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Everything posted by Khalaf

  1. Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea: [QB] How bout if I told you that I am somalilander and I am a Muslim. then Somaliland ha noolaato! what do you think of that? Red bro somali wa somali to me, khayr for all somalis and muslims...but what i dont get is state based on clan.... Reason why somalia has troubles is becuase every clan has region.....clan states are jahilnimo and will produce injustice towards minorities as it is based on clan superiority. Me said it best here to seccessionists: "Qaranka Soomaaliyeed baad ka soo horjeedaa. Walaaltinimada dadka Soomaaliyeed ayaad ka soo horjeeda. Wada noolaashaha dadka Soomaaliyeed ayaad ka soo horjeedaa."
  2. Red sea brother, again sxb no one is talkin about Barres regime, the past or reality on the ground today, we are talking about ideology here: Soomaalinimo waa walaaltinimo, ha ilaawin taas. Soomaalinimo iyo diinna ma kala haraan. Ha u moodin in qofka wadankiisa jecel uu diintiisa necebyahay. That is my point, brotherhood, somalinimo is ideology: Islam is my religion, Somalia is my country no contridiction . Soomaaliya ha noolaato.
  3. ^I share your vision.....but I dont see how that is different then a united somalia. Red i dont know much about somalia, never heard of somaliland, sool, sanag before SOL. but i am a Muslim and a Natiionalist......I dont support clan states: SL, PL, ect. We are stronger as one.....the reason why we stay divided is we need new blood, a faithful leader.....a nationalist with Islamic aqeedah. Think about it sxb: somalia all its cities, and the OG region with us brothers........we could be Africas finest....its not a fantasy.....just as a Khalifah is not fantasy......we shall make it reality....all nations have wounds, and dark history......but they build......and Somalia too shall build.
  4. Red.... me is talking about ideology......not reality on the ground.......we all know reality on ground shit is hopeless they all warmongers!!!!.....but ideology is most of us want a united somalia. What ideology u support red: United Somalia, or no? I searched FAW: “How can those who hail from the Mudug region preach to us Bin Hashimites about the teachings of Islam?” dis was funny from article anyone who has encountered Faysal Ali Warabe to see his thick lips, Bantu-like features and dark skin (and this is true for millions of Somalis) would realize the fallacy of the “Bani Hashimite” claim, and the deep-rooted self hate that produces such a fantasy.
  5. Neither side has a vision, or could rule somalia and unite somalia. Allah give khayr to somalia!
  6. Originally posted by J B: Pooja Abayo, you stand corrected, you seem to have misunderstood me , i only reject the existence of those Deities that have been presented to me, those Gods i haven't heard of , i woulden't know of them. Asxantu JB, u and Cara proved that u were never Muslims to begin wit , had no understanding of islamic aqeedah of tawheed.......I suspect Cara was rasied a christian and u had no correct teachings of islam, arabs probably were racist towards u and u linked arabs with islam. Heres the thing man I don’t condem those who doubt/question matter fact those who question (if they are sincere) find the truth-Islam. I remember as kid- 8yrs old sitting on my window late at night looking at stars saying if there is a God out there show me a sign, cause lightening, or cause me to die and bring me back to joke! I always used to think about why am I here........why are we made like this the human form, ect..........i wasnt cool wit u were born and one day u will die. But I was born with fitra as u. nothing wrong with questioning..........even the Prophet Ibrahem asked for is the problem the sincere person the truthseeker seraches.......they don’t come on forums to argue n to make mockery.........they ask for guidance, they think about the world, themselves and from their reasoning they either accept or reject. U and Cara are not sincere in my opinion.......Allah knows best..........but don’t think u can mislead the Muslims here.........u will only waste ur time ..........sxb this fast life soon shatters...............u will die and u will enter 6 inch hole in dirt: Stop goofing around, and making mockery and be honest with urself.....sincere advice!
