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Everything posted by Kamaavi

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tjHkj-uSt_Y
  2. Zack, I joined Sol a year from today( exactly Nov 5) and so far, xiin and I had no arguements what so ever. I have no doubt that he is among the best sensible online personas on this site.
  3. ^Waa iga bas kolka. (It's just words on the screen as ngonge would say )
  4. Sheeko isla taas u eg ah ayaa ka dhacday isla magaalada uu Huguri sheegay oo Somalidu u taqaano Islaamo badan ( bimacnaa single maamiska lagu soo biilo ayaa ku badan) After few days of "Hungry Strike" ayaa Jaaliyada loo ogaladaay in laga qaadi doono dadka mudan inay dhoofaan. Ninkii meesha oogu da'da weynaa ayaa waxaa la yiri ducee. Dadkii oo rajnaya inuu duco dheer galo ayuu aayar so kala fireeyey isa goo leh Ilaahow waad na aragtaaa, waxba kuu caban maynee. Kolka Suldaan iyo Xaaji ka sokow waxaan la yaabanahay duqan reer Sol ee shalay amaanayey jabhada isagoo A&T iyo Jafe duraya inuu isla jabhadii ku soo kala fiireeyo Originally posted by xiinfaniin: this organization has more problems than I initially thought. Tani waxay ku tusinaysaa inuu xiin taagan yahay Ilaahow waad na aragtaaye jabhadan naga qabo. But does he realize that the online personas (A&T and Jafe ) do not have any direct bearings on the policies of the said organization even it had more problems then he initially thought?
  5. ^ Juquraafiga ayaa ka khaldan, nogob intee ooga tagtay?
  6. Originally posted by Kool_Kat: Sayidoow, wax maqalka iyo talo qaadashada waa midaan raad uleenahay...Thnx. You better have used my signiture
  7. I don't know why I feel this way today The sky is blue the table is laid The trees are heavy with yellow fruit And in their shade children happily play The pears have fallen to the ground My child places one in my hand The sun is warm upon my face And I dream of a burning land Mother of famine take this pear Upon an arrow through the rings of time This small fruit this golden prayer May it pass from this hand to thine If I were rain i'd rain on somalia If I were grain for somalia i'd grow If I were bread i would rise for somalia If I were a river for somalia i'd flow All the mothers will dream of thee All the mothers bless thy empty hand All the mothers will grieve for thee All the sorrow a mother can stand If we were rain we would rain on somalia If we were grain for somalia we'd grow If we were bread we would rise for somalia If we were a river for somalia we'd flow Somali Unity is the destiny! for sure~©Rudy Copyright©2008-2009,All rights reserved. Sol.com
  8. MC Hammer - Have You Seen Her http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B4qZec7B6oU&feature=related
  9. Originally posted by Suldaanka: When Siilaanyo wins the upcoming election in SL beesha Gabiley will become the link between the leaders of Djibouti+Somaliland+Puntland. Sadexda dumar ah Siyaasada waa inay hoosta ka ciyaaran oo odeyada isku soo dhaweeyan. Then it must be made sure for Silanyo to win, as the effort of the three wives could mean alot for half of the Somalis, not that I think they will never unite one day
  10. Xiinow, Originally posted by Mr.Paragon: Soo dhuux warka. In the mean time, I highly SUGGEST you all listen, I mean "listen" to interview from Danam's wife and read more of the story. If tilting backwards is not for you , yaa xiin, then don't do it. But make sure you come with more valid xikmat! Mansa Munsa, Your point is taken.
  11. Donell Jones - Knocks Me Off My Feet I've dedicated ^ to my princess
  12. Originally posted by Xaaji_xundjuf: I am from Somaliland I love my country I would do everything to develop it , but the problem is we the somalilanders , wax alale waxay isla jecelyihin koonfuriansku anagu waanu la jecelnahay. Laakin maalintay nala jecladaan waxanu anagu isla jecelnahay maalintasanu hormar gaadhnay waleh , anigu koonfurianksa markay cabdilahi yusuf soo doorteen alla ha idin sahlo baanu lahayn sh dalxiis markay soo doorteen waanu idin la jecelnahay , xata shabaabkina iyo mansuurkina wanu idinla jecelnahay . laakin maalintad Somaliland nala jeclaatan iyo goaamadanu yeelanay. Maalintasay somalinimadii iyo wanaagi iyo iskaashigii soo noqonaya. Koonfurta hadaad Shabaabka la lajeclaato, shaabab will not leave you alone yaa Xaaji ,,,
  13. http://www.kismaayonews.com/pageView.php?articleid=1455 Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Jirdil is a believable version. I guess Xabashada would rather deal and jirdil kuwa la qabto meesha lagu qabto. Saas u sahlanba with less qarash of taking them to their land.
  14. You said the leaders whom Faroole is one of them are reckless, irresponsible and incompetent, but waanse ku masabiday... boowe is just unique to reer beri
  15. Lool@"Shumbura dahir" ,,,
  16. Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: ^^^ Coward. For expressing my feelings? For fighting against unjustice? Say what... Originally posted by Mr. Somalia: Talk is cheap. True. ( and it is what Somalis have been doing in last 30 years, )
  17. Originally posted by Aaliyah416: ^^The shaikh being arrested or kidnapped is just one part of a more complex problem.The city needs to be freed and then we can all live peacefully and leave each other alone. No need to lose lives on either end.... salaam Aliyah, do keep me in your prayes. Soon Zenawi will leave the Somali affairs to Somalis and Somalis will stop the cat fightings. ( Calaf Alle hadduu iigu kaaga daro, anoo general ah ayaaan ku soo dooni ku bishaarayso ) (wixii war ah A&T iigu soo hagaaji )