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Everything posted by Hibo

  1. I think khalad baa laga fahmay higher education. Getting a degree is not important in itself, wats important is the skills u gain in completing the course. Has been in university changed my thinking abilities? Damn straight! I don't look around me n see the obvious, I look around n QUESTION the obvious. This isn't a skill I discovered out of the blue, it was taught to me by my lecturers and I'm grateful to them. I know university education isn't the be all and end all of life, but I believe it's the road to enlightenment. And yes, most of the thoeries and books used in higher education r Eurocentric (written by Europeans or from a European point of view) but hey......u take the good with the bad! So pls ppl....don't knock it till u've tried it!
  2. Assalaamu Alaikum, I believe that post-secondary education is an important part of ones personal growth. To denounce it as some sort of a perverted mental institution, that has nothing to offer other than hollow dreams, would be absurd to say the least. Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) has told us to seek knowledge wherever we find it even if means going as far as china. I find negligent on our part if we waste the oppertunities that we have. However, it is not to say post-secondary education is the venue for ultimate knowledge. We are not wise, if we are not wise of the Holy Book, and the SUNNAH. Further, as some one before me mentioned, experience is also knowledge in it self. Aside: I wonder why people generalize. I mean who did the statistical analysis that 18-22/18-24 year old Somali Males are incompetent when it comes to responsibility? Wassalam Wabilaahi Towfiiq ------------------ We all must meet our moment of truth. [This message has been edited by Mr (edited 02-02-2002).]
  3. Assalaamu Alaikum, I believe that post-secondary education is an important part of ones personal growth. To denounce it as some sort of a perverted mental institution, that has nothing to offer other than hollow dreams, would be absurd to say the least. Prophet Muhammed (PBUH) has told us to seek knowledge wherever we find it even if means going as far as china. I find negligent on our part if we waste the oppertunities that we have. However, it is not to say post-secondary education is the venue for ultimate knowledge. We are not wise, if we are not wise of the Holy Book, and the SUNNAH. Further, as some one before me mentioned, experience is also knowledge in it self. Aside: I wonder why people generalize. I mean who did the statistical analysis that 18-22/18-24 year old Somali Males are incompetent when it comes to responsibility? Wassalam Wabilaahi Towfiiq ------------------ We all must meet our moment of truth. [This message has been edited by Mr (edited 02-02-2002).]
  4. Loser4life, i think my inspiration was truly meant with something else, i am too old to be inspired I mean a old dog can't learn new tricks.
  5. Loser4life, i think my inspiration was truly meant with something else, i am too old to be inspired I mean a old dog can't learn new tricks.
  6. maskin m A LOL sometimes cagli lix saac makes sense than all the sane somalis in the neighbourhood,it's all about u'r plans and the specific strategeis that you put in place. yes i will enjoy life,but not in my youth era only.i have plans that will prevail over most if not all the obstacles in life.While i will enjoy my sweat in my youth time and i will also harvest my fruits in my old age coz i'm gonna invest some money in the treasury bond of us gov't and i'm not scared of loosing my money since it's already insured by the us gov't. jamaal lol i inspired ya God forbide,i don't want you to led my lifestyle of the rich and the shameless........quite ironic
  7. maskin m A LOL sometimes cagli lix saac makes sense than all the sane somalis in the neighbourhood,it's all about u'r plans and the specific strategeis that you put in place. yes i will enjoy life,but not in my youth era only.i have plans that will prevail over most if not all the obstacles in life.While i will enjoy my sweat in my youth time and i will also harvest my fruits in my old age coz i'm gonna invest some money in the treasury bond of us gov't and i'm not scared of loosing my money since it's already insured by the us gov't. jamaal lol i inspired ya God forbide,i don't want you to led my lifestyle of the rich and the shameless........quite ironic
  8. Hibo


    Petite!! Je croyais que les petites ne savent pas l'amour . Observateur!
