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Everything posted by Bess.

  1. :eek: :confused: im so confused and bewildered...r u mad cause the girl refused a ride from a couple of strange men.....let me get this straight....and u think this is kibir....just cause she is showing some common r the facts... 1. she doesn't know u from adam? 2. she is alone? 3. there r two of u and one of her? 4. it is dark and rainy? do i need to say doesn't matter to me if u r somali or not....HELL not getting in a car with men i don't is just plain ****** and dangerous.... :mad: ps....for all the men out there, would u want ur sisters to get in cars with strange men?....since all men are trustworth, upstanding and good.... :rolleyes:
  2. doesn't matter .....admin.....has taken care of the problem.... :rolleyes:
  3. Originally posted by Qac Qaac: what!!!, i think, a girl who passed 22, who still not married, damn... that's all i have to say.. don't get me wrong.. :rolleyes: not up to the challenge of someone ur own age?..... ... although it might be difficult finding a person in ur age group....
  4. instructed me ....huh...?.... .....i try to'am..
  5. Bess.

    Oxymorons list

    these ones i thought were extremely hilarious.... ....easy labor male ....comfortable bra ....casual sex soda ice cream food ....common sense ethics if others wrote them b4....sorry....
  6. true....all of that and more..... let me try....x_quizit ..a woman of mystery.... ...right?
  7. Originally posted by Chocolaat: was there a point to all of this?? so there is a trend,how does it effect u or me?? none wat so ever, there are plenty of , smart,educated, woman loving (none of them haters),and respectable somali fishes in the sea..right?? ps. what's written is written caasha back home wont change nothing. right on flamboyant, good riddance indeed! ...there is no reason to worry what will be will be....besides tons of great educated and progressive somali men out there for all the great somali girls out there....inshallah...there is no narrow minded and insensitive farax out there for me....
  8. classy, elegant also maybe serious?..... serious as in ...cautious and quiter....not as guessing....get back to me about the validity of my assumptions... ohh....i forgot....burbury brit by it...i imagine my future hubby and i having his and hers burbury brit's...
  9. Bess.

    to be free.

    To be free is to know the essence of me. To be free is to feel and simply be. To be free is to share abundantly. To be free is to stay in the action of my destiny. To be free is to honor my God conceptually and spiritually. To be free is not to follow most of humanity. To be free is to flow to drink from the river of life, not to remain thirsty. To be free is basically a dream you see. To be free is absurd in the context of reality. To be free is to know the essence of the authentic, me!
  10. i understand diff. occasions diff. perfumes...i also love j'adore by dior for those nights am feeling formal....
  11. Originally posted by OG_MOTI: ^^ the difference is no difference.. What does it take to make girls understand there is no competition stop tiring your self? Allah kariim Peace there is no competition on our part.....we are just living our lives according to our rules ....and since u don't know any better u think we are competting with u....infact we couldn't care less what u do....
  12. do u have a signiture scent....or do u wear wateva....and what does ur smell say about u...mine are Escada Island Kiss for special evenings and ralph by ralph lauren for the regular....i think the message is chic + earthy = bohemian chic...
  13. well ..... if u find a purse to match.....what else do u need....
  14. Originally posted by x_quizit: Flamboyant said it need to elaborate...but if the men were truly honest with themselves, they would realized most of their reasons were any case, to each his own...whatever makes ur day, do it... p.s.-we have entered another era of the salem witch trials, lets call this one somali-woman nauseating seeing each thread posted by some guy whining why women are this way and that way...i got a solution for u....since somali men are so spiffy and perfect, why not marry one? ....since its legal in alot of places, go ahead, we'll look the other way.... peace...and stop the whining, makes u look like infants needing a diaper change... way to go....
  15. lol @ Alle-ubaahne ....if u don't know....who am i to say......think about sure u'll come up with something...
  16. i never complained.... :rolleyes: ...gets ur facts straight....i asked them to stop whinning...and take action...
  17. Originally posted by rudy: i missed dark angel, besbasso and clasique!! sorry bad!! :confused: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: am against the boyzzzzz ..... does that make u (rudy)and others we all know woman bashers...... ....
  18. not tired of the boys next door....i luve my somali brothers and expect so much of them ...i don't believe i need to go back home to find one.....i think there are plenty good ones here....
  19. was i too harsh.....4 ur delicate sensibilities.... :rolleyes:
  20. Originally posted by rudy: could it be that alots of us are anal-retentive!! how do u tell if a xalimo is a virgina!!lol..! u look in her eyez..... :rolleyes: .... how can u tell if a guy is lying?.....
  21. Originally posted by Shayma: ^^^ Since that Q’ has been answered already let me try and predict what OG.Moti would say.... “Since men are born with a natural sense of direction, we couldn’t really get lost if we tried†Why is SOL infested with “Nacamleyaal†recently? ... oops ...i didn't see the ? at shayma..... why do men think they know us after meeting us once...and then put us in clicks?.....
  22. for the same reason black men are obsessed with it.... why do men not ask for directions? :confused:
  23. ...calling me a jariyad....i guess u can't take the heat....u know what they say... if u can't take the heat get out of the kitchen... ....i can't say what i want exactly my previous post had been deleted/edited.....u should be glad u haven't seen it.....take some comfort in ur little sheltered world..... india "huno"...calling me a jariyad....must be confusing me with someone else........ is not wonder u can't have a country of ur own...u can't take criticism.... :rolleyes:
  24. is what i have to say to the men in here...... an excerpt from a fav. song of mine...... All I want you to do for me Is give me some respect when you get home Yeah, baby, when you get home R-E-S-P-E-C-T Find out what it means to me R-E-S-P-E-C-T Take care, T-C-B A little respect peace