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Everything posted by Khalaf
^^^^Then Job well done i say to Nepthuys, she scared both Layzie and Kool.
Originally posted by Dhulqarnayn -alSumaale: I used to be a troll long time ago on SOL under the nick IIRC Emperor or something like that, but then i got banned now i'm chill u got banned? get out of here....what u do to get banned man? thanks bro, personally i didn't know him just got word from my family ur abti died u know how it is, but death kinda takes u back and think for minute....alxamdullahi we are doing well. May Allah make it easy for all of us. take care
^^Alexander the Great? Cyrus the Great? who wrote that crap bro? Dhulqarnayn was man that lived during the time of Musa pbuh, thats what i heard. Allah knows Best. good luck *smiley* on whatever u do inshallah.
Good luck my good brother. Just let us know when it hit stores inshallah.
No sister, it doesn't sound morbid at all, i was thinking about same thing one day. Its a great reminder, bout how life is very short and we can die any moment. I once read a thread talking about this brother an Soler that did pass away, Suleka i think started the topic and all his posts were deleted. brother was from london may Allah give him jannah....honestly it puts everything in perspective.......my abti died yesterday so may Allah give him jannah, and all the mumins. closer and closer we get, O Allah make us the Party of Jannah and save us from the hellfire. Amiin. salaam
I call out the likes of: Naden, Caano, (well Johnny and Cara are non-muslims so they don't count)....do u guys agree with "moderate muslim" arguments? From ur views it seems u do. Nur and others....whose views i would like to see, drop ur two cents inshallah on this topic..... peace
^^^i agree some of the stuff was exagerted....has truth to it also. btw, ISNA convention is held in chicago, IL first week of september....but toronto has it i don't know about that, i think ur confusing it with the RIS convention. Seekknowledge, i don't know who produced...my friend sent it to me.... Johnny, grow up sxb......ur jahil remarks are not needed.
The so called "New Islamic Movement" by agonistic who claims to be Muslim. As we are discussing "Combating the Ideology of Radical Islam", there is need for that. Here I would like to introduce "New Islam Movement" starting from Canada. A Pakistani Author Mr. Tahir Aslam Gora is founder of this Movement. Please have a look on outlines of New Islam Movement and then think to support moderate Islamists. PROCLAMATION OF THE NEW ISLAM TAHIR ASLAM GORA As a writer from a Muslim background and as a writer who often deals with issues relating to Islam, it is of serious concern to me that there is a disconnect between Islam on the one hand and the evolving realities of the universe and the modern world. I therefore wish to suggest that Muslims need to rethink their religion and their worldview. In making this suggestion, I fully understand that we, the Muslims, cannot adopt any religious identity other than Islam. We can, however, reform Islam in order to bring it into harmony with the modern world. I suggest the following outline for the "New Islam". 1. The adoption of democratic values in every walk of life. 2. Recognition of the right of every person to complete freedom of expression. 3. Recognition and application of internationally recognized human rights. 4. An end to the institutions of Polygamy and Jihad. 5. A recognition of the equality of women in every walk of life. 6. An end to the superiority complex that exists among Muslims with respect to the other nations of the world. 7. The creation of a practical environment of love towards all human beings. 8. A recognition of the right to participate in all kinds of arts, including dance, music & paintings without any fear of censure. 9. The formulation of modern and liberal societies in Muslim countries. 10. A recognition of the need for Muslim scholars and laypeople to engage in a frank and honest reassessment of historical Islamic personalities instead of the emotional faith that has always characterized Muslim attitudes towards such personages. 11. An end to the all-pervading fear of religious sin that characterizes Islamic society. 12. A recognition that prayer and worship are symbolic, spiritual, and above all, personal matters. 13. An end to taboos relating to food and drink, including alcoholic drinks and "halal" meat. 14. A recognition that the Quran is a symbolic, religious, and to some extent, a Spiritual book, which is not applicable to all walks of life. 15. A recognition that the ultimate object of The New Islam is peace for all Human beings. 16. A recognition that understanding the realities of the universe should be the basic pillar of the New Islam. 17. An appreciation of the world as a single, global society. 18. A recognition of the notion of God as a universal rather than a religious entity. 19. A replacement of the term "prophets" with the terms "Intellectuals and Leaders". In addition to these basic points, new points and details will continue to be added as required. In an ever-changing universe, the constant evolution of an intellectual system is only rational. Following are brief explanations of the aforementioned basic principles. 