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Everything posted by Khalaf
Ninyahow Hungri u are new to the politics section sxb u are not familiar with these emotional and cuuqdaad having cats, u c they insult men behind computer screens because they do not have the balls to do so on the street therefore give them the opportunity to vent hopefully its therapeutic, release the stress nooh. Hungri don’t try to justify yourself sxb, to indirectly as I assume call ibn Khalaf who is not a TFG supporter and carrys the black flag “worthless” and justifying the massacre of muslims is total madness and quite laughable, I cant dignify an answer to xaar. C sxb Xoogsade is only bit smarter in hiding his clannish cancer then his boy qabil-ubane, they have something called curdaka iyo buufiska Puntland. As u can tell from their daily grievance against the TFG solely is based towards AY and his clan, when TFG main body, policemen foot soldiers ect are their own clansmen in the homefront. One can only can conclude that their pain and frustration stems mainly from the fact a certain DNA is siting in the villa of Somalia once again. But u can’t blame them, that is society of Somalia, which I wanted the icu to clean up and unite the country under the banner of muslim brotherhood but instead of being a band of brothers they choose to march across Somalia under a 1.0 system leadership and crowning drug lords like indacade as “mujahids”, a sincere movement hijacked to say the least. North talk directly to me sxb, its simple answer to ur question as u asked me in the other thread: TFG didn’t claim or represent my aqeedah and flag deenul islam. Taliban: I will be back for u inshallah sxb, we aint done here. Nabad gelyo for now.
^^understood Horn and i dont believe she has "ulterior motives" u can tell ppls aqeedah....but PI has a point ninyahow....i am not new to this forum my aqeedah is very clear but my critic of the icu leaders ect equated my islam to "jahiliyah"? thats very wrong and why i said asxantu wa shaash because its not worth a inquiry or rebutel.....but she is good sister no doubt and Allah give her all the khayr. Abu: put forth ur solutions keeping in mind the challenges inshallah i am courios what u think. nabad gelyo.
This is not the first time ethios in somalia is it? gedo, baidoa? mida kale ethiopians have been "invited" and are assiting the TFG an "internationaly" backed entity and this government has support of many somalis who are muslims ect. somalia has no unity which is needed for an effective opposition, get the drift?....therefore what can done marka in this dilema? About my reference to islamic struggle, it has rules n regulations its not just an insurgency and true victory only comes by strictly following those rules....as the muslims before time used to say they fear what they do more then their enemy.
^^ I take my islam from "people who wallow in jaahiliyah." because i critic the icu methods and shady leadership? asxantu. Abu "Again i can't see the comparisons between an illegally occupied Somalia and Egypt.Some Somalis have surrendered to the "Woyane" whilst other have chosen to resist them." With comparison to the role of muslim brotherhood i mean after the harsh crackdown by the regime, taking the lesser of two evils as according to shariah, now thanks to their efforts egypt has become more islamic society. On somalia, whats past has past the ethios are here now what? There is no unity forget Somalia not even in the city of xamar, nor can there be any effective means of resistance, blowing up shit hit and run tactics even if it reaches the level of the Iraqi insurgency, the opposition can not be effective to bring the ultimate change they want: drive out the invaders. Therefore what is the alternative other then let the TFG be and take the lesser of two evils? Mida kale who are the opposition? remember even Aided n his mooryan back in 91 called ppl to “jihad” against the Americans one may fight against an enemy cool...... but there are strict rules and regulations when it comes to an islamic struggle however........If the opposition are the former members of the icu we dont have intell .......who leads them?....are they divided into clans, “sects” still?.....or are they a real army of brotherhood with one amiir? The game is complicated......no one from the oppostion has any vision....other then hope for an insurgency like that of iraq but that too will be futile to achieve the wider objective.
