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Everything posted by Khalaf
Bended knee and begging brothers, sister is for shhhh no comment. I have seen u IB and trust- seen much better peace out, I have to study now wasted too much time on u alreadly
For those of u still unfamiliar, the story above is how me and Ibtisam met . “just to let you all know i got the answer right. keep away†Guess what IB, I got it right too now we soul mates lool . All that's left now is for Mr. Psychopath to buy a plan ticket, leave the US and reunite with Ms. Psychopath this summer. Were gonna make a killing .
^^^^That's an insult my sister. I wont speak for other men, but that's not for me. So drop it, it can get dirty.
IBdon't flatter yourself my sister I seen much better then you and your “fake blue eyes†. U can do much better then that goggle poem , then go ahead show us your poetic skills. Chase u around the globe lool- did u forget I am somali we don't do that. Peace
Khalaf, I am so insulted I am always covered islamicly, thank you very much, that is a avatar and not the real me. And most of all its a cartoon picture not even a real girl. Walaalshiis, can't u tell a joke from reality? Kaftan, of course I know that's a cartoon and not a real girl-U think I am that messed up in the head? And I am very happy to hear u cover islamically-Hold on to Islam very strongly baby girl. Nameless u got jokes. If I was the Aussie government I wont trust u with a bike let alone a car, are they crazy? What's up with always going off to bed all the time-u know u aint gotta announce it-kids. And about age, it has nothing to do with the number but your maturity, experiences, what's in your mind. And I have to say I am glad u and the “cheecky cheecky†girl joined SOL-I am feeling wiser already :cool: I strongly encourage SOL to add “pre-teen†section for these kids . IB-“unless u like little†comment is dirty I demand an appolgy. :mad: PS: Nameless sister, I hope ur joking about meeting ppl u don't know-read it in another post. Be careful walaalshiis especially since u a girl. In my state 16 girl last month was raped and killed by some sucker she met online. Brotherly advice. Peace
"ONLY GOD CAN JUDGE". U sure about that? We know only Allah can judge us, but that is in the hearafter, in this life mankind and his laws can judge us too. Tell the men who are in jail for nothing but their beliefs that only Allah Can Judge, Allah is the best Judge, but not the only judge. Am I making sense? SB-Don't let power of America and its riches delude u, we know the verse in the Qu'ran that speaks of this. Pharaoh and his chiefs had power and riches for hundreds of yrs, were they beloved by Allah? NO Allah destroyed his kindgom cause of his crimes, and the kingdoms of the disbealivers who commit crimes against innocents will be destroyed sooner or later. Peace
Now Macalin Red Sea if you wanted your duqsi to run properly and not turn into a playground u should enforce strict Islamic guidelines . If you want the brothers to behave (me ), you need to enforce these rules. First macalin, my classmate ibtisam needs to wear a burqa and hide her eyes I can’t concentrate on my studies . Second my other classmate nameless needs to put on jilbab and cover herself, and stop sticking her tongue out that also is distracting the brotha . Once u put these little girls in check, learning will can begin. We alreadly made rules Red, no quizzes and absolutely no beating your students, we all know how to dial 911 and call social services on abusive duqsi teachers . Perhaps, shukaansi 101 in la idiin dhigo waaye. Lool Misikiin. Brotha if u know the art better then go ahead, start 101 shukaansi class. Peace
^^^^^Seeker, just went to check the score. Holy damn sht FSU is killing You are the woman, Queen of B-ball, FSU is killing it. Rudy bow down dude, a girl just kicked your a$$$, and rest of us Peace out, can't stand blow out games n I don't believe in miracles they aint coming back. Now seeker don't rub it in aight? Salaam
as for the question: the closest person to me at that time or the one who needs it most. ibtisam I didn’t know u felt that way. Tell the world my love, don’t be a typical mali girl don’t hide your feelings. And thanks for this poem u wrote about me Ill share it with the world I am not ashamed: Mother, I cannot mind my wheel; My fingers ache, my lips are dry. Oh! if you felt the pain I feel! But oh, who ever felt as I? No longer could I doubt him true; All other men may use deceit: He always said my eyes were blue And often swore my lips were sweet. :eek: But sorry my love, my last breath I would give to my one true love her name is hooyo. Peace out