1. THE ADOPTION OF DEMOCRATIC VALUES: It is very important to understand the Real form of democratic values. Most Muslims reject democracy as an invention of the West, whereas democracy is the common heritage of all human beings. Most Muslim nations believe democracy consists of elections or a particular system of government. In fact, democracy, in addition to elections & system of government, involves recognition of the principle "Live and Let Live". It is this kind of tolerant and flexible behavior that allows people to live together and respect all human beings in spite of differences of religion, colour and race. 2. COMPLETE FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION: Freedom of expression has always been non-existent in the Islamic world. This is due to Muslims' need to impose the Quran and Hadith on every walk of life, whereas most daily affairs have no concern with religious scriptures. Although Religious books do have some influence in every religion; this influence is usually limited to the clergy in Christianity and has no concern with state law. No one is allowed to express his/ her ideas in a Muslim society due to the prevailing religious rigidity. Writers and journalists are Sometimes ordered beheaded and writers do not have permission to express their ideas about certain " special topics. Prohibition to study the books of famous and important writers such as Salman Rushdie is a typical example in this regard. A lack of dialogue is the major problem in Muslim societies. Creative ideas are strictly prohibited in our societies. We have now reached the point that all the hard work of a writer is wasted due to his/ her own "self sensorship". Most of our writers have become so impulsive in religious faith that they are ready to hang anyone arguing in favour of freedom of expression. It is a fact that nations adopting the way of drubbing instead of dialogue can never enjoy the magnificence of liberty. Muslim societies cannot find the track of reality and truth without the adoption of real freedom of expression. 3. IMPLIMENTATION OF INTERNATIONAL HUMAN RIGHTS: International Human Rights are also rejected as they are considered an invention of the West, whereas millions of Muslims are living in the West in a better way than their own Islamic societies due to these very human rights. This is possible only due to these human rights that Muslims are living according to their religion in the Christian societies. The outline of human rights is actually a great gift for mankind. We should try to make it better instead of rejecting it. 4. END TO POLYGAMY AND HOLY WAR (JIHAD): Polygamy can never be an appreciable practice. It is normally argued by Muslims that the prophet allowed it for the betterment of the widows and the destitute women's marital life, whereas most of the Prophet's marriages were not with such women. Here we can only say in soft words that it happened whatever it was. This inhuman practice should now be abandoned. The ‘jihad', the second name for the dominance of Islam should also be banned. 5. EQUALITY OF MEN & WOMEN: I have repeatedly written that Muslim societies provide the status of a mother, sister, daughter and wife to a woman but are not ready to accept her status as a human being and as a woman. The Modern world is appreciable in this regard that it provides equal rights to all human beings without any distinction of sex. 6. ENDING THE SUPERIORITY COMPLEX AMONG MUSLIMS AGAINST OTHER NATIONS: It is a fact that most of us do not know about the civilized way of living but even then we become guilty of human disgrace. We, the Muslims, consider other nations inferior because we think ourselves to be on the right path and uniquely entitled to heaven. The other nations are therefore considered to destine for hell. Leaving such ideas behind we can become able to understand the realities of life and the universe. Not only the Western world but also the Chinese, Japanese, other nations of the Far East and liberal nations of East India including Hindus are on the way of understanding the beauties of the life, adopting liberal ways. One of the major reasons in consideration of the superiority of Islam is the thinking that it is the only religion from God and so we consider ourselves as a "Chosen Nation" among all the human beings. Although most of the religions have the same ownership claim about God, the rigidity in this respect has already decreased among them, whereas Muslims are not ready to accept the reality that God is not a religious embodiment. God is actually the name of the Universe of which we are one part. 7. ESTABLISHING A PRACTICAL ENVIRONMENT OF LOVE TO ALL HUMAN BEINGS: Muslims will have to give a message of love to all the human beings. It should be Exhibited practically. 