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Posts posted by Nazra

  1. I believe this is an old tradition not an Islamic belief.

    I know in my family usually the younger sista/brotha gets married first. And no one minds.

    Sista's tend to have discussion about this topic once they know the time is near to leave the house. And in my family we already have...not long ago.

    Personally I wouldn't mind my younger sista getting married before me. And I have already given her the green light 2 go. :D

  2. B

    :confused: This is bizzare.


    Sista Hibo, i really enjoy reading your topics when i have the chance to. But i have noticed that most of your topics are about marriage. :( I know this is the women's section and the only section that i come to.

    But why is that so?


    I am starting to feel sorry for you. It feels like you are the one in need of a serious match.

    I suggest: Somalia, for a quick, simple marriage.


    Those questions are personal.

    NB: You for got to include INCOME $$$. :D

  3. MVP, don't forget to reference where you retrieved your information from. :D



    But, don't you think these Somali women are calling the police for a good reason.


    For example, i have a relative who is married to a fitz. He’s abusive (verbally & physically) in front of the kids, he is a qaad chewer, smoker and commits adultery.

    One day things got of control. This man does not even respect the mother in law nor the father in law.

    In -laws being a witness she had to call the police to remove him. For her own safety as well as the kids.


    You’re probably wondering why on earth is she married to him. He REFUSED to divorce her. Back in Somalia a gun was even held to his head to divorce her but his respond was: “I’ll rather die than divorce herâ€.


    Well now it’s taken to the Islamic divorce thing (don’t know the name).


    But he’s moved and still robs her right to be single. So the story goes on.


    But she had every right to do that.


    This happens in our community, and hey the woman is to blame.


    But there’s handful of woman who are career orientated but are open to marriage and children and good family life.


    I think many Somali men feel insecure about the number of women who have knowledge. After all knowledge is power. Power in the relationship goes to the one with more knowledge.

  4. Nice Topic Sis


    I agree with viking. But it's amazing how men can really envy women who are educated or earn more then them.


    Personally, i would like someone who is more educated than me and who earns more then me.


    But women who have careers or attending university are attrcative given the fact that they have a future that looks promising. But they are also a threat to men's self esteem. (you can guess who would win arguments) lolz

  5. This could well turn out to be an argument with your husband.


    lol, many of the responses here were hilarious as well as serious. Many change my views on this topic.


    It's odd now, cause having heard from the males and females here, makes me think twice about this odd question that needed no thought if i grew up in Somalia.


    I Have Come To Conclude That:


    It's best to let him decide. If he can't bare the thought of coming... then sweet there's always a loved one in the family that could be there for you. smile.gif

    And if he chooses to be there for you... what a husband. ;)

    So the decsion is left to him and with me accepting both of them kindly. :D

    He has the right to be there, and he has the right to choose. I know i wanna be there to releive my pain and give birth ASAP.


    Going into a marraige now... i know i'm kool with what he wants. Allah knows how much my mum's support means to me then his.

  6. I was discussing this with one of my best friend who can talk about anything openly.

    Which I value in our a friendship.


    We always talked about everything silly to dirty. ;)

    But for once we had disagreement about ‘your husband being there present, watching you (mind you not supporting) but watching you give birth.’


    I know many of us are dating or not dating or focused on planning to get married let alone think about this unless put in that situation.

    But this question is serious for future Somali mums and yeah society is changing with most fathers being apart of the birth process. And who knows Somali mothers might not end up looking like a single women giving birth at hospitals.


    Unlike my friend, who said: "so what, he been/seen it... so, what's the problem"

    I'm quiet the opposite. I see a lot of problems to it...


    I think I like, and value the old tradition... which is simply no lights, unwrapped quntino and macamuus and wrap on... as soon as lights come on.

    Source of light: Moon.

    As for brith... you were in and out of the bushes/hospitals without him knowing how long it took.


    I been thinking about this, and I always needed my mum for everything and her support is essential to my life and I would like her to be present. And I don't think I need to ask her to be there, but I do need to ask my husband not to be there.


    But what would you do, at 2am your water is broke and your husband is more then keen to help out and be there???


    And what Somali man would like to be there?


    But then again, the pain can change your thinking process.

  7. lol @ "wanna a date".

    Now i will be having dates not just to break my fasting.


    That was educational topic to save, well for me.


    Also: Having eight dates every morning prevents heart attack. I've read that in this food islamic book. And as you were saying "heart promblem"


    Thanks for that sis!

  8. :confused: , Try the word "balance" y'all.


    Going one way, ain't gonna get you anywhere.


    But enjoy the wedding season ;) , yum... more dirac for you... :D ( I LOVE WEDDING SEASON, AS LONG AS I AIN'T THE BRIDE/BRIDE'S MAID)

  9. I'm not sure if there's a topic done on this for the sister's :confused: (been on a long vacation),but thanks for repeating ur self.


    Earlier this year i myself had to go to an early childhood care center to observe a child's development and pick any abnormalities and apply theory knowledge on so called piaget's theory(i'm sure your familiar with it) and other concepts.


    The work placement was horrible. As i arrived to do my eight-hour shift at 7am, it was quite...laid back. Just met the staff and got familiar with the place. Later on the day, all the kids were on my back, so quick of them to memorise my name.

    There was this lil girl who is self obessed, came to me and told me my hair is beautiful and she liked to try on my pink clip as she... touches it. I looked at here and told "no"...The next thing i knew...her face was pink/red with tears and she was screaming her lungs off.

    How embarrasing all of the staff were starring at me. I ended up giving her my hair clip that i just bought that weekend :mad: . But she's the most beautiful girl yet self-absorbed with herself.