  7. Aisha tyler......she funny, she dont look somali african american.....she :eek: . is the face ya sophiest, soft, boy sent me this video...because the girl in it looks like someone we know......ethopian girl yaa winta..... she is beautiful! hottest black woman future wife will look like dat ya heard ] dat is beauty right there my bad peeps...... ......
  8. Khalaf


    Originally posted by ibtisam: Akhas Kalaf, maa saas baan kuu danbies, listening to trash. :rolleyes: I can't believe this. :rolleyes: .........IB i work 6 hrs straight sometimes......boring.....thank youtube.......dat was funny shit walaaa......they clowin .......suprissed dem cats know the names of qbils/and "leaders"..........funny fault for the bad language part.......funny tho
  9. watch dis on if u get time inshallah..........c whats funny is kufars are entering this deen and rejecting the kufar morality/ways.........and we got born muslims (ie somalis) acting non-muslims. :confused: Napoleon: a Must Watch Angela
  10. ^^^lol yaaa ummatul islamiya forget the ulma, scholars of Islam, and the ways of righteous companions the salaf as-salih..........and ask Sheikh Maulaana Mufti Socod ibn badne! hahaaha.....sorry sxb we follow Allah and His Messenger scw......the way of companions.......and the scholars who follow them......and we reject the innovators. I c reality check was unable to provide the proof refute Nurs claim. peace to u.
  11. Tami walaalshiis i dont know, this is why we have no ummah...separting into groups, aruging on small issues.....i do think that the same ppl who tried to write the Quran (fuqran).....would try to mislead ppl with scholars.... they never rest but nothing going stop ISLAM it aint comunnism ya heard........ this deen will be victorous that is promise of Allah Most Great yaaaaaaa Kufariiin.........u got jewish spies converting to Islam, preists, rap stars, hollywood models....Allahu is Most Great. Here is trailer.
  12. Suleyman i am well aware of those hadiths, and ayats....but there is no reference which says to execute someone who misses salat NONE. I used the munafiqeen as an example. This religion is not new, during the rule of the righteous khalifah (whom we look up to) were there any incident(s) where someone who neglects their prayer was executed simple question? U can link missing prayer to kufarnimo.......but not it warrants execution big difference.......and there is nothing that Allah does not forgive big or small except shirk associating partners. I know of refusing zakat there was war against those who refused zakat (its state tax).........but prayer is not a state order it is an individual act..........please provide the prove, examples, incidents. ps: I dont like that website islamqa......could mislead ppl with their fatwas (which most use to prove their points)
  13. ^^^I KNOW :eek: :eek: ............I wouldve been killed long time ago :eek: miss salat=exectution........ :eek:
  14. val are u shocked as me....ya rabi.......execute someone who misses salat.....never heard in my life. Suleyman bro: there were hypocrites during the time of the nabi scw, ppl who didnt observe salat and the muslims knew about them: were they executed, do u know any incident during the time of nabi scw and the as-salaf-u-salih?
  15. I dont know, and i dont want to talk about the dead.....Jalle Sayyid did good for somalia.......and under him bad has happened 60,000 killed in waqooyi grandfather (a religious man-not political) told us how he was arrested n tortured expected of being with mahbar......n was released cause we had connections to the reer abti....he told us about a miskiin brotha age 21 from burco his cell mate was tortued then killed.....puttin ppl alive in ditches....givin power to cats who cant spell their name because of clan.....better then anarchy but u cant call it just either. This is not the topic.........but I vote for Sheikh Hassan ibn Turki! Has anyone seen him in the news media, taking pictures like a hollywood celebrity..........nah he is humble and dedicated to the cause.
