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Everything posted by Khalaf

  1. looooooooool@ DUke walle somali wa isku wareersanthay. Emperor, the ulma are looking at the "lesser of two evils" sort of speak. Though i am not suprised what is happening in somalia considering world politics, it is clear with anyone wit eyes the ICU was better for the people. That much is clear dont u think Emperor?
  2. Emperor sxb, af somali i cant read, translation how is it selective case? Clearly the good ulma are against the TFG and their allies? And we cant be against our ulema! But as Che said u dont need fatwa for this, but looking at reality again how do we as somalis bring change to somalia since all of somalia is in bed with Ethiopia? i dont see anyone addressing the reality, in which i try to do, and hence cats think i got my feet in both camps. Its good for somalia to get rid of ethiopia, but what about after any conflict? reality
  3. Khalaf


    ^^^Your what 32 Zafir? odey ba thay sxb, compare urself to NG and Xiinow join ur league adeer. loooooooooool@ Red take issue wit me kulaha cidi dholiah u will hold grudges on miya, as ive thought?.......waraa Red take the truth as it is, no need to right paragraphs of calacal and for us to go circles as u good at namean: bottom line nin raag ah doesn’t insult other men behind computer screens man up adeer, brotherly advice namean.
  4. loooooool@ Xiin, adeer i was never TFG supporter may seem so cause i didnt trusted the opposition wit the face of mr. billiqo namean....i only talk about reality on ground-the disunity of somalia and best way to change it as ive said is to change the oppoistion "face" to convince the masses make it a brotherhood, if its about Islam, Brotherhood i am the first one on board, if its corrupt qabil politics as usual in disguise count me out ive always said dat. mida kale what is difference between TFG/PL/SL arent they all ethiopian allies? ie: ethiopia was called in gedo, ethiopia was called in puntland, ethiopia is called in somaliland, ethiopia is now called on Hirinland, u c the pattern here? how do we as somalis plan to change Somalia realistically marka?
  5. ^^^What motive could there be adeer? other then usual, loner, was bullied, depressed, interested in violence ect, news is all over da place he made "history",.....Thank God! He's Not Muslim!!!!!!
  6. English translation plz? lakiin i get the jest of it, its high time ulema of somalia put on united front and take away the lights on the likes of Ahmed Diriye. how effective will it be considering the reality of somalia, since all of somalia are in bed wit ethiopia from hergeyso to kismaayo? or is this only about ethiopia in the capital, what are their objectives? Mida kale just in Ohio couple weeks ago there was huge conference that was pro-TFG-unshakable support namean, those are respected ulema wallee, I wonder what the TFG crew have to say about it?
  7. Red brother, All I said was “me” is a good debater sxb, this is not the first time: he debated with many cats from the secessionist crew all at once successfully seems like he knows what he talking about, and as done to often was told he was not “orginial” hergeysa, kinda weakened their position from my observation.....i perhaps jumped the gun here and for that my apology, but by no means am I ungenuine, I of all ppl have no reason to be, somali wa somali and its unfortunate how divided we are but because of recent history which I suppose its only natural. Um only interested in that part of somali history which I don’t know much, and since the event of 88 is the main reason for secession and as that video put it hate for "F", lets address it as brothers. Ill only observe namean. It seems this “debate” is all over the place, and Red is unfairly out-numbered. This is what “me” said: The combined population of Hargeysa and Burco was around 75,000 in the late 80´s. So 50,000 deaths would be missed. ^^^^Fact or Fiction?
  8. ^^^I dont like it either ninyahow its getting out of control, i hope they are using mechnisms such as warning ppl privatly, ect before outright bans. anyway we are not the admin, but we should voice our concerns since this site wouldnt be what it is w/out its particpants, i just hope some are not being baned for their political views as it seems in several instances. salaamu alaykum
  9. looooooool@ Emperor.....looks like everyone on SOL will be "careful" and well behaved marka....why dictarships would work well on africans.
  10. ^^^^Me u said 50,000 people were not even in hergeyso/burco combined back then? fact or fiction? I dont know it. I think its time as u say to get bottom of this and argue wit facts instead of emotions/cruses as done in the past. peace
  11. Khalaf


