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Everything posted by Khalaf
Originally posted by Che-Guevara: Khalaf....Dhabalif deserve no mercy. [/QB] Sxb u are not with the icu for ideological reasons, my point someone who is with them for ideological reasons would fight against their kin for islamic reasons (c the ikwaan in modern era, or Querish))......but since thats not the case for u i dont c your beef nationalism miya haha what a joke.....and u wont find anybody from that linage who calls for the killing of his kin.......your special homie.
Originally posted by Che-Guevara: I don't like him, and we share same lineage. Not everyone that opposes this man hates his qabiil. if i remember correctly homie u adovcated for the killing of the TFG troops somthin like start with them first and the ehtios will leave. U can dislike any individual and the decisions of your kin but u dont call for their killing or do u?
^^No idea bro thats what i heard they were summoned to Baydwo, it would be good news to smoke those cats but i doubt their will be justice maybe pay those cats lots of money to keep their mouth shut! I hear old man Bushie will give state of the union speech biri naclat cracker......."we are hunting the enemy where ever he is, our forces are engaged in the hunt against al-qeda in somalia".......naclat! wasting all that money and resources on few miskin brothers.
I hear the warlords: M. Dheera, Qanyare, Mussa Suudi, AbdiQaydeed are being arrested by the TFG. Any news? If its true, its good news!
^^Foriegn fighters which are muslim, there is no nationality in Islam.......c bosnia. Walaalhi i no no idea somalis thought like this foxnews on sol ya rab. peace
Originally posted by Juje: quote:Originally posted by Khalaf: Juje adeer what do u suggest to do with these fugitives? The US can accuse anyone w/out proof i am sure if the nabi scw and companions were here today they too will be on their terrorists list. For you to compare these fugitives to nabi Mohamed SCW is despicable and blasphemy in its own terms.And I suggest you retract from such unwarranted comments. Juje adeer for you to support the bombing of a muslim country and hunting of other muslims to same cats that sang "happy ramadan" as they bombed afganistan during holy month and shocked n awe Iraq is what is despicable. These fugitives do share something with the nabi scw companions (not all) to know what that is read on the Quran and Hadiths adeer. Duke i am not talking about the icu or its leaders.....but the bigger picture ect i dont think we will c eye to eye on that one....stablity, government, law and order, ect is what somalia needs most.......but is that likely to happen, only time will tell.
Originally posted by Juje: But Castro, are hundred of Somali lives worth for protecting these fugitives? Dont say they dont exists, cause if you do, you will only act foolishly. [/QB] Juje adeer what do u suggest to do with these fugitives? The US can accuse anyone w/out proof i am sure if the nabi scw and companions were here today they too will be on their terrorists list. Duke adeer most muslims today are only muslim by name and not by heart.....u keep refering to "foreign" fighters islam doesnt base ppl on nationality but faith adeer, it was "foreign fighters" when muslims in Kosovo and Bosina were being masscured in midst of Europe that left their lands and went to their aid, and only after they were about to defeat the serbs UN stepped in. Abdullah ibn Masud, said: "the Prophet (saw) said 'Islam began as something strange, and it will revert to being strange as it was in the beginning, so good tidings for the strangers.' Some asked, 'Who are the strangers?' He said, 'The ones who break away from their people (literally, 'tribes') for the sake of Islam.'" (Sahih Muslim, Ibn Majah) Glad tidings to the foreigners!
Originally posted by Sheikh Fiqqikhayre: Here you go there's your average ICU suporters in action! After all it wasn't all about islamic virtue and rule, was it?
^^Sxb if AY is gone or not it doesnt change the game walaalhi u cats are small minded u stuck on odayga. Originally posted by Dabshid: Khalaf, waxa dareenka kaa qaadey baan garan la ahay. :mad: Sxb Dabshid and North brothers here u go: So do not become weak (against your enemy), nor be sad and you will be superior (in victory) if you are indeed (true) believers. If a wound (and killing) has touched you, be sure a similar wound (and killing) has touched the others. And so are the days (good and not so good). We give to men by turns, that Allah may test those who believe, and that He may take martyrs from among you. And Allah likes not the Zalimun (polytheists and wrongdoers). And that Allah may test (or purify) the believers (from sins) and destroy the disbelievers. Do you think that you will enter Paradise before Allah test those of you who fought (in His Cause) and (also) test those who are patient? (V.3:139,140,141,142). Abu Hurairah said, I heard the Prophet saying to Thawban, O Thawban, what will you do when the nations call one another to invade you as people call one another to come and eat from one bowl? Thawban said, May my father and my mother be sacrificed for you. O Messenger of Allah! Is it because we are so few The Prophet said, No, on that day you (Muslims) will be many, but Allah will put weakness (wahn) in your hearts. The people asked, What is that weakness, O Messenger of Allah? He said, It is love for this world and dislike of fighting. (Ahmad.)
