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Everything posted by Kamaavi

  1. Younger women look for older men, older women seek younger men it is called ageless love. I used to say no way, but in the last few years I've calmed down and just decided to enjoy people for who they are. There is a 17 year old emailing me from this site. But I just dunno . . . That is WAY younger (I'm 112 ) She's the same age as some of my previous madarasa students. Seems kinda pervy (for me.)
  2. ^ How do people congratualate to elders? Let me send my congrats on behalf of the Somali Diaspora of Sol ,,,, Anagoo kala ah hebel iyo hebel iyo hebla iyo hebla iyo hebel waxaan hanbalyo maheer u dirayaan Awoowe Mr.112 iyo Marwo Mrs.17 oo jooga magaalada Guriceel oo xaflada maheerkooda ka dhacay lix wadan oo kala ah 1. Dalka Somalia, 2. Dalka Djoubiti, 3. Dalka Og'adenia, 4. Dalka Somaliland, 5. Dalka Puntland, iyo 6. Dalka Kenya. Waxan Eebe weyne oog rajaynaynaa Idim Alle inay noqdaan kuwii isku waara ubad khayr leh kala hela oo farxad iyo caafimaadn kuwada jooga, Aamiin. Jafe ~ Gudoomiye ku xigeenka Jaaliyada Somalida Sol Cyberworld
  3. ^You asked for it. So don't bet upset Originally posted by *hatu*: Jafe, Tranlation: Yes? Originally posted by *hatu*: It wasn't just reer Soomaali Galbeed that lost that war, all Somali's did. Translation : You didn't read what I wrote. Originally posted by *hatu*: We sacrificed our wealth and sons. We all payed the price. Translation: You are past, neither present not the future. Originally posted by *hatu*: Maybe that's the reason why so many people want a say in the internal affairs of the region. Translation : You are not sure, but it is still in your head. Originally posted by *hatu*: But man these people are wild. Translation: Generalation, stereotyping and hate makes you paranoid. Not only this? Originally posted by *hatu*: I remember I was in Sweden not so long ago and a group of them knocked on our door at 10 o'clock in the night. Translation : You remember a certain paltalk stories, but you forget that this thread is for real debate. Nononesense! Originally posted by *hatu*: Turns up they were from the diaspora of that region and were going around in the area campaigning for funds and support. Translation: Diaspora of that region are wild people, right? Paranoid. Originally posted by *hatu*: I remember these two ladies who kept on reiterating how the Ethiopians were maiming and killing and raping the innocent populace. Translation : Tryin to act you care about them, but want to mock them! That's what you wanted to tell us? Originally posted by *hatu*: I tried to calm them down and but they accused me of being against the struggle. Translation : You must did some thing wrong, or at least there should be some reason to it. Originally posted by *hatu*: I told them I lost relatives in the battle to liberate their villages in 77, and why on earth would I want to support gumaysi when I have experienced the harshness of it? Translation: With out supporting an invader, one can come against a strugle. But for his selfish paranoid jealoucy & invy. Originally posted by *hatu*: But they continued accusing me and all I could do was to tell them to go because by then it was 1am and for them to come back the day after. But they never returned. Translation : Why would they return to a paranoid? I am assuming here. Originally posted by *hatu*: But to cut a long story short, what I can't still understand is why they were so paranoid? Translation: To cut a long story short it could be you were another paranoid. Happy now? Note: There are lot threads for trolling. So, why ruin the on going debate among your elders & educated fellas?
  4. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Castro, now you posted the picture of the man, I fully support this new family. I believe his age has been exagarated and he does seem to be any where near 100. jeestadadaa ba I dishay. And he supports Sharif. He is very wise man. As I have said Xiin supports the family cause they support Sherif ,,,,
  5. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: ^I suggest you read Aw Tusbaxle's concession before you make that judgement ^^ koorta yucubka ah ayaan weli ku sii qoslayaa ,,,
  6. Contrary to many observers I am convinced that our case is in a sense unique, even in Africa. Besides there are two O names for me one is the country and the other is the tribe. I don’t have problem with either. I have more respect for historical facts than emotions. However, in a move to high light impacts of the name, I would like to hear from others what is the most important point from the perspective of the international community? What are the dangers of the name change? Is it right to say that the dangers are bigger if the name is changed? We have indications that the 77 war was lost politically, and ONLF is learning to recorrect the past mistakes, till free referendum is obtained.
