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Asalaamu Calaykum Wr Wb all, To be honest i have not read most of this thread, but would just like to make a quick comment in regards to the post by KOWEYN. Brother, unless you have proofs that Shaykh Muhammed ibn Abdulwahab was a deviant, keep your comments to yourself for on the Day of Judgement you will be questioned. I wonder, have you truly read any of his books? Its funny to notice that when you say that to people they either respond No, or yes but they cannot pick out any deviation. We all know sufis are not very fond of the shaykh, and im sure most of us know its because he put an end to their practises of shirk (e.g grave worshipping,even if a little). KOWEYN, you wrote that all the four madhabs regard the Shaykh as a deviant, OK PROOVE IT!!! Of course the proof must be from reliable sources. And dont even say the four imams of the four schools of thoughts regarded him as a devaint since they came hundreds of years before the shaykh. The tasawuf of Islam and that described by deviant sufis (i will not say all sufis are deviant, Allah knows best) have two seperate meanings. May Allah have mercy on the scholars of this religion and cleanse them of the lies said about them. Amiin. [This message has been edited by Rahiima_as-Somaali (edited 03-17-2002).]
Asalaamu Calaykum Wr Wb brothers and sisters, http://www.iisna.com/audio/repenter1.ram That is an audio lecture by Br. Bilal Asad about repentance. This is an amazing lecture, benefit from it inshallah. I must say it is very touching and interesting. Hope you all don't mind the Aussie accent
ADMONITIONS IN TWO SENTENCES Quoted from Abu Bakr (radhiAllaahu 'anhu): "He who enters the grave without provisions (good deeds), has, as if, he started swimming across the ocean without a vessel." Quoted from 'Omar (radhiAllaahu 'anhu): "Worldy honour is derived from riches and the honour of the Hereafter is derived from the performance of good deeds." Quoted from Uthman (radhiAllaahu 'anhu): "Absorption in worldly affairs breeds darkness in the heart, and absorption in the affairs of the next world enkindles light in the heart." Quoted from 'Ali (radhiAllaahu 'anhu): "He who seeks knowledge of religion (Islaam), Paradise seeks him, and he who seeks deeds of vice, Hell seeks him." ADMONITIONS IN THREE SENTENCES Quoted from Abu Bakr (radhiAllaahu 'anhu): "There are three things that cannot be acquired by means of three other things: riches by means of desire, youth by means of khejab (dye of beard) and health by means of medicine." Quoted from 'Umar (radhiAllaahu 'anhu): "To maintain nice relations with the people is half of intelligence, nice questioning is half of knowledge, and nice domestic arrangements is half of the management of livelihood." Quoted from Uthman (radhiAllaahu 'anhu): "Allaah the Exalted loves him who forgoes worldly life, the Angels love him who rejects the vices, and the Muslims love him who gives up greediness in respect of the Muslims." Quoted from 'Ali (radhiAllaahu 'anhu): "Be a good man to Allaah and a bad man to yourself (desires); and be one of the commoners among the people." Quoted from 'Ali (radhiAllaahu 'anhu): "Give alms to anybody you like and become his master, beg from anybody you wish and become his captive, and you may remain self-dependent if you like so that you may be an equal to others." Quoted from Ibn Mas'ood (radhiAllaahu 'anhu): "A great many people proceed towards evils on account of receipt of blessings, many people are ruined by praise, and many a man is deceived by Allah's protection (in concealing vices)." Quoted from Ibn Mas'ood (radhiAllaahu 'anhu): "Perform well those (things) that have been made compulsory for you, you will then be amongst the distinguished devotees. Refrain from those (things) that have been prohibited, you will then be amongst the distinguished pious men. Be content with those things that are allotted to you by Allaah, you will then be amongst the richest." Quoted from Ibn 'Abbaas (radhiAllaahu 'anhu): He was asked, "Which of the days is the best?" He replied, "The day of congregation (Jumu'ah)." He was again asked, "Which of the months is the best?" He replied, "The month of Ramadaan." He was again asked, "Which of the deeds is the best?" He replied, "To punctually establish the five daily prayers." Quoted from Al-Hasan Al-Basri : "He who has no manners has no knowledge; he who has no patience has no Deen, and he who has no piety has no nearness to Allaah for him." Quoted from Ibraheem An-Nakha'ee: "Those who were destroyed in the past, were surely destroyed because of three bad habits: Wasting time in useless talks, excessive eating, and excessive sleeping." Quoted from Maalik ibn Dinar: "Rectify three things by three other things till you become amongst the faithful (mu`min): Pride by modesty, greed by contentment in a little, and envy by listening to advice." TextTextTextText
Our misfortunes do not stem from the lack of strong Somali representatives/communities in the West or around the globe, but from our own Individualism. Somaliyey, whatever happens to us is our ignorance, and if we wish to change it we must acknowledge ourselves as ultimately responsible for it. To be empowered we need to unite; i've witnessed more then one occassion, people being told a Somali being shot dead or stabbed, questioning about their 'tribe status quo'!!! How shocking. Would that lessen the pain? Most of us go by the theory 'so long as its not my house then why worry.' Our most basic human right is the right to life, and its jeaopordized. I'd say we set ourselves up to be look down on , being treated as less human being, and most of all become the 'bunching bag' of the annoyed states as to not having a Powerful gov't backing us up. Am sure, had that police brutallity been involved with a Saudi man, curios George would be on TV apologizing to the Saudis by now. Most of us have proven ourselves to be equal to other Americans. Like them we worked diligently,paid taxes and made contributions to society, yet we suffer under stress because of the discrimination and unfair treatment in our daily lives. Lets contribute our knowledge/talent to where its appreciated and, most defenetly needed (The motherland). As with most things in life, you never know what you have until it's gone. I'm craving for living peacefully in a hut by the river, with my own little veggie&fruit farm, feeling the wind in my face, the hot sun burning my skin, the smell of the bush. (Do you think i'm a dreamer?) Well, a better Somalia is possible - and someday we will have it. Or at least my grandchildren will! In the meantime we have a duty to work for the benefit of our people and our future. May we all have the strength and the courage to do what is productive and good for our people and for the global community of mankind. God Bless ------------------ Live today to the fullest because tomorrow is not promised". [This message has been edited by SouL_LaDy (edited 03-17-2002).]
