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Everything posted by Khalaf

  1. Originally posted by Tone: ^^^ Is not hard to tell...They're all in one clan. Duke always posts the gathering of about 20 of his clan members supporting the self proclaimed Gov.. Internationally..Washington DC (today as of Jan 22) London, Toronto..Had huuuuge numbers against this bullsh!t Gov and Ethio involvment ^^^i was being sarcastic sxb..... north being an invesitgative reporter to collect a census! funny thing is TFG majority are clan from the south....President is one clan......the rest of da senior cabinet members are not.....but ppl are stuck on odayga alone shows u who the real clannists are.
  2. MKA question about the shias....u say they are devient/kufar right? how come hizbuallah a shia miltia has been miltarly successful against bani israel? the only "islamic" group that has miltary achieved....any thoughts? Question 2: i heard lecture that islamic judges most be trained/knowledge in fiiq in order to do shariah! the imam said a judge who has knowledge but verdict is right gets a reward for it but with a wrong verdict doesnt get punished/or reward. but a judge without knowledge but with a right verdict gets punished-bad deed but with a wrong verdict gets da hellfire!...first to hellfire are the "scholars" ect (something like dat correct me if wrong). My question the icu were judges, executioners even. Where they islamically fit to carry out those verdicts? any evidence?
  3. Originally posted by MKA Yoonis: They're one of the sects that brought innovation and falsehood to the religion therefore taking it out of the fold of Islaam! Which "sect" group is haaq marka? if u say those who follow the sunnah then who today (group names) is following the sunnah? your opinion of course! Allah Alone Knows Best!
  4. ^ Sxb what is in Somalia is not the right of Djibouti is it? Same what is in Garoowe is should not be given to ten different cities in somalia and likewise. Every region has its own resources. Everyone will compete. If the world were fair you and I would be suffering like millions of somalis back home. BUT IT'S NOT. You and I are alhamudillah blessed to be in the west. So many somalis die in ships coming to yemen alone to get your oppurtunity. Ofcourse a region with oil will be lucky, and a region with fruits and veggies will benefit and one with a strong fishing community will benefit and so on. There are disparities in economical difference. The World is not fair sxb mos def, but those who fear Allah and have iman are fair. Sxb understand where I am coming from, and fadlik don’t try to justify injustice by quoting atheist Darwinism “the fittest survive”.....because of that mind set with the greatest technology and abundance of wealth in all of history, vast majority of human beings are worse off, and only a few get fat. ...thats not haaq! A government, I aint talking of Darwin governments has a duty to help its citizens, all citizens in all corners of the country...invest in institutions, education, health, ect and improve the livelihood of average farahs n don’t matter where u get the money it’s the “leaders” job ya feel me...moral obligation. If you fear like I believe you do, the control of other clans in Galgaduud and the region let me remind that that your reer abti have nothing to worry about. They are independent strong minded folk. ^^^No sxb I dont think like that.....i am talking about leadership responsblity not every man for of kin or a leader i would help the disadvantage first with the money of Bossoso, Kismayo, taxes, ect to all...sharing didnt hooyo teach u that? peace my brother.
  5. Originally posted by Taako Man: Why do you fear federalism? The people of galgaduud will have an oppurtuinty to use any port in Somalia. What difference would it make if they were under a Centralized government or a federalized one? [/QB] sxb that sounds good in print but doesnt happen in practice. regional autonomy, federalism in which region states have equal power with the national government benefits some ie for example your region has oil....while a centralized government would be more benefit to all....share the resources. besides aqeedah wise i am against it wa captailistic to begin wit and i believe in helping the weak and poor prioty number #1.
  6. Originally posted by Taako Man: [QB] khalaf In switzerland the regions are divided between German speaking, french speaking, and italian speaking regions. They aren't even the same ethnic group let alone clan. Somalia will move forward. Different regions will develop faster then others. Obviously Bossaso will devlop faster then Bander Beyla LOOOL. Federalism is a lot better then say having some guy in Xamar telling you how to build your roads with your money. C sxb Bossasso can generate money, so can xamar, kismayo through trade, ports, ect.......what about those in barren lands, no port, no trade, ect....they have to go to other regions or most get investment from the government....besides ninyahow its morally haaq for a government to take care of its citizens weak and strong to captailism where certain section of society benefits and another suffers!
  7. Originally posted by Taako Man: Khalaf Building every region is up to the regional administers. Back in the day the government focused on just the region of Xamar. Which as you can see is not a smart move when all the national assets/institutions were gobbled up by maruading moryaans in a matter of months. Some regions will be better then others. The assets of a region will stay in that region. Alberta,Canada has succeeded in a Federal Canada in which they pay part of the tax money they get to the National government through a formula in which lesser off provinces get some of the cake. BUT FOR THE MOST PART ALBERTANS GAIN THE MOST FROM ALBERTA and it should be like that. Dubai has less oil then the other regions in UAE, but they've invested wisely and as you can see they're the tourism, financial, and final destination of the Middle East. Is it Dubai's fault that Abu Dhabi is devoloping at a much slower rate? NO SIR. I dont believe that is fair comprassion between somalia and CA/UAE sxb. somali is in a stage of nation-building. 2: somali is clan based...each region is a mini-clan state. a state has a monetary fund (treasury) who and where to invest? if one region is booming and another region is way behind that will only cause problems for the country, dont u think? EDIT: KEEPING IN MIND YOU ARE FOR SOMALIWAYNE, DOWLo, UNITY, ONE ARMY, ONE NATION....cant have it both ways sxb! equality and justice for all somalis.....brotherhood can we move foward....and again that can only come with ISLAM