8. PARTICIPATING IN ALL TYPES OF ARTS LIKE DANCE, MUSIC, AND PAINTINGS ETC.: The importance of art in Muslim society was felt during ‘Khalafat-e-Osmania' at the state level. But afterwards, Muslim states started to become a factor in the abolition of the arts. Now during the 21st century most Muslim societies consider the arts as an uncivilized activity and a Serious crime according to the religion. Such an attitude is now to be ceased to enjoy the beauties of life. Life should be decorated and happy occasions should be celebrated accordingly. Muslim societies should adopt an attitude to participate in all sort of art including dance, music and Painting etc without any feeling of religious sin. Education of these arts should be arranged & popularized by establishing Art Academies and the best quality clubs. 9. FORMULATION OF MODERN LIBERAL SOCIETIES IN THE MUSLIM COUNTRIES: Muslim societies should not become a hurdle in creating a promiscuous society in their countries according to the "New Islam". Modern liberal societies should be established in all Muslim countries. Gays and Lesbians should be provided the rights according to the International status. 10. FRIENDLY, FRANK AND INFORMAL RELATIONSHIPS WITH HISTORICAL ISLAMIC PERSONALITIES: A friendly and frank attitude should be adopted instead of Expressing any emotional relational relationship with historical Islamic personalities. We go up to worship the Prophets, the Poise Caliphs, Imams, Sufis and Mullahs etc. We should adopt a friendlier attitude and informal relationship with them. We should get rid of the ugly habit about concealment of facts in the life of our religious personalities. For instance while trying to learn something about the life of the prophet of Islam, it should be kept in mind that being a great leader of his era, he was a human being like us. His historical greatness can also be explained In the fact that he formulated the best human principals of his time. But being a human being he had human instincts too. His love for women for instance was due to the human instinct. He used to practice politics throughout his life because a society could not be established without political strategies. We do have the same emotions about the "Poise Caliphs". They also continue the Political struggle and as a matter of fact, some of them were involved in the conspiracy of killing the other. There is no harm to accept these realities. They were a part of the history and same is the today's man. The Imams tried to understand the facts about religion using their wisdom in the same way. They used all the available sources of knowledge to their level best. A true saint is not actually restricted to any religion but he/she represents humanity. All the Sufis of the Muslim world (previous & coming) will no doubt be a part of the same category. Prophets used to be the Leaders of their nations. The present intellectuals, writers, scientists, thinkers, philosophers, sincere social workers and the saints, providing guidance to the nations are not less than the prophets. 11. ENDING FEELINGS OF RELIGIOUS SIN: It is necessary end feelings of religious sin according to the "New Islam" to save the human energies from rusting with this feeling. This is also important to make one's mind free and liberal. A sense of responsibility is rather a good feeling than sense of sin. The sense of sin about dance, singing and drinking etc. is too great in Islam, and causes Muslims to become hypocrite. Such feelings do not have any concern with today's life and universe. Muslims have now come to the point that a boy and a girl cannot have a "date" without this sense of sin. 12. CONSIDERATION OF PRAYERS AS SYMBOLIC, RITUAL AND PERSONAL MATTERS: There is no harm in several traditional prayers and worship, but these should not be considered as the be-all and end-all of life. It is sufficient to consider these practices to be a matter of personal consolation. Some of these practices like the sacrifice of the animals should be immediately stopped. 13. AN END TO TABOOS ON ALCOHOL AND HALAL MEAT: The prohibition of alcohol and pork is meaningless today. The alcohol drinking nations have proved themselves to be better in moral and human values. The use of alcohol will just be a personal matter in the "New Islam", having no concern with the principles of the religion. The theory of "Halal Meat" is a ridiculous thing today. 14. CONSIDERING QURAN AS A SYMBO:IC, RELIGIOUS, AND SPIRITUAL BOOK: Quran should be considered as a symbolic, religious and to some extent a spiritual book The reality of the spirituality become evident by freely understanding the secrets and symbols of the universe. The Quran should not be considered as a book, which can be implemented in every walk of life. It is evident that no economic and social system could be developed in the light of the Quran or any other religious book. This is the reason that Canada and several European Countries have developed such a human system which could never been developed in any Islamic country. We, the Muslim societies should have come to this level but no Muslim country is presently not even at 10% humanistic as compared to these societies. 15. ULTIMATE OBJECTIVE THE "NEW ISLAM": The ultimate objective of the "New Islam" should only be the peace of human beings. 16. BASIC PILLAR OF THE " NEW ISLAM": No doubt, the basic pillar of the "New Islam" should be considered to understand the secrets and symbols of the universe. 