  7. The old man from Guriceel is on politics now talking about Sherif's government , the point is, this could be the reason that Xiin is defending the old man ,,,
  8. ^ Xiin's Single story mission has officially failed ,,,
  9. Xaalku wuxuu marayaa Ka gilgila gantaal kugu dhacaa, kaaga gu'i waaye ....
  10. The Somali galbeed liberation struggle since its inception in the 60's has been fighting for the rights and freedom of the Somali galbeed region. It is a legitmate peoples' struggle with a massive support.It is crucial to notate that the ONLF has done everything in their power to unshackle the chains of occupation and oppression in the region. These men and women are not only engaged in a military war against the unconstitutional government of Ethiopia , but also a political one. Decolonization is a painful and difficult process that requires more than using force and weapons to defend and emancipate a country. The war in the 70s between Somalia and Ethiopia is a great example as to why a political war is just as decisive as a military one. The ONLF is establishing prominent r/ships, connecting with influential countries, and declaring our independence to the world both on and off the battlefield. The exclusive right to control a government, a country and its people requires more than a successful military machine; it requires the use of tactics and strategy to gain and establish a powerful relationship with influential countries, and organizations within the international community. The fate of Somali galbeed rests on the ONLF, and its success will not be measured by how well they fight to make it sovereign, but also how well they fight to keep its sovereign. Their interaction with other countries and organizations today will ensure their success against outside influences tomorrow! The solution of the Somali galbeed conflict is as simple as the Chairman Osman stated: " A referendum for the Somali people in the region to enable them to determine their future by themselves and decide whether they want to remain part of the state of Ethiopia, vote for an independent state, or join another country. The decision should be up to the people alone. We also demand that they be allowed to exercise their right to self-determination" The fact of the matter is not whether a liberation struggle is being made a "Somali-wide", "broad Somali-based ideology", or a simple name change to attract some supporters. It is how to bring about a lasting peace and security in Somali galbeed. For that to occur, Somali galbeed must and ought to have a fair and free referendum on self-determination and result must be honoured and implemented. Admiral Omar Osman's words stand unchallanged, The ONLF is also doing their part, while Meiji's obsession with the name given to the region is sickening and his assertion for speaking on behalf of the people in the region is insulting. The people in the Somali galbeed want individuals who comprehend their struggle to speak for them, not individuals who pretend to understand their struggle as a method of attack against the ONLF. Meiji is using the people in the region as an excuse to show aggression towards the ONLF, not because of their policies, but because of the intimidation the name that was given to the region presents. He and others like him harbor the mistaken belief that the ONLF is responsible for giving birth to a name that was given to the region more than a hundred years before the ONLF came into existence. The ONLF derives its name from the region. The O represents Somali galbeed region and its inhabitants; it does not represent the O tribe! The sooner individuals like Meiji act in accordance with the governing laws of logic and reason, the better! I want to judge the individuals like Meiji as rational and sensible beings, and until they give me a reason to, I can’t afford to see them as anything more than the product.
  11. Sanadkii 1914 Ciidan lafta uu Sayidkii ka dhashay ah ,Kana tirsanaa Daraawiishta yaa kasoo duuley Illig oo waxeey mireen taliskii reer Hobyood ee Yuusuf Maxamuud, Keenadiid. Ciidankaas iyo ciidanka reer Hobyood waxaa dagaal ba'ini ku dhex maray ceelka la yidhaahdo Ina Diinle kobtaas guushii waxay ku raacday Sayidka reer tolkii iyo Daraawiishtii guud ahaan, rag badana lagaga laayey Ina keenadiid ciidankiisii, isla markaan laga qaaday wax Alaale wixii reer Hobyood geel ujoogay. Sayid Maxamed oo tilmaamaya libinta usoo hooyatay reer tolkii, isla markaana ku diganaya raggii ay dagaalka la galeen, ayaa mariyay gabaygan soo socda oo yidhi, Allaha unaxariistee: Col humeeysan hiirtii haddaan ilig ka heenseeyay Sengeyaasha haadka ah hadaan halabsanoo fuulay abaanduule haybale hadaan boqol nin hawl saaray Malag aan habaabeyn hadii nala hor qaadsiiyay Kuwii loo hammuun qabey hadaan uga hagaag yeelay Hiidda Golol hobyiyo Gaalkacayo heegankii tubaye Hadaan heel banaan ugu arumay halab dagaalkeeda Higta qumaca maaraha hanqadha hugunka baaruuda Takarkii hubeerka u ekaa haatuf uga roorye Ha yeeshee hubkana waan ka siday hanadadiisiiye Hilbahooda waatuu tukuhu haystay bahalkiiye Hawa badane reer Mahad hadaan hooyadiis kudiyay Intaan wada hogaan baray midgaha hilin ma qaadsiiyay Haasaawe layskuma xantiyo Habar duleedkeede Haadaa qabiil nimaan ahayn hadalkii waa beene Askartii hareedada xumayd ways hundo ogeeyne Heeraaga goortaan wadnaha hubuq ka siinaynay hooghoogney waatay lahayd sida haweenede Rag haday hinaasiyo col iyo hiinyo kala gaadho ama heerigaas talada guud kaga heshiin waayo In kastoo hurdubo laysku wada haayir iyo gaadmo Halo buubsashiyo tuugo waa ka humbulaataaye inay had iyo geeriyi ka dhici hubanti weeyaane waxay hibadu raacdaa ninkii hiil ilaah qaba e Haaka Allee eeboow ninkii libin hoyaadshaa leh Kolka, Faroole oo ku caanbaxay wax Islamnimada, Somalinimada iyo darisnimada ka baxsan meesha waxgaradkii, culamaa’udiinkii iyo Isamadii ay noqdeen mid ka aamusey iyo mid u hanbalyeynaya ma ku dhici doontaa tii ku dhacday Ina Kenadiid oo kale? Wax walba filo awoowe!