^^^ya rab sxbs read between the lines........do u actually think i would rejoice at the killings of others let alone muslims? North the whole somalia can be nuked, all of arabiya conquored.....i wont cry or be sad, and i guarntee the true believers on the battlefields are never sad but trust and stay steadfast.
^^Both u brothers live in UAE right, get together and weep if it makes u feel better. No I am not sad at All, the plan is Allah and Allah Alone is sufficent for the believers.
oh cry me a river man, this is happening throughout the Muslim countries but somalis are saddened because it is closer to home? c'mon now.....and majority of so called muslims wa gaalo raac and assist gaalo this is good thing closer and closer. Nothing to be sad yo.
loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool. jokers that was funny. mystic walaalshiis odayga iska daaf nooh...think of it like this mama: a man wants a woman and would do anything to get to her, he is sent to jail because of her, fought battles for her, survived car bomb attacks for her in which he lost family, patience, preservance, any means necessary to reach her his final objective what he wants most.......and after 40 years of struggling to find her he finally arrives..........now it don’t matter how she receives him or treats him after this, all that matters is he finally here on the seat, he made it. For that he deserves little sympathy no?
I agree the Point, lets wait and c! I dont expect good though, somalia is long way off from statehood! Originally posted by HornAfrique: You never seemed to care before, provided he was holed up in Baidoa. Sax Horn they hoped he would die from this: To this, and now in xamar the capital of somalia for the 1st time in 40yrs, a personal victory to him!
PRESIDENT YUSUF ARRIVES MOGADISHU For the first time in 40 years! struggles after struggles and now deep in hostile terriortory. odayga is fearless and never gave up. This will be the greatest challenge in his career. Where is mama Hawa, salama ya mama first lady of somalia. :cool: somalia hanolata, I agree with sophiest on this somalia needs peace.
looooooool@ Xalane, brah its the unstitching part, ect..........Puja no heat ma we know whats up. a womans hormones, health, psychological and emotional state , the romantic mode, ect will play a larger part in enjoyment then the clitoris....science. :cool:
:eek: :eek: :eek: peace out
Duke, Caamir, Naxar, and co what u think of this article? The stability that emerged in southern Somalia after sixteen years of utter lawlessness is gone, the defeat of the ruling Islamic Courts Union now ushering in looting, martial law and the prospect of another major anti-Western insurgency. Clan warlords, who terrorised Somalia until they were driven out by the Islamists, and who were put back in power by the US-backed and -trained Ethiopian army, have begun carving up the country once again. With these developments, the Bush Administration, undeterred by the horrors and setbacks in Iraq, Afghanistan and Lebanon, has opened another battlefront in this volatile quarter of the Muslim world. As with Iraq, it casts this illegal war as a way to curtail terrorism, but its real goal appears to be to obtain a direct foothold in a highly strategic area of the world through a client regime. The results could destabilise the whole region. The Horn of Africa, at whose core Somalia lies, is newly oil-rich. It is also just miles across the Red Sea from Saudi Arabia and Yemen, overlooking the daily passage of large numbers of oil tankers and warships through that waterway. The United States has a huge military base in neighbouring Djibouti that is being enlarged substantially and will become the headquarters of a new US military command being created specifically for Africa. As evidence of the area’s importance, Gen. John Abizaid, the military commander of the region, visited Ethiopia recently to discuss Somalia, while Chinese President Hu Jintao visited Horn countries a few months ago in search of oil and trade agreements. The current series of events began with the rise of the Islamic Courts more than a year ago. The Islamists avoided large-scale violence in defeating the warlords, who had held sway in Somalia ever since they drove out UN peacekeepers by killing eighteen American soldiers in 1993, by rallying people to their side through establishing law and order. Washington was wary, fearing their possible support for terrorists. While they have denied any such intentions, some Islamists do have terrorist ties, but these have been vastly overstated in the West. Washington, however, chose to view the situation only through the prism of its ‘war on terror’. The Bush Administration supported the warlords — in violation of a UN arms embargo it helped impose on Somalia many years ago — indirectly funnelling them arms and suitcases filled with dollars. Many of these warlords were part of the Western-supported transitional ‘government’ that had been organised in Kenya in 2004. But the ‘government’ was so devoid of internal support that even after two years it was unable to move beyond the small western town of Baidoa, where it had settled. In the end, it was forced to turn to Somalia’s archenemy Ethiopia for assistance in holding on even to Baidoa. Again in violation of the UN arms embargo, Ethiopia sent 15,000 troops to Somalia. Their arrival eroded whatever domestic credibility the government might