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If 14 year old consented to marry lets say someone late 30s/40s, do you find this acceptable, moral? Does time/the culture have effect on this, and how we think? I think it does, because um sure vast majority would find this unacceptable. Some of u may heard the mormon cat that married 14 year girl, but say she consented and wanted to marry older dude, would u find that to be problem? we were talking about this earlier today, i asked brother a shiekh what islam says about it, he said wa haaq, wa caadi.... but i don't agree, it aint right at all in my opinion. But then whose to decide legal age for marriage, if religion says its okey? Why is 18 years old considered an adult even in ie somalis/muslims minds today, and not say 15/16 or 17? Have we been programmed to think like this? salaamu lah
NG, i don't think google will provide me the daleel that was used from the Quran and Sunnah to arrive at those conclusions, thats why i wanted to understand the ruling. Kinda confused. From what i hear this is practiced largely in the Kingdom and Eygpt and is very popular, because getting married is very expensive, this marraige makes it easier (and both parties agree),the man doesnt have to to live with or financially support the woman, the wife forgoes either her nights or her right to expenditure, this is written in contract. Hmm did nabi scw use written contracts in marriage? What is the definition of marriage in Islamic law is the question? Quran says financial burden is on the men, but if woman agrees she needs no maintance, its okey? I even heard, Sheikh Bin Baz made marriage with intention of divorce/time specfic (like mut’ah marriage of shia's=clear zina haraam no?) halal for students. Allah knows best. but why not tackle the problems of Suadi society for example to make marriage easier, or encourage ppl to marry young? :confused: . But isn't it fair to say, that if someone hears the scholars from mecca (right or wrong in this context), and does have misyer marriage or even muata shia marriage, that they have no blame/sin themselves, but its scholars who carry the burden? That logic is used by some. This brings us to the issue of intention. And, frankly, who is to know the intentions of anyone! ^^^u do, yourself....
Absolutely true. Personality and goals not fully shaped @ 14-18, not even 20. It may cause them later resentment or sadness, sense of loss at not having an independent life before commiting to the puppy-love marriage. The same thing can be said about late 20s, 30s ppl....and prophet scw told us to marry young, we just find this difficult in our times and "baby" young ppl instead of teaching them responsblity. As for your last point about Islam not allowing it, I put the article and link for that sole reason you know! It turns out that the Academy of Islamic fiqh does approve. Should we listen to you instead because you find it distasteful? The article u posted don't say much or it could be i just don't get it.....whats the position if person's ninyah is just to "shag" ....what are they saying its cool? Show the proof. ps: There is hadith that says marriage is fard, if u feel like u gonna commit zina, and u shouldnt marry if u have no desires at all. And Allah knows Best.
^^^May Allah reward u sister. Ha murgiin, Alle ba ku la jireey. ps: u can always sue if u been discriminated against namean. Originally posted by Khayr: "Where you born here?". I tell him "No but I am a citizen" and gave the proof. You carry ur citizenship papers in the car?
Seekknowledge bro, it was the prophet's scw sunnah to pray tarweeh prayers at the masjid with a congregation, more and more Sahaabah (may Allah be pleased with them) joined after each nite, until the masjid was full with worshippers, marka the prophet scw didn't join them the next thrid (or 4th?) night although he scw knew they comapnions ra were there at the masjid, because the nabi scw was afarid the companions may think this was obligatory, the prophet scw never wanted to burden the muslims. And in this state the nabi scw passed. The companions continued to pray tarweeh either indivdually or within small groups, until during the time of Umar ra who thought it would be good idea to make the prayer a congregation lead by an imam as he witnessed the prophet scw beforetime. And Allah knows best.
