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Everything posted by Khalaf

  1. Khalaf

    The Show..

    ^^^Be cool the point ninyahow come on now. Originally posted by -Serenity-: This isnt funny. This is slander. Slander? that's taking it too far. It was harmlessly funny naga daah suura ha, meshaan wax kala ka jira bey ii la thay. Tuujiye wa diib loo waxiid..war ninyahow gabdha ka qalee hadaa ista taqniin.
  2. lol@Cara. Stick kulaha...try belt and fiilo. ....Taan labaad our grandfathers were not raised with violence but honor and duty. Aaliyah abaayo u twisted what i said...but okey. I didn't take it personal walaal, what i meant by that comment was i wasn't expecting a detailed reply....masha Allah tho waad caqli badaan thay. I agree with u and see where u coming from, but not on all the details. peace
  3. "Every soul shall have a taste of death: And only on the Day of Judgment shall you be paid your full recompense. Only he who is saved far from the Fire and admitted to the Garden will have attained the object (of Life): For the life of this world is but goods and chattels of deception. (The Noble Quran, 3:185)" "And fear the Day when ye shall be brought back to God. Then shall every soul be paid what it earned, and none shall be dealt with unjustly. (The Noble Quran, 2:281)" There are many verses in the Glorious Quran, such as the above, that speak of no soul shall be dealt with unjustly and every soul shall recieve what it has earned. Islam says, Allah Most Great sent a messenger to every community in mankind, every community, every people received a message and a messenger to call them to worship One God in their own tongue, until the coming of our messenger, the last messenger Sayidna wa Maulana Muhammad and the message of the Quran was to entire Mankind. No Prophet after our Prophet scw and No new Message after the Noble Quran. There is question um sure many of u heard what about those who never heard of Muhammad or the Message of The Quran? When I asked the sheikh he said those whom will be held to account are: 1. Those who heard the message of Islam, but rejected it. And not: 1. Those who have never heard the message of Islam. For example, lets take people in remote parts of the world how will they hear the message of Islam? That’s impossible. What about those whom were sold to slavery such as the early African Americans? They never heard of Islam and were abused, enslaved, brainwashed, never allowed to be taught and gain knowledge. 2. Those who are missing the senses of: Sight and Hearing. They neither have eyes to see or ears to hear a message. They will not be held to account. 3. The handicapped, who have no functional brain. 4. Those whom were alive during the period between the Prophet Isa (Jesus pbuh) and Prophet Muhammad pbuh. 5. And of course children, who die as children will be not held to account. And Allah Knows best. May Allah Make Us the Party of Jannah. Amiin.
  4. ^^^By being tough on kids, are you implying physical punishment? Have u heard of the hadith: command your children to pray if they leave it off then punish (hit) them? How do you reconcile that Hadith with your belief never to hit kids, just a question in theory. Now I could never physically punish a daughter but a son is different in my view, I have 3 sisters and my parents particular my pops raised me differently, I basically got the bad end of the stick...i had no allies only hooyo macaan. Don’t get it wrong not abuse but raised like a little solider. Walaal u went all out on me, now why u go do that? Lakiin i agree with a lot with what u said, however aniga waxaan aminsaan ahey daadkii hoorey, our grandfathers raag raag dheley bey aa hayeen saas baan loo taabarey. And no a woman can not raise a man, a son needs a father figure, just as a girl u need ur mother to teach u many things. But exceptions exist although rare.
  5. but do you think these evil doctors are putting our elderly in an early grave? I am not sure, anything is possible walaal, but apart from the general distrust as a community towards hospitals/doctors, do we have any evidence to back up these claims, this is serious charage. About the old man and gall bladder surgery (AUN), what was the irresponsible action i am not sure i understand. Are u saying there should not have been surgery in the first place? Don't u think its up to patients to be knowledgeable about their doctors/hospitals and seek proper treatment, instead of believing everyone is out to get them? Insha Allaaah my xabad-soda will keep me from having to deal with them for any jirro. lol@ xabad soda.......u can always get a muslim doctor u know. Inshallah caafmid iyo xiimri dheer baan ku rajanaya.
