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Everything posted by Khalaf

  1. there can only be two likely scenerios in my view: 1.The tfg governs until it's terms ends in 2009, then “elections” (umm sham to many but wake up dis is Africa) are held. An agreement should be reached with the unsatisfied elders (did u hear them on bbc? Ya raabi ) and their grievances should be met. As corrupt as the TFG is ect, this will have the least damage for Somalia and bloodsheed is avoided, afterall it is a system in which was devised in 2004 and does still to this day have support of large part of Somalia and while majority of rest of country are indifferent, and the warlords that the icu defeated have been tamed and have no political maneuvering within the TFG. Somalia is not really a "sovereign" nation in sense of the word nor do u have any unity in this country.....more Ethiopia has handle on puntland, somaliland, and for the time being the south can become like a Puntland/Somaliland. A federalist system (reality peeps not your day dreams) in which each region has semi-autonomy and control over its populace with a weak centralized government should be formed. 2. Second scenario. An all outwar against the government and its supporters. Now the cyper-fadhi ku diri cats prefer this option and call for a war (which means destruction to the ppl of xamar) to be waged in which they living peacefully in the west will not participate, ironic init?. Um all for a good fight, but one must look at what will come after the war, if defeated or with victory? Moreover by how/whom/in what form will it take? Will it be a nationalistic struggle-absolutely not. Will it be a religious struggle-absolutely not, not today sxbyal. We all heard the clan elders, they are more angered by the clan of puntland then the Ethiopians-welcome to reality not your day dreams hadaba. Again u have right to fight a clan war if u feel threatened.......but there is no threat, nor “subjection” “massacre” how so? If u site AY using full force and this is due to clan to "masscure" "subjection" ect, know that he did the same thing in puntland, nothing personal to duqas. Lets look at the facts hadaba: It’s the 21st sxbyal, not Awoowe’s time.....moreover a small subclan which itself is divided has no power nor the capability to “subject” or “massacre” the largest clan in Somalia according to the CIA-fact book, that’s impossible-wake-up for those who hold that view....cuuuqdaad iyo buufiska iska biixiya its 21st century......time to play politics......the facts on the ground show again um dealing with those who have these “fears”......that the tfg contains majority the clan of the south and this clan holds much weight in its future’s politics-marka play ball That is one side of the coin, the other side if politics is not played a clan war starts-this can only happen if there is clan uprising in which odayalsha are hoping for...... yesterdays warlords-da Qayners Yalxows, ect and thier homies will defect to the “opposition” and so on....lets say in the best case scerenio in their view they are successful in defeating the TFG aight with their blood, sweat, and toil, and bring more destruction to region......what then afterwards?......back to square one no? Small thinkers dheh. 3.The ideologists-that want shariah an Islamic state in the horn will have the most to lose in both sceneries, but they must think of the greater good and know how the game works. should regroup and form a brotherhood in the horn-a political wing, financial wing, educational/dawa wing-, and military wing....ect ect. Take it from there sxbyall.