17. CONCEPT OF SHARING THE WORLD: The world is a shared global society today. It cannot be made a shared living place for all the human beings without any intellectual struggle as all the demonstrated human rights declared up till now are the result of the continuation of the intellectual struggle. Western intellectuals brought the West out of the religious rigidity during the 20th century and separated the religion from the daily human life. Moreover they tried to make the human mind so vast that religion cannot make them slaves. It also helped the human beings to be restricted from blind faith in religion and understanding the realities of the universe. It is now duty of the intellectuals of the Islamic World to bring the Muslims out of the emotional and drubbing policies to share the beauties of the universe being shoulder to shoulder to all the nations of the world. 18. CONCEPT OF THE "UNIVERSAL GOD" INSTEAD OF THE "RELIGIOUS GOD": According to the "New Islam" God is a universal phenomenon being itself a part of humanity, all the religions and systems. It is not a specific conception but it is a universal unit to which everything in the universe is belonged. 19. USE OF THE TERM "INTELLECTUALS" INSTEAD OF THE "PROPHETS": The terms "intellectual and leaders" will be used instead of the old term of the "prophet" in the "New Islam". The "New Islam" will grow in an extremely democratic way. There is no need of any type of Prophets, Gurus, or Leaders, but the "New Islam" will be put forward as an intellectual movement. I do understand that ladies and gents addicted to Islamic ethics will bring arguments of ‘Aya & Hadith' and an abundance of questions in burdensome religious language but it is a fact that these terminologies have no weight today. The references from ‘Imams' also have no justification at present. The realities of life and the universe are simple and evident, sufficient to understand the life, life after life, the universe & the universe after universe with vast & free mind. The "New Islam" is necessary for the struggle of bringing the life of the miserable nations, bound by religious rigidity, on the way of exhilaration.
We Muslims believe Allah Most Great will preserve our deen, but there are many forces within our communities "moderates" actively working to rewrite the deen. I don't know if this has been discussed before, but to bring to it to attention. Radical and dogmatic interpretations of Islam have gained ground in recent years in many Muslim societies via extensive Islamist networks spanning the Muslim world and the Muslim diaspora communities of North America and Europe. Although a majority throughout the Muslim world, moderates have not developed similar networks to amplify their message and to provide protection from violence and intimidation. With considerable experience fostering networks of people committed to free and democratic ideas during the Cold War, the United States has a critical role to play in leveling the playing field for Muslim moderates. The authors derive lessons from the U.S. and allied Cold War network-building experience, determine their applicability to the current situation in the Muslim world, assess the effectiveness of U.S. government programs of engagement with the Muslim world, and develop a “road map” to foster the construction of moderate Muslim networks. RAND
YO i can't believe no topic on my Hero of today? What's up? This dude is greaest leader in the world right now. Well done to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and Columbia President insulted him...but my boy spoke well. Thumbs UP. :cool: speaches at Columbia
skimmed through to conclusion only: But the Somali people need to get their collective heads from the clouds of clan politics, where they have been stuck for such a long time. I would agree what somalia needs is a ppls movement and honest leadership, not clan politics.......but what i can't understand is how does the author condemn the opposition as clanists, but overlook the TFG which itself is built on CLAN 4.5 anyone?. Talk about selective reporting. I don't believe this has anything to do with clanism, because isn't clanism mean helping and benefiting your clan or am i wrong? Who in somalia groups is benefiting their clan? No one. This is about hungriyaal who care about their own pockets and not the innocent ppl of Somalia. ramadan kareem Duke and Camir. peace
^^^hahaha, NG yo i think u know me too well....how u know ill read topic like this ......here's what i think, u say certain things to get off on guys like me hmmmm? like that gay-books thread? adeer ku fahmey. Zen lol...we are muslims walaal and Allah will preserve our deen. salaam
^^^I wouldn't trust the media, maybe it was a setup to ruin the brothas career? why now, why this woman? Whats his position in the british muslim community, is he vocal? Involved in dawah work? What's his background, any previous "terrorists", "extermist" charages? All good questions to ask urself before condeming another muslim sxbyall, always give the muslim benefit of the doubt. salaam
Keyf ina abti, i have not gotten all the bad out of my sytem yet, waxaan ka caabsonya i become the late bloomers that i was talking about.
