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Everything posted by Kamaavi

  1. New lesson from Sol politics: When political message is strong, attack the messenger!
  2. Koox xabashi ah oo beero Boosaaso duleedkeeda ku yiiley ku noolaa ayaa meydadkooda la heley kadib markii sida la sheegey la sumeeyey Dadkani oo tiradoodu ka badantahay 5 qof ayaa waxa ka midyihiin kumanaan muhaajiriin xabashi ah oo Soomaaliya soo galay sanadihii dhawaa, kuwaasoo si tartiibtartiib ah ula wareegaya shaqooyinka aysan Soomaalida qaban sida qodista beeraha, iyagoo xitaa bilaabay iibsiga guryaha. Amiirka Alshabaab Abu Zubeyr ayaa kolhore ka digey malaayiin qof oo xabashi ah oo dalka lagu soo fasaxo si ay ula wareegaan dalka sidii Falastiin ku dhacday, loona baahanyahay in laga hortago. Intii ka dambeeysey markii uu hadalkaasi sheegeyna waxaa socday ugaarsiga xabashida oo haatan sii kordhaya.
  3. Originally posted by chubacka: ^ but you should have some long term goals. I’ve a big a picture, instead of a long loooong-term goal. A big picture is the lifestyle I want to live and the accomplishments it contains. No deadline. No hammering out the details. Just a big picture that I can set shorter goals towards.
  4. I never see the point in making any New Years' Resolutions. I much prefer to live every day, making resolutions as the moment sees fit. Focus on the here and now, and live every moment as best as I can; and do it with a fighting spirit!
  5. Originally posted by Hamse: quote:Originally posted by Nogobi: quote: Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea: Sool and Eastern Sanaag waa Somaliland: Yaa ka dhigay? xoog iyo xiniinyo ayaa laguu sheegtay. If you wish to get it back, something tells me it's going to take little more than yapping in SOL. haa adiga wad qosolka anytime snm drugie insult our people. sool iyo sanaaq xoog hade yirahdo ku haysta, just cheer for him. ^^ Allow me to give ways to fix your sensitive behaviour without chastising you. This is Africa, Sol's politics section. Nomads will keep attacking or making jokes about anyone's tuulo or city. When it's about your tuulo the last thing you need is to burst into tears and sob as if the world has ended. Instead you need to built the self esteem to shrug it off.
  6. Why ThanksfulSP, I thought you have already began investigating the case or control the investigating. Are you suddenly having second thoughts?
  7. Libaax intay bulbushu ku taal, bahal ma cuno.
  8. Ma waxaad yeeshaa, wax naftaada u fiican oo wiilkaaga u xun, mise wax naftaada u xun oo wiilkaaga u fiican.
  9. Been fakatay runi ma gaadho.
  10. It would seem to me that Makhirains would be real sick of this pointless thread..
  11. Originally posted by Mr. Red Sea: Sool and Eastern Sanaag waa Somaliland: Yaa ka dhigay? xoog iyo xiniinyo ayaa laguu sheegtay. If you wish to get it back, something tells me it's going to take little more than yapping in SOL.
  12. ^Saying words without facts just makes you the fool, no matter where you start threads about it ,,,,
  13. Heh,funny how investigations turn out when the suspects control the investigating ,,,
  14. Dadweynaha Ogaaadeeniya (gaar ahaan kuwa gudaha jooga), CJWXO, iyo Hogaaminta JWXO wey mahadsan yihiin. Dadweynahu waxuu u dhabar-adeygay oo uusan u liicin waxwalba oo dowlada Xabashida iyo eyda u shaqeysaba ay kula kacday sida xadhiga, dilka, cuna-qabateynta dhaqaale, iwm.. Waxey kaloo ku mahadsan yihiin daryeelka dadka la dhibaateeyay iyo weliba taageerida mintidka ah ay lasoo taagnaayeen. CJWXO waxuu ku mahadsan yahay sida mudada gaaban uu u quusiyay qabkii ciidanka TPLF gaar ahaan xilli Itoobiya inteeda kale aynan ku dhici karin. Hogaamintu waxey ku mahadsantahay wadada toosan ay halganka u horseedeen, horumarinta halganka xilli taageeradii shisheeye gudhay. Hogaamintu waxey ku mahadsantahay hirgalinta hal-ku-dhiga JWXO ee ah Mintid, Midnimo, iyo Isku-tashi oo ah kuwa halganka meeshuu maanta joogo soo gaadhsiiyay.
  15. Originally posted by Abtigiis & Tolka: This was inevitable after the influx of 'patriotic'Punties to the site became a key feature of 2009. As if we have burned the gates of Mecca and we have to be doomed for ever, and as if the torment of the pictures of General Duke and the condescending sermons of Xinnfanin were not enough strain on our ailing eyes, a new crop of overzealous 'new blood' pirates were released to suffocate us with non-substantive tales of a pitifully disintegrating tiny region.