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Everything posted by Kamaavi

  1. Xiin is good old man, he will be missed Dhaqaajiyeyoo dhulka soo dhicitaankii dhabada cagta u saaraye Dhanbaalkayga dhagta uga rida dhoohanihii geesiyada ku dhibay dhulkii Daraawiisheed
  2. Reading the well written calls against the unjustice and betryal of Farool's admin by Paragon, Somali*Sayid, A&T and many other good hearted Sol nomads made me to realize an idea which I had in mind since after the Obale operation. I am a big dreamer, but recently all I dream about is if I will ever devote my life to free the opressed women, young( future leaders) and old men on most parts of ancesteral Somali soil. The freedom, peace, unity and love is what most of us could not miss weeks, days or hours of our life time whilest we're bussy with appearing succesful in the worldy life when at the same time the opressed ones are suffering in the next ancesteral yards to our houses but do nothing. We just sit down and sip couple cups of tea while we read only bad news from our ancesteral home land daily. Ladies and gentle men today of this time most old, women and somali children are suffering from the unjustice that has been taking place since we were born. I am convinced that this has to be end in some where, on some day, and at some place. We have to join our hands and tell to elders, educated, ulumas, organiztions and any concerned man or women who could bring the unending betryal of justice to an end. I don't know if I have to travel before I've become a succesful professional, but I am thinking to join the brave young men & women of the freedom fighters soon, if not sooner. I am in the mid of school by now, but after I finish this years's course I think I've to get out to spend sometime with the freedom fighters just to defend the week and weeker innocent women, children and the old in my cagdheer land. As it was the traditional Sol's nomadic happit I'll always remmeber every one of you guys for beging your forgiveness if I ever wronged anyone's feelings, faith, name, princible, diginty or clan, I'll try also to forgive all of you guys. I beg you guys would keep me in your prayings too, just to be among the good leaders of the gaint caghdeer freedom movement and all Somali people who happen to be in cagdheer land. But if it doesn't happen pray for me to be a good fellow soldier who doesn't wrong any innocent life( of mankind or trees or animals), But if it doesn't happen pray for me to stay peacefuly around Sol corner of another years to come. I aprove the above message, Jafe. (Nover 4, 2009)
  3. Somalis must the give up the cat figtings, and face the real fight by any means (even if it's through cold war politics) Zenawi has to feel the heat now
  4. Mindida Cadawgaagu kugu halgaado iyo Mijin qabashada walaalkaa midkee xanuun badan? minjo qabashada walaalkaa, mindida cadowga ayaa dhanaata, taariikhda ooy kuu gasho ayaase daran
  5. lol@maruun xaajigii ku tiraa xabiibi qiil ii baar 5tii iyo 5tii iyo 5 kalana waa ku siiniye. Mayee waxay ahayd inay xaajiga maxkamada gayso ooy dhahdo xaajigu shantii waajibka ahayd waa ka soo bixi la'yahay lool@ innantii: yaa , igu soo celi bal....
  6. Originally posted by Jabhad_no1: I thought you we're an informed Puntlander Stop playing dumb and deaf...Your just getting more lame by the minute. End the story here. I dont blame faroole, he wants to champion dhabaqoodhinimo like never before. ^^ End of story, tell him atherkiis.
  7. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: I did not listen Faroole's speech. But you must have read it.
  8. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Was I talking to you? Time to give up, Duke. You have lost to your kinsmen as you would say. Talk to Faroole, and tell him it's beyond damage controll
  9. Lool. See. who is laughing again? Originally posted by General Duke: You seem to be a few hours behind the Duke, Desperate. Originally posted by General Duke: you make a great deal of noise, Desperate, for personal attack. Originally posted by General Duke: I ask for evidence, you start stammering and waffling, then you try to ask me for proof, So where is the evidence of that your prisoners are in your hands untouched by the Agame? (Forget about everything else, concentrate on your silly proof theory for once) Originally posted by General Duke: yet you are the one still making the accusations. The acusations (plus Aminarts painting) will remain same, unchanged unless you disprove that you are not guilty. As a kinsmen I try to give you a route out, a dignified exit, Same here, I gave you a good chance to explain your self well and disprove that your are not guilty ( In a hope of that you could at least take fake pics or a start of an immidiate fake court process ) a simple apology to Puntland admin, and what do you do like the chameleon you try to blend in and ask me for an apology, Why should give an appology to an arrogant, rude, guilty and shamefull admin? ( But you just being so desperate to cover up something which is not deniable) while all I have done was highlight the fraudulent story and the idiotic stance some have taken. That is your stance, now. It's also Stance of Faroole's admin. You can do nothing about it. What must one do. Free the prisoners, and show to the world that you are not being used and abused by an outsider Agame. Zack adeer you are hopeless, This was not for me, but to speak of who is a hopeless, it is the one who is defending Faroole's shameful act. what evidence is listing all these media outlets Again in speaking of evidence, you believe the boys are untouched, and in your house. So I must say it's fair if you drop an evidence that they are doing well and are in a good state under your hunds. What does that prove? It proves that you have no idea the where abouts of your captives, not mention they were meant for a bussinnes of human trafficing. Now how long would it take Duke, to drop this silly proof theory, and admit that PL is not fully under Farool's control?