  2. Adeer xiin that is the problem here, i ran into with brother Kashafa also. Everyone is emotionally involved and have good visions for somalia....but what um trying to do here is not get emotional and instead look at the reality and the state of the nation called somalia! This is fact hadba regardless all somalis be tfg supporters, seccessionists, icu, warlords ect ect we all have one dream, and the same dream! Tell me what somali today wouldnt want the peace and prosperity they enjoy in da states in wadaankenii hooyo....from hergeysa to kismaayo all sharing stories, swimming in our oceans, laughing, our enconomy booming, our students excelling, our mothers and fathers happy, a nation of brothers and sisters living in peace all working towards the same goal the development of our homeland. We all want that! Sadly reality is different, why?....somalia is horta a wounded nation adeer and to heal it takes lots of time and effort from its countrymen. But its countrymen are incompetent with a jahiliya mentality this is their biggest enemy and the only obstacle to the rebirth of their country and unity of their not blame ethios, warlords but Somalis themselves.....they will stay like this until they free themselves..... I do believe islam is the solution to our problems but not through the way of confederation of clan (tribalism). As for tfg, its not about morals, haqq, virtues and what u want adeer in this game, take a look at reality. First: No one at somalia’s political stage at this moment can unite the country and bring results we all want to see. But this game belongs to the TFG’s corner to come out the "winner".....however their greatest opponents as ive said is not an islamic oriented insurgency (there is no unity and islam is not rooted), nationalistic popular uprising (there is no unity and walaaltnimo is not rooted) but the warlords of mogadisho (tribalism is rooted) who hold the remote control to sway their loyal consistency right or left. Edit: Great questions yaa Baashi....exactly my thoughts
  3. ***********ubane dude most u ruin every topic with your useless nac nacs, ninyahow sidaan isku dhaan odey ba thay fadlan for once bring forth ideas or kindly keep your **********, SOL prides itself in intellectual discussion fadlan u n da commardes shouldnt ruin it nooh. xiin it was tribal to begin with adeer and Somalia is a tribal society and more a wounded society fresh off the boat of the horrors of the civil war, u cant expect change in short amount of time hadba....why this islamnimo, walaaltnimo shit aint barre hiralle said forget ethios but he would use jews to him kufars are not his enemy but those as he said arrest dumarkena, kill our men, and threaten our peace.....its reality of somalia sxbs lets stop fronting about islam dis and dat aight. The golden opportunity was when the icu captured xamar and every somali was on board.........if u have xamar u have the country why the rush? they couldve shouldve made xamar like madinah and invite all somalis (leaderships) to join ect ect. But they made their choices and now somalia is in this.....and in that part of the world (somalia) nothin stirs ppls emotions more then clan loyalty...............there is no reason to blame ethios or warlords.....somalia's problem is fault of Somalis as it is said leaders are but a reflection of their society......look no further at the incompetence of somalis, then these cats in Diaspora, what have the so called "patriots" anti ethios chest pounding cats done? only hadal badan and at their best efforts maybe call back home and talk about war reer hebel dis and dat....enuff said, somalis are each others worst enemy............... only maskinta will suffer da most as in all one at play in somalia’s stage can unite Somalia and resurrect this nation as we all would like to c, however out of the main players now da TFG has the upper hand and most likely will succeed....their greaest opponent will not be a muslim oriented insurgency or popular uprising, but the warlords of mogadisho who still enjoy much presitage and power amongst thier constituents and can sway the tide of the storm....reality sxbs. [ March 22, 2007, 11:46 PM: Message edited by: Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar ]
  4. Kashfa brah hadalka badan naga jooji and stop twisting my words ohhh where does khalaf stand who does he support c'mon now....anigu miskiin student ah baan ahey, i got no power to change things on ground just like u, but unlike u i c the reality and call it like i c it na for north somali wa ista qaana let em keep talkin na mean and xiin no comment on da duqa........ive said over and over again this is politics waring factions each with his camp and fighting for their piece of the pie it has nothing to do with islam ya get me? Now it can turn to islam but that has certain requirements. Like I said open a thread outlining why icu as it was and is now, is an islamic movement, i would be more then happy to debate why it is not. Farah's signuture wa correct, and i guess your under the impression much like believing da qabil ubanes "truths"......this movement was conferdation of wadaads n brotherhood, wa shaash. lets leave it there bro. salaamu lah Edit: Again u twist my words, Tahil was talking about the burning of corposes and dragging of their dead bodies (that is the issue here) not those who perished in beginning of war and linking dem to the Dawrish.......even in those battles they the icu were separted along clan lines and not brotherhood and their leaders fled the battlefield in which they called for....marka dont compare these cats to Sayyidka......either open a new topic outlining why icu was an islamic movement (rememember not why tfg is wrong i dont support them), or lets leave it at aight.