Here is the message i wanted to stress when it comes to labeling muslims as Taliban does into isms: The topic of my discussion today is about unity among Muslims. As we all know, Muslims are a very divided people. The existence of 57 Muslim nations instead of one bears witness to this unfortunate fact. We find all the excuses in the world to create division amongst ourselves. We divide ourselves on according to race, sect, our pre-Islamic cultures, political opinions, ancestry and even on the imams we follow! Brothers and sisters, none of these excuses for separation are considered valid by Allah, and therefore we should not consider them valid either. A good Muslim is one who is without denomination, faction, or any other special loyalty. The prophet (SAWS), in his final speech to the whole Ummah, said that between Muslims, there are no races or tribes. We have divided the Ummah which our nabi (SAWS) tried so hard to keep together. Allah warns us, in verse 105 of surah #3 not to allow ourselves to dissociate. The verse reads: The approximate meaning in English is: "And be not like those who are divided amongst themselves and fall into disputations after receiving clear signs: for them is a dreadful punishment in store". Islam, being a flexible religion, allows for a variety of opinions and customs, as long as they do not contradict the religion. As mentioned, religious disagreements between the so-called sects of Islam can be resolved by turning to the Quran, not by segregation. The Quran is the book of guidance for ALL OF mankind. How can we convince anyone of this if we cannot even be united amongst ourselves! We are making a mockery of ourselves to non-muslims by refusing to follow the simple instructions of our own holy book! Allah's disapproval of disunity among Muslims is evident in verse 103 of surat Al-Imran: The approximate meaning is: And hold fast, all of you, to the rope of Allah, and do not separate. And remember Allah's favour unto you: how you were enemies and He made friendship between your hearts so that you became brothers by His grace: and how you were upon the brink of an abyss fire, and He did save you from it. Thus, Allah maketh clear His revelations unto you that haply you may be guided. The ayah refers to how the Meccans and Medinians were united by the grace of Allah. This example illustrates how Islam was, and should still be, a uniting force between Muslims despite any superficial differences which may exist between us. The ayah also tells us that the Quran contains very clear guidance. Given that, there is no reason why any two Muslims should not practice Islam the same way, the way Allah has instructed. The most shameful division among Muslims is that of denomination; the major ones being sunni, sheea, and ismaeli. These are all artificial divisions which have absolutely nothing to do with Allahs revealed deen. Who are we to cut up Allahs deen into little pieces, especially when Allah has forbidden us to do so? This is a crime committed by nearly 1 billion Muslims. A study of the history of these sects reveals that they were created PURELY by political disagreements. Later, innovations in religion lead to religious differences. An honest study of the Quran easily reveals these innovations (which I will not mention for the time being, due to time constraints). Nowhere in the Quran is there any mention of sunni, sheea, or ismaeli, and so we must make these terms alien to our vocabulary! The Quran is very clear in this matter. Allah has declared that sectarianism is Haram. As Muslims, we are prohibited even from involvement with people who restrict themselves to a so-called subdivision of Islam. This point is mentioned in verse 159 of surah #6: As for those who divide their religion and break up into sects, thou hast NO PART IN THEM IN THE LEAST, their affair is with Allah, He will in the end tell them the truth of all that they did. It is interesting to note that when Quran refers to those who will inhabit the jahannam, Allah often mentions that they will see the truth of all that they did or that they will receive just treatment for all that they used to do. These endings are never mentioned for those people who will enter Paradise. They are reserved especially for the sinners; those sinners who will be punished. So you be the judge: What do you think is in store for those people just described? Verses 27-28 of surah #45 of the Quran make this comparison too, but they also stress that on the Day of Judgment, followers of all sects will be in the same category. These verses read as follows: ...The Day that the Hour of Judgment is established, that day will the dealers in falsehood perish, and thou will see EVERY sect bowing the knee, every sect will be called to its record: This day shall ye be recompensed for all that ye did. It is obvious that sinners are being described. Bowing the knee is a phrase used to describe the position of the wrongdoers on the Day of Judgment. In the example given, the sinners are those people who claim loyalty to ANY so-called sect of Islam. A Muslim is defined as one who follows the religion of Allah, Al-Islam. Divisions exist to separate differences. If we divide ourselves, it is due either to some worldly difference between us or a difference in faith (as mentioned, neither is justifiable). A deliberate alteration of faith does not create a sect of Islam, it creates a distinct faith which the followers may claim