  8. Originally posted by Taako Man: Survival of the fittest my friend. The people Galgaduud will rule themselevse rather then the federal government meddling in their affairs. It's working in the dessert land of PUNT why can't it work in the dessert of Galgaduud? [/QB] well if it comes to survival of the fittest then my reer abti know that better then anyone.....but sxb we are talking about nation building here, a nation....that means the government has a duty to improve the lives of every citizen and build every region equally. ya get me?
  9. Originally posted by Taako Man: Regional Autonomy would be good for somalia. It would mean every region governs itself. Centralized rule only benefits Xamar. Xamar would still benefit by federal rule because Banadir would have banadir being run by reer banadir. ^^regional autonomy would create a disadvantage for some though....the problem is somali regions are clan mini-states this will be a disadvantage in particular for those in galguudud areas ie no ports, trade, ect...... a centralized government, but each "region" have their own clans men rule but are under the federal state government
  10. Originally posted by MKA Yoonis: Some don't like the idea because, they're land-locked like Bay, Bakool and Gedo for example for the South and its clans they prefer more of a central government everything concentrated in Mogadishu but the option we in the former North-East prefer is autonomous regions and states with their own parliaments, president and police force! [/QB] lol this is your idea of a what is good for one region in the expense of others? autonomous regions would be beneficial to some and not others ie abuwaaq damn abtiyasha need kismaayo they aint got zip ....there needs to be centralized government where the fruits/opportunity is shared equally but i doubt that would be the case.......there will be injustice sxb....with only islam and God-fearing leaders will there be equal justice for all.....if only I was King!
  11. Originally posted by Mujaahid: Red Sea: Khalaf, a colts fan eh? Not everyone is as understanding and open minded as you are, so cover up your eyes while I rip these ************* apart, aight? Go colts by the way!lol colts and bears can i say inshallah .....but maybe an upset lets hope not! Red its funny how much i learned on SOL it got me interested in somalia, couple of months ago i never heard of SL, sool, or sanaag, i remember IB posted the SL flag and i thought it was an arab flag .....since then i been getting on ppls nerves asking questions.....and i learned the history of the somali flag, ppl feel strong about it, many died for it to free somalia from colonization guumaysii and its unfrotunate the 1st place it was raised waaqoyee the flag was burned, same thing with the ethios in the capital, same thing with the civil war, destroying and looting of public treasures, the life and honor of another brother a somali being worth little!.........we have astrayed from the ideals of those early noble men! About SL and sool/sanaag i heard all the arguements ninyahow all i can say is the white man did a great job!!!!!!!
  12. good to least its not the khalimah still dumb tho whats benefit.....but why u guys always argue on somaliland........if the white man decides they seccede they will secede if not they wont......negros dont have say aight.
  13. why burn a flag with shahadah on it? :confused: .......the khalimah of Islam outweighs politics dont u think?
  14. Yoonis my due respect to the ulma of islam regardless of their madhab! And amiin sxb may Allah forgive the sinners including u who easily condems other muslims! I am not on the same page wit anyone cause i think the tfg wa corrupt 1, and i dont agree with the icu methods,or other so called islamic movements .....but i am looking at the bigger picture in the context of islam. The ulma which u mentioned, completly disregard jihad sxb! To them the muslims most give dawah and preserve with sabaar and wait for the Help of Allah....basically fatalism. While the Quran orders Muslims to take an active role in the world and make this deen superior......yes it starts within purfication.....but there is an external jihad against oppression, and tyranny....and "muslim" rulers who committ open kufar such as openly fighting against the tenents of Islam check on the Quran....there is really nothing more to argue man.....the muslims are divided if not by madhabs then by nationalism, qablism, racism, u name the sickness they got it...even w/out external enemies i dont think they would be able to construct a state or have an Amiir...long way to go!
  15. Originally posted by MKA Yoonis: So educate yourselves I say about this groups and new sects from the righteous Mashaayiikh/Shuyuukh and Ulama of this deen who are Sheikh Al-Cuthaymiin, Bin Baz, Muqbil, Raafici and Sheikh Albani and what they said about those groups! But don't listen to the Bin ladans, Ayman Al-Zawahiris, Zarqawis and the others such as the Qutubis, Islaahis and Ikhwaanul Muslimiin! [/QB] 1. Who are those righteous sheikhs? 'patron saint'....dat dont sound islamic....what are their views on jihad against for example a ruler that commits open kufar ie the shah in Iran? they sound like the ulma who are paid by the state ie KSA! 2. Ikhwaanul Muslimiin, Hizb? Sxb dont acuse ppl and say they will enter hell for "innovations" what innovations are u acussing them those who are of ahlus sunnah wal jammah? bring forth your proof 1.
  16. Originally posted by mystic The sooner we start judging our future politicians based on education, experience, and good morals, the better chances we have of avoiding tribal conflicts in the future. [/QB] That is likely to happen in the future inshallah! Warlord era, jalhilnimo, qablnimo (jahilninmo) will cease ppl the educated aboard will work for the better of the country like the asians inshallah!...........but it depends on us who are aboard to change the course of somalia inshallah! civilization have been to the moon and look at us......dumb africankos! About the Sheikh, may Allah Most High aid him and the others. Amiin.
  17. ^^^Check one check two GO COLTS payback this year.......or
  18. Khalaf