  9. Breaze of full moon night i lie Among the starry sky twinkles a star Brightest of all upon many lands Black and pure green sweet africa Young nights that excite the youth Are known to home where nature rules Forever sunny is the land full of souls Africa my home my heart my daily beauty Crack of dawn with it born a red sky A rainbow spread red colour across the sky Birds of song emerging now, here they fly Tree tops so tall, firm with morning dews Morning calls of mosque and the cocks Awake as one here we rise to a beautiful day Another beautiful day in AFRICA, my home Elders in kashmire in talks of night gone Neighbours shouting greeting each other Faces so vibrant that are filled with joy Kisses so blissful on kids to the schools [This message has been edited by JamaaL-11 (edited 02-05-2002).]
  10. It exists in the shadows of hearts.
  11. Originally posted by loser4life: lady fatima i know paycheck to paycheck won't be enough,but that's is not what i relay on.i'm 23 yrs old somali guy,who knows what he wants in life,money and women,everything else will come later. i know i'm the smartest and the brightest somaliguy in the hood,but sadly enough my smartness has taken me to the road less travelled,to the world of quick money and a short cut to somali richness. Lool i see most of you are proud to be in college, and the so called universities, instituitions that admit even the somalis and the mexicans i used to beat in Esl class.What is even more sad is the factor that the so called somali elite group (college students) have no afinity to faculties that make sense like medicine,engineering, insteadthey're busy majoring in trash like african american history,psychology or business admintration,i mean having a degree that won't land you in the field you have specialised.most if not all are confused and waste a couple semesters switching from one field to another. i see e'm in the streets with their college name stickers on their cars, and hardly can they solve simple questions like 1- if a circular coin has a radius of 3/8 inches,when lying flat,how much area does the coin cover in square inches? or 2-over all real numbers x,what is the maximum value of 4 sin 3x? or in chemistry, what's phlogiston theory? my theory here is that,even though qualified not all of us think college is that much important.i'm a truck driver cruising coast to coast and the pay is not bad,every month i make $3500,and inshaalahu i will buy my own truck that is gonna push my monthly earning to a level most of you just dream of,$ 10,000. With much money there's no doubt that many in somalia and america will dance to my tune. i choose the name loser4life,coz that's how the so called elite group who wake up in the morning from public housing and section 8 see us, those like me who have no college to be identified with.when will they know the difference btw a highly learned fellow and a educated fellow. "ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD" loser4life""critically analysed"" LOl Mr-Loser4life, i think i am inspired by you, after all Knowledge isn't intelligence. I don't believe in what universities and all those higher institutions teach. I am a dreamer and i really like what i dream about. If i go to a university, i know i will get brain-washed. By going to university will mean that i am naturally incapable of coping with life, but it means alot to many others. Do i have to train? to know how to live like someone whom i dont want to be? Most of us think knowledge can only be gained from legal institutions and universities, but i don't think so, who created these universities? these libraries and these institutions that many of us brag about? Someone like you. Hey, lol i am kidding, go to schools and unis coz it will help you live through life later on. Tara [This message has been edited by JamaaL-11 (edited 02-02-2002).]
  12. Originally posted by loser4life: lady fatima i know paycheck to paycheck won't be enough,but that's is not what i relay on.i'm 23 yrs old somali guy,who knows what he wants in life,money and women,everything else will come later. i know i'm the smartest and the brightest somaliguy in the hood,but sadly enough my smartness has taken me to the road less travelled,to the world of quick money and a short cut to somali richness. Lool i see most of you are proud to be in college, and the so called universities, instituitions that admit even the somalis and the mexicans i used to beat in Esl class.What is even more sad is the factor that the so called somali elite group (college students) have no afinity to faculties that make sense like medicine,engineering, insteadthey're busy majoring in trash like african american history,psychology or business admintration,i mean having a degree that won't land you in the field you have specialised.most if not all are confused and waste a couple semesters switching from one field to another. i see e'm in the streets with their college name stickers on their cars, and hardly can they solve simple questions like 1- if a circular coin has a radius of 3/8 inches,when lying flat,how much area does the coin cover in square inches? or 2-over all real numbers x,what is the maximum value of 4 sin 3x? or in chemistry, what's phlogiston theory? my theory here is that,even though qualified not all of us think college is that much important.i'm a truck driver cruising coast to coast and the pay is not bad,every month i make $3500,and inshaalahu i will buy my own truck that is gonna push my monthly earning to a level most of you just dream of,$ 10,000. With much money there's no doubt that many in somalia and america will dance to my tune. i choose the name loser4life,coz that's how the so called elite group who wake up in the morning from public housing and section 8 see us, those like me who have no college to be identified with.when will they know the difference btw a highly learned fellow and a educated fellow. "ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD" loser4life""critically analysed"" LOl Mr-Loser4life, i think i am inspired by you, after all Knowledge isn't intelligence. I don't believe in what universities and all those higher institutions teach. I am a dreamer and i really like what i dream about. If i go to a university, i know i will get brain-washed. By going to university will mean that i am naturally incapable of coping with life, but it means alot to many others. Do i have to train? to know how to live like someone whom i dont want to be? Most of us think knowledge can only be gained from legal institutions and universities, but i don't think so, who created these universities? these libraries and these institutions that many of us brag about? Someone like you. Hey, lol i am kidding, go to schools and unis coz it will help you live through life later on. Tara [This message has been edited by JamaaL-11 (edited 02-02-2002).]
