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Everything posted by Bess.

  1. fixed it..... sorry about that shyhem.... i understand where u r coming from, and we all need to do our part to help humanity in any way that we can...we can't all just nothing and expect this things to be better...but i can't help the revultion that i feel when i think about my died body being cut open and my insides being pulled and given to others...i feel weired sharing clothes ...imagine body parts.....sorry i can't be the better person in this case...other more giving ppl r gonna have to step up...
  2. Bess.


    I loved this piece...I thought of it as human interest showed the basic human need to judge or misunderstand that which is different from it....even in the case of Nimco who essentially is Somali (although she was born and raised somewhere else) and the other Somali women....ppl always assume that they know what is good for others, just because their views don't necessary agree with each other...Nimco assumed that these Somali women had it bad cause she heard all these things and read all these books....and the Somali women assumed that she was a lesbian just cause she drove a car and lived alone....and all those missionaries assumed that Africans were savages just cause they were not each his own..... cool piece Ngonge
  3. i have always just assumed that it was wrong to donate organs... as i thought it was a violation of the near deceased's body....but i did some research and found some articles...both for and a sciencist im for ppl donating thier there is a real need for organs....and many ppl die waiting...and it could be avoided.....but personally i don't think that i could do it, nor would i be happy if someone close to me chose to do it....i thought this article had some merit.... Although organ donations and transplants are less frequent in Muslim countries, in 1996 the Muslim Law (Shariah) Council UK issued a fatwa, or religious opinion, on organ donation. Normally violating a human body - whether living or dead - is outlawed in Islam, but the fatwa is based on the principle of necessity overruling prohibition (or al-darurat tubih al-mahzurat). The council decided that: * Organ transplantation is supported as a means of alleviating pain or saving life on the basis of the rules of the Shariah * Muslims may carry donor cards * The next of kin of a dead person may give permission to obtain organs from the body to save other people's lives in the absence of a card or an expressed wish to donate organs Most Muslim commentators view organ donation as charitable or required to preserve life. But there are still a number of Islamic scholars who believe that it does not fall under principle of necessity overruling prohibition (al-darurat tubih al-mahzurat) due to other Islamic principles that override this rule. Evidence to support both of these viewpoints can be found in the Qur'an and the Ahaadith, so it is recommended that individual Muslims make a decision according to their understanding of the Shariah, and if necessary seek advice from their local Imam. web page
  4. go to grad. school...that will delay the worl a bit... ...i like it so far...the world will have to wait a couple more years...
  5. -Red Blood Cells.................Unugyada cad-cad -White Blood Cells...............Unugyada gaduudan ....they r backwards.....but thanks sis....most of them sound like discriptions of the parts....rather than names....
  6. lol@rudy...all that sun...must be getting to u....i don't get it that much either...maybe 3 days of snow in a year...if that at all....let me just say u ain't missing much.....just dirty wet slush...
  7. Besbasso I really don't have much to say about F.G.M.Do u think it's fun to make love to a circumcised woman, if its indeed true about what they are saying about F.G.M As far as i'm concerned i'm not going to discriminate somali women on the basis of who did or who didn't undergo the knife.The quality of life with my wife does not depend on her childhood experiences. .... wow...we present u with this dilema and u all u could say is do u think it is fun to make love with a circumacised woman.... answer ur question i don't know.....i have never made love to a woman.... :rolleyes:
  8. i guess dinky is gone.....i was wondering who y'all were yelling @.....its like she/he were never here....did u guys watch that movie...the like that mysterious force that erased be carefull y'all
  9. sheyhem....if u only care about ur culture what do have to say...about the babarous act of FGM...u seem to focus on only one fact.... female genital mutilation is that lasting damage to the genital area can increase the risk of HIV transmission during intercourse. ...maybe it does or maybe it doesn't.....why single out one statement out of the whole article and say nothing about the practice and its harmful and lasting damage on these women..... or maybe ur excuse is u r a man and it doesn't affect u....... If it was me i will take it like a man ....maybe they should take it as men 2 and stop complaining.... :rolleyes:
  10. i heard that is what they do in the sudan....a woman is closed everytime her husband goes away on a trip and opened again after he comes back all without the good help of our good friend anesthesia.....imagine the horror.......acuudu bilaah...
