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Everything posted by Khalaf
lol@ seduce war ninyahow ha na ceebeen......ya rab....it was inside joke na mean. hmmm maybe I should go back to my name...so i wont be called Laflaf no more. peace out wa salaamun
Jazakallah Khair Brother for your efforts, highly apperciated, insha Allah others benefit from it, not to be annoying or anything but i usually ask questions i already know the answers too. As for this topic, i must admit before i was under the impression that everyone (including the ones who didn't hear the message) would be held accountable, because before death every human-being would come in contact with the message through God's Grace and it was up to them to reject it or to accept it. Islam is deenul Raxmah. Allahu Akbar.
Proud Hilary supporter right here. She really proved herself in political jungle, unlike other candidates. The Iowa caucus will be her test, because she is assured New Hampshire a Clinton strong hold. It would be great if her and Sen. Obama teamed up, but highly unlikely.
Masha-Allah ninyahow...but where is Nasheed? Well my babiest sister loves Nasheeds, she sings one all the time...funny thing i enjoy it as much as she does and sing along with her. wa salaamun
So, how about if one never hears about these prophets? Well, in that case, they are accountable only for the original FITRA state settings, and oath that testified that Allah is their ONLY lord. Tawheed. Can u expand on this point? Will someone who never heard of Islam or the Prophet (pbuh), be held accountable is the question. Two: Will not God before the person departs this life show them the way, and its up to them to either accept or reject? Naden, dont mention it....and i am still on it, was on thanksgiving break so i didnt see the Sheikh until this Friday Insha-Allah. As for Budahism, i believe the only similarity to the Islamic Doctrine is that like Islam it teaches the follower should take a middle path, however as explained Islam clearly defines Faith and Salvation upon Tawheed, while Budhism is not as clearly defined.
loooooooooooool@ Laflafiina now thats femine. iga daah. KUTTY na KUUTYee hahaha.....ur a joker madam. take care aiit. wa salaamun
Thank u thank u. I know ya dig. I'm proud of myself too. :cool: Marax adiga. I can't win huh...den I give up marka. But if u gonna call me somthing den be more orginal.
Spread AIDs iga dheh. caku gaalo baan maqli jire.
^^^LOL i didn't think u would get that af somali.....whats LOL for the name or the what was said? wax walaan. wareer badana Badacas maxa hadal kugu cirmay sxb?
Mrs. Kool, marax adiga. noc midlinal japan ba thay. lol@ so feminine....ya ku yiri beentaas....its one my names ya dig....a name that suits a Prince Moi :cool: .
Masha Allah, Hirda is a great organization.
den don't tell me, i have feeling it was nasty anyway. But if the dude got expelled from SOL, then u shouldve got 3 days suspension. Adba waxba tuurtay ps: Only Ms. Bone Thugz n Harmony can call me Laflaf...adiga u are allowed to only call me the following: Aboowe, Walaalo, Walaakay Galiga ah, Gaclo, Ina adeer, Qalbi Noor (one of my names actually ) ..or eddo. Deal?
lol@ Kitty. Good one Jim, will start calling her little kitty, or kitten from now on....until she stops calling me laflaf. Umu, yaa Muminah i think englishka ku adaag u are from Norway ya dig.....2 i thought u was married? :confused: any in case a woman should never ask a man to marry her its man's job....ah ahh ahh...dont give me the example of Khadija (RA).
loooooooool@Ilaa iyo hada anbo nightmares aan ka yeeshaa. hahhahahaa ii sheeg nooh. ps: so taa laf laf iga daysiid... lol
huh? why the sad face Cara? u don't want tell me what Gorilla cat said? hahaha...koolkat got deleted too...so i suspose it was directed to her.
Nepthys u aint a big girl are ya? hahahaha um just joking. Another thing bout good etiquette, if u are invited to dinner party, and ur eating out, don't take the leftover food with you ya dig.
Originally posted by Gorilla Theater: **********Deleted********* Banned from SOL. ...hahahaha i wonder what he said. Man i missed it!
