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Everything posted by Khalaf
Islam is coming, islam is coming! Even Bush is talking about the Khalifahat Islam is the religion of Allah Most Great, it will always be here, although the Muslims may suffer and go through periods of weaknesses, Islam is here as it was always. IT is important to point out, the Muslim Ummah have suffered far more then the Muslims today are suffering ie the crusaders, the sacking of Baghdad, the invasion of the Mongols and so on. But Allah is the best of planners, we know for example the Mongols 88% of them, they who filled the oceans with blood of the Muslims, they who burned to the ground symbols of the Islamic Power and Islamic Knowledge, in the end became the same protectors and spreaders of deenul haaq. Now we got that out of the way, can we get to the juice inshallah? I am suprised no one here asked this question. Anyhow, i had an interesting conversation with couple brothers from Pakistan who just got back from the country, and what is going on in their country is classic example of a clash between the peoples, ideologies of groups, governments, foreign power and its influence, tough times in Pakistan indeed. I wont ramble on, therefore I will ask to take the discussion up notch, and this is what me and the brothers talked about: The Methodology For Implementing Islam? Surely its an obligation upon the muslims, command from Allah and His Messenger to uphold shariah. So how do they do it? This ummah engulfed in Dar-ul-harb, this ummah ruled by tyrant, agent rulers, this ummah astray, happy with harams, sins, this ummah far from deenul islam, this ummah divided into sects, different masjids, and thousands of imams, this ummah that argues about small issues, this ummah with alien unislamic theories, this ummah full of hypocrisy, this ummah full of racism, nationalism, and all isms, this ummah ohh ummah, what methodology shall u follow and how do you get to promised land? As Allah doesn’t change the conditions of people until they first change, so how then can you blame your failures on America or Israel? I await thy answers inshallah. ps: yo i just noticed this thread is september thread 3 yrs straight.......whoa if i believed in omens if i believed in omens salaamu alaykum
Hmmmmm! The title got my attention, and actually one of the few long threads that ive read, yet can not pin point what in the world I can take away from it. All talk my people, all talk, nothin, no solutions, no agreeable conclusions. I will get back to this on the second post, because i had an interesting converstaion with some of the brothers, but just make a comment on the topic. It may not make sense or relate to topic according to some of you, but that’s just me. ......First May the Mercy and Forgiveness of Allah Most Great be upon the Prophet scw, his companions ra, his family, and those who follow until the day of Judgement. Amiin. Sayidna wa Maulana Muhammad scw said in a Saheeh Bukhari: "The best of my nation is my generation then those who follow them and then those who follow them." Allah has mentioned in the Quran the excellence of the first generations of Islam, and that they are the ones to follow if you want to be saved, and the prophet scw warned the Muslims against innovators and their innovations that will come. "A people that recite Qur'an will come out of the East, but it will not go past their throats. They will pass through the religion (of Islam) like the arrow passes through its quarry. They will no more come back to the religion than the arrow will come back to its course. Their sign is that they shave (their heads)." According to the imams, as I am sure many of u heard, I don’t want to argue about it, this group refers to those whom are called wahabi that came from Saudi Arabiya, they fit the description of the Hadith, they brought innovations. We seek in Allahs Refuge. However, what is clear is the further and further the Muslims are away from the first generations, the further and further, they are from haaq and sirtul mustqeem of nabi scw. The Prophet said, "The knots of Islam will be undone one by one until every one of them is undone, and the first one to be undone is the ruling by the Book of Allah (swt) and the last one is the prayer." According this Hadith, things will get a lot more worse before things get better for the believers, we seek in His refuge from innovation, for our faults, and from the hellfire. Amiin yaa Rab.
