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Everything posted by Kamaavi

  1. Sooyaalka taariikheed ee maamulada Gobolka Woqooyi Beri Somalia ee SSDF waxaa ka buuxa dunuub culus oo ay ka galeen qadiyada xaqa ah iyo shacabiga somalida O'gadeniya, sodonkii sano ee tagtay waxay soomaali ka dharagsantahay dhaqannadii iyo tallaabooyinkii foosha xumaa ee ay ku caanbaxeen, waxaa la ogyahay in badhtamihii 1978 ay ahayd bilowgii taariikhda ee siyaasiyada SSDF la safteen cadawga ummadda Soomaliyeed meel ay joogtaba ee Abasiiniya. Kolkaas oo ahayd markii ugu horeysay taariikhda dhow oo sarkaal Xooga dalka Soomaaliyeed oo lagu dhaariyay kitaabka qur'aanka ah(suuradda bara'bisin la ') uu u galo cadawgii lagu dhaariyay inuu dalka iyo dadkiisaba ka difaaco, kaas oo ahaa G/sare C/Laahi Yusuf Axmed Guddoomiyhii SSDF tallaabadaasi wqaxay noqotay sunne xun oo soomaali loo bilaabay, ilaa ay noqotay tusbax furtay oo sarkaalkii cadhoodaba inuu Ardisababa ka soo jeedsado isugu faanto noqotay. Falkaas madaw wuxuu dhabarjabin toos ah ku ahaa hagankii O'gadeniya ee ay ku jirtay jabhaddii WSLF somaliweyn oo dhanna garabtaagnayd, dhanka kalana waxay horseeday tallaabadaasi burburkii Jamhuuriyadii Soomaaliyeed oo taniyo maanta saldhigi la', mudada burburku socday waxay madaxda SSDF saaxiib dhow la ahayd taliska gumaysiga TPLF heer dhammaan qabqableyaashii Somaliya rogay si xin ah ugu tukadaan qibladooda Addis Ababa ee aan lahay waxaan ka ahayn dhilo iyo khamro jaban iyo cadaawad Soomaali loo hayo, una baratamaan raali galinta iyo u adeegida taliska cadawga Soomaaliyeed ee Tigreega ah. Dhaqankaas guracan iyo siyaasadaas qaloocan waxay dhalisay in Caasimaddii Soomaaliya Muqdisho iyo gabi ahaan dalkii Jamhuuriya Somalia la galiyay gacanta gumaysiga Itoobiya ee ku caanbaxay dhulballaadhsiga iyo damaca waalan, dhacdadan taariikhda gashay waxay si toos ah lid ugu tahay jiritaanka guud ahaan ummadda Somaliyed, xagal daacinna ku ah horumarka qadiyada Somaliyeed ee O'gadeniya ee xaqa iyo cadaaladda ku dhisan. Tobankii sano ee u danbeysay mamulada SSDF ee gobalka W/bari waxaay qaaden talaaboyin dheerad ah oo ay ku raaligalinyeen sayidkooda Meles Zinawi madax gumesiga Abasiiniya,kuna dhabar jabinayaan walaalahooda Somalida O'gadenya iyagoo Apriil 2008 kala baxay laba masuul oo ah golaha dhexe ee ONLF huteel ku yaala badhtamaha magalada Garowe labadan masuul oo inan-layaalo ku ahaa deegaanka gobalka W/bari tan oo ceeb dheeri ah ku ah dhaqanka Somalida waxayna C/nuur M. Sooyan iyo Dhiire Cilmi dhax kuududaan jeel Jigjiga ku yaala iygoo lagu xukumaay 10 sano oo ciqaab ah jidhil ba,aan ka dib. Intii kadabeesay falkaas waxay mamulayaasha Bari fuliyeen hawlgalo isdabajoog ah oo ay ugu gudbiyeen shacab kor udhaafaya 20 Ruux oo ka sojeeda somalida O'gadenya gacanta cadoga ay ka so carareen, dadkan maatada ah oo maciin