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Everything posted by Bess.

  1. Bess.


    msword.....i wouldn't know dear....since my legs alas...r not as long as urs... ....but am sure they r worth all the pain....
  2. Bess.

    Iman suprised they could speak.... :rolleyes: it seems they r all hypnotized by the her legs....
  3. Bess.


    what ever she does is between her and her creator..... :rolleyes:
  4. how could i invite u i don't know where u go to school @?....and sorry i don't wear diracs?... :rolleyes:
  5. hey y'all ... are any of u members or registered there?
  6. thanks...psyche.....i like ur nic 2....very original
  7. diamante....dear...don't bother, u can't use blackmail to get choco out of me...if u had asked i would have shared with u... stoic....u tried bro but no dice....i found out the answer and that is not it...i think in america, the uk and canada that is what it means...but the aussies are a dirty bunch....shame on them for not telling us... as 4 the aussies zu, rokko and the rest....y'all r just plain cold..... no chocolates for u :mad:
  8. thank you girls..... don't forget to do something for yourselves today....we are all so busy with our lives, schools and do something for just urself.....get a man and some shoes....take the day, take a long bubble bath.... here is to all the great women of sol.... ms. word.....hollar....
  9. Bess.

    A Love Letter

    Dear Farax, Thank you for your interest. I have reviewed your offer and I am pleased to inform you that I have some stipulations of my own. Upon meeting you, I have found some things to be lacking that I would like you to improve before any further contact between us. I hope that you are not offended by these requests and you would look upon them as constructive criticism. One thing that I have noticed that you were having a little trouble with was your physical presentation i.e. Style. It looked like you were still stuck in the 80’s, with the Miami vice look. I wasn’t particularly taken with the pastel blazer and the jerry curl, but I’m sure you were not at your at your best that day, and could look better. Further more, you might have gone a little over board with the cologne, after the meeting my sinuses were cleared, thanks to your over powering cologne. During our meeting, I noticed your lack of comprehension regarding current events, and your constant bragging of having your own taxicab did not mentally stimulate me. Am pleased for you that you are quite business minded, but I was hoping for a little bit more intellectual banter. As for the tea and coffee expenses, I wouldn’t want to impose on you and take away the money from your two wives and their many children. Upon reviewing your letter I have concluded that we will not suit, and I wouldn’t wish you on my friends either. Taken my advice to heart and please forget me and move on to another more suitable Xalimo. Wishing you the best in your endeavors Xalimo
  10. Bess.

    A Love Letter

    don't worry about always glad 4 ur sake that u followed the advice....ciao now...
  11. Bess.

    A Love Letter

    lol@following...looks like u the one doing that dear....u shouldn't have answered my q.... for ur own good...u should stop...i love to have the last word....friendly warning ...dear..
  12. Bess.

    A Love Letter

    i don't think that bishaaro wrote the letter might be a joke or something... :confused:
  13. y'all keep going on about this word... fanny ...what does it mean..... :confused: ...this is for the aussies....
  14. Bess.

    A Love Letter

    isn't she? :confused:
  15. yeah the video is hot and it was shot at eastleigh....anyways...did u check out the rest of the tracks on his favourite is it is ...enjoy... web page
  16. ff...i understand ur dilemma with the burranbur dance....i also tried once...thank God it was only a family wedding....when i watched the video a second into the dance..i was doing the crib walk in dirac and garbaasaar..... ....
  17. welcome to sol....and here is 2 a fun time in ur stay...
  18. this is one of my fav. poems.... the road not taken by Robert Frost Two roads diverged in a yellow wood, And sorry I could not travel both And be one traveler, long I stood And looked down one as far as I could To where it bent in the undergrowth; Then took the other, as just as fair, And having perhaps the better claim, Because it was grassy and wanted wear; Though as for that the passing there Had worn them really about the same, And both that morning equally lay In leaves no step had trodden black. Oh, I kept the first for another day! Yet knowing how way leads on to way, I doubted if I should ever come back. I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. enjoy....
  19. i didn't realize personalities had anything to do with heights..... :rolleyes: ..maybe the short guys have to be extra nice cause they have to compensate for thier ...short comings
  20. T.I.....rubbeband man....wild like the taliban... next... I
  21. hasna sweetie may allah grant him ja'aana.... and sheyhem....i can't just get over the phobia of being cut open....and as a sciencist its important to understand my short comings....hopefully there r others that don't have cripling fears to stop them....
  22. ...i girl has to keep some secrets to herself....
  23. MSword Fellow Sat.. SO when u gonna invite us to the aroos huh. Or are you already married [Wink] We are waiting for Chillis [big Grin] ...May Allah bless you both endless love through out all eternity and the after life. Amin ....aroos....mine....what have y'all heard....cause nobody asked me nothing.... msword...or as i read elsewhere ms excel... .... nayaa u getting married...without telling me....u know...i know where u live and i will find u and ur camry....unless u dish... here is a little du'ah for all of us gals out there...may allah bless us all with happiness and may all our dreams come true...and hopefully may we end up with good looking, tall, (dark) somali men, who love us and thier mama's ( u know what they say about men who love thier mama's)....who r also educated and have imaan...will think of more qualifications...or u add to them....