Oh brother Jibril you are so right ... I agree with you whole heartedly. We need to get together as a community and act as one. There is what you lobbying and arranging community get together in most ethnic minorities. Its only Somalis who dont do that because they are so busy hating each other that they wouldnt recognise that our people are the most vulnerable. We need to act as a muscle....demonstrate when needed join other Minorities in their struggle so they can join us when we need them. We seem to act as asmall block which wouldnt amount to anything. Lets create organisations which speak and amplify the Somali issues and problems. Each Somali lost today is alose for all of us. We need justice where possible and we need to stand against any injustice. Lets wake up and protect ourselves just like most people who are targeted do. If you cant do anything in your power use the necessary tools to let the wider world know what you going through. (Media) ------------------ ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._ `6_ 6 ) `-. ( ).`-.__.`) (_Y_.)' ._ ) `._ `. ``-..-' _..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.' ,' (il),-`` (li),` ((!.-` S-h-a-q-ss-ii
Hi guys, how y'all doing? I ain't been here for a while and I see so many new faces ! and so many new features...I can't figure out how to use the smilies (obviously not these ones, but the new cool ones) Anyways lol let's get on wit the poem... The last petal on the rose falls, The pictures crooked on the walls, What happened to the love? Wasn't it enough? Looking at the front door, Walking down the stairwell, This home that used to be filled with love, Is now an empty shell. All the memories, Now a mirage of what used to be, Nothing left to remember, Not even a family. The dust on the shelves, Everyone by themselves, No way to make this work, Through the unfamiliar house I lurk. The forgotten love, The shattered dreams, The used to be happiness, That turned into screams. As I turn back, To bid the place once where I was happy goodbye, I start to cry, And wonder why..... Why was the love forgotten? Ma'salaama [This message has been edited by idil (edited 03-17-2002).]
Reality check! ------------------ ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._ `6_ 6 ) `-. ( ).`-.__.`) (_Y_.)' ._ ) `._ `. ``-..-' _..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.' ,' (il),-`` (li),` ((!.-` S-h-a-q-ss-ii
Evolution of the geek.. ------------------ ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._ `6_ 6 ) `-. ( ).`-.__.`) (_Y_.)' ._ ) `._ `. ``-..-' _..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.' ,' (il),-`` (li),` ((!.-` S-h-a-q-ss-ii
------------------ ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._ `6_ 6 ) `-. ( ).`-.__.`) (_Y_.)' ._ ) `._ `. ``-..-' _..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.' ,' (il),-`` (li),` ((!.-` S-h-a-q-ss-ii
Hibo the rooms are all like room 1 one so assume you are doing the same thing for all rooms from 1 to 3
Hibo the rooms are all like room 1 one so assume you are doing the same thing for all rooms from 1 to 3
Even Bird do it.. ------------------ ("`-''-/").___..--''"`-._ `6_ 6 ) `-. ( ).`-.__.`) (_Y_.)' ._ ) `._ `. ``-..-' _..`--'_..-_/ /--'_.' ,' (il),-`` (li),` ((!.-` S-h-a-q-ss-ii
dsg [This message has been edited by Shaqsii (edited 03-17-2002).]