  16. Originally posted by Mr.Red Sea: Allah,therefore it's punishable by death if he/she doesn't pray..there is nothiing new about that abti. there is nothin in Islam which says punish by death he who doesnt pray! big mistake sxb. salat is somethin between the slave and the Creater, the state cant force u to make salat.........u heard the story about Umar ra when he was Khaliiif, he spied on this man who is expected of being drinker, he caught the man drinking beer, and said u have disobeyed Allah u are under arrest, the man told him ya Amir ul Mumin, u too have disobeyed Allah by coming to my house without my premission, and spying on another muslim which is HARAAM! Umar ra appoligized and left.....these things are between u and Allah......tthe job is to remind ppl, teach, islam is mercy to the ppl not force.
  17. Khalaf


    waraa homie peoplow throb sxb i got u...hes talkin about da somalis who are lost in the da these cats hahahahaaaa Hoyaada Iyo Ayeeyda diss hahahahahhaaaahaha
  18. Originally posted by J B: Pooja , to enlight you , we need to define God first. It may sound weird or a pusyfooting from my part , but people belive in different Gods. why do u need a denfination of God?.....Pooja asked u why u (u means JB) dont believe in reject God then u most have an idea of what God is.......why do u need others defination......whats your defination was the question.
  19. Khalaf


    aight......great list sxbs.......but what about old school vs. new school? old skool: C: THe dream: Hakim PF: The mailman (kemp one of the greaest dunkers...but dis post belongs to mailman) SF: Pippen (Bulls team i grew up wit......big ups) SG: Greaest playa all time: MJ PG: The glove Gary Payton new skool: C: Shaq PF:Kevin Garnet/(duncan back KG) SF:Carter SG: Kobe (never be 1 better den mike, i dont like kobe but respect his game) PG: Iverson it would be fun to watch tho
  20. ^^brother Ameen it is clear from the Quran, sunnah, and the companions ra that they took active role in society, they forbad haram and called to truth unlike us. It is not only lack of knowledge but lack of Iman from our part.(we are afraid of the ppl) THe Quran says there most be a party of Allah which enjoins good, forbids munkar, and establishes Islam in the lands........if not then as the hadith says there will be fitnah. Activism.
  21. ^no i am under the assumption that a muslim is he who obeys Allah and His Messenger scw. present the ulma/scholars/sources which refute Nurs claim.
  22. ^^^^lol sxb........reminds of this brother came from kenya........he was in heaven seeing all the white girls world to biggie to us........hijab girls get my attention most.........the hijabi girls are cute.......sorry .........the muminah has noor about her that other women dont.....honor is yours :cool: good job to the sisters............we somalis can run........varsity track ya heard :cool:
  23. 1. SB u said “interpretive disagreements are over gray area subjects” Aight, here the subject is: not following Hadith/Sunnah is a grave sin. 2. I suppose you, reality check, and Naden since u take issue with that claim take the view that it is not a grave sin or of importance to follow hadiths/Sunnah. 3. Here is the question: since this is an Islamic subject and u think not following the hadiths/sunnah is not a grave sin please do provide us any interpretations by the ulma, scholars of Islam, or islamic sources which refute the claim made by Nur. ps: dont dispoint sxb, reality check, naden can help you out.
  24. Originally posted by Che-Guevara: quote:Saxib, you dont need to hide, I have long suspect your attacks on the President and Puntland stemed from nothing other than the internal clan politics of the state. You don't even know what Iam. For minute, think outside box, and not in Qabiil terms. My majority of subclan isn't from Somali proper. Why do they care about Pland's internal politics if it doesn't effect them directly. ...........i thought there was only one tribe in puntland- :confused: .........not from "somali proper" :confused: ps: only for education purposes
  25. Originally posted by Socod_badne: Now, this is egregious lie. The Quran doesn't say anything, there's only what we say the Quran says. And short of impartial Golden Standard for proper interpretation or empirical facts we can appeal to, we're stuck with competing often irreconcilable interpretations. lol.......the Quran says worship Allah Alone....i guess another interpration can be no it says to worship Jesus...or a calf. A sign of the hypocrites is that they lack understanding of the deen, mock the sunnah, and argue instead of increasing their knowledge. May Allah forgive our sins and give us guideness.