  12. Wiilasha ONLF u dhashay ee Boosaaso lagu bahdilay & wixii uu Faroole kayidhi maalinkii laqabqabtay Halkan ka dhagayso Heesaaga ONLF waa gartiis: Hadaad maanta dhiirantahay Beriba dhankalay martaa Dharaariba waayaheed Dhacdadu waa xaajo ugub Dulqadkuna iga dhamaa Ninkii dhiman yeelkadii Dhiishii Nabadaa Jabtoo Waxba dhowran maayee Geesigeyga la dhiibayaa....
  13. Topic-an wuu soo xiray bil macnaa wuu carooday
  14. ^ Again there goes the clueless Duke
  15. What has been considered as ONLF propaganda is coming to be true now, but would they ever clarify why they have detianed some and handled others to the enemy? Still the story is not complete from the Puntland admin but it will come out by it self. Afkooda ma ka qirteen ,,,,
  16. Originally posted by General Duke: quote:Originally posted by Jafe101: The subclan name will remain intact. Only those who are in front lines sacrifying their lives have rights to talk to about the name, not a pay out collaborater. Simple as that, simple. So everyone in the state who is not of the sublcan is a collaborator? How on earth do you think you will get anywhere, you are a clear example of the mindless nonsense of the ONLF and its failure. Now take the Duke's advice, be more inclusive and liberate the land. Not every body is collaborator, but only pay outs like you.The only mindless nonsense is who he ever arresting an innocent civilians and handling to their enemies. You think you have genuine adivice to someone already fighting for his survival when you pray every day to see his suffering? When did Duke start carring for **** people, regardless what they stand for or do? Old man it's time you should give up spouting nonsense, and let the brave men and women of ONLF do their fight. [ October 30, 2009, 11:54 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  17. Hunguri, arinta magaca la xidhidha inta badan saas ayey jahwareer dadka oogu ridaa waana nasiib daro haysata umada gumaysiga ku hoos jirto oo kii rabaaba magacuu doono ugu yeero laakiin in loogu nasab daro xabashida waa gaf iyo meel ka dhac. Khaladkaaga ood garwaaqsato waa wax loo baahanyahay, raaligelinta wanaagsan eed ka bixisay waad ku amaanantahay. Labada magac ee qofkii xorinamada dhulka niyada ku haya ay tahay inuu ugu magac daro waa 1. **** - Magaca ay jabhadu qaadatay. 2. Somali Galbed - Maadaamoo dadka degaayi ay Somaliyihiin galbeedna xigaan. Inta dhulka laga xoraynayo labada magac ha loo kala isticmaalo, si aan u yarayno jah wareerka. [ October 30, 2009, 01:38 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  18. ^Khashka inuu Burco iyo xagaas ka degay ayaa la sheegayey Ninkii aan aqoon tabcada uu Xiin la damacsayahay inuu laba doodo waa danbi. Ka wareeg inta aad ka wareegi karto, laakiin xanaaq ha ooga tegin.
  19. The subclan name will remain intact. Only those who are in front lines sacrifying their lives have rights to talk to about the name, not a pay out collaborater. So you may convince your folks as well not come in between xaqlayaasha and the xabashida. Simple as that, simple.