iyo ehelnimo soo biday deegankooda dhacdooyinkan silsilada ah ee bahalnimada iyo xishood la,aanta huwan waxaa ka mid ahaa xasuuq dad shacab ah oo dhana 183 qof oo 45 dumar yahiin oo xabsiga loo taxaabay bishii ina dhaaftay, gawraca wiil dhalinyaro ah loogu gaystay magalada Galkacayo. Haddaan xusayno faldanbiyeedyada mamulayasha SSDF ee yaabka leh waxaan la iloobikarin dilkii waxashinimada lahaa ee loogastay N/hure Xilibaan Sandoon Julay 1996 magalada Galkacayo isaga oo dhawac ahaan loo keenay inlagu daweeyo. Falba falka darane waxaa yaab laheed markii horaantii 2008 guri aroos lagu hayay oo ay odayaal,dhalinyaro,haween iyo caruur ku kulansanayeen meesha ay ubixiyeen tuur A'bsame lagu tuuray banbaano gacmeed oo 11 ruux ku dhawacantay, daqiqado ka dib la toogtay macalin wax ka dhiga Dugsiga Sare ee Boosaaso, iyodoo asbuuc ka hor lagu weeraray qoys isqaba gurigoodii dhaawac ka dibna xabsiga ladhigay oo uu ku geeriyooday aabihii qoyska shahiid C'/hi Cumar oo 9 sano daganaa Boosaaso. Gaboodfalada madaxda Gobalka Bari ee SSDF ay kula kacaan shacabka dulman ee Somalida O'gadenya ee ka dhanka ah xaquuqda aadamaha,sharciga islaamka iyo dhaqanka Somalinimada iyo wadadhalashada ma aha mid qormo iyo labo lagu koobi karo laakiin waa dhito urursan oo ku keydsan kutub maguuraan ah, waana wax uyaala inlagula xisaabtamo goortii ku haboon, uhiilinta cadowga Soomaliyeed, garab wagliilka xaq udirika somalida O'gadenya, Burburinta qarannimoda iyo madaxbanaanida Jamhuriyada Somaliyeed waa tilmamaha ay ku caanbaxeen horjoogayaasha SSDF iyo mamulkooda caatada ah ee Gobalka Bari ee shacabka wakhatiga ka lumiyay kuna hankaajiyey gobanimadii iyo madaxbanaanidii shacabku u soo halgamay, taas oo 60 sano ka dib Jamhuryadii Somaliya dib u galiyay gacanta gumeysiga taagtadaran ee laangaabka Tigray. Shacabkan ay maamulaan madax kusheegan fadhiidka ah waxaa maanta la gudboon in ay soo dhacsadaan gobanimadoodii la lumiyay, Hoggaan sharaf leh oo u qalmana ay dhistaan haddii kale sharaf dhac iyo burbur aan la mahadin ayay ku abaadi, Shacabka O'gadenya waxuu leeyahay tawrad gobnimodoon ah oo aan d'abadh'ilif loodin karin. Nabsi guratay gooraad heshaba waana ii Godobe' Gadaafaba haddaad odhan lahayd laguma Gaadhsiinin Ninka gabiga igu soo dunshayow sow ku Garanmaayo
  2. A wise man once said he was never defeated since he used to think twice before he joins the battle field. Therefore, I guess all it needs is to think twice and put your self in the victims shoes.
  3. To put it forward, again, we know ONLF enjoys with a popular support in South Somalia, Kenya, O'gadenia, Sudan, Eriteria, Britian, German, America, Sweden, Norway, etc which ofcource most of them befriended with Ethiopia, so if one may ask again what makes the North East province of Somalia special? Duke needs to give it up, if he cannot clarify on this.
