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Everything posted by Khalaf

  1. Originally posted by abu ansaar17: Countless people had dreams about the ethiopians being defeated. Another wadaad said he dreamed that the ICU will rule for 6 months before being overrun by the ethiopians and TFG, they will rule less than 6 months before being overrun as well. Then he said he dreamed that somalia will Have an emir who will rule until he dies. You believe ppl can predict the future? :confused: .....IF u do believe "holy ppl" can foresee the future and have hope in it then that is shirk no? we only have what the Quran and Sunnah Alone tell us, if u say Allah Most Great gives glad tidings to the true believers then u will be right....lakiin to confuse that wit a wadaad predicted events will occur in future ect....dats a form of shirk...unless u can refute that....which u cant....since the Quran clearly says no soul knows of the unseen, and no soul knows what it will earn tomorrow. peace
  2. Questions: Scenario 1: If the Ethiopian backed TFG succeeds? (TFG supporters?) 1. What does Somalia look like, what does the future hold for Somalia as a whole? What will be the place/role of Ethiopia inside somalia, since it paid dearly for this conflict? 2. What about any somali army? 3. Will the Ethiopian soldiers (how many are there now?), withdraw? What about peacekeepers? Will Somalia be like a Kosovo? 4.Either way in this scenario, wouldn’t Somalia as a nation be weak and at the mercy of Ethiopia and outsiders? Scenario 2: 1. Who exactly makes up this opposition at this moment in time? Why does it look, talk, smell like qabil thing? How large are they? Where are the shababs? What are their weapons, connections, strategy, their ultimate objective? Is it to kick the ethios (which means end of TFG) out of Mogadishu or all of Somalia? If they were to succeed what would be the likely relationship between somali regions? The way it looks if this conflict takes a more serious turn (stronger Ethiopian offensive) is that Somalia has 3 choices: 1.Let the Ethiopian offensive succeed, and that means Somalia may have peace and stablity laakin will be at the mercy of Ethiopia for long time to come, politically, economically, and most important militarily. 2.Have guerilla war mainly in xamar and surrounding areas against the Ethiopians. You can’t kick out the Ethiopians this way....can hurt them, and they will hurt u worse and destroy the country, but will not defeat them because u have no unity in Somalia. 3.The current opposition against the Ethiopians: changes strategy. Seeks unity, calls to unity, recruits public *religious** figures in particular from PL/SL, ulma to speak out, do propaganda tactics across clans, and educate the masses about what will happen if Ethiopian offensive shall succeed. Change this terrible current strategy that looks qablish! Use the media wisely! 4.If that fails-most likely it will, and no unity is achieved inside Somalia. There is no way u can hurt the Ethiopians inside Somalia w/out unity (still dont know seriousness of ethiopians and how large they are)....the opposition (if they are serious about defeating Ethiopia) needs to change strategy: take a look at this map, ie Number 8/9 ...........take the fight to them. To do this u need an ally, supplies, network ect how/who? I don’t know but for Ethiopia more prolong war=more US dollars. Either way, Somalia will be screwed regardless of the outcome of the conflict....unless they unite as Bambo said, or at least a talk between this TFG and this opposition and reach an argemeent between somalis which is highly unlikely........
  3. Originally posted by rudy: [QB] see! prime example of lil gal brain-washed by tribal crap!! yo gal friend, u have any idea how many potential lovers u lost there!!! lool.. yo rudy she has her ina adeer right here na mean, scartch all those "potentional" cats .. Well said Violet, Siad Barre (AUN) it was political to him, not like this article accuses him....bad cats worked under his name that comitted crimes ie hergaysa,Mudag ect, tho he bares responsblity.....and this TFG is made up of all clans, If all of mogadshio clans was against AY i doubt he would last a day in moga, marka come wit some more intelligent like how somalia is under western hegomony....why is SL corner always trying to inflame hatered between those two clans, can anyone answer that? :confused: may Allah give jannah to all those innocents that died unjusticly then and now, and those who committed crimes will be punished.