  6. Originally posted by Nephthys: ^ Ilaa that's why hadalkaba kuu gelin. I guess, some serious a$$$ whopping is in order. lol@ Nephthys. Walaaley ya ku yiri hadalka ee ma galo? Qoofkaas been bu ku sheegay. Lily iyo gabdha kaley, that's why women can not raise a man, u wonder why all these kids acting up because hooya babies em. training starts at home, you have to be tough, believe me i hated my pops growing up, but now i am very thankful to him, and i intend to be tougher then him God-Willing when i become a father.
  7. The couple was sitting in a car when a group of seven Sunni men kidnapped them and raped them both, lawyers in the case told Arab News. Sunni vs Shia bey ariintaan ka diigayaan, waadba uu jayda in ee meshaan politics ka jirto oo ee dhaan kala muslimka iis ku diir. sheekadaan wax diici kara maba ahaan ba. War ninyahow naga qalee and qashiinkaan aad postkarneysa naga daaf. Waan oghey in eey Muslim worldka islaamnimda haaqda ah kaa foog yahiin, lakiin enemy islamka baa buuxo and make up shit also, ogada taas nah.
  8. Geelow, You had 3 paragraphs: Response to Paragraph 1 (inshallah i a make myself clearer this time): GJ what is happening in the Oged!en and Xamar are two different situations both politically and historically. In the Oged!en Ethiopia claims to be the legitimate owner of this disputed land and the international community supports this claim. We live in global village something the ICU never comprehended. The people in this region want independence to succeed from Ethiopia. While in Xamar Ethiopia doesn’t claim to have ownership of Somalia and the capital but claims to be helping setting up a government (again with the support of the international community). Difference between ONLF and ICU. ONLF=Fighting for Independence of The ****** from Ethiopian Rule whom claims ownership of the land. ICU= a political entity/group that wanted (and wants) to capture the country by force. Ps: I pray and make du’a for all my people and always ask Allah to bring peace to our ummah. But I am being a realist, and 21st century is a global village the world is not a maqayaad aad adiga iska leeydahay and waxaa aad raabtiid suubiin kartiid...u gotta work with the system and establishment and that is what I proposed the opposition to do. Response to Paragraph two: If no one wants to see the bloodshed continue then why are steps not being taken (from powerful players) to stop it? I reckon many powerfull people want to see the war continue, remember war is healthy for the state. Do you seriously think those of us who live in comfort in the West want to see the bloodshed continue because of our pride and egos? My reference to putting aside pride/egos was towards the ICU. They were the perfect excuse, and although I am not fond of conspiracy theories I do believe with their open declarations of war they were part of the plan to give the excuse for American backed Ethiopian troops to enter Somalia. My suggestion has always been they should’ve stayed in Xamar.....but instead they went on territorial expansion, worrying regional foes, and thus made the chicken come home to roost. My next suggestion would’ve been in that case do not fight but abandon the entire city and save it from destruction, let the TFG government be, Ethiopia does support both SL/PL, Southland or something to that effect doesn’t look bad to me. And if they are eager to fight or true to the message they preach, then why not go to ogade1n and take the fight there? I don’t believe Somalia will have an ideal nation, to make that happen I support my idea of making Somalia a colony for 50 years or so of a powerful nation preferably Muslim. You will one day remember my idea sxb, I am brilliant. I believe this is what the international community (read America) wants Ethiopia to be is the dominate power in the Horn and they are here to stay for the long haul. Response to Paragraph 3: My response although done playfully, was nonetheless accurate backed up by detailed data, that those who instigate the Puntland card, and they do this quiet often happen to fall under two categories the sympathizers and instigators, Ethiopia remains an excuse and overshadowed by the blood of AY. You and others u named see this and call it what it is. But ur point is relevant, since he leads the TFG the spotlight will be on his clan, but I was just saying I don’t take this fakers at face value. Men do not change over night, those whom were clanists tribal militias all of sudden do not become nationalists, you may choose to believe it but not I. The sad reality remains Somalia it is what it is, a divided tribal state, which is very poor and improvished. The main reason why I support trustship of a strong country, because Ethiopia here or gone, u are back where u started. I know if you make yourself believe then perhaps the Ethiopian occupation can simply be dismissed as proxy war between Somalia clans, as some of you like to wish! Its proxy war between Ethiopia and Eriteria, each trying to frustrate the plans of the other, this is play poltiics with the lives of Somalis and destruction is not their capitals but ours.