  4. ONLF enjoys in South Somalia, Kenya, O'gadenia, Sudan, Eriteria, Britian, German, America, Sweden, Norway, etc which ofcource most of them are befriended with Ethiopia, so Duke, what made the the North East province of Somalia special? I bet you will go for cheap personal or clan shots before you understand that question!
  5. Originally posted by who-me: Oga.denku somalia Waamo ayey ka degaan bosaso beel ayey degaan u tahay. Something which Duke couldn't come forward to spit, well done who-me. Originally posted by who-me: Hadii aadan xushmaynayn sharciyaadka gobolka hadaba waa la iska kaa qaban. In this case, no prisoner was proven guilt or went under court process. But we know the supposed law of North East Province has become synonymous with that of Ethiopia's federal law. In otherword, speaking of the law, the North eastern province of Somalia has transitioned from Somalia's federal government to that of Ethiopia!
  6. ^ I second that. A timely thread on Sol. As we can see those who oppose justice want to create a rotten and undignified system for our generation to witness!!!
  7. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: Sophist, adeer what i posted is not my personal feeling. It is the feeling of all the jaaliyadaha and supporters of ONLF. The Daraawish offer encouragement and mental support more than anyone. And that is very much appreciated. Spot on.
  8. One can forgive but he can never forget
  9. Can Ethiopia's Electoral Code Guarantee Fair Elections? By Peter Heinlein Addis Ababa 01 November 2009 Ethiopia's parliament is set to adopt an electoral code agreed on by Prime Minister Meles Zenawi's ruling party and three of the opposition groups challenging his rule in elections next May. A coalition of eight other parties boycotted negotiations on the code, saying it fails to address their concerns that the system is rigged in the ruling party's favor. VOA's Peter Heinlein in the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa examines the possibilities for a democratic opening in a country seen by many as a de facto one-party state. Ethiopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi (file photo) Prime Minister Meles sat down with three opposition politicians last week to sign what was hailed as a landmark electoral Code of Conduct. Speaking in Amharic through an interpreter, Mr. Meles said the agreement would guarantee a level playing field for all competitors in upcoming parliamentary elections. "This is a document that puts us on an equal footing and puts obligations on the two of us, which forces us to have an election that satisfies the criteria for democracy," said Meles. "This is a great achievement." The Code of Conduct appears to answer concerns voiced by the opposition and the international community that Prime Minister Meles's Ethiopian People's Revolutionary Democratic Front controls the electoral process. Sitting next to Mr. Meles at the signing ceremony were three top members of the old Coalition for Unity and Democracy, which mounted a powerful challenge to Mr. Meles party in the 2005 parliamentary vote. That election ended in violence, when CUD demonstrators were gunned down while protesting that the election had been stolen. Many CUD leaders were charged with inciting the violence and imprisoned for life. They were later pardoned. But eight other opposition parties boycotted the Code of Conduct talks and did not sign it, saying the agreement ignores the main issues. The eight, which have formed a coalition called the Forum for Democratic Dialogue, say fairness is impossible as long as the prime minister appoints the National Electoral Board and the government maintains its tight control over the media. A former close associate of Prime Minister Meles, Gebru Asrat, is a vice-chairman and spokesman for the Forum. He says two of the three opposition parties that signed the Code of Conduct are moles with suspicious ties to the government. "The EPRDF has discussed with parties that seem to approve or endorse its lines, not the serious parties that do challenge the EPRDF and do have serious issues about the political space in the country," said Gebru Asrat. "As far as we are concerned, nothing substantial has been discussed in this negotiation. This is simply a ploy to show the diplomatic community that the EPRDF is