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Everything posted by Kamaavi

  1. To love is not to look at one another, But to look together in the same direction ...
  2. Lol, faheema. Just being an avid music collecter. Fave soul tracks is yet to come
  3. Originally posted by Kuun-Kuun-Laminaa: ^ Kuwa uhooseeya ma ragii yiribaa, Boowe ma badaan marnaa mase ilaah ayaan iska tawakalnaayoo dhulkaan jeexnaa lol ^^
  4. ^That was the Idian actor. But did you see the guy who washed the feet of another guy?? Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Su'aalaha allaha u fududeeyyo JB should have said amiin to that
  5. Alicia Key Ft. Usher - My Boo Im listening 2^ rite now!Its aight. Feelin' it. Not the best ever, but the lyrics is cool!
  6. Have they also denied the loss of Hayle, head of intelengce in Hararge? War Tigre been jeclaaa indho adakaa...
  7. Innaa Lillaahi Wa Innaa Illaahi Raajicuun Allah Janadii ha ka waraabsho Garaad Hassen, and may Allah grant samir iyo iimaan to his family, sons, daughters iyo qaraabadiisa oo dhan Amiin
  8. I have respect for people who raise guns to defend their rights and freedom( as the cost of liberty is less than the price of repression) Those who oppose this are quasi political analysts who run their own political laboratories. They have no idea whatsoever of the real political game. They think that free dialogue will solve the problem, how stup!d they are? The O people have spoken and have decided they don’t want anything to do with Ethiopia… To prevent the bloodshed, freedom must be given to those who desire for it…
  9. ONLF: More than 626 Woyana Soldiers put out of action Monday, 16 November 2009 22:35 The O'gaden National Liberation Front's latest multi-ront offensive which began on 10 November 2009 has resulted in a total of 626 regime troops killed thus far. Among the killed are twelve field officers. The ONLF has captured sensitive intelligence gathering material including communications monitoring equipment. ONLF casualties were minimal given that our forces had the element of surprise on all fronts. A significant amount of military hardware has been captured or destroyed including small arms, ammunition, and communications equipment. Military grade maps have also been captured. A total of 4 large military transport vehicles have been destroyed. ONLF field commanders are encouraging scattered regime troops still in the vicinity to surrender. They will be treated humanely and those wishing to be transferred to our allies the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) will receive safe passage to OLF units. A significant number of civilians are now receiving medical care from ONLF units. Our forces have also freed Somali civilians which were detained in several of the regimes barracks taken by our forces during this operation. Many of those civilians show signs of torture. The bodies of the regimes troops are still scattered on the battlefield in places such as Obolka where they present a health hazard to the local Somali community. Military operations are still ongoing. O'gaden National Liberation Front (ONLF) Military Command Centre (MCC)
  10. Tuesday, 17 November 2009 02:27 Hussein Mohamed Nor, secretary of the information of the O'gaden National Front (ONLF) who is in Qatar has Monday disproved reports saying that their fighters involved the fighting continuing in parts of Jubba regions in southern Somalia. The official said that the fighting that started in Hagar village in Lower Jubba region was between the Islamist fighters of Hisbul Islam and Harakat Al-shabab Mujahideen reiterating that their forces were out of the war in southern Somalia. The information secretary of ONLF said that he had already mentioned that their fighting was against to the side of the Ethiopian troops saying that there was no reason to fight with other parts of the Somali country. On the other hand Mr. Hussein Nor also talked the statement from the Islamist officials of of Harakat Al-shabab Mujahideen which was stating that forces loyal to Sheik Ahmed Madobe, Hisbul Islam official and ONLF guerillas attacked positions of the Islamists in Jubba regions pointing out that it was false adding that they were very sorry for the fighting going on between the two rival sides. Hussein Mohamed Nor emphasized that they are not also involving the contradicting policy in Somalia calling for the Somali people to halt the disagreement and conflicts between them and end everything through dialogue. The statement of ONLF comes as Harakat Al-shabab Mujahideen officials issued a statement saying that ONLF forces were involving the fighting continued in the Hagar village in Lower Jubba region in southern Somalia. By: Hassan Osman Abdi Copyright © 2009 Shabelle Media Network. All rights reserved. Distributed by AllAfrica Global Media (allAfrica.com).
  11. Dagaalyahanada Jabhada ONLF ee todobaadki hore qabsaday 7-degmo oo ay ciidamada Itoobiya joogeen ayaa mar kale kulaalaya Degmooyin kale oo hor leh. Nov 16, 2009 (QOL) Jabahada Xureynta O'gaadeniya ayaa dagaaladi ugu dambeeyey ee ahaa kuwo ugu adkaa oo ay gasho waqtiyadii ugu dambeeyey waxaa wali ka soo baxaya warar dheeraad ah magaalooyinka ay ku furatay . Dagaalyahanada ONLF ayaa todobaadki hore dagaal ku qabsaday todobo degmo oo ay ka midyihiin Obolka, Hamaro, Higlaaley, Yucub, Galadiid, Boodhaano iyo Gunogabo iyadoo dagaalkaasi ay ka qeybqaateen kumunaan Jabahada Waddaniga Xoreynta Og'aadeenya oo raamaysan diyaarna u ah in ay naftooda u huraan dhulka O'gaadeeniya oo mudo dheer gumaysi soo dul saraa. Sida ay sheegeen todobaadkaan mas'uliyiinta Jabhadda oo saxaafada qeybaheeda kala duwan u waramayay ayaa sheegay in aynan fogayn xiligii aan Itoobiya ka adkaan lahayn. Dagaalyahanada Jabhada ayaa wali kulaalaya jiidaha hore si ay gacanta ugu dhigaan degmooyin kale oo horleh waxayna Jabhaddu gashay diyaar garoow aad ubalaadhan oo ay isu diyaarisay in ay weeraraan dagmooyin kale. Ciidamada Itoobiya ayay soo wajahday xaalad adag , waxaana jahwareerka ugu xoogan uu ka heystaa sida ay uga hortagi karto ciidamada ONLF oo helay taagero aad u balaadhan oo gudo & dibadaba laga soo dhaweeyay guulaha ay Jabhddu ka soo hoyisay dagaaladii ay qorsheyeen ee ay la gashay ciidamada Itoobiya. Todobaadyadii aan soo dhaafnay ayay Itoobiya u ahayd todobaadyo madow markii ciidamadeeda meydad aan tira lahayn ay uga daad gureysay jiidaha dagaalka waxayna wali dadsan yihiin halkii ay Jabhaddu weerartay waxayna Jabhaddu todobaadkan u ahayn todobaad ay ku jirto dabaaldag aad u weyn.
  12. Juelz Santana - Oh Yes/Clockwork http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YrVIsl6Reak There It Go (The Whistle Song) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r2A6RkJpQI&feature=fvst
  13. Zion I - Soo Tall http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5B9jHu0wer8
  14. S.Paul & Sasha - I'm Still In Love With You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=voB9nM0BUms
  15. Jennifer Lopez - All I Have http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=88wN0uhoo8o
  16. Then clearly your problem is one of comprehension Let me take you to school son...
  17. Drake - Best I Ever Had http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hb0KowdtK6Y&NR=1 The official ^ Vids