You would be correct Aaliya, 20 rakats plus 3 witr, or 8 rakas plus 3 witr, the latter comes from the Hadith narrated by Aisha ra. As for disaggrements between the scholars on this wa caadi. For example there was an army the Prophet scw sent to a city, and he scw told them to pray asr when they reach their destination. However the time of asr reached before they reached their destination, and because of this the group split into two: Those who said the prophet scw meant to pray asr only when you reach the destination, and those who said the prophet scw meant to reach the destination by asr but if not then pray asr at its time. So they split on this issue as they understood it, half of the army proceeded and prayed asr at the destination, the other half prayed at the spot. And when the prophet scw was told of this, he said neither is wrong, since both intentions was to please Allah and His Messenger scw. Same what ever the particular community/masjid decides 8 or 20 is fine, although 11 is stronger opinion and easier, but both are to Glorify the Praises of Allah Most Great. As for why exact those numbers, Allah knows best but that’s nabi scw Sunnah. And Allah Knows Best.
the intentions of the brothers/shows is good, but part of me wonders if this is permissible? and what is stance of shariah on "islamic comedy shows"? Any ideas North? salaamun
The King and the Poor Man There was a king who decided to take a tour of his country. As he passed by different places, everyone rushed to see him. However, while passing by a certain place, he noticed a poor old man who did not pay any attention to the king's arrival and remained engaged in his own activities. The king went up to this poor man and asked why he did not join the people to see him. The poor man replied, "Before you, there was another king who once passed by this place. Everyone gathered to see him as well. But, few days later he died and was buried in a place nearby. A poor man also died during that time and was buried near the king's grave. After some time, a strong flood passed through that area causing those graves to overturn. As a result, the bones of the poor man became mixed up with those of the king's. We could not differentiate between them any longer. After seeing this, it does not matter to me anymore as to who is a king and who is a beggar. In the end, our home is the same.” Narrated by brother Ayyub from Toronto, Canada during one of his lectures.
Salaamun, since its ramadan ill post good reminders stories inshallah others can as well. The Battle With Two Wolves This is a story, from an unknown source, tells us about: quote - “an old man who told his grandson one evening after prayers about a battle that was going on inside himself.He said, “My child, the battle is between two wolves, one of whom is so evil, full of anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, hypocrisy, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority and ego. The other is so good, full of rememberance of Allah Ta’ala, faith, joy, peace, love and compassion, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, and truthfulness.” The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather,”Which wolf will win?” The grandfather simply replied, “The one I feed.” - unquote. What the grandfather said is certainly food for thought ~ Imam Ibn ul-Qayyim al Jawziyyah’s article entitled “The Ways of Satan in Leading Humans Astray” explains that one of the ways in which Satan leads human beings astray is by ‘feeding’ them with impressions of evil looking good. On this point, ibn ul-Qayyim wrote the following: Quote: “From his strategem is that he always bewitches the mind until he can deceive the person. No one is safe from his bewitching except whomsoever Allah wills. He makes good looking to him what harms him the most, until he imagines that it is the most beneficial act for himself. And he makes him flee from the most beneficial act until he thinks it is something harmful to him. Certainly, there is no god but Allah. How many humans have been tested by such sorcery? How many hearts have been kept from Islam, faith and goodness (by such sorcery)? And how many support and present falsehood in the best form and hate truth and present it in the worst form (because of his deception)? And how much falseness is adorned and shown in a desirious manner to the alert? And how much falseness is spread among the wise? Satan is the one who bewitches the mind until it follows different desires and various evil opinions. He makes them follow every path of misguidance. He leads them to actions, one after another, that cause their destruction. He makes appealing to them the worship of idols, the breaking of familial relationships, the killing of daughters, marrying one’s mother and so on. And he promises them the victory of paradise with their infidelity, wickedness and acts of disobedience. He presents to them polytheism in the most honorable fashion. And he presents rejection of Allah’s attributes, of His transcendence