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Everything posted by Khalaf

  1. "you might wanna edit your original post.. the phrase "sticking the dagger in her back" kinda makes one think of STABBINGS and other sick rituals..(I even thought of bloody orgies) not being funny" -I c u read the de vinci code huh? mantra sis that is best as i could describe it, ill working on my writing next time cool. peace
  2. im sorry..seems we're speaking at cross-purposes.. was she or wasnt she STABBED? . U make me laugh . Allow me to repeat my dear sister and sorry to disappoint u, but she was not stabbed but poked/hit like slapping someone in the back. ur funny . Peace
  3. Brother Pi, With due respect my dear brother, do you even know Fatima Mernissi and aware of her writtings? She is well known Moroccan sociologist and strong feminist who is against Islam. My brother and you bring this flith of a character to an Islamic dicussion. And provide a website that says hijab is not obligotry, a ruling agreed upon as Salat is agree upon. Her research is usless, the opinions of our ulma and our history far outweigh the ramblings of confused feminist. Peace
  4. Brother Nur, First I commend u for bringing up this topic, indeed interesting and as years pass we will see issues like this take front stage in the Islamic world. This is not about the west, excellent point tho on whose agenda is being shaped in the Muslim world. I would never call for reform of Islamic system-that is shirk when one thinks Allah’s Laws can be reformed. Islamic way has already been interpreted and lived physically by the companions in both personal and public spheres-and they are our best guide to follow. And I believe a woman shouldn’t become president of the Land. This job entitles she be leader, Imam of whole lands, leader of the military, Jihad, Imam of all the Muslims. We know this is not the role that Islam reserved for women. Is this discrimination against her or doubt of her abilities? Absolutely not. No one knows creation better then Allah The Creator, this is mercy for the woman who no matter how many times people tend to argue or deny is weaker then men-thus her duties are different. We have to realize as Muslims there is an intellectual attack against us and we most confront that attack intellectually. What do I mean? First, those who oppose women becoming head state use the same arguments you outlined above-men are protectors, sustainers, the Hadith, a single Hadith I should mention that says nation will not prosper with a woman as its leader, and of course our history. With that said my brother, how do we confront those who say where is no verse in the Qu’ran that directly says a woman can’t lead a nation? Since there is no direct order against it, it can be open to interpretation? And what are the opinions of the 4 imams? I am sure this issue has been discussed by the different schools of thought. InshaAllah maybe this can be presented here. Salaam
  5. ^^^^^Excellent point about that hadith brother stoic. I heard it as well. Out all those hadtihs collected, only one mentions a woman can't become leader of nation. There is another hadith that says: Obey your leader even if he is ethopian slave. Also the imam at my masjid said u can't prophit or make haraam that which was not directly forbidden in the Qu'ran or by the Prophet. What where the opinions of the Madhabs? In islamic history a woman was never president, however the subject is open to interpretation and times can change doesn't mean it haraam. For example: the issue of divorce by uttering I divorce thee three times. All the Madhabs agreed that if man utters these words three times at once, the woman is divorced from him therefore she most marry another, get divorce then only then can they marry again. However ibn Taimiyah (Allah bless him) issued a fatwa that went against that ruling. He said if man utters I divorce thee in one situation that is counted as one, another situation utters I divorce thee, counts two, then another counts as three-then only then is there a divorce. Ibn tamiyah was jailed for this fatwa since it went against the rulings of long standing tradition and the madhabs, and he died in jail-May Allah reward him Jannah. Now today his fatwa is used in majority of Muslim Lands. There are many examples of how fatwas were changed throughout islamic history. The flexibility of Islam is raxmah. What I am saying is there is no direct order that prophbits women from holding top office, its open to interpretation. With that said, I believe a woman’s most honorable role is to be a wife and mother and raise God-fearing Muslim generation who will lead the world. But I or any man has no right to deny her anything which Allah has not denied her.