to be a sect of Islam. Thus, there is a great danger involved in attributing oneself to one of the many so-called sects of Islam. Loyalty is allowed only for Allah, His messenger, and to those people who claim loyalty to Allah and his Messenger (SAWS) (i.e. the Muslims). Those of us who declare loyalty to a specific sect had better beware; sect of Islam is a contradiction of terms. You can have one or the other, not both! In accord with this, verse 32 of surah #30 of the Quran reads: And be not like those who join gods with Allah, those who split up their religion and become (mere) sects, each party rejoicing in that which is with itself! The words, "that which is with itself" refer to those differences which people use to justify their separation from Islam. Notice that polytheism, the greatest sin, is prohibited along side with division of religion. This pairing, like everything else in the Quran, is deliberate. It is meant to demonstrate the magnitude of this crime. All of us must refuse to attribute ourselves to any of the man made divisions of Islam. If anyone asks you if you are Sunni, or Sheea, tell them that you are a Muslim, who believes in the seven beliefs, and practices the five pillars. Tell them that you strive to live according to the way Allah has instructed in the Quran. Take a moment to reflect upon these questions: To what sect did Mohammed (SAWS) belong to? Whose example was the best example of how a Muslim should live his/her life? If the prophet (SAWS) were alive today, what would his opinion be on this subject? Should we, being followers of Islam, not try to keep our opinion consistent with the prophets (SAWS)? How can a non-Muslim be attracted to Islam knowing that there are so many versions of it, and if a non-Muslim decides to embrace Islam, wouldn't his/her joining of a sect ruin such a beautiful decision? During the time of our beloved prophet (SAWS), Muslims called themselves just that, Muslims. Nobody was a Sheea, or a Bohra, or an Ahmedi, or a Sunni, or an Ismaeli, or a Qadiani or a Duruz, or a Bahai, or an Ansarullah, or anything. All Muslims were equal. Everyone proudly proclaimed the Shahada: Ash-hadu Allaa ilaaha ill-Allahu WaHdahu laa shareeka lah, wa Ash-hadu Anna MuHammadan abduhu wa rasooluh! I now call upon all of you to immediately renounce any special religious loyalty which you may posses. For the love of Allah, the one who created you and blessed you with his deen, forget that you belong to any group and be proud that you are Muslim. And renouncing the sect is not enough if we continue to practice Islam with our differences. We must investigate what caused the formation of the sect and what characteristics of the sect are incompatible with Islam. We must seek knowledge of our religion in order to practice it as perfectly as we are capable. It is obvious that anyone who belongs to a sect and claims to be Muslim believes that their sect represents true Islam. I have two things to say to that. First of all, merely labeling oneself as one kind of Muslim or another is Haram as it is division in the most direct sense. Secondly, look up the date the Islam was revealed and then look up the date that your sect of the religion was born. After finding that they are not equal, dont even dare to claim that your sect is true Islam. That would be an insult to the Rasoolullah (SAWS). As a final reminder, I will introduce another quote from the Holy Quran that again points to the fact that unity among Muslims is an indispensable, fundamental part of Islam: The approximate meaning is: "Verily, you are one Ummah. I am your Lord, worship me" source
I am sorry sxb, we dont understand eachother its futile to keep going in circles. peace
quoting me outcontext sxb is dishonest. if helps yaa tho go ahead. "ppl who claim this religion or others outside the religion may use labels such as "progressive" ect...extermists......but according to the Islamic sources: followers of Islam are those who submit to Allah Most Great and follow His slave and messenger scw they are called Muslims...."
check these cats out: ....I know MMA would enjoy it....the old good ol sheikhs before the suwaalaagabs came to town.
go round n round round n round....check this man: there is One Islam, and those who follow islam according to the Quran are called Muslims.....ppl who claim this religion or others outside the religion may use labels such as "progressive" ect...extermists......but according to the Islamic sources: followers of Islam are those who submit to Allah Most Great and follow His slave and messenger scw they are called Muslims....hence being labeled progressive/secular/islamofacist and muslim is a contridition......
Taliban remember that chick who became the first female "imam" and lead mixed prayers? her n her crew were progressive "muslims"....thats just an example sxb...ppl can label themselves or be labeled but its your belief and deeds (actions) is what makes one a Muslim.
^^^aight brah then lets leave the labeling of Muslims into: "moderates progressive, secular, islamists....and this time islamo-facists".ect to the non-Muslims.....
^^^I c u get your information from cut n paste like en.wikipedia. How about we go to the Islamic sources yaa Taliban and answer my question just above yaa? ....where in islamic sources are followers of islam labeled as u label them frequently: "moderates, progressive, secular, islamists....and this time islamo-facists".....????