  5. ^^^^I doubt your a Darwish yaa Tahlil, I dont think they the warriors of somalia past-time would apperciate their legandory name associated with these savages who committed these acts....Garaad Canood just above ya is a Darwish...dont speak on the behave of other ppls name ma garthay? thanks brah
  6. "so plz dont be overwelmed by your emosions towards dead corpses of your relatives." thats the difference between u and I homie, your relatives kulaa, cant u just for one second think beyond this sick mind of yours and say human being? be they "my relatives"-wa shaheeds hadaba (whom are also your ppl dummy) or ehthiopians, or whomever this savagery is the worst of its kind and no human-being should reason it......and the two camps are not "Xabashi gaal+Somali Gaalraac or Muslim(Mumin + fasiq).".....its politics each group with its camp i aint buying it, as ive said somali wa ista qaana, this confluct has nothin to do with islam....its a conflict and in war men die or are killed......but this worst wa anamlistic enuff said.....continue sxbs....cant reason with the deaf as they say
  7. Yaa Captain war ninyahow this topic took 11 pages bal maxa? what is there to argue about and to reason the unreasonable?....leave taliban alone his homies at qasidiya are celebrating burning of human beings with "Allah Akbars".....Allah daadku caqli xuuma ninyahow, wala wa xoolo.....what pisses me off the most is this is linked to our noble deen by reuters ya rabi.....let em carry on Allah everyone belongs and to Allah they shall return....may Allah give Jannah to all the dead. Amiin.
  8. Originally posted by Kashafa: Sitting back pontificating and waiting for perfect Islam to present itself won't happen. Shaqo iyo rag bay uu baahantahay, sxb. [/QB] I agree with the last sentence, muslims most work but this shaqo iyo rag most follow the Quran and Sunnah, that is the jamcatal islamiya. since the main disagreement between the two of us is this statement of yours, let me say this and repeat myself one last time: Islam is based on the Quran and Sunnah it has strict guidelines requirements in which those groups who claim it most fulfill or else they are not of islam (but bidah) and just another group fighting for their piece of the pie by any means necessary (ummm politics/war/greed/ qablism ect ect). You want to tell me ICU was an islamic movement, I disagree with this, therefore open a thread with a defined outline on why this is so and how they met those requirements in which Islam places, I would be more then happy to debate with u. This thread was about the burning (martyrdom for the muslims) and descreation of human bodies in the streets, an act which violates all the tenants of deenul Islam and all basic human decency an act which only the worst of creation can commit in which u said mac sonkar and “Allah Akbar”. By all means say mac sonkar and celebrate or downplay the burning and desecration of human beings as fellow icu comarades are doing here......but fadlan leave the words of Allah Akbar to the mujahideen that uphold the commandants of Islam. Reuters and all western media is reporting these barbaric acts were committed by “Islamic militants” that were chanting “Allahu Akbar”. I will like to announce to the world these people who committed this act are not of noble Islam nor have any shred of human compassion, they are merely worst then animals. The only factor which differentiates between men regardless of their country, their army, ethnicity, nationality, or clans is their believes and siyaasaad (political views). Men kill and are killed in war, countless wars have been fought, horrible crimes committed since the dawn of times for power, revenge, and greed. But yaa world, jamactal islamiya, the true mujahideen and followers of the Prophet scw who know the true meaning of Allah Akbar (God is Greatest) know all men are but slaves of God, their aim is greater then wars, they are above revenge, greed, hate and never can they commit atrocities with the power of Islam beating in their hearts, this is not in the blood of jamcatal islamiya......the jamactal islamiya are a mercy to mankind, as their pious forefathers their aim is to uphold Islam and free the slaves (mankind) from bondage of servitude and corruptions to come under the freedom and protection of Islam. It is the worst treachary and most gross injustice to link this canablism savergery to "islamic" or anything human for that matter. wa salaamu alaykum.