  4. Geel_Jire: No brother I dont support it, and their is legitmate right to resist them, I answer to u cause of who u are. Laakin i believe the resisting depends on the jamacat, the method, and the objective, this is my contention.
  5. u cats are funny-,typical marylooey......1/2 pages attention on me and never the points I raised. Jim I was being real sxb, and I answered your inquires honestly, however I naively overestimated your part sxb thinking u were being honest namean, but you was never interested in those answers and was on typical “qarxis” Khalaf mission......hadaba raagu wa isbarta......u asked does the banner support the TFG-clearly I said no the banner of jamcata islamiya is not part of corrupt somali politics, then u and your sidekick Brown still go on to make obnoxious claims ......which have no basis in the light of anything ive written, if u think they do, then the burden of proof is on you to show the gallery what ive written that backs up your claims, da floor is yours adeers. Brown adeer, lets for sec leave the typical “qarxis” secession ur bent on and honestly ask yourself man what benefit is in it for me........a 20 yr old cat raised and bread in the states never been to Somalia, or have an “eye” in somali politics, no thanks love baitul sham wish anything but khayr for Somalia and our people come on now man.... War ninyahow..... make sense sxb, look at what u spitting yo...... I know what I support, ive said It over and over again on this forum, let me repeat it for ya: ideally it is an Islamic state, not for somalia but all of our ummah -that is long way off from now because of the state the Muslims are in-they must first prefect themselves, return to Islam and follow the way of the earlier pious forefathers, then success will come to them as Quran says, you only need to look at the Muslims their extreme hypocrisy and disunity to know why they remain oppressed world-over. Reality and Somalia: some ppl believe Ethiopia was a necessary evil....I am not those, I wanted the icu to succeed and play their cards right both inside somalia and in international affairs, I and Red had this convo months ago. Laakin thats past, and i aint the type to blame and cry ethios blah blah hadaba, um sure no somali including the TFG supporters want Ethiopians in Somalia, um sure every somali wants peace and prosperity for all of Somalia regardless of their political stance......laakin the blame is on the Somalis for not solving their own problems via brother to brother. 2: Knowing how world politics works, and thanks to the public threats of jihad by the icu (maybe a set up), what is happening in somalia was bound to happen, shouldn’t be a shock.. Its unfortunate just as across the ummah, but its reality: ethios are reality in somalia, tfg is reality, and the opposition is a reality. Marka looking at reality, how do u get out of this mess, with the least amount of destruction and loss of life, since the battle field is inside somalia not ethiopia? The best way is to reach a settlement between the Somalis themselves, however this is not likely to happen because nature of Somalis and the large influence of outside forces who will pit one against the other, u should know ethiopia is getting paid big for this war....there is no benefit in it for somalia.....Its either settlement or continuation of the conflict, and continuation of never ending bloodly cycle. Which is more beneficial to Somalis? Ps: red whats with the chuckle? Just as the Prophet scw and his companions ra claimed their Quresh, we can also claim our fathers man....nothin big about it sxbyall.