  13. I am to write a poem about Africa in two weeks... I am pleaing to u my fellow poets... to help me in writing this poem. we do have an African nite coming up pretty fast.. n I plan to display this poem in its utmost fashion...so any help from u guys is appreciated...! I see what I can come up in my thoughts...thnx again!
  14. Hibo


    lol@u, but i thought u knew me though. ama say hi to them 4 ya. peace.
  15. lady fatima i know paycheck to paycheck won't be enough,but that's is not what i relay on.i'm 23 yrs old somali guy,who knows what he wants in life,money and women,everything else will come later. i know i'm the smartest and the brightest somaliguy in the hood,but sadly enough my smartness has taken me to the road less travelled,to the world of quick money and a short cut to somali richness. Lool i see most of you are proud to be in college, and the so called universities, instituitions that admit even the somalis and the mexicans i used to beat in Esl class.What is even more sad is the factor that the so called somali elite group (college students) have no afinity to faculties that make sense like medicine,engineering, insteadthey're busy majoring in trash like african american history,psychology or business admintration,i mean having a degree that won't land you in the field you have specialised.most if not all are confused and waste a couple semesters switching from one field to another. i see e'm in the streets with their college name stickers on their cars, and hardly can they solve simple questions like 1- if a circular coin has a radius of 3/8 inches,when lying flat,how much area does the coin cover in square inches? or 2-over all real numbers x,what is the maximum value of 4 sin 3x? or in chemistry, what's phlogiston theory? my theory here is that,even though qualified not all of us think college is that much important.i'm a truck driver cruising coast to coast and the pay is not bad,every month i make $3500,and inshaalahu i will buy my own truck that is gonna push my monthly earning to a level most of you just dream of,$ 10,000. With much money there's no doubt that many in somalia and america will dance to my tune. i choose the name loser4life,coz that's how the so called elite group who wake up in the morning from public housing and section 8 see us, those like me who have no college to be identified with.when will they know the difference btw a highly learned fellow and a educated fellow. "ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD" loser4life""critically analysed""
  16. lady fatima i know paycheck to paycheck won't be enough,but that's is not what i relay on.i'm 23 yrs old somali guy,who knows what he wants in life,money and women,everything else will come later. i know i'm the smartest and the brightest somaliguy in the hood,but sadly enough my smartness has taken me to the road less travelled,to the world of quick money and a short cut to somali richness. Lool i see most of you are proud to be in college, and the so called universities, instituitions that admit even the somalis and the mexicans i used to beat in Esl class.What is even more sad is the factor that the so called somali elite group (college students) have no afinity to faculties that make sense like medicine,engineering, insteadthey're busy majoring in trash like african american history,psychology or business admintration,i mean having a degree that won't land you in the field you have specialised.most if not all are confused and waste a couple semesters switching from one field to another. i see e'm in the streets with their college name stickers on their cars, and hardly can they solve simple questions like 1- if a circular coin has a radius of 3/8 inches,when lying flat,how much area does the coin cover in square inches? or 2-over all real numbers x,what is the maximum value of 4 sin 3x? or in chemistry, what's phlogiston theory? my theory here is that,even though qualified not all of us think college is that much important.i'm a truck driver cruising coast to coast and the pay is not bad,every month i make $3500,and inshaalahu i will buy my own truck that is gonna push my monthly earning to a level most of you just dream of,$ 10,000. With much money there's no doubt that many in somalia and america will dance to my tune. i choose the name loser4life,coz that's how the so called elite group who wake up in the morning from public housing and section 8 see us, those like me who have no college to be identified with.when will they know the difference btw a highly learned fellow and a educated fellow. "ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD" loser4life""critically analysed""
  17. What Somalian brothers are being around?I understand where coming from.See the guys who do that are immature teenagers, thought.I mean i have never seem grown man doing that.u know guys are going to judge u by the way u dress and the way u carried urself.so i don't know.