  11. its true there is nothing that we can do about....ppl don't like others to intervene in thier cultural practices.....don't u remember what the reaction was when...there was talk of FGM....somali ppl were furious and embrassed ....and am suprised that nobody mentioned this horrendous practice that happens in our OWN country....opps...Word mentioned it and was ignored... anyways here is some info about it:....THIS IS NOT TO OFFEND BUT TO INFORM.... Physical effects The effects of genital mutilation can lead to death. At the time the mutilation is carried out, pain, shock, haemorrhage and damage to the organs surrounding the clitoris and labia can occur. Afterwards urine may be retained and serious infection develop. Use of the same instrument on several girls without sterilization can cause the spread of HIV. More commonly, the chronic infections, intermittent bleeding, abscesses and small benign tumours of the nerve which can result from clitoridectomy and excision cause discomfort and extreme pain. Infibulation can have even more serious long-term effects: chronic urinary tract infections, stones in the bladder and urethra, kidney damage, reproductive tract infections resulting from obstructed menstrual flow, pelvic infections, infertility, excessive scar tissue, keloids (raised, irregularly shaped, progressively enlarging scars) and dermoid cysts. First sexual intercourse can only take place after gradual and painful dilation of the opening left after mutilation. In some cases, cutting is necessary before intercourse can take place. In one study carried out in Sudan, 15% of women interviewed reported that cutting was necessary before penetration could be achieved.1 Some new wives are seriously damaged by unskilful cutting carried out by their husbands. A possible additional problem resulting from all types of female genital mutilation is that lasting damage to the genital area can increase the risk of HIV transmission during intercourse. During childbirth, existing scar tissue on excised women may tear. Infibulated women, whose genitals have been tightly closed, have to be cut to allow the baby to emerge. If no attendant is present to do this, perineal tears or obstructed labour can occur. After giving birth, women are often reinfibulated to make them "tight" for their husbands. The constant cutting and restitching of a women's genitals with each birth can result in tough scar tissue in the genital area. The secrecy surrounding FGM, and the protection of those who carry it out, make collecting data about complications resulting from mutilation difficult. When problems do occur these are rarely attributed to the person who performed the mutilation. They are more likely to be blamed on the girl's alleged "promiscuity" or the fact that sacrifices or rituals were not carried out properly by the parents. Most information is collected retrospectively, often a long time after the event. This means that one has to rely on the accuracy of the woman's memory, her own assessment of the severity of any resulting complications, and her perception of whether any health problems were associated with mutilation. Some data on the short and long-term medical effects of FGM, including those associated with pregnancy, have been collected in hospital or clinic-based studies, and this has been useful in acquiring a knowledge of the range of health problems that can result. However, the incidence of these problems, and of deaths as a result of mutilation, cannot be reliably estimated. Supporters of the practice claim that major complications and problems are rare, while opponents of the practice claim that they are frequent. Control of women's sexuality and reproductive functions In many societies, an important reason given for FGM is the belief that it reduces a woman's desire for sex, therefore reducing the chance of sex outside marriage. The ability of unmutilated women to be faithful through their own choice is doubted. In many FGM-practising societies, it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, for a woman to marry if she has not undergone mutilation. In the case of infibulation, a woman is "sewn up" and "opened" only for her husband. Societies that practise infibulation are strongly patriarchal. Preventing women from indulging in "illegitimate" sex, and protecting them from unwilling sexual relations, are vital because the honour of the whole family is seen to be dependent on it. Infibulation does not, however, provide a guarantee against "illegitimate" sex, as a woman can be "opened" and "closed" again.
  12. i guess another one in the medical field.....soon to be an MD in 2007.....insha'allah.....will have to go back and read all ur what fields these ppl r in; willo nuune FF VR Qacx2...... just curious....
  13. i notice this when i went to was indians and arabs that were everywhere in the tubes ,in the shops.......maybe they r the ones which u can't escape....
  14. loved it.... ...plz tell more....
  15. she is just a kid but she is so inspirational...i will pass along all that u guys have said of her....and it is true....Allah is watching lets not do anything in the dark that we wouldn't do infront of our mothers....
  16. the message i got from post is that u settled....kudos to u for planning ahead...but taking digital classes is not the same as being an artist...and u attacked ppl first and u r still doing it by triviliazing certain majors u don't think that will be succesfull according to u....and why do u think they r easier than urs...and that they r a waste of time... :rolleyes: ....
