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Everything posted by Kamaavi

  1. They are on a mission to humiliate the Tigre minority regime and her ill trained stooges May they bring the long-waited permanent victory this time Insha'Allah.
  2. Aaliyah feat. Timbaland - We Need A Resolution dat girl loved snakes lol rip xxxxxx
  3. Noel McKoy & Ebony - Special Delivery They sound perfect together!
  5. ^Easier to say (goodbye to Somalia) But where is the act of forgiveness? Hold her for a while sxb!
  6. O re piya - Rahat Fateh Ali Khan http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ujsMcjX048c&feature=related
  7. Kabhi Kabhi-Amitabh Bacchan & Sadhna Sargam http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aAqr8RQuQXs&feature=related
  8. Kora Kagaz Tha - Rajesh Khanna & Sharmila Tagore very touching song..
  9. Originally posted by Xaji_Xunjuf: Waxaa kale oo ay kala saxiixdeen sidii ay isga kaashan lahayeen Nabadgalyada Geeska africa, iyo weliba sidii u socon la hayeen isu socodka dadka aan sharciga ahayn. Nabad galyada geeska Africa daacad yaa u ah ama ka ah? Nabad galyo buuxda oo waarta see lagu gaari karaa? Ps. Melez is not honest about peace stability of the horn, that could unite all Somali fronts to be competative [in both political and trade wise] to bring his legacy down...
  10. The peace and stability in the Horn, as well, the return of Somalia can be reached through resolultion of Somaligalbeed's conflict. After over 40 years of soul searching, it is becoming clear that the issue of O'gadenia is at the forefront of resolving compounding security problems in the Horn. I hope all political and security leaders of the Horn understand that and come up with a fine formula to resolve this longstanding problem. A simple and free referendum can do magic results, I guess.
  11. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: Nogobawi, miyaad maqashay waxa ka dhacay higlaley (between Dhagaxbuur and Jigjiga). Some 400 fighters ayaa kaga soo daadagay buur aan laga filayn oo army dufays ahayd. Apparently, 30 somali pro-Tigre militias oo la fadhiisiyey meel buundo ah were expected to alert the axmaaro army if ONLF comes. ONLF does come , but not through the buundo. They just walked straight into the army garrison and rained RPGs, PKM and Ak-47 on the unsuspecting Tigre army. Complete annihilation after four hours of bloody fight. Five more hours, hubkii iyo saanadii Tigre'ga were transported with the help of the locals. 28 Somali's (ONLF and Pro-Tigre militias were killed). Xalay Dhagaxbuur iyo jigjiga lama seexan. ZU-23 and Tanks are positioned outside the town. No more sitting in army camps. The strategy of the coordinated attacks were to confine the Tigre army to Provincial capitals only. That way the harm they can do to communities will be minimised and their movements easily monitored. Waa mahad Alleh Maanta waa aayaan Thanks for the updates, Abtigiis. Ilamaa shalay imtixaankii ayaan ku mashquulsana warar badan oo guulo xanbaarsan inay idhaafeena waan u jeeda laakiin intaan telefoonadii Jigjiga ka shanqadhinaayo keep us updated ,,,, Guul iyo Gobanimo awoowe
  12. Maxwell - Bad Habits http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nRFTRMsZLBY
  13. My Last Chance - Ginuwine w. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxoZ3IxxPeE
  14. 3: Dowlada kMG waxaan u sheegnay inay Mashaariic Horu-marineed ka sameeyaan deegaanadii aanu madaxda u ahayn ee Puntland iyo Waliba maamulka Galbeedka ee aanu Walaaha nahay kolay somali meela ku kala tagi mayso wax laga gaadhsiiyo Mashariicda iyo waxqabyada. When you see the Faroole speaking for the "Shankaroon" it means he meant it ,,,
  15. lol@your neighbors, in-laws, inabtiyaal, & your cousins in Garowe ,,,, Just pure emotions, nothing else.
  16. Originally posted by Che -Guevara: Maanta qof mingis Puntland layiraahdo madaxa kagaley. ^^^
  17. ONLF is walking the walk. But this time others must act.
  18. Originally posted by Mintid Farayar: Madaxweynaha maamul-goboleedka Puntland oo kullankaasi kadib shir jaraaid qabtay ayaa isaguna ku macneeyey sababta la isku afgaran waayay in dowladda KMG ay diiday inay saxiixdo heshiiskii kal hore ay Galkacyo ku saxiixeen Raisal-wasaare Sharma’arke iyo maamulka Puntland. Imisaatan jeer ayaa loo bahanyahay in heshiis ku sheega la saxeexo? Agah! Sharmaake iyo Sharif, saw iksu dastuur ma aysan ahayn? Sharmaake oo jooga, Faroole maxaa ku qasbay inuu saxeex labaad ka dalbado Sheriifka? Adeer, sartu meelo kaley ka qurunsantahay!
  19. Nairobi being another Adiss now, Mr.Payne is the new Zenawi. But still they may not miss it.