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Everything posted by Khalaf

  1. lool@ Che.....sxb no one is innocent, i dont want to act innocent yo.........but zina haraam we seek in Allahs times of fitnah...Muslim take pride in following the shariah. when i say inspect, dont believe what the ppl tell u always.......i was good friends with this egyptian sister, like my own sister, grew up together, school, same uni......then they started rumor that i was hittin it...subhanallah...ruin innocent sisters repution...our friendship khalas..... good girls can be accused.
  2. peacenow sxb read this: Takbir ya Viking sxb: somalia was destroyed by none other then somalis and by ruling with socalism n man-made systems...get dat? Sxb in xamaar woman couldnt walk the streets......ppl used to watch porn, using money to feed kids to buy qaat (where was the outrage back then huh?) all dat has changed Glory is to Allah, yo i got ya u want to chew qaat dont ya? this banner of Islam belongs to all.... the scholars, leaders of Islam were not arabs but other cool sxb. If somali culture contridicts Islam.......then it should be abondened.....KHALAS.
  3. Originally posted by J.Lee: Ina adeer, you'd do well to concentrate on yourself rather than question the reason why these girls are attired this way. It's between them and their maker; you aren't even in the equation sweetheart. According to the Quran and Sunnah this not correct....tho common belief. When in this case we see other Muslims involved in sins, following jaliyah practices instead of correcting/advising them we tell ourselves its “between them and their maker.” ......its not my business. 1. Why were Messengers sent? They were sent to correct the people and remind them of right and forbid them of haram. Allah describes this Ummah: You are the best nation brought forth for the people of the world: you enjoin right and you forbid wrong, and you believe in Allah. Qur'an 3/110. Believing men and believing women are the protecting friends of each other: they enjoin right and they forbid wrong. Qur`an 9/71 Imaam Ahmad ibn Hanbal said: “If I were to remain silent, how would the ignorant masses know the truth from the falsehood?” The believer who exposes the innovators, who speaks against sin is better then the one who remains silent, because the former benefits the community, while the latter benefits himself only. The Prophet scw was asked: Shall we be destroyed even though there are righteous people among us? The Prophet said, Yes, if evil increases. (Bukhari) Evil is anything which Allah and His messenger forbidded. Last reference in particular those living in the West: "There was not a Prophet whom Allah sent berfore me, but he had disciples and companions from among his people. They follow his way (Sunnah) and obey his orders. After that, later generations come. They would claim to do what they do not do. They would do what they were not ordered to do. Whoever struggles against them with his hand, is a believer. Whoever struggles against them with his tongue, is a believer. Whoever rejects them with his heart, is a believer. There is no Iman left after this, even the weight of a mustard seed." [Muslim] If a Muslim is happy with sin, innovations then he is not a believer in Allah Most High according to this Hadith. We should fear Allah...."faith is in my heart, repent later" is the wispering of shaydan. Allah Knows Best Clarity being pleased with sin
  4. Trying implies coming up short. It is clear that the original question was answered, and for reasons known only to Allah Most High some refuse to accept those answers, and dodge this debate, and the ayats of the Quran which say none have faith until they comply with the sayings of the nabi scw........ these are not interpretations but articles of faith. Two the Glorious Quran is not a mere is the words of Allah Most High. Inshallah keep up the dawah yaa would be boring without SOL....Nurs writings.
  5. Originally posted by cynical lady: ohh please male *** female *** there is no such thing as *** u choose to expand ure sexual encounters y should u be judged and given a title for? also who wants a man who does not knw wht to do in bed? plz i think its vital that he sleeps with alot of woman and will i judge him for that HELL NO, well i judge a woman who chooses to sleep with a lot of man HELL NO. hold up...........are u saying woman prefer one whose been around? Xalmiopatra: the past is very important.........the past is her resume, and if she wants to land this great job..........her resume must be xalaal, noble, of good record. there would be no need to ask her about the past........ppl know who is good................also I have sisters..........any one who wants to step to um in the future........... will be inspected.....I believe as the Quran says: Good woman are for good men........adulterous are for adulterous...21st or 30st century.......Islam we will follow.
  6. question reality check: are you saying your question (not following hadiths-sunnah of nabi scw) equals grave sin was not answered here? If u didnt get an answer u wanted.....then can you tell us why? and if u disagree with: that it is a grave sin.....can u tell us how as well.......its fair question dont u think?