  9. Originally posted by Cara: I got to level 45! [/QB] tell me u cheated :mad: . If not very impressive Cara. I couldn't pass 28...i sunk to 25 then got back at 28...i got tired...will try laterz to beat Cara ... dat was very cool site and i learned new vocab. Thnks!
  10. Very inspiring read. Great man may Allah reward him. thnks David for posting dis.
  11. I appreciate the effort u put into the response Geelow, but I am afraid u have not said anything new my brother. Somalida waxeey tirhada hadal haan ma buuxiyo and to keep it real this is getting old but ill bite nonetheless.... i didn’t go on rant or as u put it “puntland getting disrespected” that is none of my concern. Remember Puntland is an entity and is open to criticism, and justifiably so. Taan labaad, be assured sxb that politics and politicians can not give me or anyone of similar linage a “bad name”, those who apply such logic are just well bigots cuuqdaad miraan ah and always have been like that...but just find the current political situation as an excuse to air their bigotry. But that is besides the point, the point and what I objected to was the author’s biased conclusion, clannish propaganda that puntland alone is blocking “somalia’s freedom” and that other (read tribal Somalis) are all of sudden working for the interests of the nation. Surely u don’t buy that joke? It maybe 2007, but surely somalia’s problems and divisions didn’t start at 2007? Why ignore the past, as the past is always a great teller of the current present? Simple conclusion Puntland didn’t create this mess that Somalia is in or hindering “somalia’s freedom” as the author would like mislead the audience in believing, in which I believe u also agree with. As for the rest of ur piece, with all do respect I find it laughable....ardul sham ehh? Somalia is what it is bro, wake up from the day dream. It’s a tribal based society, a dirt poor African country...........not the blessed lands and ppl’s of ardul shaam.......this poverty ridden country needs the help of international community to get that country back on its feet......... at this moment there is no principle fight but politics and proxy war being played with the lives of innocent people. What is indeed is to leverage the international community (UN ect) to make the parties compromise and reach peace deals, and end the humanitarian crisis. Last, I believe u know my stances as we discussed before, indeed the ICU caused the fitnah and brought the bullets/war to the bedrooms of the people. There is no shame in putting aside ur own pride to save the lives of thousands dead, hundreds of thousands displaced and for what? Admit or not, but u and I both know Puntland and Somaliland are a lot better deal at this moment....and I am more then positive would also be for the innocent people caught up in the middle of this escalating violence had they been given that choice.
  12. Lily then how would u discipline ur kids inshallah? U wouldn't even say bring out ur hand waryaa and hit with a pencil....ahh i remember dat....u be the dream mother of every kid marka. kids know their parents well...are very smart......just by facial expressions of my parents i could tell when somthin was coming. ....daaaash.......honestly i rather get beat then yelled at...that is what i hated most yelling and lecturing......just hit me dat better. insanity@ the questionare....
  13. Originally posted by Ghanima: Loool. Some twisted shid :rolleyes: I knew it was going to burst out in public! :rolleyes: Looooooooooooooooooooooool hahaha walaalhi sii aan cadi aheyn baan uu qosleey knew what was gonna to burst out in public? I don’t know, but that doesn’t sound right if I may say so myself. If u speaking about me then refer to me as a person by name not as an it. Ceeb time use better terminology. And the only thing that is twisting here is ur little madam ur at the gentlemen’s corner let’s leave the suuro behind. My response to this dumb article as always was the truth. As for the article; good read, What was a good read about a biased article full of lies and which is anti-historical? The article has no creditability whatsoever, and worse instead of calling for peace and stability in the volatile horn its calling for more destruction and destabilization. Ur not that naive smiley, just in case u are, let me inform u this so called good read completely overlooks nearly 20 years of anarchy, death and destruction, complete elimination of Somali sovereignty and dignity. Ask urself how did we get here, why are our ppl like this? How does Ethiopia ride from the north with tanks all the way to Mogdisho without a single protest? That process my lady was somali-made, perpetrated and maintained.............until finally the 6 mths of hope the reign of peace and stability of the ICU in which they because of dumb policies with their own tongues freely declared war on international airwaves threatening to sack the capital of Addis in 7 days.....who made the chicken come home to roost? What do u expect to happen in a global village?........Further it overlooks a worldwide it a conspiracy if u will, of an American backed effort, arab involvement and a proxy war between Ethiopia and Eritrea, each trying to install a friendly regime, nothing to do with the interest of the average farah and xalimo who cares who dies in the process? Or how much the country gets destroyed? This is playing politics with lives of innocent people, deaths will be somali the country destroyed Somalia. And more on clan demographics It overlooks