and of His speech in the guise of anti-anthropomorphism of Allah. He presents abandoning ordering good and eradicating evil in the guise of having mercy for others, behaving with others in a good manner, and applying the verse, “O believers, you are in charge of your own souls” (al-Maidah 105). And he presents turning away from what has come from the Messenger in the guise of blindly following the Imams (taqleed) and the sufficiency of following one who is more knowledgeable. And he presents hypocrisy and compromising with respect to Allah’s religion in the guise of being flexible and mixing admirably with the people.” - unquote. In another beneficial excerpt “Perfecting One’s Character from “The Magnificent Journey” Imam Ibn ul-Qayyim al Jawziyyah explains three conditions needed to acquire good manners/character, meaning proper nature, controlling one’s nafs and sound knowledge. He wrote: Quote: “The Prophet sallallahu `alayhi wa sallam used to make a number of supplications related to good character. “O Allah, guide me to good character, none guides to good character but You…” [Muslim] “O Allah, I seek refuge in you from bad character, deeds and desires.” [at-Tirmidhee] “O Allah, You perfectly created me, so perfect my character.” [Ahmad] “O Allah, I seek refuge in you from disability and laziness; from cowardice and avarice; from decrepitude and harshness; from negligence and impoverishment, from lowness and humiliation. And I seek refuge in You from poverty and disbelief; from sinfulness, disunity and hypocrisy; from notability and riyaa’ (show off)…” (Ahmad, Maalik, Bazaar, Haithami and ibn `Abd al-Barr authenticated it). Three Conditions to Acquire Excellent Manners This is one example of the excellent manners with which Allah (ta`aala) has equipped his Messenger (sallallaahu `alayhi wa sallam). He described him as, “Verily, You (Muhammad) are on an exalted standard on character.” (68:4) `Aa’ishah, radhiallaahu `anhu, described him as, “His character was just (a reflection of) the Qur’aan.” (Muslim, Aboo Daawood, Ahmad). Such excellent character cannot be attained without three conditions: 1. The foundation must be good. If one has a rough and dry nature, it will be hard for him to submit to this (excellence of character) through knowledge, will, or practice. On the other hand, a mild and smooth nature will be ready and willing to receive the plowing and the seeds (to prepare it for character excellence). 2. The soul must be strong and capable of conquering calls of laziness, transgression, and desire. Those matters contradict perfection, and souls which cannot defeat them will always be defeated and conquered. 3. (One must possess) a discerning knowledge of the truth of matters, enabling one to put them in the rightful position, and to distinguish between flash and cancer - between glass and jewels. If these three qualities are present in a man, and Allah’s facilitation helps him, then he will be among those whom the best (husnaa) has been decreed and for whom Allah’s care has been secured” - unquote. (Published by QSS). http://www.islaam.com/Article.asp?id=94 Now that you’ve finished reading the above advice, which wolf would you feed?
^^^sister did u have doubts or somthing? For Muslim men and women,- for believing men and women, for devout men and women, for true men and women, for men and women who are patient and constant, for men and women who humble themselves, for men and women who give in Charity, for men and women who fast (and deny themselves), for men and women who guard their chastity, and for men and women who engage much in Allah's praise,- for them Allah has prepared forgiveness and great reward. Quran by red woman whose artiries and viens could be seen through her bones Red, on da real i never heard of this before, where's ur evidence..care to explain? thanks
^^There is a pharse that says: war is healthy for the state, do a little homework and see how that pharse relates to the showdowns in vietnam, and playgrounds of Latino Americas, and why they were no longer needed for direct occupations, but agents would do just fine instead......ka gudub, this time around its ardul sham, again do little homework and find out what these land means to the power brokers. Yes we are talking decades, if not centuries....i know its hard to swallow for small minded thinkers..qab-qabyal peeps to think about, but change as history proves is very gradual, and Allah is with the patient.... peace ramadan kareem
Well any answers on the question above? who are these guys, any names, structure of this movement, its leadership, and in history in Somalia? Are they the child sort speak of al ittihad? and currently how do they network in the clan-structure/regional structure of somalia? How much power/influence do they yield? And the fact the "shabaabs" boycotted the meeting in asmara (thumbs up from me), is very interesting because Aweeys/Sharif were there this means what in their relationship with the face/leadership of the ICU? Someone make sense about this!
