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Everything posted by Khalaf
Originally posted by N/AA: Khalaf- It is raganimo to know your weakness adeerow. Fadhi-ku-dirir is an obstacle to a man deep in thought in understanding and promoting the best course for his people! [/QB] yaa Horn, with the nice sounding words aside, u left because you were irriated sxb.....n u still lerk in the shadows ......ninyahow jokes aside u should leave cause u want too not cause u aint happy with some peeps....mida kale SOL needs the cool headed intelligent political theorists ina abti....drop the N/AA due to your protest Horn was part of SOL....n drop in anytime when gedo iyo kismaayo is mentioned.......Allamagan cant battle by himself nooh tho Axmed Gurey will have his back .......but they cant argue on issues w/out mentioning their beef wit da "mahbars" peace
Dont dodge this adeer xiin, i believe i have clearly showed u what i think..... @ Horn! war ninyahow what is N/AA bal? u talk about raaagnimo but left, ran away....went to the shawdows! wa shaash.
"Hanagu harraadin meesha, ama wax sheeg ama take back your silly comment." Adeer i will take that charge back but until u show me and the gallery where u were a critic of the courts leadership and tactics, ect it stays...comparing them to TFG is not revelant until then nabad gelyo. @ Allamagan think bigger
"Ah so you assume i support the Courts for tribal reasons miyaa?" ^^^maya its not about tribe adeer....many ppl including me supported the courts for their ideolgy, principles, getting rid of warlords, ect but not compared to your blind holy support adeer....and easily acussing other somalis like u did here of "clanish" motivations.......while at the same time always overlooking the icu leadership made by one sub clan and their questionable warlords leaders among them..... what um saying here since u cant read between the lines is u dance for the choir adeer..... Edit: Jim sxb.....its entire Muslim ummah tells us something we dont know bro......but we dont need chaos n bloodsheed either....
Xiin how does dancing and the choirs sound? read between the lines awoowe, i dont like to assume however the comment of yours i quoted added to your always making excuses for the courts speaks for itself adeer......
Xiin, I believe you know whats up adeer and that is what matters, lets leave it at that and carry on......
Originally posted by xiinfaniin: [QB] ^^The reason you and others opposed Courts was primarily based on your perception of them as an entity that would not satisfy your political/clannish aspirations in Kismayo, no? your a very interesting character adeer! here we have xiin who gave many excuses, benefit of doubt to the courts even with their highly questionalable characters and tactics, but alas he will easily accuse in this case the "clanish" aspirations of a certain group for opposing the courts....prephaps there was some truth to what Horn said about u adeer. n if my memory serves me right yaa xiin somali ppl of all clans were with the courts against the warlords ect, but with good reason become suspious of them due to their deeds. however that is the past, lets look to the future..... as for the city of kismaayo and somalia in general, inshallah khayr.....lets not blame ppl but somali ppl most be part of the solution and rebuild the country....
Originally posted by KEYNAN22: The nomadic lifestyle needs to be eradicated, this lifestyle should not exist in the 21st century, it's obsolete. City dwellers never start a war based on wells, this crap has happend before through out all somali nomadic hangouts, and will for sure happen again if we don't combat the nomadic dangerous and meaningless lifestyle. agree man, ....dont know what daroor is or is going here on but allah u sahol for the miskeens.....Red 30 in ur immediate family? :eek: inlali wa....may Allah give all of dead jannah bro inshallah... life is very cheap in somalia
Originally posted by bambo: You think you Can disarm the H-clan in xaamar go ahead feel free .... Uic are back in xammar sxb so you are saying [admit] the icu were the from the said clan and was/is a clan movement interesting sxb as for politics and ppls emotions here, i have noticed General Duke has been on the money thus far........