    I was reading ten books in a row for bunch of kids who requested it on demand :( . While at the last book one of the lil boy comes to give me a hug and put his head on my chest... :eek: .


    Was it awful or what....


    My first day was much of disaster and when i came home i realised i'm never ever gonna work in pediatrics,(working in the kids ward) as well as coming home to my own kids(that would be stress, and requires alot of patience).

    I don't know how U will manage.

    After my three days, things got better. I actually enjoyed it. I was playing with the kids, reading books and relaxing. On my last day, it was quite sad cause i came attached to the girls and the lil boy i choose to observe.

    I bought my camera along to take pictures and bought then books as gifts. It turned out to be the best work experience...,receiving good comments by the staff :D .


    anywayz Thanks x quitz, your right on. Social work, should be quite interesting meeting different ppl and working with them. Good luck with it.


    so what are you gonna get out of this air traffic/business administration? in terms of occupation sista. I've never seen any chick going into this area....what does it really involve?

  10. I'm curious what many of you chicks are studying...that's if you are studying.


    Or what have you studied.


    Well I'm doing Bachelor of Nursing/Commerce.

    It's a double degree. It's been a new course lately... i thought i should give the business thing a go. It's been a struggle but rewarding and hopefully looking into going into medical surgery wards...that should be fun.. yet challenging. smile.gif


    I have this big pressure in my family, so i can't really get married until i'm on my last year or after graduation. I'm young i see no rush though i have plans to be with my baby! :( but education has been a big priority for my family and i'm thankful to have an educated mum/family(mostly) who actually got me here.

  11. The Topic's title didn't sound appealing but i was meant to click for a reason.


    When i was doing my final exams at high school, some changes hit me.

    My mum who i call my doctor, realised i was down with energy, tired and looking pale.

    "Pale"??? i know, i told her that only white ppl look pale. But she insisted that i might be anemic. I had no idea what she was on about but all i knew was she gave me a lil booklet to read and educate myself about iron deficiency.


    My mum then told me to have a blood test to count and to see if i am lacking in iron.

    Once i took this blood test it only came back as "low level of iron".

    It wasn't low but slightly low. So i took over-counter iron pills just to keep them up...and i completely changed my diet and included more red meat, and green vegetables and vitamin c to aid iron absorption.

    I quit tea/coffee due to my mum's demand.

    My mum also told me not to take those pills no longer than three months... and told me after that to have another blood test end of the year, to see any improvement.

    I followed her advise.... as unusual.

    The Results came back.... my doctor was said "your iron levels are high....STOP TAKING WHATEVER YOU ARE TAKING" that's what i really wanted to hear though i miss taking my daily iron tablet every night... it was a routine not to be missed.... that kept my iron levels well up and ready to conceive :D


    My reason for low iron level was due to diet.

    Tea and coffee slow the absorption of iron into ur blood stream. And i was NOT eating most of the heam and non heam foods.


    Ilhaam some serious case you bought up here...PICA bisinka :eek: it sounds like a mental illness.

    I had no unusual cravings. But i suggest you take iron tablets over the counter... they have No side effects AT ALL, but the liquid form is better cause it's absorb quicker in the body.




    *Quit Shaah, that's right u heard me... shaah

    *Quit Coffee (yuk i hate the taste of

    *Eat atleast three to four serves of meat, fish and poultry which are easily absorbed by the body these are called (heam iron)

    *Eat your non heam foods such as eggs, spinach,raisins weetbixs etc.

    *Excercise (excercise helps iron to be absorbed well and QUICKER)

    *Take One tablet daily (iron tablet or iron tablet with folic acid or even Vitamin C)

    *Increase Vitamin C intake... (orange Juice)


    After a complete diet change you won't even know what anemia means. :D


    PS: fact; 7 out 10 women are anemic.....Check ur self or pick up the signs which include... fatigue, tiredness, hair loss and pale looking. And not to mention being a women is risk of being anemic due to menstrual blood loss and pregnancy.

  12. Hi, i was wonderin' how many sista's are doing there degree in nursing in here(somaliaonline)???

    I know there some bright sista's in da uk, i heard many majoring in nursing.

    I'm doing my second year in nursing and i'm only 19yrs old.

    I'm hanging on there but i have plans to get married and i was wonderin'would this really effect my studies in the second and third year, how is the third compared to the first year? :confused:

    I find my first year the worst and hardest year, especially when studying anatomy and physiology and the drug calculations that you have to get 100 per cent no less...cause you have the life of your patient in ur hands.



    Am i just over-reacting??? :(

    If you doing ur first, second or third holla and give me tips to survive. ;)

  13. Hi, i was wonderin' how many sista's are doing there degree in nursing in here(somaliaonline)???

    I know there some bright sista's in da uk, i heard many majoring in nursing.

    I'm doing my second year in nursing and i'm only 19yrs old.

    I'm hanging on there but i have plans to get married and i was wonderin'would this really effect my studies in the second and third year, how is the third compared to the first year? :confused:

    I find my first year the worst and hardest year, especially when studying anatomy and physiology and the drug calculations that you have to get 100 per cent no less...cause you have the life of your patient in ur hands.



    Am i just over-reacting??? :(

    If you doing ur first, second or third holla and give me tips to survive. ;)

  14. lolz@Lefty


    :rolleyes: @ Darman

    U never seem to amaze me.

    While you are concern about banana's i'm concern about you...

    First its "what's in ur wallet"...what were wallets desinged for?


    When you see no banana's in the super market please inform the mean time show ur concern the enviroment. :D