the fact the TFG itself is mainly made up and backed up of banadir folks............the ICU whom declared war on neighboring states could’ve been part of the plan and still maybe..........completely overlooks all of garthay calling on all Somalis to Qaran iyo Unity, to brotherhood and helping each other and helping the innocent people, showing the way to peace but to sit on ur lazy but behind a computer and do the easy trible thing and to single’s out a small sub-clan in somalia as the problem? Is this sub-clan that powerful? Hmmm what do u say to this? A good read you said? Its called bullocks and utter rubbish. Originally posted by -: Khalaf...How do past injustices justify the current murder of women and children? Che I don’t u get u ninyahow. I can not understand how u read my response to this fabricated article and came to this conclusion. Those who use the logic that this has to be “clan revenge” knowing the scale of the game on the ground are the ones suffering from the most cancerous tribalism.....u and I both know what’s up...and Ethiopia is just a cover up with cats with that mentality who only see the blood that runs through an 80 yr old cat...too bad their hate is deep lakiin jump off a cliff if it makes em feel better. So bro instead of questioning my rightful response to this dumb article......u and I both know we read the news and comment on it....but at the end of the day we go about our business as usual......marka sxbyall ruunta ha laga hadlo ciyalnimda nah haa lii iska daafo........those who should be questioned are the ones who are playing politics with the lives of innocent people. Get at me.
  14. GJ/AfricaOne and Madam Nomadqiue leave the child games at the playground cool? If u been watching me for an entire year then u will be familiar with the fact that I always speak mind and never dance for no crowd in this case an online crowd lol can I get lame? I have said nothing that I haven’t said in the past. North, built of anger? On what and on whom? Against the views of others? Wa ma reer miya caqli xuun baan noo moodey? Ana reer magal.... this is a discussion board, everyone is entitled to their opinions whatever they maybe, and I’ve always welcomed and respected that. ....But enough about me.............back to the subject and to North, sxbow shouldn’t u be giving the creators, supporters, and maintainers of your heros the SNM a little thanks? I mean without their support what would’ve ur heros have done? Ethiopian made the SNM adeer......caku Afrikan they never give thanks iga dheh....unless the giving the berbara port and close working “yes sir” relationship with meles is the token of appreciation.... Ethiopia paved the way for ur little enclave and its tribal militia just as its supporting the TFG, marka wax kale la so shir taga ya dig. Mida kale what’s this talk about uncles everyone stresses bout?........maybe I am missing something do ur uncles give u things or somthing.....cause AY hasn’t given me shit, Duke u got something cuz? I don’t need anything from anybody maybe u depend on ur “uncles” and eying politics in Somalia but I don’t...self made ya dig...nor am I little minded and support tribal enclaves...or tribal leaders...Somalia is great as One and Midnimo....but that happens when brotherhood is becomes a two way street.
  15. what's pointless is this article......and the appeaser who posted it lol. g'nite
  16. ^^^Only a man in doubt of himself entertains such a question yaa North. Looks like i was on point with my prediction.
  17. Patriotic Somalis from around the world have stood up against Ethiopia but Puntland is blocking our freedom. These damn house niggas naga taaga...Puntland blocking our freedom kulaha.....was it puntland that for 17 years continued the looting/killing/rapings in the South eh? Was it puntland that after finally obtaining peace and stablity...that made the ICU idio!ts go gun-*** on ppl like crazy addicts, parade the women and children in the streets and declare war on neighboring states eh? going on international airwaves threatening to sack cities eh? was it puntland that made u do that? I don't think so jalleyal what did they expect war daadkaan caqli xuuma........marka hadeey ruunta sheegaysiin keep puntland out yo mouths ya dig and...odeyashaa beesha xamar and the cats in asmara uu sheega negotiate with the establishment and this international backed effort, the same establishments that has peace deals with Puntland and Somaliland, well Hergaysa and Garowe look a lot better then Xamar about right now...get smart and stop playing games with the lives of innocent people...or else continue this sucidal shiz nit...and destroy the city more and leave a population of cripples....yall call not Puntlands ya dig.......march on "freedom fighters" and free somalia, maybe a few more thousand dead and hundred more thousands displaced will help u achieve that the end u still gonna be with left with a divided somalia and were u started. I sit back and wait for the haterz to bring it. Hmmm who will be the first one tolow? .....Will it be USC sympathizers (opps how clumsy of me i meant the ICU freedom fighter supporters)...or the instigators (opps what has gotten into me....i meant the concerned brothers from Somaliland ) Yall aint fooling no one ya little fact dis TFG/ICU all of it is mainly from the host area...marka nice try sxbyalll....the arguments and nac nacs are lame and repetitive........if one supports peace and stablity then that can only happen through diplomacy and not continuing of war.
