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Everything posted by Khalaf

  1. Originally posted by MKA Yoonis: On this coming july 1st inshallah, I will be a young 47 years of age! Oh, How I'm looking forward to that day! I will celebrate it with a great party! I usually don't celebrate birthdays because out of my creed but on this one I will make an exception inshallah! My first inshallah! loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool impossible man loooooooooooooooooooooooooool@ Zafir 32 kulalha inalhi wa inalhi rajuun..
  2. ^good points aaliyah....dis looks black on black crime. What missing with the blacks? lack of male leadership... Mida kale lets not over blow dis...collectively as a group we done pakistani brotha said mashallah man Somalis are strong muslims better then us..... referring to the cab drivers in MN! Also in Toronto, MN wit big somali communities we have introduced islam and are good ppl....marka big ups to us as a community.
  3. Note: what about stories of the companions ra, or seerah of nabi scw....we should look up to them. Did u hear story of two brothers, one was a mumin all his life and the other not a good follower who did haraam party, drink, zina. at 80yr old the mumin clean all his life started doing haram, and the other become a mumin... the one who did good all his life went to naar and the other to jannah. we c it today also ppl who switch sides, scary may ALlah make us the jammcah of jannah! here's the hadith: On the authority of Abdullah bin Masud, who said : the messenger of Allah, and he is the truthful, the believed narrated to us : "Verily the creation of each one of you is brought together in his mother's belly for forty days in the form of seed, then he is a clot of blood for a like period, then a morsel of flesh for a like period, then there is sent to him the angel who blows the breath of life into him and who is commanded about four matters: to write down his means of livelihood, his life span, his actions, and whether happy or unhappy. By Allah, other than Whom there is no god, verily one of you behaves like the people of Paradise until there is but an arm's length between him and it, and that which has been written over takes him and so he behaves like the people of Hell-fire and thus he enters it; and one of you behaves like the people of Hell-fire until there is but an arm's length between him and it, and that which has been written over takes him and so he behaves like the people of Paradise and thus he enters it." related by Bukhari and Muslim
  4. putting the two girls aside...raaga one is always: .......the other hungri: ........ what in da world! belo! IB :rolleyes:
  5. lol @ yall........IB exactly two face walaa ... CL i was being sarcastic @ not being cool as JB dude is how much older den me? ar ninyahow bet u never get stressed out keep ya head up homie ... all u guys do is joke...i didnt talk about decensy CL....but walaalshey just out of curiosity outside of this joint do u discuss serious issues like deen its important... u too JB?........or are u those type that puts to the side? get back to your kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk....
  6. ahhhhhh cynical ina adeer um a cool brotha....not as cool as JB but still cool...but walaaley can u be serious for one moment? is that all u know? talking about men, shopping, and sperm banks? Bal ka waran!
  7. Originally posted by ibtisam: [QB] Khalaf are you suffering from split personality lately?? what the hell?? I did not read your second post (i did try but got bored for reading....and lol...and a mix of random letters and made up somali :rolleyes: The issue is not if you said it to me or not, or if i am or not, the issue is it is an offensive term (which you say you don't know what it means) what the hell are you using it for? :rolleyes: CL get lost, love kuulaah!(happy v day to you and your farah by the way:D) Allah gabartu (means girl u here) wa laba wajiley (two faced). Jooji two facenimo walaalshey. walaalshey CL: “Sure God created man before woman, but then again you always make a rough draft before creating the final masterpiece.” ^^^this quote is unislamic ina adeer it gives human inperfections qualities to Allah swt. mida kale on V-day muslims dont celebrate it incase u didnt know because its innovation (not of the sunnah) and every innovation leads to hellfire....serious bidness
  8. ^^^^^what a dummy hahaha...ralii iga naqo kulaha yaan ka danbi galey? allah gabartu kiber badana! mel kala bey ka xanaaqsan tahay ee hada baan ku fahmey haye!......ib wa igu deshey runti lol.....I didn’t even call u qaldan marka what da deal....u c her edab dhero .....u got upset if I call some cat a qaldan? wa shaash.... qaldan qaldan qaldan sounds cool init its all good nuttin to it ....say whatever u want against me or my “people” buttlander sounds cool nooh...... i don’t care......I know u are not capable of xasidnimo not cool runti u didnt give me the same credit its all good tho.... nabad ba iga heleysa hada ka diib.....but taan ii ogo hadaba wanaaga da baan jacalahay anigu walaalshay ee ha iga xanaaqiin aight. ^^^check out my af somali big pimping. :cool:
  9. Originally posted by ibtisam: I'm not upset, I just told you not call people names, and I’m not the people around your block and nor are the people on this forum. And to answer you question yes calling someone Qaldan is offensive. I hope you got the meaning behind a white person calling a black person nigga--- clearly you did not, so let me break it down for you (you are not Pakistan, so you can not call someone a Paki, in the same way you are not what you term "qaldan" hence it disqualifies you from calling someone qaldan) cheers. okey walaalshiis i promise i wont say it anymore, iiga ralii naqo btw walaa i dont even know what qaldan means i just hear it between da brothers...but white n black are diff races, same thing wit pakis....but somali wa somali, we are walaalo...ha iga digiin qof outsider ah. nabad gelyo
  10. My anger towards what, venting say what? and u dont know what i think since u compared me to a white person (sheshayo an outsider) calling a black qaldan offensive maybe to u but not to other somalis i know around da block. anyway u are upset, inshallah khayr. peace
  11. Originally posted by ibtisam: Khalaf behind every joke there is some truth to it, special when you crack the same dry joke every time you respond to me!. iidiik baan kuu iiri (after you make sense of that) it is insulting, same way you won't let a white person call you nigga, even if they were your friend and they are saying it as a joke. Gosh you should marry CL you have your love for money in common! what do u believe to be the truth behind my "dry" joke then ib?
  12. loooooool ma kaftan ib u sound serious.....i am joking ina abti its me whats up.....n i am not 21 and inshallah by 25 i will be millionare wit a wife and kids, and big house next to my hooyo macaan and all my family in tanzania ... CL ur funny walaa sperm bank kulaha.....u two can get back to your shunkaansi waan ni daafey.
  13. loooooooooooooooool@ you two.....who gave u jobs horta... dont u know your boss reads what u write ladies?...i hope i dont sound like an extermists sometimes....IBs plan is go to the so called small country :rolleyes: .....and her edos will marry her to a qaldan :rolleyes: have 5 kids by time she 27.....btw many ppl here are in late 20s :eek: ......why aint cha married yet? ....u got an expiration date u know after 25 u become a charity case...u got 2 years CL
  14. Originally posted by Brown: ^Perhaps, but nonetheless the truth. Not really, if u got da money then u can live very well in Africa .... u had bad experience ninyahow cause u broke family in Tanzania have big houses, workers they live da good moms always talks about Tanzania n how it is much better den "stressful" US i hope to inshallah to buy my hooyo macaan a big house in Tanzania after taking her to haaj inshallah....Jannah is at her feet. smiley what happened to doing your masters?unless u have the resources and income, property back home then its not good idea for u now cause ull start from scratch, will take many years from ur life..... establish yourself first ina abti....your degree is not much no offense your not a doctor or engineer.....ur ambition can only take u so talks in this world...and unless u got that I doubt ppl will want a fast talking little girl running things...what is most likely to happen on your trip is u will return to london with a big belly and some qaldan dude whose dream was going to europe
  15. Originally posted by HornAfrique: Khalaf, rather what you should ask your adeero is how did Morgan repay the men nicknamed ciidanka dameeroley who came from all over Gedo, organized in Faafaxdhuun, and marched to capture the city for him from the USC. Everything about Kismaayo today goes back to the conduct the men who freed the city from the USC in the first place were treated with. Nacaam kismaayo n xamar were considered the best cities, somali cities before the civil war...the ppl of kismaayo and xamar were the least qablists of ppl in somalia, that changed cause of civil war sadly. Horn can u furthur explain your quote? Very interesting.
  16. Originally posted by Abaadir: Again why would I have to worry about Kismaayo when entire Somalia in under Ethopian rule. [/QB] ^^sax! but for sake of disussion i will like to know the history of this great city. ppl are very passionate about it, each claiming it, somalis wont share they are too dumb for dat, the greater good, what i dont get is how ppl can say reer puntland dont have more rights to that city. they built it. mida kale, wouldnt outside forces benefit from civil tention between somalis and maybe fuel it, kismaayo is prefect and so is the area of sool, sanaag. Allah knows best.