Originally posted by Taliban: quote:Originally posted by Khalaf: ......moderation is islam ninyahow.... I see you're moderate; good to know that. why do u want to twist things bro .....the nabi scw said you are the middle nation... ps: can u answer the earlier question or no sxb? geography location on earth of beginning....according to islam....uma check on dat inshallah tho
Taliban ....bro dont twist things inshallah....i remember my uncle once said to me u can not be friends with girls, look at girls, speak to girls only if your interested in marriage....thats not possible......moderation is islam ninyahow....inshallah lets stick to the topic....what do u think sxb? in particular about africa connection to beginning of man? doesnt Islam say mecca, arabiya........
Brothers keep it going, very informative. david u say Somalis, east Africans are indengious period....what exactly does that mean sxb? It is said the most ancient genes are traced to Africa too humanity started out looking like the bantus i guess ...also why the difference between mainland chustic Somalis, Bantus...if u say its indengenious? EP73 stuff I don’t get lol .... N Somalis generally vs. Ethiopians vs. oroma one can tell the difference majority of the times. I dislike to use pics of sisters but this girl looks exactly like my eritrean friend.......from my friends Ethiopians n Eritreans.....we Somalis and Eritrean look more similar: off topic n pardan me but i could not help but notice her...Sooori MMA for me da face she beats your rupaul looking ubax isatagfruallah.....beautiful girl...
Originally posted by Cambarro: quote:Originally posted by cynical lady: :rolleyes: i VOTE NO 2 WADAAD HUSBANDS You want 2 wadaads? Well that will take some doing lol Seriously though..why dont you want wadaad bloke? Imagine innocent man who has the modesty and hayaa of a virgin girl and explore life and discover delights together...what could be better hon? Cambarro eddo macaan .....CL likes diff type of blokes shuuuush istagfrullah wit material ... whats up with the bashing? becareful of mocking the deen walaa....n ladies if u know whats good for u marry someone who follows the deen that is what nabi scw recommended......
Gosh i clicked on here happily expecting a personal confession or somthin a dear diary i finally blank....... but its about dumb arts project............. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by *Aisha*: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "You are the final of seventy nations, you are the best and most honored among them to Allah." salaam sister Aisha, i didnt know that, "seventy nations" of mankind? never heard it before :confused: Allah knows best Ameen bro hard to say my favorite sura, i like the meccan suras they deal with iman. ..... A Bedouin came one day to the Prophet and said to him, 'O, Messenger of Allah! I've come to ask you a few questions about the affairs of this Life and the Here After.' - Ask what you wish. Q: I'd like to be the most learned of men. A: Fear Allah, and you will be the most learned of men. this is very true walaa, when u fear Allah u watch what u say and do, its heavy burden on your shoulders i think. Q: I wish to be the richest man in the world. A: Be contented, and you will be the richest man in the world. Q: I'd like to be the most just man. A: Desire for others what you desire for yourself, and you will be the most just of men. Q: I want to be the best of men. A: Do good to others and you will be the best of men. Q: I wish to be the most favored by Allah. A: Engage much in Allah's praise, and you will be most favored by Him. Q: I'd like to complete my faith. A: If you have good manners you will complete your faith Q: I wish to be among those who do good. A: Adore Allah as if you see Him. If you don 't see Him, He seeth you. In this way you will be among those who do good. Q: I wish to be obedient to Allah. A: If you observe Allah's commands you will be obedient. Q: I'd like to be free from all sins. A: Bathe yourself from impurities and you will be free from all sins. Q: I'd like to be raised on the Day of Judgement in the light. A: Don't wrong yourself or any other creature, and you will be raised on the Day of Judgement in the light. Q: I'd like Allah to bestow His mercy on me. A: If you have mercy on yourself and others, Allah will grant you mercy on the Day of Judgement. Q: I'd like my sins to be very few. A: If you seek the forgiveness Allah as much as you can, your sins will be very few. Q: I'd like to be the most honorable man. A: If you do not complain to any fellow creature, you will be the most honorable of men. Q: I'd like to be the strongest of men. A: If you put your trust in Allah, you will be the strongest of men. Q: I'd like to enlarge my provision. A: If you keep yourself pure, Allah will enlarge your provision. Q: I'd like to be loved by Allah and His messenger. A: If you love what Allah and Him messenger love, you will be among their beloved ones. Q: I wish to be safe from Allah's wrath on the Day of Judgement. A: If you do not loose your temper with any of your fellow creatures, you will be safe from the wrath of Allah on the Day of Judgement. Q: I'd like my prayers to be responded. A: If you avoid forbidden actions, your prayers will he responded. Q: I'd like Allah not to disgrace me on the Day of Judgement. A: If you guard your chastity, Allah will not disgrace you on the Day of Judgement. Q: I'd like Allah to provide me with a protective covering on the Day of Judgement. A: Do not uncover your fellow creatures faults, and Allah will provide you with a covering protection on the Day of Judgement. Q: What will save me from sins? A: Tears, humility and illness. Q: What are the best deeds in the eyes of Allah? A: Gentle manners, modesty and patience. Q: What are the worst evils in the eyes of Allah? A: Hot temper and miserliness. Q: What assuages the wrath of Allah in this life and in the Hereafter? A: Concealed charity and kindness to relatives. Q: What extinguishes hell's fires on the Day of Judgement? A: Patience in adversity and misfortunes. And Allah knows best....