  10. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^lool. See. Who is laughing again? Originally posted by General Duke: Adeer, the ONLF story does not make sense, Whose story will make sense then? Where is the proof? ( I need the prooooof, the daum prooof, even if it's in my pocket ) Originally posted by General Duke: you as a supporter & parrot of the story have failed to present any concrete evidance. From a man who said that Amin's good paint cannot be enough proof to sane Somali men since he could have beef against his uncle( could faroole bring his proof then? ) Originally posted by General Duke: Now apologise to your kinsmen and go kiss Faroole hand and plead for forgiveness. If one has to apoligize to his kinsmen it is Faroole and his old guardian Duke. If a man has to kiss his kinsmen's hands it is Faroole. If one has to plead for forgiveness it is Faroole. But would that happen in near time? Would this disguisting human trafficing would stop any near time? What would be it's expence?
  11. Originally posted by Ismahaan: Based on the comments here, most people fail to distinguish the bad government from the people. As far as I know, there is a bad government in Puntland just like the rest of the country but that does not mean the people are bad. All Somali leaders are the hostage of the ugly western politic toward Africa. Those reckless, irresponsible and incompetent leaders have no compassion for those they are supposed to serve. Without a doubt, Farole has done wrong by handing over fellow Somali Muslims to the kuffar. He should stop acting like a jerk and start taking responsibility for his own action. Allah (swt) loves those who act justly. HE commands justice and fairness, and forbids injustice and infamy. Justice giving other people the right we give ourselves, treating people the way we would like to be treated. Indeed we should treat each other with equal respect and justice. Verily never will Allah change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves ((Surah ar-Ra'd: 11). In this post I see sincerity, a well -bred young sister from Bari saying like it is. Yet polite, and discipline. True Somali culture. As she said, Farolle is arrogant, rude and irrational old man
  12. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Again the accuser must provide the evidance Yes. But only if Duke could read title of this thread. May be he forgot that he has been strongly accusing the ONLF and everyone else who happen to believe the other sides of the story as a bogus and liers. For this, I have asked him to bring forward a simple evidence from his state men, but has none. I guess after all he was not after hard evidences? (what a waste of talent ) Originally posted by General Duke: I had no issues with ONLF aside from their failure to get anywhere. Says Duke, but how would he expect a brother to be perfect winner when anther brother(likes of Duke) are backstabing day and night from the back, and defending the interest of the enemy which is kwon to be the old divide & conqure rude policy? Originally posted by General Duke: Now b a good boy apologise to the people of Puntland, your kin and we might be on our way to a better day. I've nothing against the sane people of North East province but my problem is with the pay outs regardless being my kin or not. Originally posted by General Duke: As for Amin Arts, the fact that him and Faroole had a previous beef, disqualifies him from even making a stand let alone being used as some sort of proof. According to Duke's logic, the same goes for Faroole who have developed beef against the ONLF as an organization, this will also disqualify Faroole's admin from even making a stand let alone to proof that the boys are in a well state. So much of Duke's sasabasho for being his fellow kin
  13. Duke don't get mad now. It's clear you have realized there is nothing in your hands whilest Amin Arts says his own vertion of the story so foward and true (and that is what every sane Somali believe) Awoowe the burden is on you now. You don't need to repeat yourself again and again. You are after the proof and the proof is in your hands just get the balls to bring your kinsmen who are supposed to be under your custody to the court process or the media as that could speak louder than dedicating a blunk thread against an organization which you have betrayed already Unless you bring a proof from your free state land, the acussations will remain bold & same There is no other methode that you could dismiss this Thanks for Amin, he has painted better than I could explain in words (Surprise? )
  14. Xiin is a cool headed Duke, though Duke is against Sherif both of them will die for Faroole's defence even if he sells their sons Xiin says he didn't listen to Faroole's speech yet comes out to tell us that Faroole must follow his own laws Xikmad xumo kale
  15. Originally posted by General Duke: You are really confused, Says the Duke, but I am after is his silly proof theory ( if he flows me!) Originally posted by General Duke: adeer you are the one making accusations and poems and crying in the dark alone. May be it is not only Jafe, but every sane Somali is crying in the dark alone cause of the shamefulness that Faroole admin has caused after prostuting him self to the enemy. For that matter Duke made many more accusations, then I could ever do. How many threads has he dedicated to ONLF in last three days? ( may 10 or may be 50 ) Poems speak the trueth, they are used as proofs, could Duke had one poem to attack ONLF, he would have post from the get go Originally posted by General Duke: Thus bring your proof, of the accusation you are making. I've given my proof, and that is to disprove "my accusation & poems", or to bring a proof of whether "the rat teeth" minister's statement could stand true and clean. I guess all Somalis are waiting Duke's proof of that Faroole's admin didn't handle the boys to the Tigre either in Bosaaso or in Wardheer. The bulky of the burden is on Duke to prove what is in his house? Originally posted by General Duke: Also next time stick to a story, you keep talking from both sides of your face and its not pretty. The poor Duke, never gives up. We were talking about his silly proof theory, at least now, in his thread. But what else story does he want me to stick other than proving or disproving his state's claim? Originally posted by General Duke: Lets just say your reactions and lack of substances proves that you have no case. Another way of saying Duke's proof theory is just rubish (Reason is that he has no proof that the Tigre didn't beat up the prisoners to death even in Bosaaso( I believe the prisoners could be better of if they were in Wardher!) For now Duke should ask his free state land if they could disprove my strong "accussations" by bringing the boys to the media, or take under the normal court process. I guess I am being fair, for not attacking the Duke personaly. But the guy has silly theories!