  6. ^^^^My name is not Farah ya dig. to concentrate take adderall, ritalin other ADHD drug . U need it. Peace
  7. L'ami pourquoi vous écrivez en français? L'ami, la plupart des Somaliens ne savent pas français. Son plus facile à demander votre question dans Somalien ou l'anglais. Me comprendre l'ami ? Au revoir. Salaam
  8. ^^^^^U live in UK? Ohhh-ohh-oh-ohhh u forgot I was psychopath? and I know what u look like. Be very afraid very very afarid. Peace
  9. ^^^^just out of sheer curiosity why do u feel offended? I just told of what i saw. And anything that is against the Qu'ran, Sunnah, and the way of rightous sahaba I don't believe in nor do I follow. If it is haraam or not, I believe I said Allah Knows best. Salaam
  10. ^^^^No walaalshiis its not in somalia. Here is link link I was recruited also by friend who told me yo this easy way to make money and I said sign me up. Many muslims are in the program and many foreigners, smart peeps. Just go to google and research it yourself IB stop being lazy . All I have to say is this is way to put more money in the white dudes pocket, those at the top "diamonds" get rich, u dont get jacksht. they told me at seminar young somalis like yourselfs are making it big-where? Its bullsht, but smart ppl even after dateline program still are with this company. Peace
  11. Khalaf

    Holy Warriors

    ^^^Brother register? PBS is local channel nationwide in America. Don't worry though I am sure they will make video and sell it to u for $29.99 at islamic store neary u Peace
  12. but this assertion was clearly demonstrated by the Bush administrations failure to overlook the fact that thousands of Jews did not turn up for work, on the septmeber 11 attacks. lets just say that the israel's have the US wrapped around their little finger. And the fact that 4 Israeli secret Mossad agents disguising themselves as art students were arrested by the FBI shortly after 911. What happened, happened and I trust that no matter how many times man plots, we are all under the plot of Allah. His decree will come about. But its hard to believe bunch Arabs learned to fly commercial planes in short period, went undetected for all those months( foreign Arabs have always been spied upon since the 70s), and this was master plan of man in cave somewhere in Afghanistan. Insult to the human intelligence! And never was 911 investigated. Waterlilly don’t be deluded, UK, France, EU, US are all for support of Israel and against the Muslim Nation so their “anti-israli, us†doesn’t mean nothing. The Jewish influence is just stronger in the US. And to your signature: ALLAH HELP THE MUSLIMS, Ameen. Peace
  13. ^ I think some of the ways bushmen deal with mental health is not anymore backward than what is done on these shores... drugging someone until they are a zombie, addicted, and likely to commit suicide from withdrawal if they quit the medication... yes, that's the way, isn't it. -Wildcat, I was relating what I saw. I never mentioned backwardness. It’s not my place to judge how people treat mental illness or who is right and wrong. To each his own. What you witnessed Qalaf is that mother was possessed by jini. Was she screaming with a complete new, unrecognizable voice when she was hit with dagger? -Brother what I saw was indeed strange. Imagine long knife used to strike someone in the back, head while the Qu’ran is recited in a mystical way(dikre?). And no she was not screaming just sitting there peacefully, yet rocking back and forth. Surtal Yasiin was recited over and over again. And other specific verses which I was told is used for those “possessed†or sick. Brother u believe one can be possessed by Jiin or devils? I heard it but I don’t buy it. Nevertheless the subject matter is indeed interesting My strong opinion is anything especially that which deals with spiritual healing that is not supported by the practices of our nabi Muhammad ibn Abdillah(pbuh) is useless. If it is Haraam Allah knows Best. I strongly oppose when it comes to the belief of being possessed by Jinn(perhaps true Allah knows best) and that a Holy man can cure it(absolutely sheirk) which I’ve seen some of our people believe. They call for “my sheikâ€. Human sickness has not changed and will not change since the time of Aden (pbuh) until the day of Judgment-the best medicine is to practice what Allah gives us especially in regards to the sickness of the soul. The Noble Qu’ran. There are many sayings of the Prophet (pbuh) on how to cure disease, we should seek knowledge from that source. For every disease there is medicine-and it’s only By the leave of Allah that one can be cured. Peace
  14. Salaam "The story of that bloody campaign is, in many ways, the story of two men – Saladin and Richard I of England, known to history as "the Lionheart" – whose clash of wills makes for an engaging historical study in "Holy Warriors," airing Wednesday, April 19, 9-11 p.m. on PBS (check local listings)." source Salahuddin Ibn Ayyub may Allah reward him, is great hero of mine. InshaAllah watch it if u can, but be critical since its about muslim history. Peace