  9. There is no justification North, um showing reality. "lol@prove their Islamnimo. Who asked you to do that ? Jump from one point to another: First a non-answer about the dead Ethos(can I get a mac sonkur, or is that too much?) then it was A.u.B, then it was the ICU ain't perfect enough. Only showcases your impossible position: Claiming to support Islam on hand, while sticking your head in the sand about the Tikrey & TFG reality." I was talking to tone ninyahow c the previous page. Nah sxb i dont say mac sonkar to burning of human corposes be they ehtios/jews/americans, it is simply haraam and against islam. Reread my last post, its not about postiions (to be honest i have no power to change anything as of this moment if i had power it would be the khalifah), but speaking about reality, if u see that as taking sides then its cool no problem. "And please don't flash the Qabil card(it's desperate and unbecoming) as BOTH the TFG and the ICU are represented by ALL Somalis." When it fits ya u say TFG is represented by "ALL SOMALIS"? .......Sxb its reality again in which i speak of, u accuse TFG supporters of goin wit their "adeero" like wise icu cats are wit their adeeros, landers are with their adeeros, most are are with their adeeros, your point?....that is reality of somalia aligned along clan lines....and no, qabil is not long way from being gone again shows your naivity, the icu itself in battle was separted along clan lines, i dont blame ya tho da qabil ubanes feed u your day dreams g'nite salmaamulah bro....its late man Edit: And I suspose asking kufar USA troops to set foot in the holy lands of Islam had something to do with Islam eh? makes sense much like indacade's being given the authority to call for the greaest duty of Islam-Jihad. um out.
  10. Kashfa yaa akhi wa ii wareerisey nooh, i dont like endless going in circles, and its late here marka let me address this for u inshallah. Sxb today muslimnimo (jihadka ect) that u are talking about ma jiro stop with black and white picture u painting this is politics as ive said and somali wa ista qaaan acusse TFG of supporting their adeero, icu camps are likewise supporting their adeero, that is reality.....somalis are no different then the mushriik arabs before islam (c the civil war crimes), the prophet scw took 23 yrs to bring them into the fold of islam by preaching and purfying the society....10 years peace talks with the kufars ect that to blunders of the icu in which u are telling us is an islamic movement, maybe in principle as they claimed Islamic shariah and which i support but certainly not by their methods and characters in which i say they most change and follow the sunnah or else they are just another political group wanting piece of the pie. u said: "Never in the history of Islamic movements/states have they chosen to side with invading Kufaars against Muslims they may have disagreements with." ^^^^Its sad state of Muslim affairs, however not long ago in the Gulf War Suadi Arabia rulers invited USA troops into the holy lands of Islam to saveguard their rule, and more respected scholars of Islam provided fatwa for this. That is reality sxb....marka when jamacatal islamiya rises whom are distinct as ive said this ummah will regain its glory.
  11. no problem brah, but if u think in your head ppl would actually come on forum to prove their islamnimo to annoynmous cats then that tells us about your state of mind more then anything else, lame yeah?..... what do u mean by u "you guys"?
  12. ^^^LOL says tone....pardon me for laughin kkkkkkkkkkkkk .....da tones who admires warabes that prosuites dumarka somali and qabil-uabanes talkin to me of all ppl about islam what is the world coming to..... much like the qasidiya website wit the blag flag and saying "ALLah Akbar" to burning of dead bodies....enuff said!
  13. Pleasure sxb, whatever makes you sleep better yaa akhi. ninyahow um all about changing the qabil-centric mentality which stands in the way of our ppls unity, Islam Alone is the solution and that can only be carried out by jamcatal islamiya-men united under the banner of the black flag of there is No God but Allah, and Muhamad is the Messenger of Allah, not courts separted into hebel hebel with former killers and lotters and the greatest duty of Islam (Jihad) shall be called by noblemen of the Sunnah who have knowledge not mere druglords. Thanks for the talk yaa akhi, know the jamacat of islamiya is distinct from the others.....until they rise its the corrupt game of politics, in which i want no part of.