If you edited it MMA, ya naga qabaan KoolKat? wa caadi, u know whats worse those who try all these things when they get older, u know what um talking about...been good in their youth, but get bad when their older. Koolkat, no i dont want some....i dont want shuubaan in aan ku waasho . ps: koolkat, ppl here can be very judgemental, its not cool, u say one thing and hold it over ur head even in debates/exchanges....just look at my boy Skipper sharing his story, lakiin everywhere adiga and gang keep bringing it up not cool.
^^^Too predictable Caano as always when topics such as these are raised. "Who are the custodians of morality" "what bidness do u have in other ppls relationships"? Sxb give it a rest with old liberal lines, did anyone here bring or care about what and who ppl are with? Nah, see Islam is our deen our morality, and Islam is personal to us as Muslims, and this is what gets our attentions is not what ppl do with their lives dont give hoot on that, but as sister D&D the scholar ku sheegs making the haram halal and reinterpreting the deen to confuse the Muslims. Two there are many Muslims that don't know their deen, wondering why a man can marry woman of book, and women can't thats unfair! This is a common thought. But the rules of the Quran at the end of the day no matter any lecturing, will matter to those of us who want to practice deenul islam and care about what Allah decreed, and I don’t think any practicing muslim would want to be with a non-muslim men or woman, because islam is a way of life that will play large role in marriage. Tho I am not surprised by your response, i am surprised at miss lazy bone, yareey wa ku sidee? What rock you been living under all these years? There are Muslim women with non-muslims lovers. Duh. Ahh pay back. The title goes with what this Imam is telling saying you can marry "your dream Christian man" he makes it sound wonderful, reminds of the verse of shaydan to mislead others beauitifing the haram......but my sister am proud u resent that notion. Mumin'ah ur new to SOL, many of us know kinda know each other and each other styles, marka everything wa iska shaa shax, we all cool even tho we disagree. And welcome my sister.
MMA gabarta earsed her comment, adiganah earse your quote duuqa......KoolKat cambullo is code name miya for somthing, adiga iyo asxabata isla taqniin. ive smoked cigerate thats worst i ever did, offered weed but never tried, um loner, lead ppl not follower to scumb to peer pressure...........u know mah mah i heard from cats, nin raag ah oo baalwaad laheyn maba jiro.....and they say somalidu don't tell false proverbs.