JibriL: Me don't see no room #2.. all u said was room 1 room 1 n room 3.. so do we have to assume the second room 1 as room 2??? ------------------ Each one of us is a masterpiece in progress
JibriL: Me don't see no room #2.. all u said was room 1 room 1 n room 3.. so do we have to assume the second room 1 as room 2??? ------------------ Each one of us is a masterpiece in progress
Guys answer this one mathermatically, There is a fence with two gates, each gate has two guards, inside the fence there are 3 rooms room 1 room 2 room 3 So, each room has 2 doors. Here comes the game now, when entering the fence from outside you have to pay the first guard 1 dollar to get in. So to get into the room 1, you have to pay another doller and whatever money had will be doubled and when going out of the room you have to pay 1 dollar to proceed for room 2. (all rooms require you to pay 1 dollar when getting in and when you get in they will double any money you had with you, and they when leaving the room you have to pay another dollar) But after going in an out of the rooms you are required to leave the fence all together through the other gate of the fence and be with stay peniless coz if found with money that will coast your life. so how many dollars do you need to from gate 1 to the exit gate 2, exactly how much? [This message has been edited by MrJibriiL (edited 03-17-2002).]
Guys answer this one mathermatically, There is a fence with two gates, each gate has two guards, inside the fence there are 3 rooms room 1 room 2 room 3 So, each room has 2 doors. Here comes the game now, when entering the fence from outside you have to pay the first guard 1 dollar to get in. So to get into the room 1, you have to pay another doller and whatever money had will be doubled and when going out of the room you have to pay 1 dollar to proceed for room 2. (all rooms require you to pay 1 dollar when getting in and when you get in they will double any money you had with you, and they when leaving the room you have to pay another dollar) But after going in an out of the rooms you are required to leave the fence all together through the other gate of the fence and be with stay peniless coz if found with money that will coast your life. so how many dollars do you need to from gate 1 to the exit gate 2, exactly how much? [This message has been edited by MrJibriiL (edited 03-17-2002).]
what shall i do now to help with the improvement of security of my people? Tell what i should do?
yo brother i don't get your joke you need to finsh it thanks but is funny up to the end
You are true brothee Aplus, we must speak with one voice that represent one people. I can't take this any more no i cant walaahi i feel so sickened by what happens to us nowadays. We must do something to survive One love
Good point brotha! At this point I am really so angry and mad about my ppl getting killed all the time, and don't even mention the profiling and harrasements...this is going too far we need to do something!..But first of all let's have one voice! when we do that, we can agree to deal those matters on the proper way.....Let's live like the men we supposed be not live like cowards...
See? Our lives are now in danger, check the records in the USA and also the United Kingdom! The USA for example has seen many Somalis die for no apprent reason, people are being killed and no one follows up. Young people are getting killed in the streets by either the cops or even other races knowing that no one will ever do something about it. Dont even mention the United Kingdom where in every 5 months one Somali person/child is either killed, stabbed to death or disapears. But why is this happening to us now? huh! I really dont know what we all wait for. Oh, I think i know what we are all waitng for, Is it coz whats happening to others doesn't CONCeRN you? or is it coz what happens happen to someone of other tribe? huH?. Well, Somali fellas have i got news for you?, tommorrow when this marouding gangsters kill your brother and kill your sister or your old father down the street minding their businesses, dont cry ok? We are men not domestic docile animals who only wait to be sloughtered one by one. WE are really carwards, arent we? coz i have seen many Somali men talk about this matter and none of them seems to be ready to take any action. We have sacrificed our lives for the sake of tribes back in somalia though it was an evil thing to do but now that our innocents kids are either being stabbed or stommed and shot, we seem not to reaction to it. What ? what? what the hell is holding us back people? or is it social security benefits that matters more than the safety of our kids? huh? oh i never knew we were that selfish and greedy. People if you want peace you have to prepare for war, Though we run aw3ay from civil we have to defend ourselves to survive. Somalis say "Nimaan shanta kaa reebin sharci kaama reebo" and now they dont seem to use their own fives to defend themselves and their kids, what a shame, I am ashamed by what we are doing to stay safe. Wake up from the sleep people, or you wonna see you daughter/sister getting rapped and your son/brother getting stabbed infront of you just like Somalia? huh? I know this is what we all ran away from but we have to face our fears and erase them all together. Otherwise we will remain victimised forever in this world. Hey Somalis, we are the toughest people and the most fierce fighters ever heard of, lets fight to show this scumburgs that we are not to be messed with at and make them regret what they do to any Somali individual. We must have ruthless vigilantes and community watch that voluteers to safeguard our interest and people. peace Mac salaam [This message has been edited by MrJibriiL (edited 03-17-2002).]
Thats so good qisa, sister BARWAAQO you sure did made me aware of how to handle those atheists who ask us those type of questions. Thank you barwaaqo yarey
Loooooooooool shaqsii sxb, I have heard that before, it actually happen in the small place i lived. I still remember who said it and who was the swahili speaking guy (health worker) lol. The old first said at night when he heard policemen marouding around his house and he asked "dee waa kuma" but unfortunatly Mr Hariye got himself beaten by the cops thinking he insulted them by calling them "kuma" which in swahili stands for "pu*sy" excuse my language. it is funny sometimes when i remember that incident somewhere in the border between Somalia and Kenya.
MaskinMacruf, that was indeed a great but sad movie. The 'Baniishiyo' lol name you'r looking for is Roberto Benigni And yeah, LA VITA È BELLA (Life Is Beautiful) for sure.