  15. Salaam, Brother this woman’s job description has nothing to do with what happened. There are women strippers, prostitutes, whores, seductive temptresses but rape doesn’t come with the territory as u put it. This logic would be like saying cause you live in dangerous neighborhood u ask for getting shot. This takes away responsibility from perpetrators. Nacaam the chances are increased, but the murder is still guilty and should be punished (I am sure we both agree). And punishment is not usually carried out against those who are rich, white that commit it. The woman is black; these suckers are white and rich. This is black vs. white, rich vs. poor. I hate this topic “rapeâ€, don’t want to discuss it to be honest. Just putting it out there. This is topic all over the news and am pissed off on how it’s being handled, largely due to this woman’s race, income, and job. A crime is crime weather it against a noble woman or a whore. Who cares? Cause they infidels, she is whore? Again that is not relevant. This is a brutal crime-gang rape regardless of who the woman is. At the end of the day-she is a human being a mother who has been violated without her consent-thus she deserves justice. That’s my last two cents. by J. Lee “I have always believed that the only just punishment for a rapist was and will always be castration……….†----Cruel :eek: ! U don’t mean that it, and it won’t solve the problem. None of the laws of mankind will solve the horrendous crimes man commits. The best and only way to rid of evil is to apply the Law of Allah and follow it strictly. Fitnah has increased world over, because of the absence of Islam as the leader of mankind. Peace
  16. Salaam I pray for u walaalshiis and all the muminine. May Allah make it easy for you. Some ppl will ask u why u complaining-since there are millions who would want to be in your position to study, attend university, have health, ect. U are indeed blessed but life is hard, not easy we all know that. I have seen many bro/sis graduating who are stressed out about the uncertain future. The best advice I have for u is keep the remembrance of Allah much, go back to Allah, read the Qu’ran listen to Qu’ran, make tauba to Allah much. You will see big difference in your out look, instead of seeing life as hard, university as stressful, time as fast- u will be more content. What Allah has written for you none can take away, and what was not written for u was never going to befall u-work hard but leave the results to Allah. InshaAllah Baraka to u in your future. Peace
  17. ^^^^Dude I think she calls herself "nameless chick" ya dig? And its partly our fault for getting off topic not her, don't bully the sister dude. Class in session. Salaam
  18. Alleged Rape at Duke Plays to Stereotypes By ALLEN G. BREED AP National Writer DURHAM, N.C. (AP) -- The case seems to fit the stereotypes so perfectly. The accused rapists are white, the woman is black. The men go to Duke University, the expensive private college with the championship sports teams and big TV deals. The woman studies across town at chronically underfunded and oft-overshadowed North Carolina Central University. The men are lacrosse jocks, many of them recruited from tony Northern prep schools. She's a 27-year-old divorced mother of two who went to the Duke students' house to do some exotic dancing and make a little extra money. It's so easy to see the incident at the shabby university-owned house - just a mile from the iconic Gothic Duke Chapel - in terms of powerlessness and privilege, town and gown, black and white. Many on campus and in the streets of this gritty working-class vertex of the famed Research Triangle are framing it just that way. But not everybody is comfortable with that. "I think along with the awfulness of the incident has come a real desire to condemn a lot of the Duke students because they are people of privilege, maybe," Durham resident Paul Montgomery, who is white, said as he stood outside the Trinity Park house where the party occurred. "I just hope people kind of take into account that there is ... more than meets the eye." The white, three-bedroom house with the crumbling black shutters sits on the edge of Walltown, a predominantly black and poor neighborhood outside the school's low stone wall where many residents still refer to Duke as "the plantation." On the night of March 13, a black woman made a tearful call to 911 to complain that a white man from the house at 610 N. Buchanan Boulevard - which was being leased by three lacrosse team members - had shouted a racial slur at her and a friend. She told police that someone had recently defaced a neighborhood car with the letters "KKK." "I'm just so angry I didn't know who to call," the woman sobbed in impotent rage. "They didn't harm me in any way, but I just feel so completely offended, I can't even believe it." That same night, a woman says she and a partner went there expecting to entertain a bachelor party of five, but that they soon found themselves surrounded by more than 40 drunken men barking racial slurs. "We started to cry," she told The News & Observer of Raleigh. "We were so scared." She told police she and her friend left the house. Jason Bissey was smoking a cigarette on the front porch next door and said he heard some of the party demand a refund. He heard one shout, "Hey *****! Thank your grandpa for my nice cotton shirt." Someone from the house apologized and coaxed the women back inside. It was then, the woman says, that she was dragged into a bathroom and raped, beaten and choked for a half hour. Police say medical evidence is consistent with a sexual assault. Officers recovered the woman's makeup bag, cell phone and identification from the house - as well as four red-polished fingernails she says were broken off during the struggle. A judge ordered 46 members of the team