  7. I know a brother (learned lot form him) he changed masjids....and started his own masjid for salafi aqeedah cause the imam, and majority of masjid goers there........ his said the imams teachings are astray..........and the way of the salaaf is xaaq.......I didn’t agree told him: dont separate the muslims into sects or leave the jammat(community).......the imam is from Al-Azhar, fluent arabic... this brother al-maghrib courses, lectures, books. ibn al-Qayyim ra described how shaydan misleads the believers two ways:. either makes the muslim neglectful (what is RIS... boring yo um chiil with farhia, catch a ballgame or somthin na mean)......or overzealous (haram man, haraaam, there will be too many beautiful xalimos there, fitnah fitnah! ) The point neither is correct- we are the middle nation. our MSA we had dialouge between faiths, muslim/jewish/christian speakers... the muslim brother kept talking about the similarities between ppl of the book n muslims (me thinking: we are muslims! we are not like the kufars! :mad: ....apologetic dude! :mad: )........but at the meeting one white brother took the shadah...........and the muslims came together as is the sunnah of the prophet be among the jammat. salaamulah
  8. some are rich some are poor, some die some are born......dats how world goes. i found these pictures on somalia........many ways to earn Jannah....give in charity as Allah Most Great commanded us. "Spend something (in charity) out of the substance which We have bestowed on you, before Death should come to any of you and he should say, "O my Lord! why didst Thou not give me respite for a little while? I should then have given (largely) in charity, and I should have been one of the doers of good". " - The Holy Quran, 63:10 Prophet scw said: Anyone who looks after and works for a widow and a poor person is like a warrior fighting for Allahs cause, or like a person who fasts during the day and prays all night. (Bukhari) help.....and you will be helped on the day of judegement inshallah.
  9. Originally posted by XulaXu: ^^^ who's going to clean the house if you don't have kids? :confused: nevermind
  10. Putin should clean Russia from these Jews...they control all da money in Russia.
  11. JZK for da correction.......quote in its entirety....explain?....the verse is self-explaintory....What the nabi scw said to do: we most follow, what the nabi scw said not do: we most abstain form........khalas.
  12. Sadiya walaalshiis um a brother....... .....istagfruallah ya Allah for all my dumb jokes......when u listen to Quran u dont feel like joking walaahi.......LX be cool my brother. :cool: salaamulah
  13. Walaalshiis.......we are not on the same page. To clearly myself tho: Hadith means speech: sayings /actions of nabi scw........and Sunnah is border of this: the life/manners of the prophet scw. There is two different parts to the second source of islam: actions which are recommended for muslims to follow, and actions which are obligatory (what the prophet ordered/prohibited)........and this has been a source of legislation in Islamic shariah. U said: Now you said not following sahiih hadith is a GRAVE sin and leads to Kufar. List your sources Well, if denying a "Credible" Hadeeth because its used in the body of the Sharia laws is a grave sin, then not following it (because you either choose not to or flat-out deny) would be a grave sin as well. It depends on how the individual looks at it. It does depend on "how the individual looks at it", but as Muslims we were told in the Quran: 'Whatever the messenger giveth you, take it and whatsoever he forbiddeth, abstain from it).' (Qur'an, 59:97) Marka how is not "sin" when one does not abstain from what the prophet scw forbad found in the hadiths but not in the Quran? What sources do you need? :confused: This story sums it up: Hadhrat Abdullah ibn Mas`ud was once asked by an old woman, 'You curse a tattoing woman (daashimah), but nowhere in the Qur`aan has tattooing prohibited.' Hadhrat Abdullah ibn Mas`ud (Radhiallaahu Anhu) replied, 'I wish thou hadst been reading the Qur`aan. Does it not say 'whatever the messenger giveth you?'" The old woman said, 'Yes, so is written.' Hadhrat ibn Mas`ud then said, 'If so, because of this authority the Prophet of Allah has cursed the tattooing woman and has commanded us to desist from this abominable act. This command of the holy Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam), by virtue of being an exposition of this aayah, has become a Qur1aanic command itself." Allah Knows best, we ask for Allahs forgiveness and Guideness...correct me if wrong min fadlik. ps: my bad brother Nur. out wa salaamu lah.