  17. loans are the devil....and so unnecessary... there r so many scholarships and finicial aid out there..and XU...girl....u should do what u love and enjoy....and insha'allah u'll be Immensely successfull and more importanly happy and content...
  18. seems that ur dedicating ur life to emassing wealth....i wonder was electrical engineering that field u wanted or the one u enjoy the most.....or did u choose it cause u know it would lead to a lucrative seems a little sad that u would subject urself to a life of self deprivation...cause u think only certain careers would be more successful than others....i think happiness and self satisfaction are more important than being wealthy ..although that is objective....any career has the same chance of being as successful as any other...and u shouldn't trivialize anybody's chosen field cause they don't fit in with ur ideals of what is successfull or not.....
  19. its true that we are lacking in somethings like objectivity, unity, brotherhood and others...but this all things that we can overcome if we focus on a main goal....whick should be the REbuilding of somalia as a whole....instead of focusing on rebulding sections of somalia cause of tribalism........i believe that we also have some good upcoming leaders, ppl that have somalia'a best interests at heart...i think that we shouldn't become jaded by all this discouragments and setbacks....but they should fuel us to work even harder...and overcome...
  20. poor bros...haven't found the right somali gabdhoo...all women are great...if they want other women from other cultures...that is thier beef....but for me, i want the man i marry to be able to understand my family...i don't want to be a translator... :rolleyes: it is already hard enough trying to maintain our own culture and trying to raise kids in this foreign worlds,...but now they want to add other foreign cultures in our homes....i mean our home is our haven...where we can be ourselves .....i just want be able to be somali and speak somali in my own would be unfair to another person....when am unwilling to enforce another culture in my home...i mean really its my home not the UN...
  21. mud masks are the worst....they suck everything off ur face....and leave it really dry....instead of yogurt kinda acidic....try a mashed banana with whole milk and leave in on for 5 minutes...leaves ur skin looking a million bucks...
  22. Bess.


    good one...BOB...lucky woman, who had this written cause of her...
  23. Originally posted by The Rendezvous: is beesbaaso hearing this.... VOTE SOMALI LADIES.................. ... waa ba yabanahey...i have nothing to say.... :rolleyes: ...i mean really have u looked @ somali women lately we are hot.....if they can't handle that .....we in't got the time 4 them fools....
  24. the best way to make this sugar, water and lemons ...cause lemons exfoliate ur skin.....u have to make sure that itsn't as hard as caramel or really watery ...cause then it won't work....make it sticky ....and try making a small patch 1st, so u don't waste a lot....after couple of tries ....u'll get it right...and don't burn urself.... here is other info i found about it.... Sugar waxing is a popular form of hair removal that works in the same way traditional waxing does. A thick sugary substance similar to caramel is spread on the skin in the direction of hair growth. The hair becomes embedded in the caramel. A cloth or paper strip is patted onto the caramel and then pulled off quickly in the opposite direction of the hair growth, pulling the hairs out of the follicles. The advantage of this method over traditional waxing is the clean up. The sugar substance is water-soluble and can be removed easier than wax by rinsing with water.
  25. THIS WAS NOT WRITTEN BY ME...BUT A FRIEND OF MY LIL' CUZ.....AND WAS E-MAILED TO ME....AM PASSING IT TO U ...HOPE U LIKE IT.... Only Muslim At Public School Take pride! Dont hide Your islam deep inside As if were a shame, changing your name Are you parents to blame Since they brought you here without fear OF AL -BASEER just a scare That they wont fit-in with everything American, compromising thei way into sin. My love is above what they cove- it, higher than a human whim. I dont bow down to other than him lest my light get dim. Though they mock it they cant block it like a rocket Over their heads,bruning their eyes until they die and realize That thier sins were more thanjust flies Round their face Eternal disgraces "Take your places In the homes of those who love what He hates,hate what he loves, those who didnt prostrate Because they thought they were too great" Why are you so eager to look like them sound like them think like them? Afraid to sit alone at school? Tring to be cool; BUT TO ALLAH, MABE YOU LOOK A FOOL. Islam is like my skin, best friend, close kin; As i strive for my lord its my sharpest sword so i can move forward- All i need Is this creed to give me speed. And i should never feel alone cause my salah is my phone To the one who strengthens every bone MAKE DU,AH FOR THE UMAH and for the people who are dieing Allah is waching YOU............ BY: MASUMEH