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Everything posted by Kamaavi
Originally posted by Kool_Kat: ^Kaas waa shukaansi caato ah oo tabcaan ah oo faraha kutaagan habo... Heheh. Yool baar aa la dhaha. Shukaansi ma ahan, Saa ula soco habo?
Alle mahadii, habo. Labadan beri xamaal ayaan iska ahaa. Maxaa iiga kaa danbeeyey, shaqadii iiga waran habo?
Lol@Qoolo, Salaan sare eedo.
Originally posted by Sabriya: ^kan hadad shukansi u taqanid ilaahay haku sahlo Sabriya nuura, Salaan sare Abayo. Seed ii Tahay? Sow iima quruxsanid...Bal sawir aad si heer Sare ah u gashay bal..soo..Aha..Ehem. .? Shukaansi 101.
Lol, nice one Aliya.
Stop Crying Let it Go, JB.
As such, there is no need to take part in the evasive style of trolling game you play and if so, certainly no need at all to be serious about it..
I think I've done my part though JB, I'm going to now leave you to the sharks. Your lack of communication and evasive style of trolling stagnates any potential progress, so if you have any concerns as far as me personally, refer to my previous responses please. Good luck.
Any one who fought the Abyssinian aggressors in order to keep that land free from them is that land's hero, regardless of his origin. ^hence.. Originally posted by Farancab: Infact, going by Somali thought, I believe there were lot Somalis among Guray's men. Though many may or may not be from that land but they all fought against the old Abyssinaian aggressor toward Somali lands. I am saying Abyssinian as the current Ethiopia is not same as the old Abyssinia. ^ So this is your way of agreeing with me, but without admitting to it?
I beleive that Moqadisho can be taken over in other ways, instead of by force. It may seem that it is too late but still those men need to meet face to face, once at least. One has to take the pardon to bring the opposing groups to the negotiating table, Somali style. Hence, Turki may not be the right man for the job but I've always had it that he can be uniter who can see the mere posibililties to bring those opposing groups to the table. That is the point I was trying to reach.
Abdinasir, Eventually, the name change issue needs the attention of open-minded historians, sociologist and politicians of the region. I hope it has enough talented people who can balance the advantage and disadvantage of this issue. Since the subject is very sensitive it can only handled by intellectuals. But, for the time of being; if you ask me, my answer will be like this :- The name should stay intact until the land is liberated! Only those that are putting their lives on the line reserve the right to complain about the name but they don't because they know once it is liberated they can simply vote to replace the name. Moreover for me a Chinese girl and white Germen boy who born in Ogade'nia are Ogade'nian citizens than an ogade'n tribe boy/girl who born in Tanzani/Somalia/Japa n... We will give citizenship those who are interested when we establish institutions …Allah willing. Till then an ogad'en tribe boy/girl who born in Tanzania/ Kenya/ Somalia/Japan etc will remain "friends of Ogade'nia" not citizens. Therefore, as a Jigjigawi, there are two Ogad'ens for me, one is the country and the other is the tribe. I don’t have problem with either. I have more respect for historical facts than emotions. I repeat it again, Ogad'enia is a country and the tribe of ogad'en is only one of the tribes who live in the country. They don’t have special privilege. We Are equal and treat it like any other country in the world is treated !!!! Separate between country and tribe, if you keep mixing them!! With respect, A proud Ogad'enian from non-ogad'eni tribe-Faran.
Qab Qable, Qabiil, iyo Qolo Qolaysi.
Sharif Ahmed attacked as he met loyal troops. 1 dead many injured
Kamaavi replied to General Duke's topic in Politics
^^Bini adaamka danta ayaa midaysa ,,, shaqsi wax ma mideeyo... -
Somaliland strives to distinguish itself in troubled region
Kamaavi replied to Jacaylbaro's topic in Politics
Originally posted by Libaax-Sankataabte: Mujaahidiineey, ka faa'iidaysta inta balaayadu qasan tahay oo qoraalo internetka ku daldala. Haaheey! ^^ -
Originally posted by Sherban Shabeel: Turki is a brilliant military mind, whereas Aweys is a political pretender. Regardless of their alliance, I don't think Turki respects Aweys on a human level. In fact, the move to attempt an armed takeover of Mogadishu is one of the stupidest plans ever put into action in Somalia since Ethiopia decided to invade in 2006. Turki has got to see it. Good point.
Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: So everybody who fought Ethiopia was from that region including Ahmed Gurey ? ,,, Hmmmmm This makes no sense. How can "ever body who fought with Ethiopia" should be from that region when every fight that Ehtiopia fought in her life time wasn't necessarily about that region. Infact, going by Somali thought, I believe there were lot Somalis among Guray's men. Though many may or may not be from that land but they all fought against the old Abyssinaian aggressor toward Somali lands. I am saying Abyssinian as the current Ethiopia is not same as the old Abyssinia. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Hmmmm ,,, Interesting. Perhaps, but you were a little over quick in mentioning it. Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: I didn't know Asias was from that region then. I'm not familiar the Asias you mention but weren't Guray's men fought for Somali lands, mainly that region?
Any one who fought the Abyssinian aggressors in order to keep that land free from them is that land's hero, regardless of his origin.
Waa haduu talaabo qaado ,,,, Isaga iyo kuwa la faaca ah waan ka adakahay laakiin Oodweyne markuu soo dhaco cidi qabal lahayd aan rabaa ,,,,
Originally posted by J.a.c.a.y.l.b.a.r.o: Kashafa, niyow shirkadaha xayaysiisyada ayaaba lacag badan kugu qaadan lahaa ,,,, War nika suuq usoo raadi niyow ,,, kolood afhayeenka Riyaale ka dhigto...
Originally posted by Kashafa: Taliyaha Ciidaamada Ras Kambooni and the architect of the successful military operations that resulted in the takeover of Kismaayo, Jubooyinka, Gedo. Also, the same thoroughbred who karbaash'd the ONLF when they decided to open up bases in Jubboyinka, kibir iyo xoog. Well, kibir'kee iyo xoog'gee waala iskaga daba yimid Wara cadowga ha isku badin maraad tahay maxaan dhahaa? Intaan anu ka warqabo ONLF Jubooyinka dhufays u aaday iyagoo heli kara Daakhato iyo Nogob ma jiraan. Bal halkaa dib ugu noqo oo dhanka ONLF'tana ka soo xaqiiji warkaasu suu u jiro. Dhowr wiil oo dano shaqsi ahaaneed u aaday dhulka reer tolkood dagaan ha ugu gafin sumcada ONLF iyo halgankeeda xalasha ah. ONLF haddii ay shaqsi Somaliyeed far saari rabto kuwo badan oo da'bodhi'lif ah ayaa Diridawa iyo Jigjiga ka buxa lakiin waxay isku dayaan in Tigree mooyee ayna xabadoodu ama siyaasadoodu lid ku noqon umada Somaliyeed oo si isle'eg oogu baahan dawlad iyo xornimo waarta. Waa jiri karaan isku dhacyo yar yar oo wiilashu is afdhaafan laakin siyaasad kor ka timaada oo madaxda ONLF'tu hawl geliso ma ahan. Si khalad ah aad moodaa in aad wax u fahantay, sheekhow iska sax. Waxaa laga yabaa in laguugu sheekeeyey in ONLF Maraykan tahay haddayse ahan la haayeen ma'eyna shacabka ku so noqdeen si ay qaraanka iyo lacagta ay ku dagaal galaan ooga gurtaan. Nin mashruuc la gala Maraykanka ma uuna islaamaha iyo ardayda lacag ka gurteen. Teeda kale isla Maraykanka ayaa dagaalka ugu weyn kula jira ONLF'ta sababtoo ah dawlada uu laangaabka Tigreegu ka taliyo ayaa qolodan Maraykanka saxibkeeda dhabta ah. ONLF iyo Alshabaab waa iskugu mid haddayna ONLF ka sii darneyn. Siyaasad ka ahaan iyo dagaal ka ahaan ba Tigreegu waa og yihiin midka labadan urur iyaga u daran. Khibrada dagaal ee ONLF inta ay dhantahay waa la socotaa aan u malaynayaa. Waxay dhantahay inta dhaq-dhaqaaqa xornimo doonka gobolku socday. Waa imisa sano? Lixdameeyo iyo hidhidhii ayey dhantahay. Markaa ONLF igu soo bood maahan. Adeerkood iyo aaboyaashood ayaa gubaabo iyo khibrad dheer ooga tagay inta ay raganimadooda ku kas badaan ka sokow. Kibirka aad sheegi nina uma roona oo waa runtaa laakiin adna kibirka badan iska yaree. Haddii kale ha igu qasbin in laba guuto oo ONLF 'peacekeeping forces' ah shariifka u soo diro. Ma hadaad rabtaa in aan dhaho shookaanta wareejiya oo nimanka Alshabaabka la dhaho waa Tigree ha la soo qabqabto. Waraa ina kala ilaali aabadey. Ina kalo ilaali niyow waxba is kugu ma keen jiraane.
Ma laha Gabayga Afjano ayey ku jirtaa ,,, Qaamuuska ka fiiri...