have had. The United States, whose troops have been sighted by Kenyan journalists in the region bordering Somalia, next turned to the UN Security Council. In another craven act resembling its post-facto legalisation of the US occupation of Iraq, the Council bowed to US pressure and authorised a regional peacekeeping force to enter Somalia to protect the government and “restore peace and stability”. This despite the fact that the UN has no right under its charter to intervene on behalf of one of the parties struggling for political supremacy, and that peace and stability had already been restored by the Islamists. The war came soon after the UN resolution, its outcome a foregone conclusion thanks to the highly trained and war-seasoned Ethiopian army. The African Union called for the Ethiopians to end the invasion, but the UN Security Council made no such call. Ban Ki-moon, the incoming Secretary General, is being urged to treat the enormously complex situation in Darfur as his political challenge, but Somalia, while less complex, is more immediate. He has an opportunity to establish his credentials as an unbiased upholder of the UN Charter by seeking Ethiopia’s withdrawal. The Ethiopian military presence in Somalia is inflammatory and will destabilise this region and threaten Kenya, a US ally and the only island of stability in this corner of Africa. Ethiopia is at even greater risk, as a dictatorship with little popular support and beset by two large internal revolts by ******is and Oromos. It is also mired in a military stalemate with Eritrea, which has denied it secure access to seaports. It now seeks such access in Somalia. source
Originally posted by Castro: What is wrong with this picture? [/QB] Nothing new sxb, its happening throughout the world. "What can my enemies do to me? My Paradise is in my heart, it goes with me wherever I go. To put me in prison, is to let me have a private devotion with Allah, to execute me is martyrdom, and to kick me out of my land is a journey in the path of Allah." Ibn Taymiyyah. A believer never loses!
^^Sxb the muslim world is complex......the discussion here is what is good for somalia right now? A resistance war (with their weakness) is not a good option but its not my call.
Originally posted by Halgan: [QB] Haddana ma soomaliland baad u soo noqotay? You will never see someone giving his/her location as "somaliland" and condoning the actions of a puppet regime. In fact, most of the support for somaliweyn on this website is from people who claim to be from somaliland. Sxb i am also aware the SNM supported the USC against the Barre regime not for nationalist, or brotherhood reasons, but the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Marka not many are fooled by the sudden seccisionist support against the TFG....ppl werent born yesterday sxb. That said i dont question the sincerity of all (c the wadaads) but forgive us for not falling for the "nationalism" "brotherhood" of seccicionists and Warrabe.....they are only looking out for their political interests-a stable somali state is not in their interest.
Originally posted by Suleyman: I firmly believe that no matter what the means where, an atrocity is an atrocity and should be condemned. [/QB] First thanks brother for posting this. I strongly second that believe. In Islam the ends does not justify the means under no circumstance, there are rules to war! Even the Sayyidka and his darwish army in the war against the British killed many innocent ppl, haraam in Islam. Yes Sayyid Barre's regime comitted atrocity that does not make it just to kill civilians and rape innocent women. I dont know about the SNM or SSDF, but none were like the USC in their abuses against the somali ppl for that these cats many who still are alive should be tried for war crimes!
^^No sxb i dont think u wrong many good things were done in those 6 mths, they were somalia's best hope even with the faults. but thats not the point, point is even if there was no ethios or uncle sam.... u cant deny man between somalis/muslim their would be ideological struggles, fights, ect..... u need not to look far sxb check on the masjids and islamic organizations....we cant even celebrate eid on the same day in the same city.... There is no unity the time the Prophet scw described is here!
^^U right homie......but this: i.e a sweet person always gets a rude,arrogant self centred person and the rude person they always seem to end up with a sweet person...get my point thats part of nature..........dat would mean me and layzie would make good couple? hahahahaha. I can c it now: LG: nigga play me that joint, yes thats my jam! oh i loof dat song! Me: abaayo that gangaster music is not very good, please listen to Quran hahahaha opposites attract? :confused: jokes mama IB take what back? :confused:
The realistic alternative would be to let the TFG do its work and not resist.......war or having somalia become the new iraq has no benefits for our country, ethiopian troops can always leave their destruction behind......any government is better then chaos or being bombed to stone age......Its unrealistic to have shariah in Somalia now or anywhere else in the muslim ummah. 1: the enemies are many 2: the muslim public is not trained/ready. I would say take the approach of the muslim brotherhood in Egypt work on the communities, civil service, the people will follow.......war, car bombings, is not the answer right now.