    MKA Yoonis

    ^ ........DA and u voted to ban and ask who is he lol.......why women should never be judges init?
  19. Originally posted by illegal some-alien: khalaf, what are you laughing at? worms and bacteria i think are asexual, because they can reproduce without the opposite sex. are you laughing at me using this term for humans? or because people have actually put a title on self appointed celibacy? it is kinda funny, why do we always have to categorize one another? or maybe youre laughing cause i used wikipedia as a source. [/QB] no idea illegal...........laughing @ many things! What we are not discussing in this thread is not your ongoing problem with alcohol. If you want me to address your comment about BudLight, you might want to open AA thread ^^^^U got admit IB dat was funny ----> :rolleyes:
  20. Khalaf

    MKA Yoonis

    MY vote: No, he is one of the best in politic section. the man got skills n is entertaining because ppl can't keep up with him or Duke they cry ban him......give me a breake.
  21. looooooooooool I can blame my age! adeer istagfruallah i didnt not compare odayga or any present ppl to Uthman/Ali ra just using an example of groups that start trouble as was done in Puntland. MKA Yoonis made great points i believe and he can take it from here. salaamulah
  22. ^^xiin khawaarij were the group who started civil unrest in society ie during the time of Uthman ra, and we can aruge in Puntland during the 90s! calling for change through viloent means when u have not set the stage (purfied) the society, ect. am i confused miya?
  23. ^^Fiqqs accusations of the icu being khawaarij, their methods in somalia, ect