Gentlemen, America is in it for long haul as they say it, long haul, decades if not centuries. ie japan/europe. ramadan kareem
Originally posted by Baashi: [QB] Inna Barro has asked an interesting question. The answer is resounding yes. For Islamists to get where they need to be, they will face countless roadblocks. Having allainces who they share with the common ground objectives namely Somalia that's peace with its neighbors, can fend for itself from outside interferences, and open to face its internal deamons is a win-win situation. I dislike to use the term “islamists” and you and others should refrain from it, the Quran calls us Muslims and we should stick to that title. However just to make a quick comment, the answer to JB’s question is a resounding no, this is not about securing alliances, but power sharing/mixing what in theory would be the islamic shariah with secularism, and this can not be done and should be rejected. Its either Islam or jahilya u can not mix islam with jahiliya, even if u are weak la tahzan innalahi macna. With that said, I think we are getting way ahead of ourselves. There is somthin called world politics, everyone knows or at least should know how it works.....somalia will not be “free” as in the sense it will be governed by Islam or the will of its ppl, even during Saids time, ie communism/capitalism.....and due to the status quo of world politics Somalia’s affaris like all other nations, will be dictated by external powers/pressures and for long time to come.......what somalia needs most is stability and peace, education of its populace, urbanization ect...... In my opinion this is all a show, I mean these conferences marka lets not get ahead of ourselves....... change takes decades if not centuries, and real change, positive change happens with a social movement anchored collectively by the populace of the nation, this is not the case in our situation...... this topic or JBs inquires is at the stage of calculus, well we all know before one can master calculus or get to calculus level they first must have learned Geometry, algebra ect..... at the stage somalia or these so called leaders are on at this moment is 2+2, marka waxaba yaan la is waliin. Alle ba og. Ramadan kareem.
Formula for Happiness Money has very little to do with it, otherwise all the rich would be blissfully happy and the poor totally miserable. Money can buy medicines but not health, acquaintances but not friends, servants but not faithfulness, food but not appetite. Our beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW) has very aptly said that "Riches are not from an abundance of worldly goods, but from a contented mind." With all the scientific and technological advancement, man is still living a life of continued misery and unhappiness. Everywhere we look we find turmoil and confusion, people don't know how to solve their problems,how to achieve true happiness. Most don't even know what their function is in this cycle of Creation. If we want to achieve true happiness then we have to look towards our Creator and Source of happiness where He says in Surah Asr: 'By the token of time Man is in loss, except such as have faith and do righteous deeds and join together in the mutual teaching of truth and of patience and constancy.' As long as we attach our happiness to material things it will always elude us. We reflect on the life story of the wealthy Christina Onassis who owned fleets of ships, lakes, real estates. For weeks her story dominated the papers as Christina was the only legal heiress of her father Aristotle Onassis besides her late father's wife Jaqueline Kennedy. What an inheritance she gained! Someone inheriting such a huge fortune should certainly be the happiest person in the world. Was this true for Christina? She married an American but after a few months the marriage broke up. Thereafter she married a Greek but only for another few months.Then she decided to stay out of marriage searching for happiness, it did not materialize. A few years later she married again to a Russian communist. She divorced him after one year.Then a French industrialist. When the marriage broke up she vowed never to marry again. - Four husbands from four different countries over a period of two years! At a party the press asked: 'How do you feel being the richest woman in the world?' She replied, 'Yes I'm the richest woman but I'm searching for happiness.' Then we consider the man whom Allah Ta'ala gave an incurable disease. The doctors who gave up hope of his recovery, as a last resort, advised him to proceed to England for an emergency operation. The man asked for three days to organise his things and see to his family in case he died. Then he was sitting with his friend in his office which was next door to a butcher. While he gazed out of the window he saw a woman picking up awful pieces of meat and bone from the bin. He went down and asked her 'What are you doing?' She said, 'Son, Allah has given me five daughters and they haven't tasted meat for a year. I'm just picking up these bits and pieces for them. The man broke down into tears and went to the butcher and told him that the lady would collect meat from him every week, he should give her whatever she needs. She turned and said, 'But I only need one kilo'. He said, give her two kilos and paid one year in advance. The woman could not believe all of this, she just burst into tears and raised her hands to Allah to make this man happy. When he went home he felt so much better, he felt he had so much energy. He met his daughter who was pious, she said, 'Father, you look so well, you're moving so well. I see so much light in your face, where did this come from? He told her about the old woman. She cried and lifted her hands and made Du'ah to Allah to cure him from his heart disease because he had made the poor old woman and her daughters happy. Allah accepted this and when he went to England the doctors were stunned at his remarkable recovery and asked him which doctor had cured him. He cried and said, 'I only did business with Allah'. Charity=gives health.