I decided to be nice and post an article although one sided, it aint like the sisters are shining examples of Khadijas and Fatimas, but nonetheless, i remember i read in one of brothers blogs. Um sure the sisters would enjoy this and falls in line with NB's observations. peace For too long, brothers have been considered the weakest link of the Muslim community. We hear often that the sisters are executing their duties as faithful ladies at far higher proportions than their male counterparts. This is not a stereotype, but a fact. Ask a 23 years old sister trying to find a compatible spouse. I would estimate that good sisters outnumber good brothers at a ratio of 10:1 at the least. That means for every 10 sisters that are out there, 9 will have to settle for brothers who are not as committed to the struggle. Realize that this estimate is my most conservative estimate and when you consider that a significant portion of the brothers turn overseas to find their spouses, there are even fewer suitable future potentials for our sisters. Lets put the topic of marriage aside for a moment. For too long have the men slept and refused to stand up. Look at our two famous Muslim American brothers, Muhammad Ali and Malcolm X and then consider our own lives. Muhammad Ali stood at the face of a nation and affirmed his beliefs and in doing so was stripped of his most prized championship belt and years of his in prison. Malcolm X stood for truth and justice and paid the dearest price, his life. Once again, now consider our lives. We walk a cheap imitation of their lives as we attempt to follow the stereotypes of so-called alpha males imitating pimps such as Jay Z or 50 cent. If we have not fallen pray to that fake hip hop culture, we may imitate preppy idols such as Timberlake or Usher who must include one song in each album talking about cheating on their latest girlfriend just to remind us of their true character. They are not only the scum of the earth; they proudly display their pathetic nature. We spend hours in the gym attempting to beef up our bodies as our minds and souls remain seriously neglected. Then we turn to the internet during late hours of the night for our secret lives of AIM flirtation and pornography. We act as if we are slick. That no one knows what we are up to. We walk around Islamic conventions as we are the imitation of Prophet walking on earth but every moment that we find ourselves alone, we spit on the Prophet’s legacy. We wear the cloak of Moses over the heart of Pharoah. This is not a negative message but an honest one. It is time for the brothers to rise. I refuse to live my life under the stigma of being “one of the brothers,” a disgraced gender known for sloth, foul play, and ignorance. The movement to reverse this downward swirling path that brothers find themselves in is called the Fatooha. It is a movement that will proceed under the mentorship and vision of Imam Zaid Shakir. I call you to it. It is a movement that existed during the Classical Islamic period and inculcated principles of Chivalry that later directly led to the concept of Chivalry in Medieval Europe. The concepts found in the King Arthur series and similar literature, directly stem from the Fatooha Movement. Brothers, it is time to rise. Where are the Abu Bakrs, Khalid bin Walid, Ali, and Bilals amongst us? Mediocrity has never been acceptable and definitely is not now. Whether you choose to be part of the Fatooha Movement or not is secondary. My primary message is the follow, as brothers, we have done a grave injustice to the rest of the community, namely the sisters. But that is now in our past. It is time to stand up as men, not in a superficial media-defined sense, but in a profound way. And maybe, someday in the future, we will not only be worthy of our future wives but the princes that they will stand in awe of. This is our mission Brothers: the weakest link By Brother Saad
^^^lol um always in good mood wa ku sidey.... ruun ba sheegtey, ruunta nah muraan ku ma jiro waa la qaata. have good one. salaamun
^^^Wa runta, and fair enough. thats why we should always seek forgiveness. And may Allah forgive us all for our faults. Amiin. peace
Beware of Harun Yahya? Allah is above his creation, He is not mixed up inside His creation a very important concept, although this is our belief .... Harun Yahya says...perished nation "THOSE ****** PEOPLE WHO THINK THAT ALLAH IS ABOVE HIS CREATION" I request all my brothers and sisters in faith to be careful while reading his books. he has good stuffs also. And watch this video. Hmmmm. And Allah Knows Best.
Originally posted by AYOUB: You understood him enough to give brotherly advice.s[/QB] Indeed, that’s least we can do since this is a discussion forum is advice each other no?. The old man is corrupted awoowe, and his mentality of hate is exactly what is wrong with somalia. It maybe words on screen, and this is cyper world, but that doesn’t and should not translate to, one leaving his principles, respect, and more importantly Iman when on cyper world right?
Originally posted by Ghanima: [QB] ^^^I too would bury "me" alive to knock some sense into him. How odd that you do not understan anything he is saying or writing yet you have formed an impression of him and judged him. Cajeeb! It maybe be hard to understand the shakespearn way he writes, but very clear to see the old mans hateful messages.
Naomi hahaha there is truth to my statement ina adeer. There is a big difference between say gabdahii asliga ah generation of our mothers/grandmothers and todays generation. That's all ill say hahahahaha@ Akhas. Maybe its London/Europe Naomi, cause most girls who complain about loser Farahs on SOL tend to come from that area. Da States is where the best Farahs are at.
Originally posted by NGONGE: quote:Originally posted by Jimcaale: Faahiyoow, wait until Oodweyne comes with 4 page essay and Somaliland and UK highlighted sixteen times. Credit where credit is due, saaxib. He puts his heart and soul into those posts and one can only sit back and admire the dedication, if not always the message. Hmm, admire kulaha. He is the only one on SOL that i have yet to understand anything he is saying or writes to this day, other then when he is calling people wretched and little piglets, i undertstand that clear. He threatened to bury nomad me alive, has used very hateful messages, the dude needs help jalle.