  18. Originally posted by Xubeer: OK. Back up back up son. Meeshan waa zoona miinato. I only read Ducaysane's post - just scrolled up - oh its a whole different ball game. Adiga ma ghost baad la hadleeysa wa ku sidey ninyahow its funny no one said (well i didn't read everything) but didn't catch that pills/tying tubes with intention to stop children is forbiddeen in Islam. Ahh well to each their own.
  19. ^^^^That is not a suprise one gives a damn about africans getting killed or killing each other Images of dead Americans dragged through the streets by joyous Somalis deeply shocked U.S. public opinion, precipitating American withdrawal and contributing to the ending of a U.N. peacekeeping operation in 1995. Actually America withdrew only because Bush Sr. lost to Bill Clinton who pulled out the troops, Bush and the army were intending to flatting Somalia to dark ages....if politics change here and democrats win in 08.....things may change for somalia....but at this moment Ethiopia's efforts is being supported with money and supplies by America.... May Allah help the Muslims. Ameen.
  20. ^^Thanks man......funny thing because on issues of abortion/death penalty/sam-sex marriage i thought it was going to give me a republican....but i matched up tied with my two canadidates......Clinton and Obama....i am hoping either two win the ticket of US Precidency or become running mates President and Vice President Canadidates that would be historic.
  21. With all due respect to both of u brothers, this was one wasted effort if u ask me. The point of discussion is to reach an agreeable conclusion and come to a middle ground....but when both sides are happy with their little constrianted place unwilling to see think outside their little box then what is the point?......Bixi seems to dismiss the ICU as USC (read devils)....and Nur is unable to come to terms that not every somali sees the ICU as he does.
  22. Khalaf

    I'm Leaving

    MMA....I think that's some new reverts are susceptible to what fanatical Arabs are teaching. And what is fanatical, advicing ur wife to obey the deen...cover urself and don't club?....would a wife be considered fanatical if she tells u (going by popular xalimo complains ) stop chewing jaad and hanging around cafes? No thats called a responsible n concerned spouse not fanatic. This Soomaali gabar club waxee isku arkeen this Haitian dude. Isbarasho ka bacdi, ninkii in uu ku qabto keenay, and as would a typical Soomaali girl would react, she told him only nin Muslim inay guursato loo ogolyahay, by her diin good for her...tho committing harams she dosn't commit bigger harams by marrying or slepping with a kufar......she gets adjar here by tellling him to convert....and brotha left her after Allah showed him haaqda. Cadaan lol@ da name a true somali......i got cha once u go xalimo u never go back. ........just general comment tho muslim women immigrants are racists against black brothas a lot more......
  23. Presidential Race to the White House 2008 As things stand: Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton holds 20 point lead over rival Dems. Meet the Candidates.
  24. ahh why not? since u cats don't have good taste. what is mali music btw? u can beat dis Men Galbi more : source
  25. Khalaf

    Abaayo mac isi

    ^^^^Me calling anyone that impossible, ceeb gabadha waa laa xuushmeya......lakiin ciyal suuqs are funny cats, they call backside of girls xaar ........gabartaas Nepthys aad sheegaysiid markaa aan arko weey igu taagan walaleey Allah ah hado Alle yahey amaan iii siii. ......the title is dudes blog btw hey gabdha suura ha badaan.....i did appolgize ya dig....i shouldve took 7 off marka raali aahada ukhtiyal.....i thought i was funny..i meant no disrespect. Umu reasearch huh? just so u know i didnt write that stuff.. NG well built..lakiin chimp faces miya? ........nah ive seen good looking african girls..especially from Niger.