Heres another story maybe "kiddo" story .....but good moral behind it. A Tiger was awakened from sleep by a Mouse running over his face. Rising up angrily, he caught him and was about to kill him, when the Mouse piteously Hero - posing tigerbegged for his life, saying: “If you would only spare me, I would be sure to repay your kindness.” The Tiger laughed at the idea of a mouse ever being able to help the mighty tiger, and then he let the mouse go. It happened shortly after this that the Tiger was caught by some hunters, who bound him by strong ropes to the ground. The Mouse, recognizing his roar, came and gnawed the rope with his teeth and set the mighty Tiger free, exclaiming:”You ridiculed the idea of my ever being able to help you, or expecting to receive from me any repayment of your favor. Now I’m the one who saved your life. And the moral of the fable is… It’s possible that someday, someone in your life, although as tiny as a little mouse, might be the one to help you; so even if you are a mighty Tiger, treat little people kindly!
^^6 posts and u still remember pass word cool cool. Cimirdheer, cibaado suuban, caafimaad baan alla kaaga baryayaa. Ameen to da du'a.....walaaleey kool-kat if its ur bday have good one inshallah.
Originally posted by Ghanima: P.s.s Khalaf it is clear that a munaafia will be going to hell if she dies in that state, so have you not condone many to hell. ukhti have u read anything I wrote?, because I don’t think u did. Relax, sit back, and just re-read what I wrote. Nothin ive said mentioned condemning ppl to hellfire, nothing that is ridiculous to say. Who and who doesn’t go to hell fire or is given jannah is upto Allah, and Allah is the Final Judge and Most Merciful Most Just to His slaves. All I have said is people (in this case hijab or my example of salat) who know the commandments of Allah yet still ignore it are not good Muslims, there is something wrong with the iman and have hypocrisy in them to ignore the commandments. It is important marka to increase the iman, and to study Islam so that being a practicing Muslim will be easier in this world, but there must be the effort from the individual to get the Help of Allah, Allah makes it easy for those who reach and ask. Islam=iman and deeds. Take that to imams and research it yourself inshallah. I don’t believe I have said anything wrong, and if I did then to Allah I ask Forgiveness. I don't like arguing about religion because I don't believe I'm in a position to do so, so I'm just gonna leave it there before I collect sins. [/QB] How funny then, you quoted many ayats/hadiths in response to Khayr and on topic in general, and to prove what exactly? First there is no or at least shouldn’t be an argument on a clear cut Quranic Ayat on Hijab, as ive said hijab is agreed upon as salat is agreed upon it is an act of worship. As muslims we were created to worship Allah in this dunya, and we do this by following the commandments of Allah that is duty of a Muslim, who is worse then the person that knows the commandments of Allah yet still ignores it, or doesn’t take it seriously? U tell me bal? What’s the point of being Muslim, if we don’t follow what Allah commanded us, are we different then the non-muslims if we ignore the duties of Islam? Ahh well, enough has been said on topic. Ramadan kareem
Originally posted by Shyma: Khalaf Offended? Hardly, just wondering why some people are so quick to judge and condemn others rather than being encouraging and positive. :confused: Then whats with suuwaal gaab sterotype come on now. Ukhti, these sisters (or anyone actually as my example of salat) clearly know and have the almi of the ayats and commandments of Allah, its not like they are jahil, yet still ignore the commandments, there is an aqeedah problem there as religion states. And that is what i stated. p.s He's not talking about those who you know , but rather those you see in your daily travel markaad suuqa marayso. Well to encourage another Muslim i don't know i would have to recognize they are Muslims first, and if a sister in "travels" is not a muhajaba then i wouldn't know she was Muslim now would I? Edit. for example last time i traveled, i met this older somali brother who was heading to Somalia, we talked....he asked my qabil lol namean u know drill turned out he knew my abtirisi ect....the brother was wearing a gold ring, marka i said adeer in respect gold ring wa haraam u shouldnt wear it. His jawaab: adeer duugsi waxaan diigaanjirey before u was born. ppl get annoyed to be reminded of haaq, pray salat ect.... no doubt, but that shouldn't stop us its islamic duty. and yes there is manner to remind people if thats what u are getting at i know that, and follow that manner i am very nice not mad lol, best way is to be good example urself.... but this is discussion forum.... i am not "preaching", just as u have views i also have views. Salaamun and Ramadan kareem