  6. Xalane, i think cats want me to join the cyper-fadhi ku diri, caclals, policing cats, no thanks neamean,I find that to be hypocritical at best...and even then um sure as Che was told ur sincerity is questioned: “Laakiin hadaan runta isku sheegno adeerkaa Hoostaa baad kala jirtaa sax?” ^^^welcome to jahiliya somali mentality (no offense-not ur fault), that questions ppls Islam, haaq, ect all I can do at this moment is pray Allah helps all of Somalia and unites them.......and speak about on effective strategies in the face of ground realities. Tan labaad, I wasn’t discussing with certain calacal cats but Xiin....but xiin is emotional too: this fight must be somali fight adeer remember, what is happening marka? why isnt this being a somali fight? he knows the reality on ground, why turn a blind eye Adeer? 1.Whose the opposition? Umm does the opposition matter? Why not any war depends on the body, their purpose, clear strategy, and final objective u want to reach. If not then Is it just about fighting, in this instance a superior foe with no unity on ground? g'nite
  7. Walaal Didi, it has reached the level of questioning peoples Islam, wa yaab, so danbi ma ahh. daadku caqli xuumo, JIm hows any diff then what Ahemd Guree said to u, ninyahow adiga iyo Brown odeyall baan nii ii modey... looks like Aub has lotta of converts. Sxbs care to show me your evidence, in where I support this government, and its Ethiopian backers, and more as Brown said support the killing of Muslims? wheres your evidence sxb? Show me the money, or fear Allah. Jim, let me leave with this, since it looks like we may go in circles here. My advocacy for the Khalifah and return of Khalifah, is nothing new, and I know as I always say even before this show down in Somalia went down this will happen when the muslims go back to the Quran and Sunnah and follow it strictly,...... somali politics(clan politics) current and future have nothing to do with those principles in which I stress, and I can gurantee if I was not of certain blood this stance wouldn’t be an issue, and u would agree no other choice...this is the Islamic stance in which as I pointed out YusufAdie pointed way before, the stance of the scholars. I speak of the reality sxb, the somali reality.......the regional reality, and the international reality, and strategy......... important issues that whenever ppl engage me never focus on and discuss......but rather focus and question my person-dhooqeneey dabka bah...., the reluctance on their part to talk about these area’s shows they know whats up, and want to turn a blind eye to ummm reality. Finally, my first post on this topic I discussed the topic at hand and also brought again a relevant point about the ICU which is part of Ethiopian incursion, again uncontested. It doesn’t matter of what I prove of sxb Jim, the Quran and Sunnah are clear on jihad, jamacata islamiya-the muslim body, again refer to my first post on this topic........
  8. ^^^Sxb i dont care for the prespective of reader of my "background"....the name of my fathers to me carrys more weight and glory then any other nicknames or names i could ever call myself, ive been on SOL for while and its where i learned of ICU/TFG and AYusuf name na mean....and it was my chosen nick then before frequenting this politics section and shall stay that way, so to my blag flag and its ideals...if name of person not their beliefs influences cats views then thats on dem na mean. Tan labaad I dont get what my banner has to do with situation in somalia...and no my banner the Islamic banner of jamcata islamiya neither supports the TFG or all the ICU----(only the ideologists). ya get me?
  9. 1. What about my nickname? 2. Mida kale what do u mean sxb: but I find it hard to believe someone would carry Islamic banner signature contrary to whatever they stand up for. Khalaf is not alone in that column I think. What does my banner have to with situation in somalia? ***column***???? confused ya akhi
  10. Cent, rageedi...lakiin sxb hold up one sec tho BOB said somethin...i never heard of it before who will be the prophets scw wives and i took Seerah class also, serious bidness namean...marka yo BOB Looooool@ i quit, ninyahow if u see this message explain below...or open new thread lol, or at least PM me thanks brah.... Originally posted by *BOB: Salam Aleikum W.W Ok here we go... Among the ladies who gathered to witness the birth of the prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) there were two very famous ladies (May Allah s.w Be Pleased With Them) who will be the Prophet's wives (P.B.U.H) in the Jannah...Name the two People
  11. ^ma ku fahmiin, translate dat to af ingris. Edit: Xiin i see the world for what it is, its unfair, do u want me to weep..., no I wont... Do u want me to condemn what is happening in somalia ive done that time and time again tried of it, still ur sincerity is in question by the triblists, marka ka soco taas....i cant see what i benefit from what is happening in somalia wa yaab walaa...... I asked u this, keep dodging reality sir "Adeer I think u are the one not looking at the political reality, and more the Somali reality, um sure u know what I mean here. Mida kale of course it matters who/what/how/why ect of the opposition. A War equals a clear strategy and an objective to reach."
  12. Adeer I think u are the one not looking at the political reality, and more the Somali reality, um sure u know what I mean here. Mida kale of course it matters who/what/how/why ect of the opposition. A War equals a clear strategy and an objective to reach.