to submit DNA samples. Because the woman says her attackers were white, the squad's lone black member was not tested. People on and off campus were outraged that it took police nearly three days to search the house. They were even more incensed that it took two weeks for the university to make the decision to suspend the team's season. Protesters have marched almost daily, banging pots and pans outside the white house and demonstrating in front of Provost Peter Lange's home. Signs alternately condemning and supporting the players have appeared and disappeared from the players' now-vacant house. The team captains issued a statement Wednesday expressing "sincere regret over the lapse in judgment in having the party." But they say the DNA tests will prove "that any allegation that a sexual assault or rape occurred is totally and transparently false." Durham is a fairly racially balanced city; blacks and whites each comprise about 45 percent of the population. But Duke does not mirror the community at large - only 11 percent of the 6,244 undergraduates are black. The economic chasm between the university and the town is also large. It costs about $44,000 to attend Duke - $3,000 more than the mean household income in Durham, and about $34,000 more than the in-state cost of attending North Carolina Central. Slightly more than half of Duke's lacrosse team came from private schools, including the lone Durham native, but assistant sports information director Art Chase said many receive some form of financial aid. Duke says it wants to be a good neighbor. University President Richard Brodhead said the school recently bought the house on Buchanan Boulevard and 14 others because of complaints of raucous parties and uncivil behavior. "When we decided to purchase these properties, it was our intention to turn them around and sell them to single families, to do something good for the neighborhoods," he said last week. Duke does have a history of outreach in Walltown and the larger community. Durham native Maya Jackson remembers fondly how Duke students would come to her elementary school to help out. But the 23-year-old junior sociology major at NCCU also acknowledged that there has always been "an air" about Dukies. "Some of them came off as snooty," said Jackson, who is black. "That can be said the same for Central students ... It just comes off a little bit stronger when it involves Duke students." Said Rayone Bland, a black divinity student at Duke: "There is really a sense of, `I'm entitled to do what I want to do.' It's kind of like the staff and judicial affairs and everyone is just here kind of to keep the country club running and to keep everyone happy. So there's really not any accountability, I don't think, for students. "So being told `No' for the first time, I mean, is mind-blowing for them." All over town, there is a sense that battle lines have been drawn. One afternoon, Jeff Shaw, 20, a sophomore from Winston-Salem, sported a brand-new Duke lacrosse T-shirt he bought to show his support for friends on the team. "I feel like it's Duke and Durham against these people" on the team, he says. On Wednesday, several hundred people gathered on the East Campus for a "Take Back the Night" march from the student union to Duke Chapel. The annual protest was planned months ago, but recent events gave it a special urgency. As Flannery Hysjulien waited for the rally to begin, she bent low in front of a garbage can and stared at a flier plastered there. It bore the heading "PLEASE COME FORWARD" - and the names and pictures of nearly the entire lacrosse team. The 25-year-old Durham native, a white student in social work at the University of North Carolina in nearby Chapel Hill, says she has watched Duke try to build bridges with the community. She says it is a difficult task only complicated by this latest incident. "I really think there is a feeling that this connects to a history of racism in Durham and discrimination in Durham that is still very much felt by residents of Durham," says Hysjulien, who was on campus for the march. "I think we're a city that remains quite divided, although we're attempting to become a more unified community." As the crowd massed, a white man with a bullhorn leaned out of a nearby dorm window and shouted, "The lacrosse team is innocent." Another walked across the quad, pumping his fist and shouting hoarsely, "They're innocent." Freshman Addison Nuding stood on the grass divide with his Frisbee and bemoaned the rush to judgment - on both sides. "With a school of this prestige, I think that we're always going to be the target," says the 19-year-old wrestler from Reading, Pa., a white whose friends on the lacrosse team have assured him no rape occurred that night. "It's an easy target." Jeannine Carpenter, 30, who is studying linguistics at Duke, doesn't think the incident should reflect on the Duke community as a whole. But for many people, the white Ph.D candidate knows it inevitably will. "There's a stereotype of white Duke privilege that can't always be denied," she says. "I think that there's always historical truth in stereotypes. Whether it's present day or not is definitely a question." Source More Info about case :mad: :mad: B*a*s*t*a*r*d*s! True racist colors come out in US, let these white rich suckers get away with this-No JUSTICE. :mad: Peace out
  19. 1. Bin laden(hes alive:D) 2. Hallie Berry 3. Beyonce Knowles Give me three places you would like to visit and why?