  14. Ppl like to hear themselves talk miya? yaa akhi i dont like repeating myself nooh....if Islam=ICU to u then cool thats you, not to me tho ma garthay? Just as u accuse GD n others supporting their "uncles" are the ICU cats here and everywhere...marka ninyahow hadalka badan naga jooji, somali wa ista qaana.....meshaan islamnimo iyo jihad ma jiro... go ahead and confuse da qabil-ubane speaking "piercing truths" but haaq is distinct from falsehood as the Quran says....qabil iyo Islamnimo do not mix, qabil politics iyo islamimo do not mix, Allah Akbars and burning ppl do not mix! naga dhah adeer wareerka. As ive said over and over again on this board, meshaan wa corrupt politics.....marka allah ha u sahlo maskinta that are caught up in the middle.
  15. Sxb, I am Muslim first horta then a somali. Mida Kale I declare my alligence only to Allah and Messenger scw, and follow jamacatal islamiya whom follow the Quran....I know what jamcatal islamiya looks and acts like and it certainly is not the icu, I have my reasons and it is crystal clear....marka good luck to u and your fellow comardes on this "jihad"...cause I aint buying what they selling na mean. Again this aint about death of soliders, its is the act of burning and dragging corposes enuff said. "A.u.B is trippin', but beneath his buffoonery, are some piercing truths." That says it all adeer, if u believe there are "truth" to this nigga full of clan hatered from his moryanism 101....i think its you sxb that needs to check up on ur sources.
  16. Kashafa sxb, dont focus on me akhi nor worry about my "place" focus on issues aight, dont be like AUB ninyahow, I dont even respond to dat nigga.....soliders were not only killed here, and they were not ethios but TFG soliders but it doesnt matter who they are remmember difference between the camps is only siiysaad, its war u kill or are killed.....go look at those pictures sxb. I am not interested in never-ending nac nacs.
  17. Originally posted by Taliban: quote:Originally posted by Jacaylbaro: I'm worried for Taliban and Alle u baahne now ,,,, how they can justify this ,,,, My support for the ICU cannot be affected by allegations meant to damage its reputation. Besides, there are many groups other than the ICU fighting the occupiers and collaborators. but da "creditable" and icu mouthpiece qaadisiya is celebrating with "Allahu Akbars" of burning and descreation of human corpses, so much for "Islam"....ceeb badana. They are not from Islam nor are those who take joy in this, Allahu Akbar belongs to men of jamcatal islamiya not ********s.....war is war the only thing that is different between the camps is siyaasaad......u kill or are killed in war......but to have an entire town come out in so called muslim scociety and have their women and children, and even those who carry the sunnah-beards acdu billahi....burn dead bodies and watch as ppl stomp and throw rocks against the dead corpes wa yaab walaa......Allah is the Witness.....let the games begin.
  18. "ps--my bad adeer! I just hoped you would have some religious blood and say some words on this disgrace!" Adeer none can match my religious blood i would like to think... wa qalaad waxaan in particular comment against the elder wheel chair bound...same way its disgrace about the accusations against the leaders which i would like to c your rebuttel on that, how does one call for jihad and not take pretake in it? Who gave authority to indacade (a druglord and looter mths ago) to call for jihad a scared duty in Islam? U never address that, we realize the ethios ect....but to those like me, those questions are never answered and u have cats like the qabil-ubanes and former ramanents of USC actually fronting and questioning my religioon very funny dheh.!....i think that is why many do not engage in this arenea.. there is no point not in this section to get straight answers....leave it to between the TFG supporters and the Qabil-ubanes, Abu Abus clan clan clan......aniga waan ka dacbahey sheekodaan ma garthay?
  19. Xiin bal maxa iga rabta aniga horta adeer? Dont question my religiousity, u cant win with ppl, ha your tone was unsual and funny, but i didnt comment on the topic except for part i quoted for Duke, CX, and the others here there are many somalis who share there view adeer! this is just how things are in reality!....if u want me to get emotional upset and start screaming insults as ppl do often here its not gonna happen, u have enough commards to do that....and for the record I neither share their political views (never did and never could) nor yours of supporting the courts 100%......marka Allah ha u sahlo daadka maskiintah.
  20. ^^This is 1st time? I can understand ur argument against indacade and others but this distrubing yaa Duke. Um speechless.... "Take Abukar Cadaan, he was a disabled old man, yet he ran to the border to save his life and these boys were used to buy that valuable time.." may Allah give jannah to all the Muslimeen. Amiin.