Tolow why are ppl getting all offended, its discussion forum, we are discussing thats it. I know that was indirect reference to me Shyma and yes i encourage sisters that i know to cover, and i have three sisters marka i know the issue of hijab and what girls go through. the best role models are the Muslim Muhajabas, to show the symbol of Islam proudly and with strength and knowledge to the weak sisters that don't cover and resemble the non-muslims.
Originally posted by Ghanima: Khalaf go to hell (Inshallah not)but seriously what the hell is wrong with you?? I know ur joking, lakiin there are certain things never to joke about, and that is saying to another Muslim go to hell. May Allah save me from the hellfire and u my dear sister. And there is nothing wrong with me, maybe there is somthing wrong with you? People like you do my head in. People that tell the truth do ur head in? I suppose just because she does not cover her head, she might as well drink, have sex, forget prayer and fast and everything else after all she is not covering herself :mad: I have never said that, u are assuming things and putting words into my mouth. Hijab is not covering the head only sister, hijab is modesty in clothing and behavior, and a commandment from Allah. The prophet scw said the believing women (n men) should be distinct and not look like the non-muslims, and prophet scw cursed the women that show off their bodies and wear tight clothing. I am only stating what the deen said. Maybe she can start doing this all at once, and only then can she be classed as following Islam. One can only truly follow Islam, when their whims/desires/nafs submits to what Allah Most Great ordered, a Muslim that disobeys parts of the religion is not following Islam, but the door to tauba is always open. I have seen enough "undercover hijabs" to know it means jackshid if the rest of your actions contradict it. What does this have to do with the topic or anything? I suppose you think one who covers but does not pray or fast and does whatever hell she likes is better, after all the little material shall save her. I have never said such a thing, again ur putting words in my mouth. P.s. Deen is not what you think, or feel or like or dislike darling, nor can you dictate what parts people can adopt or leave. Everything is between individuals and their lord who will judge them and punish or reward them accordingly. The topic was about hijab, i quoted part of the article, not based on what I think, the ayats on hijab are clear as those on salaat. Verily Man is in loss, Except such as have Faith, and do righteous deeds, and (join together) in the mutual teaching of Truth, and of Patience and Constancy. (Q 103:1-3). Iman or faith in Allah will be shown by an individuals righteousness/deeds and this can only truely happen when one is obeying the commandments of Allah. You disagree? And Muslims will never accept you, they always have something to pick on! Different people, we also have Sunni, shia, sufi, salafi, Ahuulu sunnah, hanfee, Shafi, Do I need to keep going?. This attitude of blame everything on kufuar is boring and sill. Muslims are lost and divided with or without the influence of none Muslims. After all it is not the none Muslims who have divided you into so many sec's is it now? We are forever barking up the wrong tree and blaming all and everyone but our own failures. What in the world? Ukhti, this is unnecessary talk, the topic is about hijab there is no dispute upon hijab just as there is no dispute upon salat, those that have knowledge of the commandment of Allah yet still don’t obey Allah it are lacking namean, well its free world as they say, free to obey Allah or not to obey Allah, choice is up to the individuals. We ask Allah for forgiveness, Guideness and Mercy. Amiin. Salaamun. Originally posted by Zenobia: Kalaf and Dabshid How about you obey Allah by following This Command; quote: Tharnee waman khalaqtu waheedan [/qb]Sister how does this fit into this context? Come on u can do better then that, u know this deals with areas such as not making fun of the creation of Allah. And u should know the importance of Amar bil Ma'ruf wa Nahy an al-Munkar, marka if i see a brother with earing, and i say bro this is haraam, its tradition of the kufar not the muslims, i am not wrong but followed the ayat of Allah to call eachother to good, he can proceed in haraam or give it up, its up to him and not in my power. all i am doing is calling a spade a spade here, yes sometimes its harsh but that is never my intention.