Whose this dude? Never heard of him. Two who here agrees with him that a muslim woman can marry a non-muslim? Don't be shy to say, if u do so, lets discuss. will be back inshallah to comment, gotta run now. Imam Khaleel Mohammed's defense of inter-faith marriage (Note: This defense uses the example of a Muslim woman marrying a Christian man, but the principles apply to marrying any non-Muslim man.) "The verse that is traditionally used by imams to prohibit an inter-religious marriage is Qur'an 5:5, which states: 'This day, all innately good things are lawful for you... Lawful to you are the chaste women from among those who have been given the Book before you...' Traditional imams contend that since women are mentioned, and men are not, then it must be understood that the marriage of Muslim women with non-Muslim men is forbidden. This, however, is problematic. For the Qur'an is addressed, because of the custom of the time, to men. It is for this reason that the Qur'an says, for example, "And when you divorce your wives..." or "During the nights of fasting [Ramadan] you may have sex with your wives..." What do I mean by the custom of the time? In the tribal context, the woman, once married, accepted the husband as master. He, in turn, accepted the religion of his tribal chief. Given that reality, a whole host of issues arose for Muslim scholars -- issues that made them oppose inter-religious marriages for women. One issue was, whereas Muslims honor the non-Muslim prophets, followers of the other two monotheistic religions do not honor Muhammad, and that would put the Muslim woman in the terrible position of having her prophet disrespected. Another issue was that most Christians see Jesus as God, and for a Muslim to attribute divinity to a human in unthinkable. Then, too, there was the problem of the children from such a marriage, who would presumably be brought up in the religion of the male spouse. But remember that all of these 'issues' assume the woman must take the faith of her non-Muslim husband, and that is clearly not the case in your relationship. You live in a different time and a different place. To be sure, most Muslims would argue that the Qur'an is true for all time and all places. If we go by that logic, then we must acknowledge that the Qur'an is still sympathetic to your dream of marrying a Christian man. Even though he is a Christian, the Qur'an does not hold that against him. For while mentioning that there are Christians who take Jesus as God, Islam's main document calls this 'kufr' (disbelief/ingratitude) rather than 'shirk' (polytheism). It's a significant distinction because, in another verse, the Qur'an also states that Christians who do good deeds have the right to enter heaven. Christian creedal beliefs are the same for both male and female followers of Christianity, so how can the Qur'an allow marriage to the Christian woman but not to the Christian man? The evidence indicates that the main hang-up is the problem I emphasized above -- that the religion of the male spouse becomes dominant (as also evidenced in the Book of Ruth in the Hebrew Bible). In our day, since Qur'anic Islam (as opposed to the Islam of the male jurists) must acknowledge the radical notion that women are equals of men, that women have legal rights, and that those rights include placing conditions on the marriage (what you and I would term a 'pre-nuptial agreement'), then an inter-faith marriage can take place on condition that neither spouse will be forcibly converted to the other's religion. As long as that condition is respected, you and she have my blessing. On the question of children, certainly there will be some religious confusion. But as a Muslim scholar, I can tell you that the Qur'an advocates the use of the heart and mind in forming opinions. If both parents are faithful to their interpretations of the Creator's will, then the children will make informed decisions when they come of age. I would be happy to officiate at the ceremony depending on my availability. You may reach me through www.forpeoplewhothink.org.” Dr. Khaleel Mohammed studied Sharia at Muhammad bin Saud University in Riyadh (Sunni) and the Zeinabiyya in Damascus (Shia). He holds a Ph.D. in Islamic law from McGill University.
You are kidding right?? Maybe you need to visit back home i was serious, is there somthing you want tell me? Something u want share since u been back home? Ive heard of underground nasty stuff going down in middle east even homos......BUT MY BELOVED SOMALIA say it it in so min fadlik! I think somalis are the most religious muslims in the world, apart from fighting clans, but morality/xishood wa wax li isku raceey....somalidu are tops in this area as a community, u will have invidual cases tho. ps: i think ur buffling....u wouldnt find it acceptale 14 yr old with old person even if their was consent.
Tagisle bro good question why is this grass popular?....i say its haraam to those i know cause its intoxtiant ppl dont want it hear it and say its not haram wa caadi even ppl i highly respect that dont chew but they dont consider it haraam....jaad is not social taboo like alcohol or weed, its like smoking cigrates for somali ppl, vast majority chew or have chewed in their past, i couldnt believe my pops chewed back in day....if he chewed out all ppl then its cool if i try it? ......I always wanted to try jaad just to see what it tastes like,.....there two kinds one that looks like grass, other long sticks this one is more expensive and juicy. istagfrullah jks Keyf u tried it?
Sharmarke the muslims will not be etermainated, La tazan inna laha ma’ana. Two does not Allah say what happens to you is what your hands have earned? i second what Zenobia said. ps: i skimmed through the article, what he was charged with? by visiting websites and having certain opinions ect? WOW note to self. its funny one is radical or exterme to grow beard (sunnah of prophet scw) and tell his pops to stop drinking alcohol. Cajiib.