Originally posted by Cara: Other African countries were pressured by the US government (through aid $$) to only stress abstinence , to disastrous results. [/QB] They are non-muslims Cara. how muslims and non-muslims react to absitence programs will be different. mida kale non-muslims can do what they want to control the aids, other stds....we muslims do not have a huge problem as a community and will never as long as we stick to our religion. Look at the power of Islam Cara: One ayat stay from zina (nearly a billion) ppl do, one ayat do not drink, n gamble -nearly one billion have said hear hear...something $$$ billions aid and secular education can never achieve.
Lily my point we Muslims should say: to you be your way to us be ours! No to condoms, no to the so called health awareness teaching the muslims about safe sex, I would go as far as expelling, prosecuting any group which advocates this to Muslims. Its not about being “backward” as our enlightened friend JB would want us to believe, because Islam is the ideology the civilization which took Europe out of the dark ages, and the initiator of the scientific revolution. look at the map lily: there is far less public health awareness, and advocacy for use of condoms, safe sex education ect in muslim countries then in Kenya, South-Africa, ect but with all the education about these issues they are far far worse affected by these diseases then the “backward” Muslims. How is that possible? By obeying only the ayats of the Noble Quran a community of more then one billion people of different languages, ethnicities, cultures, locations around the globe collectively have avoided these diseases which have befallen their educated non-muslim counterparts. I say we stay "backward"!
Originally posted by -Lily-: We all know (or least I hope we do) that STDs are spread through sexual intercourse. The more partners you have the more risk. This is regardless of whether it is husband number 5 or wife number 2! That is a fact, whether you have a different opinion or not. I only mention polygamy because contrary to the believe that its not a common thing, it's quiet the norm in Somalia. I'm done repeating myself. Salaamu alaykum Lily, correct me if wrong but u seem to be connecting polygamy to rise of stds(aids) or its a risk factor. it would be fair to say then that polygamy is more common in muslim countries such as somalia more so then in non-muslim countries. marka why do polygamy practicing countries have much lower rates of these deadly diseases? heres a map: http://www.data.org/whyafrica/map/ where are your facts yaa lilly? by Mejia: "Condoms, Condoms, Condoms problem solved." u seem too happy about condoms :confused: but facts on the ground are Islam Islam Islam problems solved.
Originally posted by Shucayb: ^So you can't prove anything? okay.....then I suggest you watch and listen from the sidelines, fair enough? Let me give you a homework for your to think about tonight or ask around you nearest sheikh okay? If a non Muslim comes to you and says to you 'Salamu calaykum' your exact should be 'wa'alaykum masalam'. It's not about agreeing with someone, or having ' great mind' it's what is right and what isn't. Ask someone and come back to me. Another related topic: hadii uu qof hindhiso, maxaad ku odhan lahayd? thanks, ^^^ ina adeer iga jooji ciyal nimada sxb, if u are an odey props to u but don’t talk me down....I don’t need to do “homework” I know my deen very well but unlike others I am not hardheaded. Mida kale ppl believe what they choose to believe, MKA already settled this matter logically......take or leave it. As for the hindhiso to the muslims u say ya raxamah ka lah, to the non-muslims u ask Allah to guide them to Islam. Nabad gelyo.