  14. istagfurallah..yaa Rab ya Rab......Naden religion is advice walaalshiis.....marka let me give u advice....can u for one moment, just one moment think n consider your opinion could be wrong, and maybe fear Allah for that before making such the light of the fact that what Red said is supported... has been related n agreed by the ulma of Islam. whats up :confused:
  15. ^^sxb u been dealt wit.....believe or follow as u wish......we are Muslims and we hear and we obey Allah and His messenger. Hadith is a science, part of our deen that we most follow as Quran orders us!....Sh. Nur can explain this area furthur. Reality Check u said in page 1: Now you said not following sahiih hadith is a GRAVE sin and leads to Kufar. List your sources. Hadith is the sunnah-sayings of the nabi no? It outlines laws, guidlines for the Muslims not found in the Quran since nabi didnt speak from his whims....verses from the Quran show we most follow the sunnah....the one who doesnt refer to Quran/sunnah is not only sining....but as the ayat says its kufarnimo....whenever their is dispute refer to the quran and the sayings of nabi scw-hadiths....Marka why is that hard to understand walaalshiis? :confused:
  16. ladies why is it mali girls go through university, get education, degree......then u quit everything....khalas....u get tired....finished...done deal! are no different then mali women who never been to school.....not sayin nothin wrong with staying home........but what happened to all dat schoolin
  17. I don’t mean to intervene..........but I don’t understand why ppl would argue on dis ....this is simple...what is hadith is the sunnah of nabi scw then the same Quran says: Whoever obeys the Messenger, obeys Allah. Allah says, No, by your Lord they do not believe until they submit to your adjucation in all disputes between them, then they do not find themselves oppressed with your decisions and they completely submit (4:65). marka he/she is not a believer if they reject the sunnah. Sh. Nur can go detail furthur inshallah with this topic: Hadith Science. Also about the scholars yes they are men and make mistakes but the many ulma say....follow me as long as I follow Allah and His Messenger....reject my sayings if I dont follow the Book and the Sunnah....thus we have obligation learn the deen. ps: forinication: 100 lashes for unmarried person, stoning to death for a married person, no contridiction walaalshiis.
  18. I told yall......."sucide bombings", blowing up buildings will arive in somalia, expect more.......CIA is working hard.
  19. Originally posted by Femme: How to keep your marriage strong and avoid seperation Keep your hubby close. Keep that woman who's shamelessly eyeing him closer. you have a suspious nature....not cool....what about trust? Originally posted by Ceebla: The marriages that fail are the ones where the couple claims to be seperated or divorced to collect welfare..while he goes off to another city to drive cab. lol i went go to boring lecture w/ my cuz.......n i remember this point it was funny what the sheikh said about dis n somalis......"lie about walfare claims"...some claiming their moms is their wife ..... he said was haraam, ppl are eating, and feeding their kids haraam....marka bad things happen in the family, breakups, fights, ect....he made sense walaa peace out
  20. Ethopia troops, "peacekeeping" troops to somalia? wtf in da world can u think this is good for better if we kill each other another 100yrs then to have foreign troops in our soil....remember dis shit: des same mutha******s who: U.N. accused of rape, pedophilia, prostitution UN troops fuel sex trade they will only destroy us, divide n rule....they dont give shit about xamar, puntland, somaliland....qabils....u are all da same....he who kills and destroys your brother....will turn to kill you......strength is in our unity! F peacetroops, n F those who support dem (excuse my languge).
  21. JB, why dont you go to a masjid and talk with an imam one on one? Sophist u are not arguing with JB...but there are silent readers who can benefit namean remember dat......may Allah bless xiin and viking for the debates on dis section....very intellectual and easy to understand..flowery words give headaches.
  22. ^^not speaking for Kashafa but LX here are my reasons sxb: members of the ICU Aweys, Turki have roots with al-Ittihad uncles were/are of dem killed in puntland Allah Most High be pleased with all of um....n the kufars are against them.....yo I know probaly abdi qasim plotted, some are using the many good brothers, maybe for selifish/qabil reasons.....but Allah too has plan namean.
  23. Originally posted by bambo: Gener duke Typical die hard Punladers , who can not stand development of xammar in terms of stable security and business . Generel , Geedi can fool the outside world but not somali people, by making such laughable statment . i dont need stress power of the uic or as you might fever it military mighty of souther clan !!!. we somalis know each other better then outside world . Me and you know the facts in the ground were does military mighty and wealth lay in somalia , so dont get carried away by Geedi speech . ^^^Though you forgot what happened to the "mighty" USC in Baidoa in 1999.. History has many truths mate.. History proofs in somalia that no clan can hold to another clan regen by force , So why do you Puntlander and ina Yaya insist on repeating history , did you forget what happend in 1990 in xaamar, Afgoy , Kismayo and Kalgacyo . kabe u and the others call General Duke a clannist.....wa shash. ps: the more u, OLOL, speak....dis show rest of us that it is about clan......n shows your hatered for reer puntland.
  24. ^lol brah.......somali wa ilbaxhan somalis are not romantic ppl man......dat is weak....i think that is reason we brothers dont do romance......because the sisters find that soft....even tho the prophet scw was kind/loving to his wives.....its unmanly for us.......n the fault is the sisters.
  25. loooooooool@ Rudy....u are jowka....copyrighted of i heard dat too "dont be kind to xalimo"........u treat her good...she treats u like shit.......u treat like shit......she likes u. looooooooooooooooooool@ Red shower together kulaha. what u been watching or reading man. Edit: jokes aside since this is serious are articles, audio on the topic. marriage why many marriages fail....i was told because they are not based upon the sunnah. peaceout