  13. Che, where did I “side” with this government horta? or does analyzing the situation make u take sides....I take it being of certain blood means somthin to certain cats, more then anything speaks volumes of tribal mentality of those who are questioning my “stance”........... even u who called for the killing of puntland soldiers being questioned by gabarta “Laakiin hadaan runta isku sheegno adeerkaa Hoostaa baad kala jirtaa sax?” lol..............i speak of reality and that is reality-mentality of reer Somalia sxb........why blame “external enemies” and cry about what has be fallen somalia I ask? Adeer Xiin, first why don’t you tell me who the opposition is?
  14. That was interesting discussion. I watched an interesting video, don’t remember the name, but it was talking about Ethiopia and threats to it. How many parts is it divided in? And what is the percentage of the Tikery and Habashi ruling class-a very small percentage. When you look at the state of Ethiopia, more Christian Ethiopia its internal and external enemies are vast: the ormos, other ethnic groups with in Ethiopia whose names um not familiar with, 50% Muslim population, Somali Galbeed, Eritrea, and now endeavors into the heart of Somalia. The ruling class of Ethiopia are far outnumbered, but due to the divisions amongst its enemies and with the help of the West a small minority can easily be the force of the Horn and enjoy it for as long as possible, if it continues to outsmart them. I wonder, if the ICU and its rather public calls for jihad provided the ultimate excuse for the Ethiopian incursion deep into Somalia considering world phenomenon of “terrorism”.......i would bet parts of the ICU worked directly with them by making public threats such as to capture the capital of Ethiopia, and now one of its head public figures Sh. Shariff chilling in Sweden, just doesn’t make sense........the salafi ideologist crew within ICU may have been set up, and other cats bought off, Allah knows best........but we know for example Israel/Uncle Sam that were/are behind creation of many groups such as Hamas and deeply infiltrate many others. As for Somalia, I agree with the cats that said: we are our own biggest threat, don’t blame others for u failures peeps na mean. As for Jihad and an Islamic Struggle I agree with Yusufaddie except with needing a Khalifah to call for jihad, remember we have no khalifah today and the khalifah will reestablished by Jihad. “the palestinians, kashmiris chechen will all be persecuted because they fight as such and not as Muslims. i am not saying that they are void because oppression in islam is not allowed and they must fight however i am saying they all will be defeated and persecuted because they are not fighting as a muslim body rather they are fighting for nation, which is HARAM.” ^^^ why was prophet scw campaign, Salahuddin ibn Ayubi successful, and by successful it means to end oppression and establish an Islamic state, simple they followed the Quran and Sunnah strictly....while many of these groups have much hypocrisy. As for a nationalistic struggle, u have no unity therefore will be ineffective in particular due to this current strategy of this Eritrea in its fight against Ethiopia was unified population from coast to coast, they fought a bitter war with Ethiopia cost hundreds of thousands of lives, and unlike somalia Erteria is mountainous..........but even after all that blood and sacrifice Eritrea has a tyrant in power now who does nothing for the people. bal ka waraan.
  15. Originally posted by Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar: Eebbe ha u naxariisto inta dadweynaha aan waxba galabsan ku geeriyooday, laguna xasuuqay. Eebboow ummadaada dulman u gargaar. Amiin ya Rab.