Watch it until the end When i was kid i used to hear, ppl back in the day like the time before nabi scw, angel of death used to knock on their doors and visit them? How authentic is that? :confused: And when ppl die, nafata waa lugu diiba. Allaho no sahal. May Allah Make us the Party of Jannah. Ameen.
^^^^Spin, never crossed my mind, maybe to those who are spinners in nature it does, but not I, I am a muslim somali we straight up we dont know how to spin..we tell it like it is namean...but probably lack of taste since those cultures are not really fair...but since Ganima (Smiley IB) made comment about age, thought i give her visual and see an OMG moment......Maybe, 13 yrs oldz in states having affairs with teachers wouldve been better choice, 13/14 yrs aint so innoncent namean. Which leads me to Nepthyus (ppl pick easy names like Muna dang Nepthyus iyo Ganima ma xaa wayeeyo)....garthay its about differeces in responsbilities, and not biology. granted those kids back home or in afganistan cultures (or 100yrs ago) have more responsibliites, but they are also a lot more innocent in "sexuality" then kids here. But iwe agree on the final answer.
Originally posted by NGONGE: Be that as it may, do you accept the concept of fatwa or don't you? I don't, and Allah knows best. The reason behind this fatwah’s are as ive heard and Allah knows best, is because marriage is expensive, and two many divorcees/widowed, or elderly women have difficulty in getting married in the kingdom, so this makes it easier for marriages to take place with consent of both parties, basically the wife forfeits her financial rights or other rights, but mainly financial rights. Simple and both parties are cool wit it. Which brings me to your point here: It is NOT about what the prophet did or did not do. We are faced daily with new concepts, arguments, situations and problems that the prophet was not faced with in his time. I would disagree, its all about what the prophet scw did, and did not do, because he scw is an example for us to follow until the end of time. But you may tell me how in this case marriage or problems that come with getting married is different in nabi scw time and our time as your comment seems to indicate. SO the reason behind this fatwas (marriage is expensive, older women having difficulty to marry) to make misyer marriage halal. Are u saying during the prophets scw time, they didn’t face the same problem as Saudi Kingdom is today with marriages? If you do, as your comment suggests, then please enlighten me.
Originally posted by Dabshid: Adeer ma caruur baad rabtaa in aad curdan dhadhisid? waa kusidee? Bal maxaa kuu geeyey ilmaha 14 jirka ah. War ninyahow, kaleey aayada odaygaan duuq ah ka ciiilli, hadeey ii raabto bal yaa ii diidikaro?. Hahahaha jks istagfrullah........ Caqli xuumidida duuqa. Shuuuuuuush @keyf, ina abti don’t give away my secret plans. On a serious note, the point of the topic was to make us think, and this is what I was interested in. I don’t consider it acceptable, impossible for me to consider it acceptable, I consider it abuse in todays context........but the question is why we see it as unacceptable, and ppl hundreds of years ago ie Prophet scw with Aisha ra didn’t or even ppl today in third world countries including somalia see it okey. What changed? May Allah forgive me, i didn't want to bring the nabi scw/aisha ra lakiin this is example used. Which leads us to Nepthhys comment:? Originally posted by Nephthys: This isn't back about 100+years ago, that what we consider to be kids now.. What changed? Other then our present culture and our thinking? Is there proof that children back then were/are different then children now? What do u think? Originally posted by Ghanima: Age: when the person feels ready and wants to get married and they find someone who also feels ready and wants to marry them. [/QB] So in ur opinion, if teen wanted to marry old dude and both feel ready and consent, it would be all good? Here’s picture , say they consented, instead of dicates of culture...what do u think? Khayr: If someone could post why the age of say 18 or 16 become the standard marker for Adultood, please do share. This is was the point of my post, what makes 18 adult, and how has this shaped our minds, and how it relates to islam saying ppl are adults after puberty? Ppl here are even saying marriage shouldn't happen until person is 22.....so its about the culture context. yesterday in our converstation, it started because gaber aan naqaano, young girl married cat older then her pops...yaab..but she is very much devloped istagfrullah peace out