  20. ^Sorry YU, you sounded as if u were against the lil girl beeing dressed as such. U know we´ve to sift the Arabic culture/traditions from the faith( religion) and preserve our cultural/traditional identity. you sounded as if u wiped that Somali identity in the name of "modesty" . Brother, what good is our identity as somali without Islam? If our "traditions" as somalis contradict Islam then they most be abandoned end of story. Peace
  21. Interesting. I went to stay at the house of a friend in Ohio. And man, what I saw :eek: His moms, something was wrong with her. And they brought two sheiks to read the Qu'ran. And mashaAllah I stayed to hear the Qu'ran recited, nothing is more great for the hearing then the recital. Midway, the older sheik brought out this damn huge dagger :eek: , I was like what the :eek: . He started hitting her in the back, head with the dagger, and sticking the dagger in her back. I had never seen, I was freaking out. No joke, and he was throwing water on her. Just made me wonder is this haraam? Allah knows best. sister, its good to find out on what type of healers they use in somali for mental, spirtual, ect illness, and also its even more important I think to know what our Nabi pbuh used to cure illness. I heard some but can't spell them, also honey is good for u. InshaAllah maybe others can share. Peace
  22. Salaam, We can judge others, question their actions, and think what in the h*ll are they thinking or how can anyone do these acts, but the human being is indeed complex and fragile. The mind and heart is powerful, there is a great hadith that said protect the heart if that is spoiled then the whole body is spoiled. All I am saying is committing sucide is unthinkable, haraam, but lets just ask Allah for refuge that we or our loved ones never reach a point where we lose all hope and resort to such an act. Peace
  23. Salaam Okay, young lady Ill cut the kid jokes, deal? Yeh um online “a lot†since I work at the uni lab(bored sometimes), and u know in America we have personal computers “like labtops u got that girlfriend?" Am i speaking yo language? Just joking walaalshiis. IB, sorry too walaalshiis with the jokes. We coo? And istagfirullah for all of us if any wrong as been said. I'll be coo now, class in session. But one more thing, “young ladies†be careful of this macalin Red Sea I think he may have other motives then teaching u somali read between the lines in clear english : "Khalaf, I might have to suspend you from the class for good, then transform this class into ladies only class." Warning Peace out, I am going to bed now Sike. Salaamu Lah
  24. Abdullah bin Amar (RA) relates that the Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said "Surely things will happen to my people as happened earlier to Israelites, they will resemble each other like one shoe in a pair resembles the other to the extent that if anyone among the Israelites has openly committed adultery to his mother there will be some who will do this in my Ummah as well, verily the Israelites were divided into 72 sections but my people will be divided into 73 sections, all of them will be in the fire except one." The companions asked, 'Who are they O Messenger of Allah,' Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) said, "They are those who will be like me and my companions." Who are the companions-They are Muslims not Sufi, Sunni, Shia, Just Muslims. Qu'ran and Sunnah Alone. Thats my two cents, continue with the debate. Peace