  16. Xoogsade, It doesn’t have to bother u sxb to be labeled, just like it don’t bother somalis of dat clan.....da jahils coming up here lumping a rich clan in Somalia’s history to corrupt politics of ina yeey....wa iska sheeko hadaba iyo cacalal........however all um doing here sxb is highlighting ur hypocrisy that’s why SW quote is sweet no?.... remember Aub thread my tribe thing in which u said i feel u brah, wipe your tears man...other thread in which u talked about AY and his clansmen coming from far away lands to invade they aliens or somthin and aint somali, emmm mogadisho belongs to certain bloods miya, not a somali city?.....and overlooking geedi eh, making excuse for looted properties of white eyes.....and now dis....come on now....extreme case of tribalism uncut and raw!.....mida kale its weak to say I supported ICU against Qaydiid therefore um not a clanist lol....ka sooco taas.......dats not issue here........issue here is u lumping a whole clan together by actions of ina yeey and his supporters....parallel I gave u: clanist mentality moryaans=a certain clan, and neocons: islam is peaceful, most muslims are good, but terrorist have dishonored/hijacked it........wa qablism/racism at its worst, u don’t agree?...ur a victim to it brah, admitting it is first step to recovery and following the principles in which u preach but don’t practice....its only dis conflict dat is bringing out what has alreadly been built inside but your not alone brah....still u cool mean...but wise up. Mida kale about my name, warrior like name nah....with presmission of my future wife I shall name our son Khalaf inshallah....I follow Islam hadaba its in my stance is clear on somalia no hypocrisy here.........never support cats "wrongfully" cause of blood.....or discriminate/lump cats cause of blood wa jahiliya....... however I recognize my family, and love my that xaraam sxb....u tell me brah
  17. Xoogsade, Duke and Tako, and TFG supporters are there own men sxb.....we are not discussing them.....and what/who they support-wa siyaadsaad and its their bidness. However reason your statement caught my eye was for different reason...and I quoted u said: “Qabiilkaad ka dhalateen yaad sharafta ka qaadeen.”............reduced their good name to “nothing” what does this sound like ninyahow, if not worst case of triblism? Let me apply your trible mentality here: You are the clan of Aideed, his *Mor******* were responsible for genocide of tens thousands innocents of somalis and dishonor of dumarka somaliyeed, 17 years of lootings, burning dead people ect.....thus qablikada sharaf ma leh? How does that sound to u xoogsade? Ninyahow OLOL and other cats are cool..tfg cats are cool cause wa siyasaad, they aint two faced na mean....and hiding behind deen iyo somalinimo that adiga ka hadlesey....cudurka qabil xuun ba ku practice what u preach. Mida kale qabilkas haduun sharaaf laheen ee yakaley oo leh marka in somalia sxb?....considering its history in somalia and their role in early years of independence?....eduction 101 condemn individuals, and their corrupt siyaasdaads Originally posted by Samurai Warrior: Cakuye Somalino iyo Muslimaa iska ba'ay, oo mar kale hoogay! [/QB]
  18. Originally posted by Xoogsade: You are a minority among your clan yet you have reduced their good name to nothing. [/QB] Care to elaborate on what that means xoogsade?
  19. raagu wey xanaqsanyahiin miya, this place is comedy show walaa ........continue hadaba just write in aff ingris
  20. ^^^^I think this sums it up PI Originally posted by Samurai Warrior: Cakuye Somalino iyo Muslimaa iska ba'ay, oo mar kale hoogay! [/QB]
  21. Xalaan, lets forget about the past its your views man, Morgan is a sick little biach that deserves to be hanged sxb along wit many others still breathing today, case closed lets leave it at dat. It seems u and Violet are more concerned about Symbolic victories: Need to pacify this area of xamar, need to show the “enemy” whats up ect ect. U can not solve problems militarily history is fact to this, u only add fuel to the fire, u can never rule a population that is against u passionately. By following your policy wiping out this area along with its war crime in my view I don’t believe in collateral damage even if civilians support them, even if they are the great criminals it dont matter........I would take 20 years if need be to isolate the other side, never bring damage, and fire to ppl........and just because they commit a xaraam by burning corpses don’t justify war crimes. I gave advice to TFG here, tho I think neither side could ever and will benefit the whole of Somalia, but da best strategy now should be to pursue the policy that best minimizes death and destruction. Its not about negations walaal for your team...........but if ur smart isolate this area of resistance.....cut it off completely, nothing in nothing out,....time will run out, u don’t need xamar to be the capital......what should be the greatest focus is to save innocent lives.....remember now most of xamar is on board dont take that for granted i say to da politics....and use force smartly....not the caaq way....wa iga talow