And to think there was time when gabdaha somaaliyeed la isku diilijrey, Somali girls were worth a lot of gold, and camels just to recieve her hand, expensive namean....and now ayaga ba wareersaan or raaga cayrsanaya . ps: There are mature under 23 years brothers maybe not ready for marriage, but don't discriminate cause of age namean, xalimo can get yo groove back.
Originally posted by Dhulqarnayn -alSumaale: That's the thing without qabiil Somali men and women would be Soldiers in a supreme army fighting as brothers and sisters and that's when they cripple Nations and invoke fear [/QB] I am very surprised at this quote. The first thing that comes to your mind of a Somalia without qabil, is killing, crippling other nations, and invoking fear? And I suppose to our “arch enemy” Ethiopia? Awoowe, and anyone who has this mentality it gots go, waayo its disturbing and unIslamic as I will explain in bit. To those whom argue for “somalnimo”, nationalism, ect you should know this is no different then clanism. What you believe in is only clanism on a greater scale. Clanism is bonding/identifying/preferring those whom belong to your clan or tribe, and somalinimo or nationalism is bonding/identifying/preferring those whom belong to your nation/ethnicity, how are they any different in principle, its the same thing jalleyal. The Quran says we have made you into nations and tribes so that you may know one another, knowning your kin is Sunnah, and the best of you are those with the best of Taqwa (God-fearing). You say no to clanism or qabil, or qabyalat yet call for the same racism of somalnimo, and nationalism and its qabyalat only this time around it would be against other ethnicities and nations. Wa shaash. Think greater, bani adam is bani adam, no difference between Somali or Ethiopian, the best is the one with Taqwa, therefore say no to all qabyalat. heres article on islamic unity
Hadaba abwaaniintu way inoo sheegeen qiimaha kalgacalka way inoo shegeen macanaha jaceylka hadaba jaceylku yuu ku dhacaa jacaylku wuxuu ku dhacaa dadka boqolkii 1 (1%) waliba qofkaasi waa qof raxmad badan dadku jacel yihiin oo aad u qalbi jilicsan, qofkaasina qofka uu jeclaado maba helo. Macaliinka JB did you write this? how the abwaanintu come to this conclusion waayo qof raxmad badaan, iyo qalbi jilicsan for kalgacelkada are normal and apply to susbstantial percentage of man including myself, qoftaan raabo nah waan heliin namean...inshallah of course JB wa rageedi ...politics, islam, joker, movies, poetry, women issues, jacel, dude knows a lot Respect awooowe
Farah rapes xalimo and no one called the police or does anything!
Khalaf replied to Prettyboombastic's topic in General
I was one day walking from school and just getting to my house, a guy murmured some words and was looking at me , and as i came closer to him, the guy grabbed me and started pulling me to some trees. Then what? You didnt report it miya? ps: da 7 year old story, walaalhi SOL is ruining and has ruined really my utopia views "innocence" sort of speak bismillahi rahamni rahiim....what's nexxxxxxt acudi billahi pss: I understand where Red is coming from (ayar with the foul language awoowe), following shariah would prevent these sort of crimes. Red, i re-read the topic you talked about man-made laws and "our laws", what would be the islamic verdict on this case according to you, for the dude, girl, and those who watched the crime take place? Dont say somthing like if shariah was law this would never occur there would be no drinking, mixing ect, sax lakiin say it did occur, what would be the verdict on case like this you think? -
Farah rapes xalimo and no one called the police or does anything!
Khalaf replied to Prettyboombastic's topic in General
Originally posted by Emperor: quote:Originally posted by Red Sea: He got 25 yrs in prison. Is this true or just my eyes, he got 25 years for attempted rape under the influence of Alcohol, what is the world coming to, 25 years for attempted rape, God's sake this is not mutliple murders. Is this the usual American law or just an exegerated case? Im puzzled! I dont know what this son of a B got, and dont give a damn, but Mr. Tyrone awaits him. Yikes. The so called witnesses that watched this poor girl scream for help, as she was beaten and bleeding (according to video on CNN) yet didnt do nothing, should be charged, -
^^^ . People are really amazing. NG, thank you awoowe for asking what went through my mind instead of "assuming" gotta love it. but i suspose education and reer magalnimo gives that quality to people. Anyhow NGONGE, this is war zone and the world is messed up, yeah bad things happen people i have no power over it, wish i did. but what we do have power over is respecting the dead, and not parading their bodies on websites waayo they have families, to say somali "journalism" is unethcial is an understatement.
