the Somali Army from O'gaden in 1978, the sincenre national forces in the O'gaden exerted efforts to correct the course of the WSLF from within and change its approach. The 1981 WSLF conference was the peak of these efforts to transform the WSLF. At this conference a Secretary General support was elected with the mandate of changing the course of the WSLF, but he remained in office for only one year after the Somali Government rejected his style and suspended financial aid to the front completely. Hence, the people of O'gaden sought to establish an truly independent vanguard, to correctly represent the interest of the people of O'gadenia in their justified quest for self-determination. The result of this effort was the creation of the O'gaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) on August 15, 1984 in response to public desire for a truly independent voice for the liberation of O'gaden.
Originally posted by ADNAAN: quote:Originally posted by Cige: quote: Warar is khilaafsan ayaa ilaa iyo hada ka soo baxay saldhigyo muhiim ah oo lagu kala qabsaday dagaalada galay maalintii afaraad, inkastoo Paragon kuwaan wax ma oga maalintii shanaad baa la marayaa, shalay bay ka hadlayaan xabadu waa khalkhaliso<-- maah maah cusub Xabad wiif lef Xamar khalkhalisay <-ku darso.
Dhexdaan ku soo jiraa....
Kunka ka ciyaar ,,, mise shanta ayey kuugu baxdaa
Dee miyaan kuu nimaanaa....
Waryeee dee sargaal Tigree ah oo ay Riyaale wada shaqaystaan ayaan iskiin barayaaye,,,,hotelki i Obama bal bari soo fadhiiso
Adi maxaa ka kuna in Mustafe Adan Nur lagu dhaho,,,,
Adeero Che, I can understand your frustration and it is legitimate. You are right on that Somalia could barely help it self today. As for making no distictions between the two countries and their people, I can give you only my opinion and I should also give you what I see to be the viable interest of the people of Ogad'enia but ultimately the decision lies with the people, they have to decide whether to become one with the Republic of Somalia or not. A.My Opinion: Yes. Ogad'enia should join Somalia. I say this because I’m a firm believer of Greater Somalia. I have vision of One United Somali under one leadership. I can see this Somalia being the Model for One United Africa that surfaces to be completive force for both economical and also military wise so as to have a say into how the future of this world is shaped but this is a Vision of mine and the reality is far from what’s currently happening in that part of the world. Ogad'enia should eventually join Somalia once liberated but not right away, Somalia has to show it has changed its way of doing business . In short, Somalia has to be libarated first...?? B: Where the Interest of Ogade'nia as a nation lies: This is where reality kicks in and the answer of this is NO! Ogad'enia should not join Somalia. 1. There is no forcing factor for Ogad'enia to join Somalia. Ogad'enia has everything that qualifies it a nation to stand on its own. One being the big E (Economical sustainability). 2. This land has history so unique from the rest of Somali regions. 3. Joining Somalia will mean taking the back seat to well-established gangs who know nothing but canning and destruction (this tough for me admit but the nature of Somalis is one to be ashamed of). 4. Very high percentage of the population from this land currently reside outside of this land therefore once the freedom bells ring, many repatriates who have been living in exile for the past century will move back and this ingredient will give an advantage to this nation once liberated to have a speedy process of becoming strong and independent nation. On the other hand, the Somali people who we have welcome as our own from the wars in Somalia are the exact ones who are working behind our back today, trust me when I say this cause I am speaking for alot of people who don't want to say such things . Some Somali immigrants have tried to take advantage of the political situation in our province. Honestly, you may never get the clear picture of the issue in Ogad'enia, cause you lot are not willing to say the truth nor to be told and it is clear from your first post. Best regards, Farancab.
You can see sxb the history of Republic of Somalia is a very shady one; one that does not include justice but rather respect for those that have the bigger artillery. For the past century, many heroes have lost their lives while seeking a vision to see United Somalis and today, instead of using their legacy as a model and following their footsteps, Somalis in return trash their legacy. Since the day Somalis took their independence, they have done nothing for the Somali people of Ogad'enia, therefore I don’t see why Ogad'enis should be the only people in favor of One Somalia. I hope you don't need exmaples for this cause it is all what we know, facts !!! My point is we must come up with our own plan in order to be successful. We must stop this 'dependence' mentality on somalia, its simply not working.
Makhtal Dahir is a true Ogad'en Somali native and indeed we need more men of his caliber. It has been posted to have let all these suspicious characters to see that the name of Og'adenia has always been Ogad'enia.You can also see how the Somali goverment at the time made deal with Ethiopia. The point is the Ogad'en Somali people seek their freedom as an Ogade'nians nothing less nothing more. There is no such thing as Western Somalia.
Originally posted by Belial: Not because of their military might just becuase the suffering people in Somalia are tired to useless politicans thats is lead by the international "community" puppets leaders who dont grasp the reality..only dollar in mind. AL-shabbab cannot be bought or convinced by money. Well said.
Originally posted by Fu-Fu: Ninka malablaha ah, he looks like someone who'z into real business malabka waa laiskugu been guuraaya ..farsamo kale ayaa jirto
In adi daaye xiitaa saxiibkaa oodweyne uuna qori karin ayaa kun kale ah