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Everything posted by Kamaavi

  1. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: ^Caku iyo Nuune iyo qaafkiisa... Maxaa saacadaan kusoo jeediyay? Buugaa iitii hore ii kala furnaaa hadaanse ka dhici, habo cadeey. H.wanaagsan!
  2. ^ Waraa ilayn afarayda waad tuurataa yaah?
  3. JB, it could mean walking over, nuune afafkiisii ayaanse u malayne bal isaga aan ka war dhowrno
  4. Dadku waa ani, idinka, iyaga, isaga iyo adi oo la jamciyey Duunyadu waa sahaydii dalkuna waa meejaan ku nagaan lahayn Diinteena suubana waa hogaankii iyo toosiyahaya jihada, ilaa daarta kale'e Dad wanaagsan, dal wacan oo quruxsan, duunyo barakaysan, iyo diinta suubanba waa deeq Rabi aadamaha u gartaye Ninkuuse siiyaa garta oo dareema darajada uu Rabi siiyaye Isku sooo duuboo intaas iyo inkaleba daanka iyo gows danbeedka Alle aabahaa janeeyee dhakab ku sii!!
  5. Haneefa and Siren are essentailly tied for the 2009 Best Sol Cyber Female Award Nomination, according to the Camel Milk Thread Pole, the fisrt time that Sheekho Haneefa has not clearly led the feild. Siren bests Haneefa by a single percentage point, 24%-23%, if the contest includes Paragon. Haneefa bests Siren by a single point, 36% -35%, if it doesn't include Paragon. Among Sole cyber females alone, Haneefa leads Siren by 5 points, 34%-29%. That's a significant narrowing from the Camel Milk Thread Poll taken in early-day, when she led by 17 points. Among Sol cyber males, Siren leads by 9 points, 31%-22%. The survey of 24 Sol cyber femles and 7 males who "lean" Sol cyber females, taken today, has a margin of error of +/- 5 percentage points. Meanwhile, former Sol award winner Abtigiis & tolka leads the male field at 32%, up three points from the poll in mid-day. Ibtisaam's cyber soulmate Adam Zayla was second at 19%, down four points. The former CL's ideal man Ngonge edged up four points to third place, at 12%, one point above sheekh Sophist and pilot Nuune. Nuune formed a testing-the-camel milks committe last week and could formally enter the race as early as next month. The survey of 20 Sol males and 11 females who "lean" Sol cyber males has a margin of error of +/-5 points The best Sol cyber male candidates will meet in Camel Milk Debate at 9 (the Somali BBC time) on post Eid day for their first online Sol debate, this one moderated by Ngonge, Sophist, Malika and Fufu. Poll Results: SOL 2009 Awards (31 votes.) The best SOL cyber FEMALE category Choose 2 Buuxo 13% (4) Malika 6% (2) Juxa 16% (5) Sheh 6% (2) Val 6% (2) The Siren 23% (7) C&H 3% (1) CL 3% (1) Cara 3% (1) Haneefa 23% (7) Blessed 3% (1) Serenity 3% (1) Ms DD 6% (2) Chubacka 0% (0) Kool Kat 13% (4) The best SOL cyber MALE category Choose 2 Adam 19% (6) Nuune 10% (3) JB 10% (3) Sayid Somaal 3% (1) Ngonge 13% (4) Sophist 10% (3) Xiin 0% (0) A&T 19% (6) Fu-Fu 6% (2) Farancab 0% (0) Che 3% (1) Marx 3% (1) Through bred of Cushitic ... AKA Fabregas 13% (4) Geel Jire 3% (1) Paragon 6% (2) Rooble 6% (2)
  6. Originally posted by Sophist: Francab, Xiin and I will be coming back to this thread IA after Eid S. Abtoow, tani usoo noqosho ma lehe, duqa saaxiibkeena salaan ciideed iga gaarsi. Macal ciidayn!
  7. War Qardho yaray qurux weynaa...
  8. Ciid wanaagsan dhamaan.
  9. Why do I see nothing but an unending war with no clear winners or losers?
  10. If Fu & Buuxo don't come out as the winners of Sol 2009 award, then Sol meel jirta ma aha...
  11. Originally posted by humble.: Conclusion: Even the internet is not quite sure about kab sheydaan, according to Google That's someone's actual nickname by the way. Try Qardho
  12. Subject: Ogade'nia 2.8% -ve 97.2% +ve Conclusion: The internet is mainly positive on the subject of Ogad'enia, according to Google.
  13. Fabre adeer wiilka kaa yar u yaraha dabci sababtoo ah saan u arko ma uu sii foga. Anaa og oo wareer yaraha yar uun baa ku jira
  14. Another Meiji in the making...
  15. Originally posted by Fu-Fu: Faranacab, duq horta aniga miyaa badow ah misa threa kan dhan micnihiisa sambaatiyo le waaye You is neither badow nor missed the goal post but for some reason you seem lazy at heart
  16. Extremist this .. extremist that .. and lets not forget his beloved mugadhisho society.
  17. ^^You mean Sayidka*Somali or Ngonge? I tried to call Paragon but he is away
  18. Paragon, Lol. Abti waad dadaashay. But now I guess it's Ngonge's turn. Let's see if he can say Ibti is a REAL and LIVING favourite of his. (luuqa aad ku jirtaan waa inaan mid mid idiinka soo saaraa)
  19. ^^ Habo cadeey muxuu ahaa waxaas yar ee saas kaaga yaabiyey, bal luuqa soo gal markaad saas u afurto?
  20. Originally posted by Fu-Fu: Faranacab awoowe horta ninka rooble ladhaho halo doorto SOL of the year: ... He always has something to say about HYGIENE & deodrant Isna wuu sharaxan yahay.
  21. ^Sabriya salaan sare abaayadiis. Originally posted by Fu-Fu: Faranacab awoowe A&T jardaalo badan ayuu luuqaqa kuqoraa marka isku bana nihin ninkaas Abti Fu kolka ma waxaad leedahay ha la iga warejiyo? Hadaanan Ibti kugu sii dirin si ay kuu soo dhejiso sanadkan adoo weliba feero waaweyn... Edit: Lool@habo qoolo. Runtii ishaad ka riday. FuFu & Lazy girl waa isku jiil ama nooc. Ms DD ayey ahayd waa hore in Lazy girl soo saarto miiska
  22. ^Kanu dookh malehe please spil it for him ( he is being bussy with body building only )... Originally posted by Fu-Fu: Faranacab.. waxaas aniga qayaali aan u arkaa Abti fufu, sanadkan adaa noo sharaxan sidaa ay tahay waa inaad kasbataa siduuu A&T u kas baday oo kale.
  23. Originally posted by *Ibtisam: ***Note to self, Must avoid big, fat or strong men Miinjo basto all the way.
  24. Happy eid in advance, to every one. (I may not be able to log in for couple of weeks)