  18. What Somalian brothers are being around?I understand where coming from.See the guys who do that are immature teenagers, thought.I mean i have never seem grown man doing that.u know guys are going to judge u by the way u dress and the way u carried urself.so i don't know.
  19. What Somalian brothers are being around?I understand where coming from.See the guys who do that are immature teenagers, thought.I mean i have never seem grown man doing that.u know guys are going to judge u by the way u dress and the way u carried urself.so i don't know.
  20. lol honesista i do that when my self-esteem is not high and say uff atleast iam not her. its a horrible thing to do .Sometimes i struggle with convincing me that iam beautiful.But then again who does not.I know that i am beautifull a carbon copy of my hansom dad and my elegant mom wat could go wrong hehe.Its phase i need to push myself out of inshalla i will. I always loved my big eyes and cheeks. Peace n'Loveeeeee
  21. Heeeeelp Heeeeelp Heeeelp...(on January 11th)I been hit Harder than the World Trade Center...I lost my Financial Aid money...so I gotta wait till the next quarter to get a new One...heeeelp heeeeelp.. ------------------ "Life is a test.. u either pass or fail" [This message has been edited by El~nino (edited 02-01-2002).]
  22. i feel blessed.. Alxamdulilaah... even them models don't bug me .. cos unlike them everything i got is real. Alxamdulilah. We live in a society that loves o dictate everything to us, what we eat, what we watch, what we hear, what we like and how we look. Thats why you get so many people trying to be someone else. Hence the result of the opinion pole. I guess i fitted into that category when i was younger, but now i get agetated at people who complian about their looks. Honesita, nayaaaaaaa sujuu nimadaadii haday soo baxdey ... somaaliyad weligeed ma dhahdo wax baa iga xun! p.s chat 2 U soon .... waan soo socdaayee no court order yet pls!!
  23. Jamaal I don't blame you 4 not going Oxford... walaahi that place ppl to a bunch of snoots without any sense of identity --- but that doesn't mean the we should abandon education all together. Caydiid, Education doesn't only equal money... it is also about opportunity and experience. How are we supposed re-build our selfs without the know-how! Mataan, I thought you didn't like older sisters? what is it bro... are U confused? shimbir yar ayaa igu tidhi in ay kabihii kaaga dhamaadeen sidaad uga carareysey dumarka waayen! Bal isu key macnee?
  24. Jamaal I don't blame you 4 not going Oxford... walaahi that place ppl to a bunch of snoots without any sense of identity --- but that doesn't mean the we should abandon education all together. Caydiid, Education doesn't only equal money... it is also about opportunity and experience. How are we supposed re-build our selfs without the know-how! Mataan, I thought you didn't like older sisters? what is it bro... are U confused? shimbir yar ayaa igu tidhi in ay kabihii kaaga dhamaadeen sidaad uga carareysey dumarka waayen! Bal isu key macnee?
  25. Was u talking bout heavenly....was ya saying...K some Fu let ya down...tha Fu aint like tha rest of us...U had experience from a lost nigga....Look around...on ur replies u have.... *Libaax....as a Mouth-full jooka.. *Cool_bro...as a respectfull gentle man...(<<<nigga dont be a MANA-WANNABEE...ya stick 2 Cool_respectfull bruv *Abdinuur...last but not least...ur own SHEEKH... Dont be a Playa-hater K...stay Saif..