There is nothing hard to explain about it. I read a book to learn about somalia actually taught me most i know ....cant remember the name but written by some white dude goes back way back in history, and it talked about how ppl yibir/cant remember other names used are treated in somalia.... its like the indian caste system basically. As for why. Hmm Well ukhti, Its like asking why are ppl racist in general? Why do some ppl kill? Not really a smart question no offense of course. All that is important is adiga, urself don't be racist against other human-beings and be hateful person, u can't control others and its their business walal but u can control ur own heart and ur own mind ya dig.
Originally posted by Cadaan: quote:Originally posted by Cara: What happened to the dog? The dog, years later, old and broken down, was euthanized and donated to the nearest Chinese restaurant and turned into meat for their "beef" fried rice for months. hahahahaha, man u made me laugh. Thnks. Originally posted by Lidia: From all the problems that Sudan and its people face in Darfur and beyond, this is the biggest news that the bbc brings to the attention of the public: A white lady that may get lashed. How many women and children are dying right now in darfur? Then that would be a big story and should be in the news. Two, the Darfur case has been given high media attention and covered extensively.
Originally posted by Nephthys: Is cleaning my plate with my last piece of bread "disgusting"? [/QB] First it depends on whom you are eating with, if its family/close friends do what u want...hada rabtiid fart garey. . But if you are a guest to a dinner party then rules will be different, cleaning ur plate with last bread may not be "disgusting", but it makes u seem like qoof gaajo ku kurey. Cheap person, hungri badan, so its not cool ya dig. Well thats at least what ive been told.
^^^^^It doesn't matter whom your comment was towards that and Laaska aad shegaysiid is irelvant to the topic sxb.... whats your piont, people will kill them selfs soon? yaab how u can come up with this comment in article that discussed qoof dumar miskeen ah oo raafaadsaan....ahhh i forgot a "somalilander" posted it war nabad galyo.
^^^war isku xiishood, and iska amuuus....what does las anood have to do with the tale of innocent women? May Allah make it easy for her miskeenta, wa wax laga naaxo. Cawo hadaan oghay how i would send her money.
Originally posted by Caamir: They are not intent on establishing an Islamic state similar to that of the 9th century. Qosal garir iga dheh. Sxb, and what is wrong with those who intent to return to the 9th century (the time of the rightous companions?) Is there time greater more honorable then that era of theirs? Ill have you "ilbax" Somalis know that it was Islam that built the great civilizations, ruled from Western Europe to Gates of China. And the Ummah will return to it when its destiny comes. As for Somalia, leave our honorable deen Islam out of the rotten tribal society. Ilhay cafmiid ha siiyo daadkaas.
What about the period between Prophet Musa and Prophet Jesus? Or the period before Prophet Musa? I am not sure but I will get back to u on that inshallah. The brother gave a specific term for the period between Prophet Isa and Muhammad peace be upon them both. I don’t remember the name he gave this period, but ill ask and get back to u inshallah. Of the prophets pointed to in the Quran and not named, do you think Buddha might be one? Many do believe so, the Quran mentions to every community Allah sent a Messenger, and the message was later corrupted as the message of Isa ibn Maryama for example, so we can neither deny if Budda was a prophet or say he was for sure. Only that Allah Knows Best. Just another question, since Nabi Ibrahim is referred to as one of the first muslims, do you think that the designation of muslim to today's followers of Mohamed (csw) is accurate? I believe we talked about this in detail in another thread, I tried to dig it up now but system seems to be slow. A Muslim means those whom submit. Ibrahiim pbuh was a Muslim as all the messengers, as they submitted to the message they were given. Since Nabi scw is the last messenger a Muslim is he/she that testifies in the Khalimah and submits in Islam. Ameen, my good brother i never heard of that before. I will look into it, jazkallahu khair.
loooooooooooooooooool@ Rednecks. hahaha Che. Aboowe/Boowe sayin that to another dude wa iga haraan.......that dont sound right if i may so but hey.