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Everything posted by Hibo

  1. sorry American, your wish is not granted & it will never be since Osama works for U.S government, so chill or wish somemore & see if it is granted, peace.
  2. lol@baydan, but I always thought women like when i scratch, u know where. guess i have to change. anyways mine is bad breath! i can't stand people have bad breath & forget it if a girl has a bad breath.
  3. Hibo

    somali love letter

    this guy did!. But as any girl raised by a somali mother knows..DON'T BELIEVE A WORD A GUY SAYS. I still think it's beautiful though. gacaliso -no offence taken
  4. I hear he's alive and staying with General Musharaf in his Palace in Islamabad.
  5. A dream, By WILLAIM BLAKE's Once a dream did weave a shade O'er my Angel guraded bed, Tht an Emmet lost its way Where on grass methought i lay Troubled wildered and forlon Dark benighted travel-worn, Over many a tangled spray All heart-broken i heard her say O my children! don cry Do they hear their father sigh, Now they look abroad to see, Now return and weep for me Pitying a drop a tear But I saw a glow-worm near Who replied, what wailing wight Calls the watchman of the night I am set to light the ground While the beetle goes his round Follow now the beetles hum Little wanderer hie thee home This is not my poem bu it is a WILLAIM BLAKE's Enjoy
  6. Salaam ppl Walaahi that poem was really nice, words can't describe what it made me feel...all I wanna say is I LOVE YOU HOOYO!!! ma'salaama ppl lol
  7. Salaam ppl lol@medman u couldn't keep away huh? Samira thank u sis lol Jamaal....do you usually analyse everythin people say like that? Thank u illamatic that was sweet of u lulla sis, as they say time heals all wounds insha allah Ma'Salaama ppl
  8. Thank you very much guys.And you are right quiting school is very stupid no matter what.You know sometimes when life gets hard, u just wanna run and take the easy way out.Besides iam kind confuse.I do not like beign 17.You get all this sort of feelings and it is kind confusing.I can't wait until iam at least 24 yrs old.maybe things will clear up then.
  9. war i dhagaysta ku ligiinba. walaal maryam horta waxaad soo qortay waan gartay lakiin waxaad ogataa walaal somalida dhaqankeeda waa sidaas marka markaad wadaadka guursanaysay miyaa wax yabahaas kala hadashay dhaqankiisa iyo caadooyinka uu lee yahay. sis waxaas ogataa in uu wadaadku gabdhaha uu la hadlayo uu cawimayo oo ay anaga caadi noo tahay in telefoonka wax badan lagu hadlo, dee hadii aad ka shikansatahay wadaakaada oo naga badnaa wagiisii hore taasi waa sheeko kale, walaal iska dulqado oo shaydaanka iska naar, sis i know you dont read somali but ask your husband to read these for you, asalaamu caleekum,
  10. S.A.W.W hi sister maryama, learning Islam is a first priority for you. You have alot of things to learn still. I have been muslim for two and half years and married to Somali man too. I don't go to this website but I noticed your message so I'll reply to you. Knowledge and Wisdom is the best answer for you. I wouldn't ask someone just because their somali but because their muslim. Go to your Imam and hear what his opinion is. You know what is right and wrong and if not then ask him, your Imam. Word of advice, alot of born muslims mix culture and say that this is culture so respect it, but they don't think purely of religion so becareful who you listen too. We have been married for two years and our cultures (My background Polish) never get in the way. We have respect for eachother and our culture is purely Islam, for our Iman and for our children sake. Not all Somalis talk alot atleast the ones I know. The somali sisters that I meet with don't associate with anyone who mixes culture with religion. They don't even talk on the phone much at all and never talk to the ones that participate in western way of thinking. If my husband talked to a somali woman for half an hour, that would show lack in his religious views. I don't carry conversations with brothers on the phone unless family of course and he would never even say much to a sister on the street that he knew except salam and replies. The difference is that your husband, brother, is part of the communtiy and sisters and brothers will have questions for him but even when I call the Imam for questions, The longest conversation is 10 minutes long. You get to the point and answer and if it demands more time then you meet with witnesses or sisters with you that come along. Hope I helped you out some, inshallah may you gain the knowledge you need and teach to others who need it S.A.W.W
  11. hahahahaha ala maxaan qoslay waryaaya maxaad ka hadlaysaan war hadaan somali nahay wax nooga fiican wiilasheena luga bastada ah ma jiraan, saa ayagaaba i fahmaya oo hooyada af taqaan bal ka soo qaad in hooyada africa jirta oo aysan afsomali kaliya ay taqaan oo ay san afkale aqoon ayada iyo naagtada miyaa ula turjumaysaaa, walayaal aniga hadii la i dhagaysanayo haday gabarta ama wiilku yahay muslim waad raaci kartaa lakiin naag gaalo oo waxii cudur yalay aduunka qabta miyaad nolashada la qaybsanaysaa oo barina kaa raacaysa ku kale saa waa wax aan ilahay aqoon ee. walayaal ciyalka naga soo koraya bara dhaqankeena fiican iyo diinteena. qof kasta waxuu jiri aniga maan raaci lahayn naag ajanabi ah ama nin ajanabi ah hadaa maxaad ula saxiibaysaa oo ayada u logoynaysaa waa qof nafleeya ah bal ka fiirsada waxaad racaysaan iyo meeshaad waqtigaaga qaliga ah ku luminaysid. waleeee ciidii macaneed iyo geeli in aan waligeen arki doonin ee waxaad soo aragtay niyada ku hay,
  12. ayan:: quiting in school noooooooo!! it is understandable that in your age that you are concerning what the others thing. it is called a peer pressure.. to tell you the truth, there is nothing wrong being 17 and in 10grade.. when I was in back somaliland,in 1970s there was a guy who joined our school .. guess how old he was.. 50 years of age.. as you may heard in his times there was no eschools and even if there was one those pple were against to study in mission school.. immagine how old we were.. 14, 15, 16 years of age.. on the other hand if you quit eschool you will never be able to go back .. unless there is compelling reason that is extreme and forcing you to quit eschool other than this age thing I advise you to stay in your eschool.. good luck
  13. once ma friend called this guy,we were kinda playing with him. so she told him that it was just her on the line, but i was on the other line. i listened to them talk n blah blah, after a few minutes like 10 minutes or something, ma friend said bye n she thought she hanged up the line he was in,but he was still there n we started talking about him. thank god i didn't know him. shit, when we were about to hang up, he suddenly spoke n said that he was still there. ma friend was so upset that she she never talked to him again. he laughs at her whenever he sees her now, but am glad idon't know him. lol peace.
  14. maryam or what ever your name: I think the wrong thing here is that you were wrong both of you to marry each other, I mean you came a different culture and really sometimes like oil and water there is some thing that cannot mix each other.. I came acros a lot of pple who are arabs, non arab muslims, a converts who think they are better than somalis and forwn their own.. even if they marry somalis or what ever that always judge somalis and think they can tell them how to live and behave.. the only thing I can say is just endure other pple behaviour.. every body is free and no one has the right to control any other person.. wheather some body uses religious texts or what ever free dom and trust is more important than any thing else.. so if some body speaks a married women or men what is the big deal .. selfishness is condemned by religion it self.... i suppose.. mean while jelousy is prohipted by quran it self..... any way , the pple are free to marry who they like and the same reason are free who they like to talk
  15. Ameenah is the name of my crazy, sweet and cute niece. i chose it cos she kinda reminds me of myself when i was little.... my she is crazy and I was as crazy as hell. it also, means truthfull + faithfull, I have faith in Allah and i am too bloody daacad. its just my favourit name.
  16. Ayan, Sis: When I was in intermediate school back home, we had in our class a guy who was about 5 years older than us and the uniform was a yellow shirt with a kaki trouser. Since he was too old to be in that level and wear that uniform He used to wear a white shirt with the Kaki trouser when leaving the house so that every1 in the neighbourhood thinks he's in a secondry school!! as soon as he reaches the school he changes the white shirt with a yellow one he was keeping in a bag. He completed his intermidiate school easily and later the secondry school. What I mean is, the guy was very commited and didn't care about what some1 should say about him, he had a vision and dreams. Sister look at the horizon and don't worry about time, time passes these days like the speed of the light. I'm very sure and I swear and I SWEAR AGAIN if you leave your studies today YOU WILL REGRET for that, when you see your fellow students with degrees and good jobs. Gooooooooooooood luck.
  17. alla qosol badanaa... hahahaha
  18. Hibo