    ^loooooooooooooooooooooooool Puja
  12. ^^^figures cut and run when the heat is on hopefully u will research and put on well comeback rebuttel, links that actually work, facts ect instead of "u envy us cause of our success" ect... and brah umm some of us are computer consultants, SOL is passing time at the place on cyber world if u ask me....two thumbs up to ina libax! peace
  13. ^^^^^sxb i figured u would say it, its only natural when u view the world as "us" hence ur reference to "my people" and them, as if other somalis are not your people? Tell me what is there in benefit for rest of somalis to not see "your people" whom are our people to suffer and not succeed? U dont make logical sense and its unfortunate u think like that, just because somalis are against political stance of secessionist doesnt mean they wish the people of somali-land any harm. But that is not the topic sxb, the topic was a period of history and two contradictory stances, forget “hidden motives” u acusse us of, and simply just provide to the gallery your case, that is all ninyahow.
  14. ^^Ninyahow the link is not working. and um not "anti-somaliland", um anti secession all somalis are adeer except the secessionists that's not a secret, "me" argued wit facts, while his oppenents cursed him and called him names instead of countering those facts, says somethin namean. mida kale: 50,000 dead acudi bilhi, and Me says there werent even 50,000 ppl in hergeyso/buro on no side, just would like to know da truth with facts. thats all.
  15. ^^^xasiid waxiid, u want get the brother banned miya? be cool ninyahow.
  16. AJ, u may have point, but brother ive seen Me debate many secessionists here on SOL and single handle put all of them in their place, therefore his words carried more weight, be it 50,000 acudi billhi or 100 people killed unjustily wa complete haraam, and the old regime committed gross human rights violations to higher degree but so did the snm. i await your evidence hadaba.
  17. Khalaf


    ^^taas ba quraxley ah iyo stacy dash, ect, soft features tho she old still beautiful... some somali girls more beauitful but cant show it wa xaraam.....we all got tastes nooh: light skin, long soft hair, hijab of course and no negorid features, manly features plz....i feel like a comitted crime but thats whats up "me" iyo david! peace may allah forgive us.
  18. MI5 uses paedophile-tracking tactics to monitor Muslim extremists
  19. Khalaf