compromising with parties. Who are those parties? We know these parties, except the Unity Party." The All Ethiopian Unity Party led by Hailu Shewal is the one signatory to the Code of Conduct widely acknowledged as a legitimate independent political force. Engineer Hailu, as he is called, led the CUD to its remarkable showing in the 2005 election, and was among those imprisoned afterward. In a VOA interview, Hailu admitted that many opposition supporters are suspicious of his seeming closeness and conciliatory attitude toward Prime Minister Meles, whose government convicted him of treason and sentenced him to life in prison three years ago. "I do not blame the people for being like that," said Hailu. "It is our history. We came through all these problems. That is why we say 'our discussions will continue'. Because there are nitty-gritty issues to solve, and the people are concentrating on those nitty gritty issues. They suspect we made a deal, they suspect we are taking advantage of something. Whatever we did, we did it for the people. And it is our job to explain what we did, to explain why we did it." Hailu says he plans to make next May's election about core philosophical issues, such as the government's control of the country's land resources. Individuals have a right to own the country's land. To release the people's energy they have to own something. They have to be aiming towards the leaders of their own destiny. But in the case where the government controls all the land, then there is no way that people can become what you call rich, or live a decent life. Hailu says his Unity Party is the only opposition group with a near-nationwide support base. The Forum's support is seen as mainly among Ethiopia's two largest ethnic groups, the Amharas and Oromos, which comprise 70 percent of the population. But the actual strength of the each group remains untested. The ruling EPRDF, on the other hand, can claim a nationwide party membership of 4.5 million, and a resounding victory in last year's local council elections. The U.S. State Department's 2008 Human Rights Report on Ethiopia says of the 3.6-million seats contested, the EPRDF and its allied parties won all but three. The International Crisis Group recently issued a report concluding that "the contradiction between [the EPRDF's] de-facto one-party state and its promises to deliver multi-party elections ... has been a defining trait of politics since [it came to power] in 1991." In response, Ethiopia's foreign ministry called the ICG report 'malicious propaganda' that contains extremely serious errors and takes an entirely negative tone toward government policies'. The Electoral Board has set December 8th as the formal start of the 2010 election campaign. Voting will be May 23. VOA Adiss Ababa
  10. Waxaan filayaa qabqable Faroole iyo saaxiibadii sixun ayay uxisaabtameen, mana ayna darsin waxa kadanbeeya aragtidooda gaaban. Hadii ay udhaga nuglaadeen cadowga Itoobiya fariintiisa ah inay ladagaalaan shacabka O'gadenia miyuu iloobay in aan nahay kuwa marwalba dariska ah mise wuxuu isleeyahay ninka maanta O'gadenia udhashay kma hadli karo dilka foosha xun? Waxaa xaqiiqa ah inuu dulqaadkii dhamaaday wixii ay galabsadeenna laga gooyn. Yay nabaddu dan utahay? Ninkii durbaanka tumay qaylo dalbay, war nadaa rag kuguma daayee wuxuu kugu daayaa latusaa. OG'ADEN ONLINE
  11. Monday, 02 November 2009 11:59 War dhiilo xambaarsan oo naga soo gaadhey Boosaaso ayaa sheegaya in mid ka mid ah 4 Wiil oo Xabsiga Boosaaso ku jirey mid ka mid ah halkaas ku dhintey. Sida warku sheegayo Wiilkan oo lagu magacaabi jirey Cabdulaahi Xassan Cali ayaa u dhintey jidh dil ba'an oo ay u geysteen Sirdoonka Itoobiya iyo Ciidamada Maamulka Faroole. Wiilkan ayaa ka mid ah 5 will oo Maamulka faarole bisha Oct 19 ka qabteyn dekeda Boosaaso iyaga oo ka soo noqdey wadanka Yemen. Mid ka mid ah Wiilshan ayaa todobaadkii hore Sirdoonka Itoobiya diyaarad khaas ah ku qaateen. Faroole ayaa maamlmahan Idaacada uga hanjabayey shacabka Og'adeniya, isaga oo ku tilmaamey in aysan ahayn dad haysta dhalashada Somaaliya. Dhinaca kale, odey dhaqameed ka soo jeeda Gobolka bari oo lagu magacaabo Suldaan Afguduud ayuu Maamulka Faroole xabsiga dhigey kadib mar uu ka hadley falka guracan ee maamulka faroole kula kacayo shacabka O'gadeniya
  12. ^^ It is lighthearted joke, who-me!