  17. What is the history of Kismaayo? this city is heavily contested between three major clans. conspircy is acorrding to the reer abti (Barres clan) that odayga's main goal was to return the city to reer puntland, ppl are suspious and paranoid about that clan, its like they got magic powers how others talk about em :confused: funny thing is ppl want push out the clan of puntland out of kismaayo, when they are the majority and the ones who built the city in modern era, the business men, main businesses, riches, the majority of houses belonging to the clans of puntland. Marka whats the deal ppl? if we are not being politically correct kismaayo is an *********-city, both in numbers and property no? help me out here [ February 13, 2007, 01:07 AM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  18. ^okey my brother amiin to dat that is the bigger jihad, understand dis is not a debate ninyahow, just get the message cool..all of us. nabad gelyo.
  19. ^^^i do know that hadith sxb, but look at the context of the message. i am sure u think u are a strong muslim right, a mujahid? but your not, neither am i a good muslim, there is another hadith that says our faith the ppl of this era is tainted, yet we think we are "good", we are not, muslim ficaan today ma jiro, look at nabi scw a messenger of God and his feet swollen by praying salat, yet the most humble of men and the companions the best of mankind, yet always fearful of not pleasing Allah Most Great...we are not good muslims or close to them yet we are very sure of ourselves...may Allah make us better muslims and save us from the fire. amiin. peace
  20. Originally posted by Taliban: Islam also teaches us about a strong Muslim, a weak Muslim, a Muslim who takes from Islam what suits him/her while tossing the rest, a Muslim who accepts half of Islam while rejecting the rest, iwm. [/QB] ^^^ who is a strong muslim? do u think u are a strong muslim? Ninyahow Ali ra was once asked (and Allah knows best) what sort of muslim he was, he replied a simple muslim. Today ppl think they are holy n better then others cause they know the deen more or follow it more. But are we strong n good muslims? I don’t think so sxb. The nabi scw himself guaranteed jannah used to pray salat late in the nite until his feet were swollen, the companions ra had great fear of Allah in them, tell me what do we the so called strong muslims of today fear more, missing one salaat or losing a job, or getting an F in class? We aint good muslims man, far from it, marka we should humble and never think we are “strong” muslims..... but like Ali ra said simple muslim and ask Allah for the best.
  21. ^^^wa salaam my brother, i hope u are in good health and ur family inshallah. i took class on the seerah of the messenger scw i would tell all to take class it builds character. many great ayats, hadiths to choose but good one on brotherhood. On the authority of Abu Hurairah, who said : the messenger of Allah said : "Do not envy one another; do not inflate prices one to another; do not hate one another; do not turn away from one another; and do not undercut one another, but be you, O servants of Allah, brothers. A muslim is the brother of a muslim: he neither oppresses him nor does he fail him, he neither lies to him nor does he hold him in contempt. Piety is right here-and he pointed to his breast three times. It is evil enough for a man to hold his brother muslim in contempt. The whole of a muslim for another muslim is inviolable: his blood, his property, and his honor." related by Muslim. and dis: "Let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day either speak good or keep silent, and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his neighbour, and let him who believes in Allah and the Last Day be generous to his guest." related by Bukhari and Muslim ^^^we fail dont we? yet we call ourselves muslims, reminds of hadith dat says our faith is tainted. May Allah forgive us. amiin.
  22. 8 brothers....dang Jlee dat most been fun growing no one talked to u in high school Yoonis brah u most not have sisters to suggest making friends with the brothers will get u close to their sisters...... dat aint gonna fly man unless the brothers are dummies... bottom line u dont want dudes hitting on ur sisters no one is good enuf for em...... uma let u in on little secret if u want to get good standing in the family convince the women the mother, edos, habaryares.......if the women in the family like u then u smooth sailing man. women got big mouths and will either make or break your profile........but to be real when a woman wants a man nothing is gonna stop her yo......we seek in Allahs refuge that our sisters dont bring the wrong cat.......or
  23. Originally posted by Taliban: font color=green> A "form of Islam"? It baffles me why every secular is infatuated with such terms. I guess Kasim's article would not have been published without including terms that are instrumental to the West in attacking Islam. [/QB] Don’t u do the same? Label muslims “secular muslim” a contradictory in terms, or islamists just like the west does. There is no such thing as a secular muslim, progressive muslim, islamist, jihadist, wahbabi, and all the terms used to divide this ummah. if we go back to the Quran Allah Most Great divides mankind into three groups: those who submit (Muslims), the munfiqeen (follow parts of religion, and discard others), and those who reject the Kufars (unbelievers).