    Originally posted by *BOB: Salam Aleikum W.W I don't know the brother personally and to be honest haven't read his posts much either but that doesn't mean I am going to bash him in his absence like some people above did. ^^^^Raagnimo! something u should pick up yaa Red....talking behind another man's back that aint here to defend himself umm like a insert a word here. AhmedGure sorry mate u saw it coming, 21 gun salute to yaa Brah! Everyone should be given 2nd chance admin.
  20. "you know nothing about me." and u know nothing about the others, yet u judge them and umm even curse them no? because they have different political views then u, shame no?....unlike u i dont support af-xuumo u defend the af-xuumo of your comarades thus it aint about principles sxb but favoritism, ya get me? and bro dont worry about me, um an independent cat, i dont have blind loyalty to no group or any positions of corrupt politics of somalia, when right i support, when wrong i condemn: something called principles.....lets move on brah
  21. Originally posted by Yoonka: The banning of Alle-ubaahne concerns me indeed. He was a man of integrity who vehementaly oppossed the enemy of his religion. SOL proved to be a place for certain people with certain political believes. First of all, Alle-ubaahne was demonised by his opponents in here, who accused him of clannism. Secondly, his remarks were all taken out of context to justify the process to tarnish his Islamic reputatioin. And thirdly, we have seen the establishment of SOL believing and acting in the bogus allegations against AuB that he was a culprit of all that went wrong in this section. Yesterday, it was Castro, today it is Alle-ubaahne, and tommorow is pregnant with "one show, one man, and one family", the making of new SOL that is in line with the ideas that AuB had resisted to comply with. Long live to AuB, the man who revived the struggle to its highest peak. loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool Aub weyeey dheh Raageedi! si ficin baan uu qosleey
  22. ^^^I actually believed it ninyahow. bunch of liars! thanks brah
  23. Our history as Somalis is a long one, a history with Kings, and Sultanate Dynasties, a history of both honor and humiliations, of a rise to glory and a fall to slavery, one thing is clear from the time of freedom fighter AhmedGure to the present time of the 21st century, Somalia as we know it from north to south-coast to coast was never a united nation, a united peoples, under One Flag, with one leadership, and stability for more then a decade except during the tenure of Jalle Comrade, President, Commander and Chief of Somalia Said Barre. In history, Somalis either were, under Kingships part of the land, warring factions over water, territory, poor camal crazing nomads or under the oppression of colonization. Somalia has produced various Sultanate Dynasties, independent nomadic peoples, fierce warriors as the Darwish of Sayidka that fought superior foes to the death wit the belief never to surrender to your oppressors, but in this proud history of glory, none of those champions were to ever unite the entire nation, build a civilization, raise the strongest army of Africa, and give the somali people from coast to coast of all clans the most precious elements to life: peace, security, and prosperity on a global scale for more then a decade, this has happened from the past to the present only under the leadership of Said Barre. Some remember him for the bad that occurred under his tenure, but it remains fact that in our country’s history it was only under the leadership of Said Barre that Somalia as a whole for more then a decade enjoined peace, security, and prosperity like never before, and never since. The Legacy of Said Barre. : An army of a nation rises, brothers united in freeing their captive brethren and land from the colonization of Ethiopia. Somalia easily overwhelms the Ethiopians in battle, they are no match for the finest and bravest of Africa, after their defeat and our chance for victory, the Ethiopians are aided by the superpowers and even man-powered by the Cubans, the war of liberation is crushed in the Ogade*n, the first chapters to internal destruction of the Somlia Nation begin to be written as soldiers head back to the Capital, a capital they once swore to defend but would eventually actively participate in its destruction. The economy starts to shrink, corruption increases ten fold, dissidents are silenced, clanism arms itself to the teeth....somalia is headed to doom. It goes from a country- the glory of Africa, a nation that wows the globe wit great potential, a proud people under one a nation that tortures its own citizens and shelled its own people killing thousands....the road to destruction of somalia starts in Hergeysa, reaches Mudag, and finally explodes in Mogadishu with the overthrow of the Nation to the welcome of anarchy, chaos, powerful warlords, killings of the innocent, dishoners of dumarka somaliyeed, oppression of the weak, genocide of brethren, and their people become refugees of the world. The death of a nation. And the saga continues, the same enemy fought by the army of somalia to free the ******, welcomed to do the shelling of Mogadishu the great capital of somalia, the secessionists push to divide the country to pieces, the sleeping with the enemy from hergeyso to kismaayo, their nation bleeds, their people full of wounds and helpless, divided and pitted against each other, hate for brother love for their common enemy. The blame is theirs, it is all of theirs for not writing the next chapters to the story of Somalia, their story, the story of their forefathers who shed precious blood to free them from colonial oppression and raised for them . Shame on them. *****commentary by yours truely**** peace
  24. ^^^^Thats what its said and by no means its small figure sxb, its a lie miya? What exactly happened i dont know.
  25. ^^^sxb "your people" are my people, wa daad muslim ah and wa daad somali any crimes against them is crimes against me. tan laab 50,000 deaths is a brutual masscure, nor could it be justified by me, i dont believe means justify the end, but some ppl do hence its a viewpoint out there in which we should counter n not censor. last there is no reason in my view to blame the actions of old regime on rest somalis and for that disemember somalia. Somalis can put the past behind them and form a brotherhood inshallah.