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Everything posted by Hibo

  1. you all have talent...but why are you guys using it more haram then halal?? please go the right path my bro's and sis...
  2. you all have talent...but why are you guys using it more haram then halal?? please go the right path my bro's and sis...
  3. you all have talent...but why are you guys using it more haram then halal?? please go the right path my bro's and sis...
  4. you all have talent...but why are you guys using it more haram then halal?? please go the right path my bro's and sis...
  5. you all have talent...but why are you guys using it more haram then halal?? please go the right path my bro's and sis...
  6. you all have talent...but why are you guys using it more haram then halal?? please go the right path my bro's and sis...
  7. you all have talent...but why are you guys using it more haram then halal?? please go the right path my bro's and sis...
  8. i wanna shouout to some peeps yo i wanna shoutout to my gurl in t-dot whats up "rappester quruxleey" i wanna say sup to my boys in ReXdAlE,j&f, emery c.i, K.c.i,jungle city and the rest of yoll in my mind but cant find..i'll see yoll this break EiD MuBaRak to yoll and everybody dat was at da "Dhabta kulul" Eid jam OnE LuV
  9. i wanna shouout to some peeps yo i wanna shoutout to my gurl in t-dot whats up "rappester quruxleey" i wanna say sup to my boys in ReXdAlE,j&f, emery c.i, K.c.i,jungle city and the rest of yoll in my mind but cant find..i'll see yoll this break EiD MuBaRak to yoll and everybody dat was at da "Dhabta kulul" Eid jam OnE LuV
  10. Hibo

    ShOuT OuTs

    i wanna shouout to some peeps yo i wanna shoutout to my gurl in t-dot whats up "rappester quruxleey" i wanna say sup to my boys in ReXdAlE,j&f, emery c.i, K.c.i,jungle city and the rest of yoll in my mind but cant find..i'll see yoll this break EiD MuBaRak to yoll and everybody dat was at da "Dhabta kulul" Eid jam OnE LuV
  11. Hibo

    ShOuT OuTs

    i wanna shouout to some peeps yo i wanna shoutout to my gurl in t-dot whats up "rappester quruxleey" i wanna say sup to my boys in ReXdAlE,j&f, emery c.i, K.c.i,jungle city and the rest of yoll in my mind but cant find..i'll see yoll this break EiD MuBaRak to yoll and everybody dat was at da "Dhabta kulul" Eid jam OnE LuV
  12. i wanna say whats up to my girls at the t-dot-o....the whole jungle crew...holla my niggaz at jamestown...iska waran...and to my boys at russel....maxad heysiin one love yoll....and props to the ppage owner..we need more positive shit in the place to be OnE LoVe
  13. i wanna say whats up to my girls at the t-dot-o....the whole jungle crew...holla my niggaz at jamestown...iska waran...and to my boys at russel....maxad heysiin one love yoll....and props to the ppage owner..we need more positive shit in the place to be OnE LoVe
  14. Hibo

    ShOuT OuTs

    i wanna say whats up to my girls at the t-dot-o....the whole jungle crew...holla my niggaz at jamestown...iska waran...and to my boys at russel....maxad heysiin one love yoll....and props to the ppage owner..we need more positive shit in the place to be OnE LoVe
  15. Hibo

    ShOuT OuTs

    i wanna say whats up to my girls at the t-dot-o....the whole jungle crew...holla my niggaz at jamestown...iska waran...and to my boys at russel....maxad heysiin one love yoll....and props to the ppage owner..we need more positive shit in the place to be OnE LoVe
  16. well done, ismahaan may allah show us the right path, really this is good advice and i encourage everybody to prepare similliar advices. Inshaallah i will try my best to prepare something as soon as i can.
  17. CIIIID MUBAARAK from me to you all nomads [This message has been edited by MrJibriiL (edited 02-22-2002).]
  19. Yo even though i read this long time ago I still laughed dawg..... ------------------ "Life is a test.. u either pass or fail"
  20. L@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@L that's helerious one...oh my gosh.haha.i'm still laughtin'..Abdinuur damn where did ya got that one from? it's funny' shit
  21. haha Damn Asian ppl always misunderstanding words..mataan that' was good...
  22. Does anyone kno how to make 'xalwad'? I would like to learn....so pls share ur knowledge. Thanx
  23. Hibo


    Salaam Oblivion, Thanx 4 the info bro....but it saddens me. I just realized I won't be able to Hajj 4 a long time.....on account of my student loan. 21 yrs old and I am in debt for £6,000.....£9,000 (about $12,000) come next year (Insha allah). Sad isn't it? What we do 4 education! [This message has been edited by BARWAAQO (edited 02-21-2002).]
  24. hibo ayaantaan waxaba i dhibay sida dolshaha lo sameyo waa isku warerenay aan ku iri hada raceptigada aan aqriyay and it worked thanks abaayo keep it coming....