  22. Inalilahi wa inaa ilayhi u and I are cool Xalaan....but ur mindset is why genocides occur man.......acudu billihi sxb, where’s ur iman ninyow wa daad muslim ah, oo somali ahh, women, children who are too poor to run away, did u hear the mother on bbc today her crys......and those who are doing this are kufar.......while back u were praising morgans, ninyahow xaraam Allah I would put bullet in his head i heard his crimes and many others alive today if I had power..... What about rules of engement, rules of war, ethics sxb? DO U like Hitler man? Shelling neighborhoods is warcrimes.....rules of Islam which says to minimize blood at all costs, do u know its haram to even cut down a tree in rules of war according to Islam........come on man I gave the advice to TFG on this thread, just as I did months ago to ICU for an effective strategy.....but I know they don’t read a genius dee. Why does the TFG need xamaar? If they follow ur policy u only anger the population, and set around 2 million of populace against u....more blood sheed and further away of unity and of government regardless of the outcome of the conflict. They don’t need xamar, they control all of the south....they can just relocate to friendly area even in xamar and isolate this section of resistance, nothin goes in nothin goes would run dry for the opposition, and no one gets killed....puruse diplomatic measures from there.....or they can take the role of Bushie neocons their call. wa iga taalo hadaba... JJ good questions sxb.....both sides are blind sxb....its all about "liquidating" the other side, not solving somalia's underlying problems and restoring the state..... Edit: "ignore people like Duke and Khalaf," ^^^sxb TFG spokesperon? I speak the truth, and reality on ground, u damn sure know there is no unity in somalia, and u have not answered my question, the day after the conflict u are back to square one....because u have no effective stragety from opposition, and ethiopia is supported by world-powers the opposition doesnt even have unity in the city of xamar, and they wont because i gurantee u if this TFG is smart they will do what i mentioned here...i dont believe in this hype of either side....neither side benefits somalia. Violet walaalshiis that is not best stragety for TFG side....ppl listen to Khalaf....genious yo
  23. ^^^Sxb i am on the side of my fellow somalis, i want to save their lives and minimize the destruction to our country, stop using your uncle this and dat sxb, if this was about clan to me i wouldnt have supported the ICU when they were at the hight of their power and some thought they would even capture mudag, i was with them back den, however disagreed with their methods/characters, and nope i dont c shabaabs nor does this look or smell like a national/religious resistance....neither side benefits somalia, immediate ceasefire is best way to go, reread my statements. U have no unity in somalia, look at somalia thats what um doing. One question for u: lets say the opposition which is still to this day yaa xoogsade is still one section of somalia gets their objective and what is that: kick out the ethios, TFG wont rule Xamar? What then after the conflict? Arent we back to scare one? diplomcy is best way forward sxb
  24. Absolutely not JJ, the TFG is not in charge sxb ....zaweli dude is running things, and he gets orders from higher ups....i saw him on aljazeera dude is copy-cat of Bush sxb kibir, saying he'll smoke the terrorists within weeks... he dont care for ethio soliders, or innocent somalis that will be killed in process....even the ethiopian population are against him, tho its all about supporting their soliders against "terrorism"....which is bull, their is no terrorism.....however as of now i dont think its a national or religious resistance in somalia, if it was it would have a different feel to it......tho its all good if ethios get smoked, long as there is no burnings.....but for them to sacrifice their blood and money sure that helicopter cost millions....there in it for long hole....and want to leave destruction looks like That is why this war doesn’t benefit any somali be they this so called government or the so called opposition.....only somali civilians suffer the most, Ethiopians are shelling neighborhoods, innocent ppl are dying.........xamar is the only fire in Somalia an unrulely city....leave it, that is if they-the TFG want peace.....go to friendly city....this is best for Somalia, and pursue diplomatic policy and defend your controlled territory-airports, most of the south are under ur control u don’t need xamar, cut it off if ur smart.........but it looks likes Somalis aren’t running things on TFG side........and the opposition is all about kicking butt doesn’t look like they have an effective objective after the conflict.......either way looks screwed......unless they leave xamar......priority should be to minimize the damage to the civilians.....who um sure most just want peace.....and dont care for politics