    Originally posted by Starlight: I wonder if I view the world the way it's suppose to be? My pen touches paper, words flow through me. No hate in me, none expected, Only fear for God and the few he selected. Connected to my family, the way it has to be, Cause a world without them would be no less than a tragedy. Drastically, I question my worth, my sun, moon, and earth. How much longer will people still have to hurt? Even worse, did I do anything to stop it? I perform no miracles, Yet every man and woman is just like me, I wonder if I view the world the way it's suppose to be? I wonder if I view the world the way it's suppose to be? He loves she, she loves he, they live happily. No drama, a wonderful life. Few have visions, decisions for man and wife. Wife and man in my eyes, my heart, my sunrise, Mother of his children,. When he keeps her happy, special things occur. A memory of each other. He hopes the heavens bless her....he tests me. 360 Degrees of openness and ecstasy. But simply, not all relationships finish, some deminish, Some cut off contact and even cut off friendship. It's happened to so many so very close to me. I wonder if I view the world the way it's suppose to be? I wonder if I view the world the way it's suppose to be? Another rainforest tree cut down, a global industry. No jungle symphony, no fern gully. Ozone layers depleted, priceless treasure lost to money. Ain't it funny? How we neglect what we can't see? That's why I ask the way it's suppose to be. Cause if I ask enough, recollection becomes protection. Protection from ignorance, too quick to judge, misconceptions. Still believe I'm the world's greatest, never outdated. Aspire to be from what God has created. Never unchanging, I must understand my atmosphere, Still unclear, with fear, I know why I'm here. Many conceptualize our minds as being young and undefined, But I swear I've broken down life more than a thousand hourglasses of time. Creation's sublime. Yes we all know it. All of us in our hearts are creative innovative poets. Mothers, sons, daughters, and wives. Sisters, brothers, fathers, and grooms for brides. We show our pride inside, some say it some write it, But some fight it, others look to ignite it. Either way, I know I have the key, I wonder if I view the world the way it's suppose to be?
  19. lool this is funny but i thin i read from somewhere it was about the teenager applying for a McDonald job... very funny, he got the job coz the panel were laughing through the interview so guys be honest
  20. Silent_Guy that was A very touching poem....i really loved it keep up the good work.
  21. lol have you ever written "as a matter of fcuk" instead of "As a matter of fact" ? that is embarrassing
  22. Jamaal_11 and Lulla thank u very much for ur appreciation.
  23. True say Milla...believe tha teen Buzz is bout 14-18... All yall hungry brejins...u heard......is 14-18...jks..
  24. True say Milla...believe tha teen Buzz is bout 14-18... All yall hungry brejins...u heard......is 14-18...jks..
  25. True say Milla...believe tha teen Buzz is bout 14-18... All yall hungry brejins...u heard......is 14-18...jks..