  21. Not speaking for PI here, but knowing Somalis/Muslims I don’t think they giva shh about those that “leave their team”, its their lose as they say! However there is no need to discredit the entire message and intention of the topic simply because of PI's comment in which um sure others share tho it wasn’t cool to use vulgar lingo, into gaining up on poor single (ummm anonymous) individual and saying this making it personal. Ka bax! get out here! Cara should not be bothered by one single negative reception but look to the many more who were in engaging with her respectfully. This is an Islamic Arenea where certain "former muslim"(key here) nomads here made substantial claim that islamic aqeedah is false, and wrong, this is not first time and it is only fair to ask why that is so in general sense their case/outline against this deen's aqeedah.....nothin personal about that stop the hissy-fitting! NG: duqa lets drop it adeer....u simply was defeated in that topic, and I most say hahhaha, but in your head your still right so mahaaan. peace
  22. Originally posted by xiinfaniin: Khalaf , I am very radical in my beliefs. I tend to defend matters of faith when I feel the need to do so. It does not appeal to me however when one creates nonexistent issues and presents them as a genuine debate! That was what the thread you referred to was all about adeer. In this instance, you started a dual without securing the consent of the other participant first. As you can see one cant clap with a one hand and your match left unwatched. If you think about it, the chief achievement of this thread is that it has opened the door for the less cultured in our midst and gave them the opportunity to spew personal and uncalled insults on this nomad. Think the man who sports the most irrational number as a nametag, and consider how quick he completed his transition to zero. I am sure that’s not what you had in mind when you initiated this topic. Now it’s quite weak to suspect my intent without considering my rationale. In fact it’s un-Islamic to do so. Why my dear brother do you have to doubt my sincerity? I wouldn’t mind you doing that if it were in the politics section. But this, yaa Khalaf, is the General section where opinions are supposed to flow freely and with a bit of civility. Normally when the weak ones accuse me of hypocrisy, I take especial pride in it. But you, yaa Khalaf, come across too innocent to tally you as one of my cyber achievement. Serenity , polygamy is not on the agenda ee shiddada jooji ! Adeer um not the one to push things or engage in endless arguments even when i believe to be right, u have your reasons and da way to look at things, marka we drop it inshallah! Still respect to yaa duqa, u got a cool head na mean. This is not the first kind of this type of topic, I find it odd and iriating somewhat that to make such powerful claims here and when asked to present your arugements against it, coping out each time wit an excuse to be dishonest to say the least. Its not a personal matter but a simple discussion on important subject. Maybe its wrong the way I present things, but nevertheless there were no ulterior motives on my part nor care to change ppls believes (not in my control)....only wanted to c the "evidence" against Islamic Aqeedah as they claim to have rejected! U have radical believes u say and will defend your beliefs. Marka why dont u and Jim let Amelia be and the lame insignficant topic of polygamy.....and u come and play ball.... (maybe another time tho duqa).......i lose interest quickly.......thats why I like Yoonis dude keeps going and going dats my nigga.....
  23. Originally posted by roobleh: [QB] quote: Their criticism always centers on the Muslims (followers) themselves (FGM, honor killings, oppression of women, terrorism, ect ect ect) rather then the aqeedah (tawhiid, concept of God) of this religion! Now why is that so, I wonder? Just imagine yourself as a seller who wants to sell a good product. A prospect buyer who does not know how good your product is reads your ad and thinks it negatively. That first impression is important and could sink the sale of your good product. Those things you mentioned (honor killing, oppression of women, terrorism etc.) are damaging Islam far more than the one caused by non-muslims. 1. Islam is not a product that is for sell, truth is distinct from error. U know that verse right? 2. of course bad happen such as oppression of women, terrorism (tho contary to islam)as it happens throughout the world, yet the media only focuses on the negative aspects of the Muslims who are 1 billion ppl, ask yourself why and get back to me adeer.