Originally posted by Tallpoppy: ^^I know a lot of women that do not cover their heads and still pray. They usually carry a custom made purse with a prayer scarf in it. This is a mockery of islam, worship Allah and obey the commandment to make salat for 20 minutes or so during the prayer times, and not worship Allah and disobey the commandment/ayats of Allah to hijab in modesty the rest of the day. This is mockery of Islam my dear sister, please advice those sisters if u know them personally. Hijab not just covering the head, but modesty and not wearing tight clothing is a commandment of Allah just like salat its obligatory upon the Muslims to be distinct from the non-muslim, and a Muslim is he or she that when they know the ayats of Allah, they obey it. Allah is Most Mercful Most Forgiving, true lakiin this deen is not for mockery but is serious. Originally posted by MC Xamar: Khalaf Of course a woman should follow the commandment of Allah SWT in that she should cover her head, but I think that's way too extreme to be calling them munafiqeen. That's a very serious accusation that shouldn't be taken lightly. You'd be best to re-phrase that. Someone that knows the commandments of Allah, yet ignores it akhi? Hijab is a commandment from Allah just like salaat, its worship. So for example, if I don’t pray salaat, I am not a good Muslim there is hypocrisy in me, because I ignore the commandments of Allah.
I remember that day very clear, yeah 9/11 changed a lot ppl and "the world" basically....me i was 9th grade we were taking the GQE exams, 9am i think teacher stoped the class and said we been attacked, 30,000 dead early estimates......some of us laughed lol cause it seemed unreal, and happy no more exams lol, rest of the day we watched news, no hw nothin...... Looking back yo i was dumb kid, didn't know nothin about the world...a lot has changed since alxamdu....there was a muhajaba sister that went to my school, never noticed her or cared...i wish i was more islamically aware back then waayo i wouldve stood up with her as her brother damn i regret that. peace out
Maryam hopes one day she'll be a "strong enough person" to cover her head. What does that mean? ....i know of andheard sisters that say the same thing.... if they wear hijab they won't get this job/career ect....is it not only Allah that provides for u? There is no iman there is it unless there is trust in Allah? Two what are they doing to get "stronger" in order to fufil commandment in the deen? Nothin. They're dedicated followers of Islam, How is someone who clearly disobeys commandment of Allah (cover yourself in modesty) dedicated to deen? She is a munafiiq to know what Allah ordered yet disobey it...sorry if u don't cover ladies...don't take it personal, but choice is either to obey Allah or to disobey Allah. Mida kale, w/out hijab as the lady in picture and many sisters today....how do you pray, there will be no salat in this case because to do so means you have to be covered.....subxanallah by default would be kufar of missing salat, all because of chasing duuyna/career/money subxanallah. this shouldn't be taken lightly. peace
^^^ . but u want to say xaawaash=spices to somalis however on social life, i am like the dude in this video, haraam bro, haraam .......there brothers more strict i like movies and they say haraam bro haraam. There is lot things to do, to have fun which are islamic..play ball, hang-out, halaqa ....masjid, ect ect... Ramadan Kareem ummatah Islamiya. peace