  16. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^Why would prisoners be brought to the media? Commensense! We are talking about proof(You are asking us a proof of what you belive that it is in your pocket) Originally posted by General Duke: Also you are ontradicting your whole argument, which was these men were handed over to the Tigray, now you say we have them. Not me, atheer. And whether they were handed to Tigre in Bossaso, or in Wardheer that story line remians same. The arguement stands for it self, for that matter, but I wanted you to prove minister's statement so that you could be clean. Originally posted by General Duke: Thus the ONLF storyline is bogus. You would belive so. But for now don't backtrack, I'm asking the same proof that you were crying over. You could just prove that the prisoners are in good state and still in your hands, is it not simple as that?
  17. Originally posted by Xidigo*: Somali dhadhan xumaa oo calano badanaa. Wah!
  18. For every story there is three sides. But bowe I am talking about the statement which was made by the "rat teeth" minister. The boys are not being brought to the media yet. Now as you were crying for the prooof, where is yours first? Can your supposed free state prove that the boys are doing well under her custody? Good luck with it.
  19. Where is the prooof that they are doing well under your custody?
  20. It's clear to every one who is desperate to cover his weekness. But to your surprice the story lines which have been fed by the inside sources will stand to be true unless the boys are produced for the media. How would you ask someone else a proof of what is in your pocket? Where is the prooof that they are doing well under your custody?
  21. Originally posted by General Duke: ^^^lool. See who is laughing now, the same jerk? Originally posted by General Duke: Adeer we just arrested Al Shabaab members, ONLF members are no different. Says much about him for comparing Alshabab to ONLF. Originally posted by General Duke:They will be rounded up and arrested. But to your surprice they are enjoying in their big offices from most of the countries which are considered as best allies of Ethiopia. Originally posted by General Duke: Now Mr victim you lost the argument of the day. When it is Faroole who is being used by Ethiopia, he is the real victim. Since PL is not more special than southern Somalia, not mention the best allies of the enemy who are still hosting the ONLF you have lost your credibilty not only an arguement. Originally posted by General Duke: There is no proof of all the accusations you made There is the proof, the product of another backstaber. Read that article carefully. Originally posted by General Duke:and you resorted to telling us why you are a special case, who gets abused by everyone. The organization that you are desberate to backstab is in most of those countries which you would consider as best friends of Ethiopia. So the specail is you who is defending the special admin of Puntland, who got abused by an Agame. Originally posted by General Duke: Adeer a man dies only ones, power comes in forgiving and making a better tommorrow. True to that. But how many times will the poor Duke be willing to die in defending the undefendable sell out admin of Faroole? Originally posted by General Duke: Puntland is the future. Not only Puntland. But every one's province is the future, as well.
  22. ^ YES! It is you who is the victim today. You think you are fightig your fight, but you are doing in favour of another man. The ONLF that you are so desperate to bring down is a internationally accepted political organization, it does not hide it self. If Puntland is for tommorow, it would have said BIG NO to Melez ofcource the same man that the ONLF is fighting against.
  23. What else proof would you need when you are product, of the colonial's divide and conquire? Same is happening now is that surprise to you? Better question is where are Somali people as a nation now? Who was behind the frequent backstabing of both today's and yesterday's strugle ? You may not need to read, but history is a proof which speaks load for it self.
  24. This thing started during Sayidka, then happened the time of Siyad Barre's regime, and now in last ten years Puntland was planning to bring down the strugle in which ONLF is leading. It is nothing new and the proof is that Duke him self is the product!