Red akhi be cool wit the hadal muxu taraaya, mr. slay the dirty xaabshis, ahhhhhhhhh, scream scream! My brother I have yet to see from any of your posts on the current state of the union any serious analysis other then well your usual screaming, blaming, and what not. Violence begets violence dont you think? We can't solve our problems with those sort of views. Sxbow, since this is a discussion forum, whose members are, i suspose intellectual and across the world and whom hold different perspectives we can discuss the issues facing our nation and what we believe the future holds, including the relationship in the North, and how to bring about that change. It takes thought, and ive read thought provoking pieces from several nomads in my stay on SOL. I enjoyed that, and we lost that touch somehow, into the usual bickering, blaming, shouting, cursing ect ect. What you say Red? Can you step up to the plate, or are u stumped like me on the topic?
If there is a cure for hypocritism,selfishness,carelessness,arrongancy,*********,ignorance etc etc...only then we shall move forward.. [thats a joke now,before you lot lynch me] I believe those are accurate characteristics of "the somali". People who don't love each other, how you expect them to build anything productive? I honestly think it will take decades, if not more to have a country again.... Originally posted by Dahia al Kahina: Khalaf,will come back to this in a serious note next time. [/QB] Inshallah my sister, come wit it! your political analysis I think i speak for a lot people when i say: It seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel, and that is why we are stumped for answers.
Make it hot marka. But i dont see how Red. Because it doesnt involve bickering, bashing, blaming, empty boasting, or past events? That doesnt require much thought. I think its important topic that requires a lot of thought on what we think Somalia's future holds, for the people, governance, future of the North, relations between SL/PL, this new state makhir, ethiopia's influence in the Horn, and that status of the Union ect ect. You have no comments on these matters? was looking for the "boring" intellectual analysis pieces of the Baashis, NGs, Xiins, Jims Thepoints, Paragons, Horns, Caamirs, ect ect.
Future of Somalia and her people.? Heh! (um starting digging that pharase yaa NG, and hint hint for u to drop a scholary piece awoowe that is if u still got it in you). I see No volunteers want to tackle this topic? No "scholary" analysis. I see I see. If you choose to comment (yeah um doing litle homework n interested), no one liners are wanted or needed, but a concrete, intelligent piece about the topic at hand: Future of Somalia and Her people?
Originally posted by HornAfrique: It all has to do with the SSDF coup attempt right after our defeat in the 1977 war. Siad, like you say, did many a good things for Somalia, treated everyone equally, and even went in to the 1977 war intent on actually realizing the objective sewn into our flag. Yet after a time of national defeat at the hands of the Communist world; a time of national grief and mourning; at a time of national loss a greedy and selfish clan-based coup was undertaken by a clan group who felt this was the most opportune moment to set the clock back to the corrupt 60's. Corruption that had amazed even "Afrophiles". The sentiments of Somalis was summed up by many poets such as Dharbaaxo Jaan, Cabdulle Raage, etc. Nevertheless this was a wake-up call to Siad and implanted in his head doubt and suspicion, leading him to make a very close inner circle. He also started tightening his grip in a bid to be ahead of information, a direct consequence of the SSDF coup which was undertaken at the gates of Mogadishu. That, believe it or not, was the road to autocracy. Heh ! (copyrighted NG) Horn allow me to tell you the defination of the word autocracy. An autocracy is a form of government in which the political power is held by a single person, it is usually seen synonymous with despot, tyrant and/or dictator. A classic example of autocrasy is the miltary coup of late President in Somalia October 21, 1969 that ended Somalia's short democratic run. Simple really.
Horn akhi ummmm its just that your one sided, i have yet to see you paint the other side of the picture. Anyway i condemn what the regime did, what happened under his rule, socailism and all dat. But looking at old family albums seeing my beautiful eedos/habaryars in modigsho the beautiful capital, with the dircas and their afros, our ppl enjoying themselves, the midnimo, the walaaltnimo, peace, security yo that was during Saids time too. Dahia al Kahina walaaleey, um sure u can find those kacanka songs i think they are called songs on youtube. Here are good videos enjoy it peeps. When Somalia was most united (Rare Footage) We can only wish huh?! Allah bless Somalia!
Horn come on akhi, you dont think the late President was blameless? Horrible things happened under his tenure, galkaacyo, and the North are stark examples and still in living memory for many. You think as a leader of the country he is not responsible for these crimes?
Duke will it be too much to ask of you, if you can outline what you believe the future holds for somalia and her people? (And of course Allah knows best) Start with an outline of the government you would support. Will it be Federalism based on clan shared seats/power? Duke and others, this thread will be permanent and God Willing in the future we can come back to it maybe and see how our political analysis materalized.
We live in a messed up world man a messed up world.