Taliban: No there is not sxb. There is One Islam. And those who believe are called Muslims (those who submit). there are verses in the Quran that spell out Muslim those who submit and your religion is Islam. Find me an ayat which says calls the followers of Islam "moderate" "liberal" or "islamo-facist"......labels which non-muslims try to divide our ummah? Originally posted by Taako Man: 1. Do you support Sharia'? Yes ofcourse. 2. Do you support the ICU? No I don't. Clan 1.0, covered with Islam was a sham and was shown to be a sham with Indhacadde and the like thereof. 3. Do you identify yourself as a moderate or Islamist? I am a Muslim. Moderate, islamist and all other terms are divisive. There is only one islam. Not a clan islam. Nor a moderate or islamist islam. JUST ONE ISLAM. Well said!
Originally posted by Abu_Geeljire: Khalaf what exactly is your solution or what are you adovocating ppl should do? It seems you are only identifying a problem but offering no solutions!I don't understand your comparison with the Muslim Brotherhood.Somalia is a battlefiled whilst Egypt is not......... It is correct comparison sxb......muslim brotherhood= a muslim brotherhood........not a group of clans a1.0 system......the movement was hijacked by opportunistic cats! But there are true men amongst them....and the ideals...which will be the solution in the long run not now or anytime soon. Somalia is a battlefield? I am not da best wit somali geography but from Mudag northwards business as usual, jubaland, galgudud, lower shebble, most of Somalia provinces is not a battlefield. And if Somalia does indeed become a battlefield, the type of insurgency style which some here like Taliban cheer for and hope to c.....they should remember those who are behind the escalatation of violence in Iraq, the killings, ect are not Parties of Allah Most High......but squads trained and armed by the likes of mossad.... yaa Abu what then can be a solution? then let the tfg be for now?
^^^^how is the icu as it was (keep in mind the shady leaders) like the brotherhood in Egypt? Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Rain-clouds pour as it were if it has thundered, yaa Khalaf . Marra waaxidah adeer; we all know now that you are among the Tigre tank riders ! As for your q, I think its premise is wrong (what makes you think there will be another tfg after the old man?) hence shouldnt be honored with a serious answer! How do I ride on a Tigre tank adeer? How is it possible I the carrier of the black flag ride on a Tigre tank? Is it because I believe those who claim Islam should uphold the honorable standards of the companions ra and be on the footsteps of men like mujahid Salahuddin ibn Ayubi? Or do you adeer confuse Abdiqasim, drug lord indacade n crew with the men of al-jamacata Islamiya? Don’t blame the ethios, Americans, ect the fitnah that befalls this ummah is what their own hands have committed, and never will peoples conditions change until they change within....u know the ayats adeer. A better question would be: will Somalia break from Ethiopia’s sphere of influence or will it disintegrate into mini enclaves as all actualities on the ground suggest? If you bet on the first, how and who will lead such a break? Is somalia only the south? Puntland, Somaliland, will be business as usual no? What do u suggust for south somalia? Fight to the death w/out unity, and be left with many dead, rest a population of cripples? Tell me sxbs! yaa Horn thanks bro....but N/AA naaga dah abtigis....N/AA=Non applicable
I said my piece yaa Che from my prespective like u said we dont have a full grasp of the issues u deal with what u got and dats what i did peace out
Che dont watch me sxb but deal with the issues or iska amuus....i cant keep responding to your nonsense aight brah... what does my pro or anti support do anyway? Does it change anything on the ground? we are only sharing opinions sxb n i said my piece
K U said: “For 20 years and counting Somalia was being torn apart by the Qabil-beast. Qabil jabhads. Qabil dictators. Qabil warlords. Now, in 2007, Munaafiq & Co.” U described the fabric of somali society and mentality, the loyalty to clan no? What is different in 07? Or will change in 2020? Tell me sxb where u find the army of resistance that will fight the ethios to death? This is Somalia sxb there is no unity, somalnimo or islamnimo, like I said its empty slogans. Icu?, the same group who where/are separated along clan lines and have no unity in their ranks? The same group who had drug lords, rapists and killers acting as mujahids? The same group while claiming islam whose leaders were dividing the riches of ports between themselves? Do u know how the icu leaders lived sxb? not much different then other warlords each with his own militiamen the good life dheh.....yet they claimed islam? Compare them to Amir Mumin the leader of ummata islamiya......poor n humble. .....they didn’t resemble the groups of the Sunnah! U ask me what is the alternative? First I don’t support anyone my brother, I think there are too many crooks in somalia....mida kale Ethiopia has half muslim population, there are the oromo, erteria, somalia, if anything they are the minority and in a sea of hostile enemies!.......n news flash somalis are each others #1 enemy sxb not ethios. Your solution is fight to death? How u do that w/out unity? Or u think blowing up shit is an effective strategy? Lets say for sake of argument say there will be unity, u drive the invaders out. Remember Afghanistan vs. soviets? Over Million killed, country destroyed....what happened soon afterwards? Interfighting between the mujhideen dheh! My solution let this international backed country be. Be it corrupt or w/out support let it be! we don’t need to lose million lives and be left with a destroyed country....more effective way is to change the society from within ie muslim brotherhood in Egypt....