Sxb red ill ignore your first question and stick wit the topic!. I didnt want to jump in to let MKA explain it...c its not about debates more of understanding...tho i dont c this is big deal when most somalis dont even say salaam but bal waraan! I cant prove anything sxb, because i have no knowledge of it, personally i dont give non-muslims the full islamic greeting... but just: The Ayah from suratu Nissa already states that you should reply with equal or better reply if you are greeted with 'salamu calaykum'. ^^^okey what is better then or equal to salaamu alaykum? it is adviced to reply better then the one who greets: Wa alaykum salaam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu....do u know what this means? Could we say may the peace and blessings of Allah be with u to a kafir? U may sxb.....its free world your choice...if u are confused and want to learn more fadlik ppl go ask the learned. Edit: my fault for the repeat, looks like MKA drilled dat point home alreadly.....great minds think alike nooh ........not there at your level yet adeer! ........wa Khalas!
didnt want to jump in but sxb red why overloook this: Imam al-Bukhari records a Hadith in his Sahih on the authority of Anas ibn Malik (Allah be pleased with him) that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give him peace) said: If the people of the book (ahl al-Kitab) greet you, say in reply: Wa alaykum (and also on you)”. (Sahih al-Bukhari).? As long as i can remember i never felt comfrotable saying the full greetings to non-muslims, never seen my family members do it, nor the imams, i know, marka i dont greet non-muslims with the greetings of the messengers of God and the greeting of paradise. mida kale why argue of small matters sxbs? there is hadith that says u are not true believer unless u know your neighbors (muslim or not), help them, ect how many do that?...but u are arguing about salaam....c'mon now....do some positive
Originally posted by Crystal_Clear: i dont know if its true but i over heard granpa wanting to get married to anther lady! [/QB] and why would that bother grannie crystal? depending on grannies age.....i hear somali couples quit after certain age....marka let odayga have some fun nooh "waa arrin aad u adag hadii xaalku marayo the Granies. Anigu taydii ayaanba qaati ka taagnaa adiguna awoowahaa iyo ayeeyadaa ayaa rabtaa in la dhex galo " loooooooooooooooool
what did grandpa do?
Originally posted by Johnny B: That Sulman Rushdie or Stringberg had commented on his work therefore he is not Muslim is like saying Castro is not a Muslim becouse JB has only nice things to say about his posts, what a drivel. [/qb] ^^^maybe, but it depends on the work itself the content which is being commented on, no? one may praise a physicists for being the best in his field be muslim or not, but when the issue is about faith, morality, ethics, principles, ect then it’s a different ball game. U c JB every man is what he believes, it is the lens you judge the world with. and its human nature to agree “praise” those who reaffirm your believes or agree with u. For example you JB, a self-confessed kaffir when it comes to the issues of Islam (beliefs) wouldn’t have “nice things to say” about the views of for example our brothes Nur, Khayr, Taliban and so on, it is no secret is it JB? Marka I would be concerned if I was Castro and JB was praising me, same way Nooradeen Farah should worry of the kafir Rushdie praising his work.
Originally posted by Shucayb: [QB] ^ Let gues how old you are saaxib, I would say 19 or 20. Red....ar ninyahow waan yabey i got a birth cert unlike u gussing peeps Edit: Okey not cool immaturity kicks in sometimes parden me! forget everyone else MKA dude u cant be 47........i thought most were late 20s and under....but hey peace out, have a great day inshallah. and btw Red u are slow man a name like Pucca, and dancing china girl why would u think thats dude....pucca is a girl and a cool one at that!