  13. Horta dabacayuun iyo **** ma isku jifaa? [ November 02, 2009, 10:48 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  14. Ruben Studdard - 'Together' ( Sorry the vid was removed by admin )
  15. I didn't mean to repost but just compare this vertion of the news: Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Allaha u naxariistee marxuun C/laahi Xassan Cali ayaa dadkii meydkiisa dhaqa aysan ku arag wax jir dil ah oo ku yaal jirkiisa ilaa haddana lama yaqaan in ninkaan dhalinyaada uu qabay wax xanuun ah, Allaha u naxariistee marxuun C/laahi Xassan Cali ayaa waxaa lagu aasay qabuuraha ku yaal Biyo kulule. with this one below: Originally posted by Jafe101: Maamulka ayaa si xusul duub ah ku aasay Cabdullaahi iyadoo lagu duugey qabuuro ku yaala Biyo Kulule, si aan fursad loogu helin aragtida jirkiisa. Arrintani waxay argagax galisey dhamaan dadkii u doodayay siideynta ninkani oo qorshuhu ahaa in gacanta loo galiyo maamulka Xabashida. Maraanmarista ninkani oo ay ka qeyb qaateen saraakiil xabashi ah ayaa la fahamsanyahay in loo adeegsaday dannabta korontada iyo biyo quusin “hafin”, garaacis iyo saqaf kasoo raaricin So how could these two vertions of the same news become sky and earth to each other? They are totally opposite.But both of them cannot be true, right?
  16. I guess someone has to teach among the family what perfect self determination mean. But who would have thought they will be silly backstabers?
  17. ^Lol Let me take with Duke, just today.
  18. Is it not Tigre secret men who have killed Marxuum C/laahi Xassan Ali under your custody just today, why keep deneing it? And unless you have an amnesia this is not first time that it happened so why handle your prisoners to your/their enemy? You can go around, as much as you want, but you can't scape from these facts. It's history which is being written under innocent mens' blood. Yet you have to share what exactly has made you to dedicate this thread to an ONLF men when there is no ONLF in your yards, or better when they have never threaten you. It is sad you couldn't say no Melez, but have chosen to kill, arrest, and handle nonexisting imaginary enemy to your real enemy, ofcource looking from long term angle.
  19. You cannot kill someone, handle to enemy or just tell them to evacuate for the fear of Melez. If you had any diginty you could protect a prisoner under your custody. What if I said you are not fighting your fight, but Melez's fight? Man this is beyond fulaynimo !!
  20. So you are doing in fear of Melez? or you have beef with ONLF? What if you would have been wrong to take Melez's side of today's conflict? come clean saaxiib, I am sitting here to find what made you make this thread. Fulaynimo waa lagagu xantaa waana waxaad maanta u disheen nin maxbuus ah ka dibna aasteen isagoon la idin kala wareegin, laakiin I am not after this, I want to know where is this coming from. Tell why and what made you to make this thread? (I want to hear from the camel's mouth)
  21. Originally posted by General Duke: Thats the simple question that you need to answer. Look for my first post. The aswer you want is there, ofcource well explained. But, to ask you one more time, how would you tell the ONLF to evacaute when there is none, except usuall suspects who are always behaved badly? Must you do this in fear of Melez or was this meant revenge for Kenadiis's loss to Sayidka? Try to cut your point, mate.
  22. Originally posted by Bile Bile: Give us some suggestion as to how you free Bosaaso? Edit: Ever heard of Kenadiid's loss against Sayid's subclan? Lafda **** ah ayaan u soo dirayaa bosaso si ay u xoreeyaan [ November 02, 2009, 11:17 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]