Che i see you dont have much up there u hardly ever address issues or provide any real scernios or alternatives...only left with complaints and negativity. i put up questions, hopefully the others can address them. good day
i would call it more of realist mentlity sxb. Edit: lets address the issues here, who will be after AY? Where will be somalia in 10 years? whats alternative to TFG? most here are anti-Tfg, but lets face it icu is gone, any effective resistance to throw out an army can only come with a united ppl, somalis are not united cut the bull of somalinimo therefore this so called small scale "resistance" ppl adovcating for can only cause one thing more damage to indivdual somalis......i
Without a doubt i think it is odayga that holds this enity together right now. he has said something along the lines that the tfg will survive after him and is bigger then him. i think that is putting a positive spin to the situation in somalia. who will be after him? Geedi or someone from the clan of the south? will puntland, jubaland ect be on board if they are no longer in the driver seat or appear to be in the driver seat since we know there is signficant outside influence....i remember Baashi saying the leader will be from the wrong clan, wonder what he meant? Does outside influence for stragetic reasons favor that clan? Duke made his predictions everything will be "rosy".....i dont see any positivity in the near future only a corrupt nation.....but it is better then choas. a so called resistance based on "somalinimo" "islamnimo" "unity" is empty slogans, and walaa its deafing hearing ppl day in and day out talk about resistance of somalis in defensse of somalinimo n nation against ethios....there is no such thing not now not anytime soon sxbs.....take your seats.....we are talking decades
"why do you say N. Somalis as if there is a big difference between Northern Somalis and Southern Somalis? (that's ridicilious) " lool@ dave, bro N= and............n thanks for info....
I think more common wit older cats phone conven n internet shukaansi.....lol it could work out if done right...ppl introduced by family members ect.....but if done wrongfully then trouble.....i remember dis brotha talking to girl on webcam there were being nasty haraam alayk......i heard the imam say as we leave the sunnah more n more.....results will be bad more divorces, depression, sick practies like dolls my advice dont talk to strangers, or fall in "love" wit ppl u dont know....ppl lie n are chatting up others.....and make sure u have ur family involved in the process.........um more looking out for the girls.....they are vulnerable Edit: true story happened... 33 woman fell in love through the phone wit this dude.....he lied to her...had another wife n kids.....he only wanted legal papers through her....da gov gave him da papers so he didnt need her n told her to bounce n he didnt want marry her....she was hurt badly...she passed away cause of grief.... bottom line gabdaha wa emotional they should protect themselves n their hearts....
^^^Dont worry yaa Allamagan! I hear this talk...dee wa abtiyashey.....its all love iyo kafatan!....n i agree reer galgaduud's support to odayga is important for him and he knows that he will keep them happy ...n barre joining was new lifeline to TFG sxbs.... inshallah khayr to all in somalia....we should stop being somalis on the real move beyond the clans n build our nation....but unlikely looks like nabad gelyo brothers
@ wuu shiddeysanyahay'e!.....xiin i c u keep dodging da accusations.....ninyahow TFG is corrupt we know....but one should never blind support anybody as u did the icu....questionable to say the least..... Horn Allamagan wa raageedi.