^^^^Pucca Glad u said that cuz that woman trust me said that too me. Means she dont know somali neither right? I don't know what it means, but coming from her it was probably an insult Peace
ha haa ha Pucca @ lower ur gaze . Besides "sisters" section wouldn't be interesting without the viewpoints of the brothers. U need to be challenged I don't post here personally here much anyway, but unless there is rule against it-too bad Pucca PS: dig the somali learning alreadly. Now I have to get back to my real studies. Plz make dua for me, got huge exam and been wasting time all day :mad: Peace
like amelia said, i too think more brothers need to be kicked out of this place Its free country, if we want we be "shyting all over the place", up in here now what? Peace
^^^Pucca agree. We are missing those who are "learned", maybe u can help us illiterates out. Help me out with this one, some woman said this too me: "nikal jaw yahaase". Now is that insult? Peace
^^^With do respect my dear sister, we shouldn't let our strong objections and emotions cloud our judgemnt. This is difficult issue that doesn't have an easy answer. When we look at Islamic history there has never been a Woman to led the Muslim Ummah. What does that tell us-a lot. However, there is no verse in the Qu'ran which says a woman can not lead a nation. There are many ulma who object to this notion they use hadith, some even say a woman can not become a judge. Allah knows best. We all can disagree on this all day. But we can't disagree on this known fact: A woman can not led the men in prayer in Islam. Islam encourages the seperation of the sexes. So my question if a woman can't lead a mix-gathering in salat, how can she led a nation and cabinet of a mix-gathering? Don't get me wrong, I am not saying a woman is not befit to be a leader-we all know there are many strong, intelligent woman capable, however I believe there is wisdom behind this on why awoman can not be leaders of a nation. Salaam
Brother I don't know where she got the idea of "sheik" maybe the avater? Well sister out all the avaters the Name of Allah is most beloved to me, thats why I chose it. And be warned I am not sheik, but that doesn't mean I am not a muslim-I fear Allah and I am just joking with the sister. PS: IB looks like an eqyptian sister I used to know around the way, but that girl had eyes as dark as night. Maybe u are her under those contacts
"really you should take that hat off? your trashing shik's image" Hey, thats dirty. I am just playing with you first. Second I aint trashing nothing, I believe in Allah, and am a simple muslim, am not sheik or perfect. That said, where is the haraam that i have said :confused: its just fun. Now can I have my lunch in peace woman?
"As close as I can get" don't be to confident sis. no doubt, I can get any girl I want . Have to take lunch break.
the fact you went back proves that you have no self control AND, the shike hat and act has to come off!! lool. Okay, Ill do a lot of fasting then Peace out.
IB, I didn't know this was our first date . Shouldve told a brotha, then I wouldve been on my best behavior Peace
i think you've already passed that stage, better run with you tail between your legs. IB, I am gonnna need a poodle to run alongside me
loooool IB . I looked at your profile just now, thanks for putting your real picture up this time I had no idea
"In any case i refuse to be used as a case study to measure the success of Red sea's advice" lool . And I refuse to be made to appear like immature jacka$$$ up in here so Ill take a break before I say anymore stup*d sht . Peace
^^^I got that part, it was the pleasant suprise I didn't. Try me or as he would say: do your worst. peace out
IB its good advice, listen to your elders. You have failed all of those requirements I dont know but this one for sure: If you are girl, never go outside without your full body armor (Hijab),......
hhm contacts work wonders and at time hypnotises people to drop at my feet. Now stop starting unless you want me to arrange a pleasant surprise in its place. :confused: Your english is as bad as your somali. Make little sense will ya?